The Dinosaurs End Causes Theories Report

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Since the founding days of geology, it has been a great challenge to the scientists to tell about the end of dinosaurs. This seems like a mystery because understanding it has become a great challenge. The story of the end of dinosaurs begins from the paleontology science of fossils. When the scientists were collecting fossils and classifying, they discovered that there was something odd in this period of succession of past life forms on earth. The records showed some puzzling results with representation of geology time when there was an abrupt ending of fossils then replaced with new groups of species. The happening of this dramatic plant and animal life amazed the scientists.

A French nobleman called Georges Cuvier, who is one of the founding fathers of paleontology, explains that this sharp transition was the sign of atrocious, planet-wide catastrophes, after this, revolution Georges claims that the exotic little known species moved to the regions, which got spared by this destruction, they again populated the Earth. With the support of catastrophes, Georges and his followers observed that the boundaries of revolution in the rock strata were marked with sudden changes in the sedimentation style –particularly, layer of disordered rock, which looked like catastrophes that effectively took place.

The issue of catastrophes faced rejection from other people in the field of geology. An English man by the name Charles Lyell who was one of the most influential geologists of his time was convinced of the smooth progressive nature of geological process and refused to buy the idea of catastrophes. He and his follower had a view that the Earth was a slowly evolving world that got it shape on the ant-placed toil of erosion and sedimentation. This is catastrophic boundaries in the gaps of sedimentary records. Erosion would have erased this and therefore brought the impression of major change across the line. When viewed gradually, the turnover of the living genus of animals and plants was to be slow, ordered by the law of completion and natural selection (Charles Frankel, Par.2)

In the two thoughts, gradualism and disastrous scientific establishment favored Charles gradualist approach, even if a few unquestionable broke in the record of fossils remaining without explanation and made the split of the Earth’s history in different marked periods occupied by plant and animal species.

When looking at the history of the end of dinosaurs we have to consider the use of fossils because it happened long time ago and looks like it is a probability. Among the living generation, there is no one that witnessed the end of dinosaurs and therefore it is significant to use the fossils records to make an establishment of the end of dinosaurs. A further observation made shows that there was presence of dinosaur’s eggs in the Provence swamp. The Provence swamp was the mating paradise of the dinosaurs. The thick layer of the red clay where there was favorable temperatures preserved the eggs. The dinosaurs that inhibited that place were bipedal, four legged animals that were four to three meters long. They stood on their hind legs when browsing the bushes. Herewith, the finding of the giant Chicxulub impact crater covered Mexico’s coast, providing the solution to one of Earth’s biggest mysteries that lead to dinosaur’s death. Sixty-five million years ago, scientists brought into exposure the substantial proof that explained mass extinction which the earth encountered.

Mass extermination and Chicxulub Crater clarify the scientific detective tale. Charles Frankel narrates the origin of the cosmic theory. This suggested a crash of a meteor on the Earth’s surface. There was approximately a third of life spared while the remaining fraction got extinct. In this destruction all the dinosaurs died. He provides a theatrical account of the impact and its consequences. He proceeds on the details of the argumentum that preceded the acceptance of the celestial theory, the search for the crater, the discovery and the continuing investigation, then the effect of the huge impact on the biosphere. He assesses extinctions by the records fossil and the asteroids’ risks. He also makes comets on today’s planet.

The end of the dinosaurs readily appeals to both the general reader enthralled with the subject and to those who are always in search for more evidence to this enormous mystery. Charles Frankel has written many articles about the world’s sciences. This are found in his books and some of the magazines that he wrote. Most of the stories about the end of dinosaurs rotates about the fossils records and the fall of meteor on the earths surface causing the death of many living things with the dinosaurs being the most unlucky loosing the whole family not even to begin a new generation to occupy the planet earth once more.

It is true that the all the existing human race do not have exact reality of what caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. What today’s generation base on in explaining the end of the dinosaurs is the written theories, these theories as any other theory explains the cause of what might have caused the mysterious happenings of the past. It is a fact that the dinosaurs existed and come to decline of had their end in living but there is no facts o what caused their end. The theory therefore enlightens us to come up with something close to what may have caused the traumatic action towards the end of these creatures of the time.

There are many theories explaining the cause of the end of the dinosaurs. Most of them are trough the geological study where excavation of fossils was an involvement then a comprehensive study to come up with satisfactory results of the cause of the death or end of dinosaurs. All the provide theories have a significance even though all are not true. They bring up an argument thus proving a theory that we can rely on in explaining the end of dinosaurs, like what Charles Frankel explain. His idea towards the end of dinosaurs is accepted.

Works Cited

Frankel, Charles. “The End of the Dinosaurs: Chicxulub Crater and Mass Extinctions.” University Press Cambridge, 1999. Web. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 16). The Dinosaurs End Causes Theories.

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"The Dinosaurs End Causes Theories." IvyPanda, 16 Dec. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'The Dinosaurs End Causes Theories'. 16 December.


IvyPanda. 2021. "The Dinosaurs End Causes Theories." December 16, 2021.

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