148 Diet Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Diet Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. The Egyptian Diet: Sociology of Food and Nutrition
    This paper compares and contrasts the concept of food and the culinary practices of the Indian and Egyptian cultures and their effect on the health outcomes of the people.
  2. Perfect Diet for a Women’s College Basketball Player
    Due to their complexity, proteins take a while in the body and that means that a lot of energy will be kept in the body only to be released at intervals when the body needs […]
  3. Importance of Health Diet for Modern Person
    I found that this project was valuable not just in terms of my health but also in terms of the additional knowledge it provided me with to help me establish and maintain a healthier lifestyle.
  4. Comprehensive Analysis of Diet
    As the functions of proteins, carbohydrates, and fat are crucial for organism operation, it is necessary to control its number in food.
  5. The Gluten-Free Diet: Advantages and Disadvantages
    The research aims to address the advantages and disadvantages of the gluten-free diet. Therefore, gluten-free food substances will enable the individual with celiac disease to regain weight and eliminate nutritional deficiencies.
  6. “Escape from the Western Diet” by Michael Pollan
    In the end, these two points of view disprove Pollan’s theory in terms of its usefulness in the real world. In my opinion, we should follow Maxfield’s principle to appreciate food instead of limiting ourselves […]
  7. Popular Diets: The Ketogenic Diet
    The diet is based on the principle of ketosis, which is a metabolic process of burning stored fats when there is a lack of glucose.
  8. A Healthy Lifestyle and a Well Balanced Diet
    My high inspiration and the ability to work individually and in a team is a traits that can be well-implemented in this sphere of work.
  9. How a Book, Healthy Diet and Exercise Changed My Life
    Before I read the book, my lifestyle was far from healthy; mostly due to the lack of interest in sports and the fact that I spent almost all my time sitting.
  10. Diabetic Diet and Food Restrictions
    Diabetes is a disease caused by the inability of the body to control blood sugar because of the lack or inadequate production of insulin by the B cells of the pancreas.
  11. Their Benefits Aside, Human Diets Are Polluting the Environment and Sending Animals to Extinction
    The fact that the environment and the entire ecosystem have been left unstable in the recent times is in no doubt.
  12. Ketogenic Diet: Overview
    In order to prevent unnecessary health issues and achieve the desired effect, nutritionists offer patients to use the rules of the popular ketogenic diet.
  13. Consuming Chocolate in a Nutritious Diet
    The nutritional content of chocolate highly depends on its recipe; as natural dark chocolate differs from the majority of chocolate bars we buy in the supermarkets a lot. The main reason to include chocolate in […]
  14. Vegetarian or carnivorous diet
    However, a diet rich in meat and animal products has been found to have severe detrimental effects to people’s health. A well balanced diet that incorporates both meat and vegetables is essential.
  15. Vegetarian and Non Vegetarian Healthier Diet
    The first and foremost is that a vegetarian diet is one of the best weapons that can be used against overweight and obesity.
  16. Pros and Cons of Different Diets
    Consequently, the body uses up the ketone bodies for the generation of energy in a process that translates to increased efficiency in the burning of fats.
  17. Impact of Food on Human Health and the Content of Diet
    People who are living in cities never get the chance to taste catfish so they even say that catfish is used by the people of low status.
  18. Proteins, Fats, and Carbohydrates in Diets
    I, for one, think that none of the listed elements is the essential one: proteins might be the building blocks for our bodies, but fats and carbohydrates are the fuels.
  19. Rice as a Part of a Healthy Diet
    Scholars all around the world recognize rice as one of the most important nutritional crops; it is an important dietary product that serves as the source of the major portion of the daily calories of […]
  20. What Kind of Diet Do You Prefer?
    In addition, it is important to keep not only one’s body healthy but also one’s mind: behave consciously, work hard, and maintain some hobby, like playing the guitar, for example.
  21. Importance of Healthy Diet for Immunity
    Proteins are vital in the diet in that they are the construction blocks of a lifetime; each cell in the human body comprises protein.
  22. Ketogenic Diet: Potential Health Benefits and Risks
    The diet originated from the culture of ancient Greek and ancient Indian where physicians adopted the role of fasting and alteration of diet for disease treatment.
  23. Changing the Daily Diet as an Intervention
    The interest in vegan and vegetarian alternatives is becoming more and more prominent with the passage of time, due to a variety of factors.
  24. Personal Diet and Physical Activity Assessment
    I try to avoid snacking, and in case I skip a meal, I prefer to wait for the next one instead of snacking.
  25. Can a Plant-Based Diet Improve Earth?
    One of the acutest problems of modern humanity, affecting the question of its successful development in the future, is the need to preserve the ecosystem and resources of the planet.
  26. Atkins Diet: Pros and Cons
    In this regard, it is possible to conclude that Atkins diet partially meets the requirement of moderation. It is possible to conclude that Atkins diet may only partially suit the criterion of variety.
  27. Vegan vs. Vegetarian Diets: Impacts on Health
    However, vegetarians have the option of consuming animal products like eggs and milk, but this option is not available to vegans; vegetarians tend to avoid the intake of all the animal proteins.
  28. The Motivation to Take a Healthy Diet
    Various intrinsic and extrinsic factors influence the execution of brain in motivating a person to eat a healthy diet. The limbic structure is directly responsible for reward and motivation, a prerequisite factor for changing of […]
  29. The Effects of Capitalism on People’s Diet
    Food capitalism has brought about new changes in the human diet and has changed the nutritional value of foods eaten by human beings.
  30. Heart Failure and a Plant-Based Diet: Annotated Bibliography
    The given piece of research presents a report regarding a case study done on the subject of the correlation between heart failure and a plant-based diet.
  31. The Ketogenic Diet: Positive and Negative Influences
    The studies that have been finished up to this point have been relatively brief and have not persuaded me that the ketogenic diet is more maintainable and its effects are more long-lasting than those of […]
  32. Congestive Heart Failure: The Importance of Diet
    As a healthcare provider, the best strategy that I would consider the best is to encourage adherence to diuretic for a patient with CHF is scheduling special appointments.
  33. Health Promotion Model: Diet Options
    For the purposes of helping the child establish better lifestyle habits and improve her metrics, it is necessary to bring changes into her diet.
  34. Diverse Insights on Diabetes Diets
    The authors of the article conducted a study on mice with high-fat diet/streptozocin-induced diabetes and evaluated the effects of a diet rich in slowly digestible carbohydrates on glycemic control and lipid metabolism.
  35. Mediterranean Diet and Its Effect on the Cardiovascular System
    The overall effects that Mediterranean diet has on health, particularly, on the performance of one’s cardiovascular system, are expected to be primarily positive due to the nature of the diet’s constituents.
  36. Human Diet and Its Historical Background
    The peculiarities of the human diet derive from our history and evolution, in which we acquired eating habits, and the structure of the teeth and digestive apparatus gradually changed.
  37. “Scientific” Assertions on the Paleo Diet
    Warinner in the TEDx Talks has explained the fact that people are being skeptical about the consumption of meat and showed how accurate the assertion regarding the influence of dairy on humans is.

💡 Most Interesting Diet Topics to Write about

  1. Reducing Hyperlipidemia in Adults with Diet and Exercise
    The causes of this condition are due to changes in people’s diets combined with a lack of physical activity, which leads to a decrease in public health.
  2. Anthropology: Pre-Agriculture Diet
    The assumed advantage of consuming human flesh in the prehistoric era might be the satisfaction of the cultural and ritual needs of the people, as well as a means of their survival in turbulent times.
  3. Effects of Plant-Based Diet on Human Body
    The surgeon supports the intake of plant-based foods since the practice has the potential to reverse most of the symptoms associated with heart disease.
  4. The Need for Protein in a Diet
    For older individuals who consume less protein the protein synthesis of their muscle protein is increased by resistance training. To improve muscle function and mass, boost protein consumption in older adults who consume insufficient amounts […]
  5. Analyzing Personal Diet and Intake Pattern
    The second and fourth days have a higher intake of fats and proteins because meat and flour were the main items on the menu during the day.
  6. The Aspects of the Ketogenic Diet
    The claim behind the ketogenic diet is that it is beneficial to one’s health because it is low in carbohydrates and rich in fat.
  7. Colorectal Cancer: Promoting a Healthy Diet
    The aims and goals were to analyze the goals, techniques of solution, and outcomes of particular research and enhance knowledge about the topic area based on a review of freshly released data. I would also […]
  8. Promoting Sustainability and Diet Quality
    The aim of the proposed qualitative research is to identify the causes of food waste to subsequently make recommendations regarding population education and assess the factors associated with sustainability and diet quality. Identifying the main […]
  9. Analysis of Health Diet Benefits
    While there is a variety of weekly planned diets accessible on the Internet, I made an effort to monitor what I ate during the past week and see what adjustments my nutrition needs.
  10. A Healthy Diet: Influencing Factors and Culture
    Diets are a valuable method to assist individuals in their needs, be it health problems, lack of income, or personal beliefs, as in the case of vegans or religious restrictions.
  11. Diet Quality and Late Childhood Development
    The analytics of the children with low diet quality brain functioning shows the regression leading to the mental health deviation. Thus, the dieting quality is an essential factor in developing the physical and psychological health […]
  12. The Impact of Vegan and Vegetarian Diets on Diabetes
    Vegetarian diets are popular for a variety of reasons; according to the National Health Interview Survey in the United States, about 2% of the population reported following a vegetarian dietary pattern for health reasons in […]
  13. Trends in Food Sources and Diet Quality Among US Children and Adults
    Liu et al.conducted a case study to examine food sources and diet quality trends among US children and adults. The results also revealed that restaurants had a worse percentage of poor diet in children and […]
  14. Nutritional Teaching Plan for a Protein Restricted Diet
    Therefore, the patient can be encouraged to use herbs such as garlic and turmeric in their rice dishes to ensure that the food is relatable, ideal, and of high nutritional value to substitute the unhealthy […]
  15. Social Media Campaign: Awareness of Healthy Diets
    The social media campaign aims to increase awareness of healthy diets among high-risk obese teenagers in Georgia’s African American and Latina communities.
  16. The Issue of Western Diets for Human Health
    Fleming investigates the impact of the western diet and analyzes the existing psychological and physiological outcomes. Therefore, the study proves the negative effects of the western diet and prepares the reader to find out the […]
  17. Proper Nutrition and Balanced Diet in Nursing Practice
    The first campaign is wooing more volunteers to come and help the community reach its goals of having a good public health status.
  18. Sports Nutrition: High-Protein Diet for Athletes
    Therefore, the necessity to conduct research on the issue of harmfulness and usefulness of a high-protein diet for female and male people, who are engaged in sports activities professionally, is evident.
  19. Mediterranean Diet Affects Risk of Stroke
    The research question is as follows: “How does awareness of risk factors among the Nairobi population affect the prevention and development of cardiovascular diseases?” The study conducted by El-Hajj et al.will be used in terms […]
  20. Nutritional Science: Diets Overview
    A low-glycemic diet is based on the principles of the glycemic response and glycemic index of foods in nutritional science. It is solid fat such as saturated and trans fats that are negative from the […]
  21. Steps in Ensuring a Healthy Diet in College
    During their first year in college, many college students suffer from freshman 15 or a considerable gain in weight due to such factors as changes in food, diet patterns, stress and sedentary lifestyle.
  22. Diet and Nutrition: Mr. Begums’ Meal Plan
    The reason is that the BMI indicates a figure that is outside healthy brackets. In addition, it is important to mention that his meal plan consists of high lipoproteins and cholesterol.
  23. A Healthy Diet While Attending College
    It is however recommended that to derive the full breakfast meals benefits, the breakfast meal should have proteins, carbohydrates, and a bit of fat.
  24. Effects of Diet and Physical Activity on Weight Loss and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Severely Obese Adults
    The study wanted to establish whether the outcomes of the African American people differed from those of white people. In addition, the human ethics committee of the university evaluated and endorsed the study.
  25. Obesity Diet: Low Carbohydrates Consumption and High Proteins Consumption
    A different study that aimed to bring some light to the issue of the most desirable diet for an obese patient recommended the consumption of the liquid diet.
  26. Cardiovascular Diet Review
    Forty five minutes of reasonable bodily action every day may be satisfactory to increase fitness of the heart and lungs which later diminishes risk of cardiovascular disease.
  27. Unhealthy Fad Diets: Fact or Hoax
    Many of them can in reality undermine the person’s health and cause a physical imbalance in the organism, not to mention the mental frustration when the lost weight comes back.
  28. Diet Therapy & Cardiovascular Disease
    The authors have attributed the increase to “the combined effect of population growth, the aging of populations, and epidemiologic changes in cardiovascular disease”.
  29. Analysis of the Diet and Recommendations for Better Nutrition
    Because of the necessity to take not only the type of food consumed but also the daily intake of calories, one must carry out a vast analysis of the meals eaten in the course of […]
  30. Health Education: Choosing a Proper Diet
    Though the authors needed to consider a range of factors, particularly, the environment that creates the premises for cancer development, the properties of a range of meals, etc, they have managed to come up with […]
  31. Ketogenic Diets and It Uses for Epilepsy Management in Children
    The ketogenic diet was composed of high fat and low carbohydrate in the ratio of 4:1. The efficacy of the ketogenic diet on seizure was 51.
  32. Can Energy-Restricted Diets Help in Controlling Obesity?
    The results showed a considerable reduction in the waist size of the participating women. In addition to the weight loss, it was also noticed that the women showed fewer indications of cardiovascular diseases and breast […]
  33. Diet and Digestive Modification
    The building blocks for protein are amino acids, whose structure is in the form of long chains. They are therefore absorbed in the form of amino acids, which are small and simple molecules.
  34. Good Nutrition and Balanced Diet
    This could be due to the fact that vitamin D is important in the transmission of messages between the brain and the body.
  35. Diet, Physical Activity and Lifestyle in the Elderly
    The life expectancy was shorter prior to the onset of research and studies that opened a floodgate to medical cures increasing health and extending life.
  36. The Diet and Nutrition Research
    It is therefore in the hallmark of this understanding that the author of this report engenders to account for the findings that came up upon a study on two individuals, who for confidentiality purposes were […]
  37. Diet and Water as an Overlooked Essential Nutrient
    Water is a very important nutrient in the body because it maintains homeostasis, and enhances the transport of other nutrients and minerals from their point of absorption to other parts of the body.
  38. Diarrhea: Nutrition and Diet Therapy
    Diarrhea can be treated a number of ways. Nutrition therapy can also be used for treatment of diarrhea.

🎓 Good Research Topics about Diet

  1. The 40-30-30 Diet Overview
    The theory was developed in the contradiction to the popular diets of the 90-ies, which approved of low fat intake. Sears rejects the idea of necessity to limit the consumption of the products of a […]
  2. Sport-Specific Nutrition: Diet for Adam
    Nevertheless, it is the constant loss of weight in Adam’s case, which implies that the energy expenditures exceed the energy intake, causing the loss of weight over the period of six months.
  3. Different Types of Diets and Children’s ADHD Treatment
    The last factor is a trigger that can lead to the development of a child’s genes’ reaction. Thus, diet is one of the factors that can help prevent the development of ADHD.
  4. Is the Sirtfood Diet Effective?
    There is little evidence to confirm the efficiency of the sirtfood diet. Another downside to the sirtfood diet is the lack of sustainability.
  5. The Coffee Diet: Cut Appetite, Burn Fat, and Boost Metabolism
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss whether the coffee diet is applicable in most cases and express a personal opinion.
  6. Understanding and Adherence to a Renal Diet After Kidney Transplantation
    The key goals of such an education are to develop lasting and strong knowledge and to provide the support that enhances adherence.
  7. Paleo Fad Diet: Advantages and Disadvantages
    This results in both causing the discussed diet to enjoy the reputation of being ‘tasty’, on one hand, and showing that its provisions are continually updated to correlate with the latest discoveries in the field […]
  8. Protein Requirements in the Atkins 20 Diet
    The Atkins 20 diet is useful in the shedding of weight in the short term. The advantages of a high-protein diet are that it contains adequate proteins to meet the needs of people with high […]
  9. Current and Ideal Diet Habits for Health
    For me to improve my exercise habits, I would first need to appreciate the importance of physical exercise in promoting my health and wellbeing.
  10. Right Diet as the Most Important Aspects of Good Life
    The obese people eat a lot of fat in their diet and the fat is mainly because of the junk food that they eat.
  11. Vegetarian Diet and Proper Amount of Vitamins Issue
    This difference was accounted for by 14% lower zinc levels in the vegetarian diet and 21% less efficient absorption of zinc while eating it.
  12. Extending Existing Knowledge in the Area of Schools Foods and Their Influence on Children’s Diets
    One of the major limitations to the recent research on the matter is the lack of longitudinal studies regarding the outcomes of school-based projects that persist in participants’ adulthood.
  13. Diets and Climate Change
    Thus, changing the diet is a feasible method to address the problem of climate change. One of the ways I try to minimize my environmental impact is to eat less meat.
  14. The Differences in Diet Between Chinese and Western People
    The paper presents the major aspects of Chinese and Western diets and reflects on them, discussing individuals’ needs and wants, the question of opportunity costs, and supply-demand concept.
  15. Diet and Lifestyle of Italians
    Eating habits of the Italian people involve a variety of food groups, most of which contain a healthy balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fat, minerals, vitamins, and water.
  16. Can Vegetarian Diets Be Healthy?
    The analysis of the effectiveness of such a nutritional principle for the body can confirm, or, on the contrary, refute the theory about the advantages of vegetarianism and its beneficial effect on body functions.
  17. Food Choices: Diets and Diseases
    In addition, there is stress on the liver and kidneys and increases the risk of cancer. Any type of meat is mostly the muscle of animals, high in fat, protein, and cholesterol.
  18. Avoiding the Use of Diet Pills
    Side effects of diet pills are unknown and rarely mentioned because they would harm the reputation of the pills that need to be promoted.
  19. “Quit Meat” Vegetarian Diet: Pros and Cons
    Although many dieticians think that meat is an essential nutrient, the reality is that it is inappropriate to eat animals because it is unhealthy and unethical.
  20. Protein Diet, Telomere Length, and Cancer
    Based on the premise that cancerous cells rely on the process of glycolysis in generating high energy, Ho et al.undertook a study to determine the effect of diets with low carbohydrate and high protein and […]
  21. Vegan Parents’ Influence on Their Children’s Diet
    The first reason why a vegan diet should not be imposed on children is that every parent should pay close attention to the needs of their toddlers.
  22. Healthy Diet at Los Angeles Children’s Hospital
    The media, the models, and the promotion of the fresh farm produce are primary methods for enhancing healthy food practices. The hospital should improve the quality of the food it is offering to the patients.
  23. Vegetarian Diet: Pros and Cons
    On the contrary, the study A Comparison of Some of the Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Vegetarian and Omnivorous Turkish Females by Karabudak, Kiziltan, and Cigerim portrayed that vegetarians had higher risks of hyperhomocysteinaemia and lower […]
  24. Exercise vs. Diet for Weight Loss
    The starting point of their research is formulated in the following hypothesis: insufficient physical activity or lack thereof is not a contributor to the global problem of obesity.
  25. The Exercise and Diet’ Implications on Aging
    Studies have also shown that regular exercise and healthy eating habits among the aging population helps to improve the rate of glucose metabolism in the body.
  26. Diet and Nutrition: European Diabetes
    Also, it is tough to maintain a diet regiment, and it is one of the most significant issues that are present.
  27. Fad Diets – Temporary Satisfication
    These diets are referred to as fad diets, and their major characteristic is that they are extreme diets that people follow as a trend to lose weight.
  28. Nutrition: Flexitarian Diet Benefits
    Today I will demonstrate why adopting a flexetarian diet is good for the animals, the environment, and your health, and suggest how you can become a flexetarian.
  29. Fish as a Staple of the Human Diet
    This resulted in the creation of the earliest agriculture and farming practices which included various means of animal domestication, in the case of fish this came in the form of the first known instances of […]
  30. Diet and Exercise Controversies
    With regard to exercises, some individuals think that they have negative effects while others argue that it is important to exercise regularly.
  31. Literature Review on Organic Food and Healthy Diet
    This paper analyses the prevalence of chronic disease like diabetes and obesity in populations that eat junk foods as opposed to the healthy eating population. The studies of Binkley et al.reveal the link that exists […]
  32. Marketing Plan – Halal Diet in the United States
    The first thing will be the branding of the diet since it will give the diet the aspect of uniqueness in the market.
  33. Halal Diet Marketing Plan
    The last section of this plan discusses marketing control and its applicability; market implementation; the organization of marketing activities; and the contingency planning in marketing, which highlights the potential risks in marketing and alternative measures […]
  34. Brand Overview: Diet Coke
    One of such drinks is Diet Coke, a product of the Coca-Cola Company, the leading soft drink maker in the world.
  35. Diet Food Center at the University of California
    This report is created with the purposes of shedding light on the benefits of establishing diet food center within the University, the need for such a project, literature supporting the idea, and provision of a […]
  36. Vegetarian Diet as a Health-Conscious Lifestyle
    Making a transition from omnivore to vegetarian lifestyle, besides the impact on the person’s health, people consider the public opinion and the community’s reaction on their decision.
  37. How Can Societal Marketing Concept Be Used to Influence Children to Eat a Healthier Diet?
    Parents and other interested groups have a responsibility in ensuring that societal marketing is done as claimed by the food marketers and that those that are not doing so are pressured to adopt better promotion […]

⭐ Simple & Easy Diet Essay Titles

  1. The Problem with Calorie Restrictive Diets
    However, since they are on a calorie restrictive diet, it is unlikely that they would have the energy to do so.
  2. When Human Diet Costs Too Much: Biodiversity as the Ultimate Answer to the Global Problems
    Because of the unreasonable use of the natural resources, environmental pollution and inadequate protection, people have led a number of species to extinction; moreover, due to the increasing rates of consumerist approach towards the food […]
  3. Environmental Impact From Meat Based Diets
    The Water Education Foundation estimates that in order to produce a single pound of beef in the state of California, we require about 2,464 gallons of water.
  4. Today’s Society Should Move toward Adopting Vegetarian Diet: Arguments For
    While it is hard for many people to reduce the necessity of eat meat-based products and to increase the use of vegetables and other vegetarian products, however, there is a necessity “to reconsider the increasing […]
  5. Schools and Good Diet
    On the other hand, there is need for schools to include in their menus healthy diets, because it will be of no significance for schools to eliminate eateries that sale junk foods while maintaining their […]
  6. Balanced Diet and Proper Exercise as Weight Lost Foundation
    Exercises It is of great importance that any person intending to lose weight embarks on exercising, as this is the other way that one gets to lose some of the weight in the body.
  7. Why the Government Should Review and Add Laws Governing Diet Pills Introduction
    Although such is the case, it is important to note that, majority of diet control pills have adverse effects on individual health, if such individuals never take precaution in their usage.

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IvyPanda. (2024, November 23). 148 Diet Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/diet-essay-topics/

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"148 Diet Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 23 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/diet-essay-topics/.


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IvyPanda. 2024. "148 Diet Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 23, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/diet-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "148 Diet Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 23, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/diet-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "148 Diet Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 23, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/diet-essay-topics/.