Looking for exciting hip hop topics to write about? This music genre is still very popular and definitely worth exploring!
In your hip-hop essay, you might want to make an overview of the genre or talk about its history. Another option for your rap essay is to compare the old school and the new school of hip-hop. One more idea is to discuss the consequences of the genre’s commercialization.
Want more title ideas? Continue reading! We’ve prepared for you a collection of rap topics and questions for essays and research papers. Hip hop essay examples are added for your inspiration!
🏆 Best Hip Hop Essay Examples & Topic Ideas
- Hip-Hop MusicOther creations of hip-hop are the components of the hip-hop lifestyle. A number of unacceptable behaviors in the society have been encouraged by hip-hop leading to a conflict between the ambassadors of hip-hop and the […]
- Jazz and Hip Hop: Similarities and DifferencesBoth hip hop and jazz are closely linked and for that matter there are a number of similarities they share prompting some individuals to pronounce that hip hop is ‘the jazz of young individuals in […]
- Similarities between Ballet and Hip HopDance is and always shall be a form of expression where the movements performed speak volumes of the emotions and feelings that the dancer is trying to impart to the audience.
- Queen Latifah as a Hip-Hop Feminism IconThe song was released in 1989 when the third wave was starting, and Latifah talks about the importance of women the society and the need for equal treatment and supporting each other.
- Hip Hop DanceThe TV shows such as the Wild style, Soul Train and Breakin, Beat Street also contributed in showcasing hip hop dance styles during the early periods of hip hop hype.
- Jeffrey O.G. Ogbar, Hip-Hop Revolution: The Culture and Politics of RapThis will be addressed in this book review as we look at how the author represents his views, interpretations and research about the hip-hop culture2 In this book, Ogbar explores the lyrical world of rap […]
- Hip-Hop and the Japanese CultureThe prevalence of soul dancing in Japan in the earlier years also formed the basis for the wide acceptance of the hip-hop culture into the Japanese culture because soul dancing was common in the streets […]
- Hip-Hop and Rap Impact on Social InequalityFor instance, Beyonce is one of the most famous artists in the world who have stated her opinion regarding misogyny related to artists and other black women.
- Planet B-Girl: Community Building and Feminism in Hip-HopThe main idea of the article under analysis is the intentions of female hip-hop artists to prove their choices and demonstrate their abilities by using the same rights male hip-hop artists have already got.
- Can’t Stop Won’t Stop: A History of the Hip-Hop GenerationThe book Ca not Stop Wo not Stop: A History of the Hip-Hop Generation brings out the history of the United States from the eyes of a person who would have been considered a loser […]
- Hip Hop Influence on Youth: Statistics and EffectsHip hop music is also said to perpetuate the rise in criminal activities among the youth. It is therefore recommendable for the youth to shun away from the vice brought about by hip hop music.
- Analysis of Rap and Hip-Hop Culture: Audience of the Songs and the Purposes of the SingersThe same is with the analysis of the songs and music, the critics should be aware of the lived realities of the authors and demographic characteristics of the aimed audience.
- Old School Hip Hop Versus New Hip Hop MusicHowever, although today’s hip hop music does share some similarities with old school hip hop, it is much more superficial and generic, compared to the timeless music of the old school hip hop.
- R&B and Hip-Hop Effect Western MusicThe music that Michael Jackson released was not based on gender but was based on truth and hope to the people and this gave him a lot of influence in the community reason being that […]
- The Impact of Hip-Hop Music Education in Elementary SchoolThe theoretical justification of the article is the importance of music, in particular the style of hip-hop, in the formation of the system of interests and career goals of schoolchildren.
- 50 Cent: Hip-Hop Violence in Modern MediaAt first, society might negatively react to this example because it is associated with the disorder and the desire to break something to deliver the message.
- History of Hip-Hop: Identifying the Organizational Learning IssuesThe samplers of the 1980s were also more technically limited compared to the artist equipment of the 1990s, which produced a richer and more authentic sound.
- The Hip-Hop Phenomenon of Hyper-MasculinitySociological Research Question: What lies behind the dominant hyper-masculine paradigm in Hip Hop and Black culture and its various manifestations in lyrics and music videos?
- Jay-Z’s Contribution to Hip-Hop and Fight for Social JusticeOne should admit that the crime rate among black people in some poor areas is really quite high, and that is another problem Jay-Z covers in his music.
- Hip Hop: Common’s Song “Black America Again”His rap is underground and can be said to be street, as many of the poems cover the theme of the streets and what is happening on them.
- Hip-Hop Culture Breaking Down Racial BarriersThe hip-hop culture going mainstream was the event reflecting the societal concerns of the ethnic minorities. It presents an example of sports and the arts breaking down racial barriers as their participants efficiently cooperate.
- Relationship of Hip-Hop With Race and IdentityThe beefing between the two hip-hop artists, Iggy Azalea and Azealia Banks, indicates a misapprehension existing on hip-hop’s history. Due to the competitive nature of the market, artists try to survive by beefing with their […]
- Hip-Hop Music and Its History in the 80s-90sHip-hop music was on the rise in the late 80s, and influential rap collectives such as Run DMC and the Beastie Boys provided an outlet for the hip-hop culture to acquire national recognition.
- Hip-Hop and Marijuana Use in College StudentsIt has been estimated that over half of the college student population regularly use marijuana, while over 25% used it during past month.
- Hip Hop Evolution and Racial & Political ConditionsA significant influence on the emergence of political and conscious hip hop can be attributed to the Civil-Rights Movements and the Black Power Movements of the 60s and 70s in the United States.
- Hip-Hop as a Vehicle for Unification in Beat StreetThis resistance to the vilification and stigmatization of their neighborhoods as spaces of crime, chaos, and evil is one of the factors that strengthen community bonds and communal identity in the neighborhoods in question. The […]
- Understanding Hip Hop Made by Jay-ZThe story of a hustler is a story of the struggle to make a living. I think the “story of a hustler” is like the stories of the Wild West outlaws.
- Seattle Hip-Hop Scene: Michael “The Wanz” WansleyHe was born in 1961 and has been a part of the hip-hop and pop scene of Seattle for the most of his life.
- The History of Hip-Hop Culture in the United StatesThe discography which is represented in the 3rd disc gives a scope of understanding of the main things which worried rappers at the time.
- Hip Hop Culture and MusicScratching is a technique which in hip hop culture is used to gauge the expertise of a DJ, as he is expected to produce new sounds simply by moving a record back and forth while […]
🎧 Interesting Rap Topics for Essays & Research Papers
- Gay Culture’s Influence on Hip Hop FashionGay men have the influence of female fashion design due to the fact that most of the designers of female clothes are men and most of them are homosexual.
- Poverty and Hip-Hop: Notorious B.I.G.’s “Juicy”Notorious B.I.G.’s music video for the song “Juicy” was chosen for the analysis because the rapper explored the theme of poverty that deeply affected his life.
- Jazz and Hip Hop Concerts in ComparisonTwo pieces in the second performance, In Germany Before the War and Mysterious Barricades, were well performed during the concert. There was a deejay on the deck and background dancers to back up the performance […]
- Social Inequality: Hip-Hop Culture and MovementWhen it comes to defining the term ‘social movement’, it is important to understand that the process of a particular group of people striving to have their voice heard in the public sphere, must be […]
- Social Constructions and Hip Hop MusicThis process involved the description of the things that I saw at the concert. I described the tone, tempo, and style of music that they sang.
- Hip-Hop Theory and Culture in the DiscographyG explains the changes in day-to-day living within the ghettos between the artist’s childhood and the present. Most of the lines from the song praise the person that the song is dedicated to.
- Literature Study on the Hip-Hop Concept: A Social Movement and Part of the IndustryHip-hop is a genre that does not obey the taboos but creates new stereotypes, allowing itself to use risky language to convey the text of the songs in a much recognizable and provocative manner.
- Hip Hop Culture in “The Otherside” DocumentaryRegardless numerous discussions about Hip Hop, this culture remains to be a considerable part of human life that helps to understand that such issue as racial profiling is not only something that is required by […]
- The Documentary “Hip-Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes”Hip-Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes is a documentary movie that helps not only to understand the nature of hip hop but to connect a single style of music with the necessity of such crucial issues […]
- Hip Hop DefinitionIn fact, many authors underline the fact that commercialization of hip-hop has changed its essence considerably and deprived modern people of the possibility to understand the essence of hip-hop and true reasons for its appearance. […]
- Blacks’ Prison Experiences in Hip Hop CultureThough considering the controversy that has been the “elephant in the room” for quite a time, Dyson clearly takes his argument to an admittedly high level of convincingness, it is not only the consideration of […]
- Hip-Hop Subculture as Answer to Social InequalityOne of the most notable aspects of a contemporary living in America is the fact that, as of today, the sub-culture of Hip-Hop had ceased being considered in terms of a largely marginalized socio-cultural phenomenon.
- “Reflections on Hip Hop” by Eric DysonIn the first place, it is necessary to note that prison is seen as the most important factor affecting development of black males’ identity and three types of experiences are singled out.
- Hip Hop Music as Media Influence on the YouthPersonally, I love listening to rap music, which many people claim that it has led to the spread of violence among young people.
- Hip-Hop Music and the Role of Women in It: Fight for Women’s Rights in SocietyWhile looking at the various roles of women in hip hop and rap, it is also important to note that the way women are presented has various effects on society.
- Women in Hip-Hop Music: A Provocative and Objectified Gender RolesIt is one thing that men want women to be in music videos and play a particular role, but women are willing to participate in the videos.
- Hip-Hop: News From a Ghetto’s Point of ViewYouths living in the ghettos have had Hip Hop as one of the most effectual means to voice the social injustice that they experience.
- “Hip Hop“ Subculture: Music, Vocabulary, and RootsBased on an interview with a member of the subculture, the paper will discuss some of the terms used in the subculture, how its members dress and look, as well as how they act.
- Fashion Controversies about Hip Hop GarmentsThe paper will look into controversy that arose over hip hop garment design with the aim of identifying the source of the controversy, key players in the controversy as well as political, social and economic […]
- Hip Hop Infiltrates Asian Music IndustryTherefore, if American hip hop music genre infiltrated Asian music industry and an Asian hip hop music variety was invented then hurdles in Asian hip hop can be conquered.
- The Hip-Hop Genre Origin and InfluenceHess, in addition, notes that from 1970s, the development of Hip-hop as a culture has been very complex due to immigrants from different parts of the world, who in one way or another equally contributed […]
- Hip Hop Dancing: The Remarkable Black BeatBecause the drum beats was the most danceable segment of the hip hop music, the hip hop musicians increased their focus on the quality of drum beat sequence.
- Hip-Hop in JapanHowever, this was not the case, most of the artists focused on refining their music in the Japanese languages to give it a Japanese flavor.
📌 Most Interesting Hip Hop Topics to Write about
- Copula Variation Across Two Decades Of Hip Hop Nation Language
- How Hip Hop Affect The Way People Think About Politics
- An Overview of the Talk by Tupac Shakur, an American Hip Hop Artist
- Bad Influence Of Hip Hop On Youth
- African American Hip Hop and its Influence
- Hip Hop Music is More Than a Couple of Words
- Codes and Abstraction in Hip Hop Culture
- Black Women’s Role in Popular Culture: An Analysis of The Venus Hip Hop
- Argumentative Essay On Hip Hop Culture
- A Comparison of Classical Ballet and Modern Dance – Hip Hop and Jazz Style
- Should We Accept The Hip Hop Industry Negative Images
- Hip Hop And Politics: Attacking The Political Powers Of Government
- Comparison Of Yorkville Crossing : White Teens, Hip Hop
- Effects Of Hip Hop And Country Music On Society
- A Description of the Image of Hip Hop/Rap Music
- Racial Stereotypes Associated With Rap And Hip Hop Music
- Does Hip Hop Influence Other Parts of the World
- Music Videos Involving Women And The Hip Hop Industry
- Hip Hop : The Commodification Of African American Women
- Hip Hop Culture And Its Impact On The American Society
- The Assault Of Women In The Hip Hop Community
👍 Good Hip Hop Essay Topics
- An Analysis of the Performance of American Hip Hop Group, Travis Porter
- Hip Hop : Beyond Beats And Rhymes By Byron Hurt
- Gender In Black Media Hip Hop Culture
- Positive Women in Hip Hop: Feminism in a Patriarchal Society
- Hip Hop And Rap Has Been The Mainstay For Youth
- Influences of Hip Hop on Today’s Generation: Rising Deviance
- Hip Hop’s Influence on Popular Culture: Expression or Oppression
- An Analysis of Hip Hop and Its Influence on Listeners
- Essay Hip Hop Music and Music Technology
- Existentialism Case – Tupac Shakur: Existentialist Hip Hop Artist
- An Overview of the Rapping and the Hip Hop Culture in the Music of the United States
- Harlem Renaissance & the Hip Hop Movement
- An Analysis of the Elements of Hip Hop Culture
- Contemporary Urban Music: Controversial Messages in Hip Hop and Rap Lyrics
- Compare and Contrast the Subcultures of Hip Hop
- Differing Mentalities In Hip Hop And Rock
- An Analysis of the Music of Talib Kweli, a Hip Hop Artist
- Hip Hop And Its Effects On African Society
- Black Films and Hip Hop Music Videos: Race Representation
- Does Hip Hop Influence Violent Behavior
- Hip Hop And The Birth Of African American Poetry
- American History of Hip Hop Culture
❓ Questions About Hip Hop
- Does Hip Hop Culture Influence Youth Gangs?
- Who Does Hip Hop Belong?
- Does Hip Hop Harm Black Americans?
- Does Hip Hop Have a Place in the Church?
- What Is the Hip Hop Style of Music?
- Does Hip Hop Influence Other Parts of the World?
- Does Hip Hop Provoke Drug Use and Misogyny?
- How Does Hip Hop Effect Teenagers?
- How Does Hip Hop Affects Society?
- How Does Hip Hop Affect the Way People Think About Politics?
- How Does Hip Hop Connect With Many Different Real-World Problems?
- Is Hip Hop Black Culture?
- How Did Hip Hop Culture Develop During the Seventies?
- How Hip Hop Culture Remains Superfluous With Overspending?
- How Hip Hop Music Is a Culture of Resistance?
- Who Invented Hip Hop?
- How Hip Hop Negatively Affects Society?
- How Hip Hop Negatively Influences Today’s Teen?
- Does Hip Hop Influence Violent Behavior?
- How Does Hip Hop Promotes Violence?
- How Does Hip Hop Start?
- What Has Hip Hop Ever Done?
- How Have Race and Gender Shown Within the Genres of Hip Hop and Rap?
- How Did the Backout 1977 Affect Hip Hop?
- How Are Women Represented in Hip Hop Videos?
- What Are Different Styles of Hip Hop?
- Why Do White Kids Love Hip Hop?
- What Does Hip Hop Stand For?
- How Has Technology Influenced Hip Hop?
- Are Hip Hop and Rap the Same?