234 HIV Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best HIV Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the Movie “And the Band Played On”
    In particular, they knew that many of the patients had sexual intercourse with one another, but they could not explain why this disease was widespread in the gay community.
  2. HIV-AIDS and Male Circumcision: The Cases of Kenya and Sri Lanka
    In India, religion and culture have been identified as impediments to the fight and prevention of HIV-AIDS. Religion as the main basis of culture has resulted in the entrenchment of the ban on circumcision to […]
  3. AIDS Discrimination in “Philadelphia” (1993) by Jonathan Demme
    “Philadelphia” is the film that appeared on the screens at the end of the 20th century. He is a lawyer, who copes with his duties easily and is known as one of the best professionals.
  4. World AIDS Day Celebration: Increasing the Awareness of the People About the Disease
    The World AIDS Day is not just celebrated in the United States, Europe, or Asia, it is observed all over the world because the disease does not only affect this part of the globe, but […]
  5. The International Problem of HIV/AIDS in Modern World
    In addition, the effects of HIV/AIDS today are not only confined to the families and individuals infected, but also involve the political, economic, and social factors of the country and people in the country.
  6. HIV, AIDS Health Determinants in Africa: The Research and Development in Curative and Preventive Medicare
    Emphasis was laid on the research and development in curative and preventive Medicare so that the members of the society lived a healthy life. This is compared to a total of between 130,000 and 180,000 […]
  7. Vulnerable Population: HIV-AIDS
    The latest statistics identify HIV/AIDS as a major medical problem affecting the health sector. The disease currently affects over one million citizens.
  8. AIDS and Its Related Aspects
    The report aims to show that clinicians and nurses should discuss AIDS and associated risks with their patients to enhance individuals’ health outcomes and eliminate the prevalence of the disease.
  9. HIV/AIDS Education’ Importance for Young People
    Due to the impact of this challenge in many countries, better education system that informs the youth and new generation is essential in informing the youths on the safety behaviors that can help reduce the […]
  10. Prevention and Treatment of HIV/AIDS
    Gates Foundation The main objective of the Gates Foundation is “to reduce the incidence of HIV infection and extend the lives of people living with HIV”.
  11. Thailand Issues: Environment, Child Prostitution, and HIV/AIDS
    The intensification of child prostitution is largely associated with the growing industry in Thailand, the relegated position of women in the Thai society due to Thai Buddhism and the culture of recreational sex.
  12. HIV and AIDS as a Chronic Disease: The Unique Contributions of Nursing Through Philosophical, Theoretical, and Historical Perspectives
    In most societies across the world, the responsibility of caring for the sick in the community feel on the family and the entire society.
  13. Global Health Issue Analysis: HIV – A Relatively New Disease
    Rapid detection and treatment are crucial to limit the spread of HIV and limit the patient’s effects. As the frequency and intensity of symptoms vary from person to person, testing is the only clear way […]
  14. HIV and AIDS: Legal and Ethical Conduct
    During the conversation, I would inform the patient about his HIV status, focusing on the potential health effects of this condition and the types of contacts that may cause the further transmission of the virus.
  15. Epidemiologic Triangle Elements Applied to HIV
    The epidemiologic triangle can be extremely beneficial in this perspective, because it “is a model for explaining the organism causing the disease and the conditions that allow it to reproduce and spread”. Anyway, the spread […]
  16. HIV Testing of High School Seniors Should Not Be a Mandatory Requirement for Graduation
    Still if a policy like mandatory HIV screening of students is formulated by the governing body of the University it is the indication of a serious lack of proper understanding of HIV/AIDS and the rights […]
  17. HIV/AIDS in Africa and The PEN-3 Model
    In most communities in Africa, the prevention of HIV/AIDS lies within the cultural practices. In conclusion, the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa should lie parallel with the eradication of cultural practices, which hinder promotion of […]
  18. AIDS/HIV: Description of the Disease
    This is the very reason why many who have acquired HIV or AIDS result to an eventual death because of the lack of immune system that protects them from acquiring other forms of illnesses.
  19. Ethical Issues on HIV/AIDS
    The issues to be discussed include ethical issues related to research and counseling for AIDS patients, discrimination, and intentional transmission of the disease and the protection of vulnerable groups in the society.
  20. HIV/AIDS in Papua New Guinea
    Even though the disease was first noticed in the earlier years of the 1980s, it was news to the country of Papua New Guinea till in the year 1987 when the first case of AIDS […]
  21. Faith-Based Organization Services as the Best Means to Prevent HIV and AIDS in Southern Cameroons
    The HIV/AIDS issue was complicated by the fact that at the moment of this research, there was no cure and the only way of addressing the infection spread was through prevention and ensuring that people […]
  22. HIV-AIDS Overview: Symptoms, Treatments, and Future Cures
    Discrimination and stigma in society have lowered the self-esteem of many patients, making it difficult to support and provide healthcare services.
  23. Global Media Coverage of the HIV&AIDS Epidemic
    In this paper, it is important to discuss whether the global media coverage of the HIV/AIDS issue is relevant and what wellness dimension is typically affected by this issue.
  24. Reflection: HIV Testing in Africa
    The point of contention lies in the ethics of forcing individuals to undergo tests versus the allegedly less effective method of condom distribution.
  25. HIV Diagnosis: Racial and Ethnic Disparities
    Therefore, the research by Linley et al.examines the racial and ethnic disparities that exist in HIV diagnosis among elderly individuals aged fifty years and above.
  26. Microbial-Environmental Interactions in HIV & AIDS
    The virus manifests in two subtypes, HIV-1 and HIV-2, and the severity of infection depends on the type of viral attack.
  27. HIV and AIDS Prevalence in South Africa
    According to Africa Science Focus, despite effective HIV/AIDS treatments available around the world, there is a distinct inequality in the ability of South Africa to access them. Before listening to the podcast, I knew that […]
  28. Human Immunodeficiency Virus and AIDS in Women
    HIV and AIDS are global health problems affecting women disproportionately due to cultural beliefs and worldviews. Biological variations also contribute to the spread of HIV and AIDS among women due to peculiarities of their body […]
  29. Addressing the Issue of the HIV Epidemic in the US
    It aims to end the HIV epidemic in the country by utilizing the latest scientific advancements in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
  30. Living With HIV: Stigma and Discrimination
    The mental health and emotional well-being of the population living with this virus are affected due to the humiliation and judgment they face from their fellows around them.
  31. Nursing: HIV Among Queer (LGBT) Community
    A combinatory program is required to reduce the rates of HIV transmission, improve the prevention techniques against the virus and ensure the early-stage diagnosis procedures are as effective as possible.
  32. HIV-Positive Women’s Mental Health Problems
    Peer review implies the submission of the article describing the details of the research process and the design to a journal that then sends this article to the professionals working in the same field, who […]
  33. The HIV Vaccine: Discontinuation of Trials
    Therefore, the primary benefit of this study is that people could get immune to the HIV infection, provided the vaccine worked.
  34. The Stigma of People Living With HIV and AIDS
    Consequently, in this case, it is recommended to pay special attention to the development and implementation of policies to combat HIV/AIDS stigmatization from the point of view of taking into account the interests of older […]
  35. Aspects of Stop AIDS Delaware Initiative
    The four that are incredibly essential to their own lives as well as to a wider community include emotional resilience, communication skills, medical knowledge of the condition, and empathy.

👍 Good Essay Topics on HIV

  1. Stigma and Psychological Distress in HIV Caregivers
    The inclusion criteria of the participants in the study were if they had a confirmed HIV diagnosis. This study’s findings are similar to the findings in “Depression, anxiety, stress, and stigma in informal caregivers of […]
  2. Math: Aspects of HIV Modeling
    The indicator of the fit of the constructed model to the data set is the parameter R2, the coefficient of determination.
  3. HIV Infection: Diagnosing and Testing
    Therefore, a comprehensive approach to clarifying the diagnosis, using a synthesis of scientifically based and subjective aspects of the course of the disease. The purpose of this study is to determine a comprehensive approach to […]
  4. HIV-AIDS Prevention & Advocacy Through Legislation
    Despite the existing programs to promote HIV/AIDS prevention among the population and criminalization of the failure to disclose HIV status prior to sexual intercourse, the Florida state legislature does not obtain any mandatory outreach and […]
  5. Increasing Public Awareness of HIV Infection
    The HIV denialism movement, which emerged almost immediately after the discovery of the disease and its identification as the cause of AIDS, actively promotes anti-scientific hypotheses about the absence of both the virus itself and […]
  6. Stories of People Battling HIV-AIDs
    She always ensures that supportive communication is at the center of her engagement with the children and shows acceptance and respect to improve her relationship with them.
  7. HIV Subtype Diversity Worldwide
    HIV is a severe global health issue because almost 40 million people were infected in 2017. That is why it is not surprising that Australians also suffer from this health problem.
  8. Los Angeles: Community Strategic Plan for STD and HIV Reduction
    Thus, one of the main concerns is the risk of transmission of both STDs and HIV due to the crisis of homelessness and loneliness in Los Angeles Country.
  9. HIV, STI as a Public Health Issue
    In light of the fact that the HIV/STI development levels remain rather high among the target population, the necessity to educate young people about the threats of HIV/STI, as well as the methods of avoiding […]
  10. Health Interventions in the AIDS Epidemic
    This development has created the need for introducing the social-ecological model in curbing the increased rates of HIV infection in some communities. This paper identifies income and stigma as the main social factors that affect […]
  11. Changes in the Research on AIDS
    Some of the current researches on this disease include treatment of the disease, the content of Aids protein and the preventive modes.
  12. The Most Effective Methods of Preventing the Spread of HIV
    Recent statistics show that in the United States the number of people living with HIV and AIDS is higher among men than women.
  13. Segregation of HIV-Positive Prisoners
    The biggest debate on segregation of HIV-positive prisoners surrounds the ethical impact it renders to the inmates. The proponents of segregation of HIV-positive prisoners believe that segregation protects prisoners and the correctional staff from catching […]
  14. The Problem of Homeless Youths With HIV-AIDS
    Studies carried out in the city of New York in 2008 showed that 21 percent of homeless youth males and 24 percent of homeless female youths had “more than 100 lifetime partners”. 5 percent of […]
  15. Country Health Policy Proposal on Improving HIV-AIDS Outcomes in South Africa
    One of the significant public health problems facing the South African public health system is the high prevalence of HIV/AIDs. Inefficiency of the public health system contributes significantly to the HIV burden in South Africa.
  16. HIV/AIDS and International Health Community
    Over the years, the level of people’s awareness about the notion of HIV/AIDS has increased dramatically, yet the health condition itself remains frowned upon and stigmatized by the global community.
  17. AIDS, Then and Now
    This view spread to the U.S.culture at large and contributed to an exaggerated representation of the disease as a “gay plague” in the media.
  18. Film “The Silent Partner: HIV in Marriage”
    In a region whose fight against HIV is slowed by a lack of awareness, the film shows how traditional ways of fighting the pandemic fail to serve the needs of married women.
  19. Communicable Disease Health Education Tool: HIV, AIDS
    The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a contagious that causes a condition known as the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
  20. The HIV/AIDS Situation in India
    Most of the initial cases had occurred through heterosexual sex; but at the end of the 1980s, a rapid spread of HIV was observed among injecting drug users in Manipur, Mizoram and Nagaland. An explosion […]
  21. HIV, Health & Rights – Sustaining Community Action
    In general, the strategies are useful since they focus on the existing challenges and address the target population. In conclusion, one can state that the strategic drivers have been successfully developed into the four directional […]
  22. Saudi Student Nurses’ Perception of Their Educational Preparation for HIV/AIDS Patient Care
    In this research, the review will explore the current knowledge and literature regarding the level of comfort of nursing student’s on educational program preparation for the care of people living with HIV/AIDS in Saudi Arabia.
  23. HIV in Saudi Arabian Children Analysis
    For a long time, this society has considered those who are suffering from HIV as adulterous and are not living according to the teachings of the Quran.
  24. Problem of HIV in Saudi Arabian Children
    Although the rate of HIV infection still remains low when compared to the world’s average, the number has been on the rise over the past five years.
  25. The Historical and Current Role of Stigma in the Provision of HIV and AIDS Care: The Context of Ghana
    The paper describes the historical and current role of stigma in the provision and care of people living with HIV and AIDS in the context of Ghana.
  26. Men Issues With HIV/AIDS in Miami
    Various men’s issues and social well-being have contributed to the increased rate of infection among men in Miami and Florida. In conclusion, the rate of HIV/AIDS infection in Miami is higher among men than among […]
  27. From Exceptional to Chronic Illness: New Challenges in HIV Prevention in the UK
    The current paper is an attempt to analyze the shift in the perception of HIV from an exception to a chronic illness and the new challenges experienced in HIV prevention in the UK.
  28. Researching HIV, AIDS and Social Justice
    Disney claims that poverty and social injustice lead to the spread of HIV/AIDS among underprivileged people in all countries. The disease was a kind of stigma and infected people were subjected to discrimination and alienation.
  29. The Threat of HIV, AIDS and the Means to Avoid It
    Taking into account the results of the case study conducted by Cornish and Ghosh, instances of people in India becoming infected with the HIV virus have increased recently, which is given as a reason for […]
  30. The Combivir Medication in HIV, AIDS Treatment
    Hence by blocking the enzyme the rate of virus multiplication is reduced and consequently the amount of HIV cells in the blood is reduced.
  31. The Policy Topic on the Impact of HIV/AIDS Pandemic in the USA
    This paper will discuss the policy topic on the impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the United States and the rest of the world.
  32. Circumcision of Male Infants as a Way to Combat the HIV
    Therefore, by circumcising all the men, the rate of heterosexual infections in Australia will reduce considerably as circumcised men are lesser prone to HIV infections than uncircumcised ones.
  33. Genco Company: A Distribution of HIV-AIDS Drugs in Malaysia
    The management of Genco Company should be keen on setting out the date of registration because it helps to determine the period, which the business will be legal to operate in the country.
  34. HIV From a Social Sciences Perspective
    In the US, the disease was initially associated with gays only but in the recent past, it is has been claiming many lives in the country and other parts of the world. The first social […]
  35. Microbiological View of HIV Epidemic and Possibility of Discovering Its Cure
    The glycoprotein facilitates attachment and fusion of the virus to human cell membrane. In Golgi complex it is cleaved by protease and proceased in to human immunodeficiency virus and released.

📑 Interesting Topics to Write about HIV

  1. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) Prevention
    In so doing, they ignore the importance of the community in the prevention of HIV transmission. HIV prevention strategies that focus on the social drivers of HIV transmission are usually very effective.
  2. HIV/AIDS Pandemic Facing the Female Global Population
    The questions that arise are; what factors are contributing to the prevalence, who are the most affected and what are the actions taken to mitigate the HIV/AIDS epidemic?
  3. HIV Transmission From Homosexual Men Receiving Cure
    The study reaches the following conclusions: In general, male partners to MSM receiving treatment are at risk of contracting HIV virus although the risk is relative to condom use as well as the last time […]
  4. Hepatitis C and HIV Among Intravenous Drug Users
    In relation to this health issue of HIV and HCV, the community health nurse has the responsibility of promoting health among intravenous drug users.
  5. Addressing the Needs of HIV Patients
    According to the latest report published on the subject matter, the therapy provided to the patients in question implies that the family members should take an active part in the process of managing the disorder […]
  6. HIV-AIDS in News Reports and Literature
    The report further shows that the use of ART has led to a reduction in the total cost of managing HIV-related cases annually in low and middle-income countries.
  7. HIV Pandemic in Africa and the United States
    However, there is no epidemic of AIDS in the United States due to appropriate measures conducted by the government including the prohibition of the polygamy and anti-drug policy. Additionally, authors regard the role of the […]
  8. Communicable Disease Control Strategies for AIDS
    Governments should consider AIDS as a health priority, among the strategies to control the spread of disease are ensuring that public and private sectors are sharing AIDS’ responsibility, provision of enough resources to research on […]
  9. Guidelines on HIV and Infant Feeding
    The objective of this guideline was to find ways through which HIV-positive mothers can protect their HIV-free children from a possible infection.
  10. People Infected With HIV in India
    The proposed research aims to highlight the particular factors that led to a decrease in the number of people infected with HIV in India.
  11. Pneumonia Infection & Risk of Mortality in HIV-Infected Children
    The topic is quite interesting because only a few studies have attempted to focus on the role of HIV infection on the rates of mortality and morbidity rates in pneumonia infections. It is the first […]
  12. HIV Rates and Infant Mortality: US, UK and Kenya
    The purpose of this paper is to compare the HIV rates and infant mortality cases of the United States with the situation in a developed country such as the United Kingdom) and a developing nation […]
  13. Disclosure of a Physician’s HIV Status
    The addition of another corpus that needs the disclosure of HIV/AIDS status to partners is as important as it is harmful if done without prior consent.
  14. AIDS: The Legal Rights and Responsibilities of Employees and Patients
    It is the responsibility of employees to adhere to adjusted schedules and to maintain high productivity and efficiency. Employees also have a right to assess information on HIV and AIDS in the workplace.
  15. Late Phase of HIV Type 1 Replication
    The Late Phase of HIV type 1 replication involves the assembly of Gag proteins with the plasma membrane of hematopoietic cells.
  16. Routes of HIV Transmission
    Based on the NACO annual report, it can be seen that the primary drivers of the HIV epidemic in India are commercial female sex workers, drug use and unprotected sex between homosexuals and heterosexuals.
  17. Health Services Research: AIDS-Related Stigma
    The information obtained from the analysis of the research findings are used by the healthcare organizations and policy makers to improve on the delivery of quality healthcare services to the people.
  18. HIV Intervention in Gay Community
    The AIDS scourge is at the center of this study because this paper seeks to address AIDS as a special health concern affecting the gay community in the Montrose area, with a clear aim of […]
  19. Risks for HIV&AIDS in Juvenile Detention
    The participants in this study willingly shared their perceptions and experience of risk for HIV/AIDS within the context of their social and ecological environments and, in so doing, embodied other models of interaction and behavior […]
  20. The Impact of HIV and AIDS Epidemic on Women
    In the anatomy while having intercourse the vagina is very susceptible to tears and irritations when engaging in sex and thus with the tears and the irritations the exposed flesh offers a good penetrating surface […]
  21. The Impact of Social Determinants of Health in the HIV-AIDS
    Efforts have been made to contain the pandemic but in vain, and that is why researchers are concentrating on the social determinants of health in the context of HIV/AIDS.
  22. The Social Environments and the Effectiveness of Youth HIV Prevention
    It is saddening that most of the youth view sex education negatively since their elders have socialized them to view it as a curse.
  23. Combining Efforts to Combat HIV and AIDS
    The difference in health care systems and standards of health care resources available in different parts of the world, greatly affect the course of the disease in individuals and groups.
  24. Research Into the Causes of HIV
    Though HIV is still incurable in modern days, one of the problems that people in slow developing countries face is high death rate from HIV due to the lack of funds for purchasing effective medication […]
  25. The Problem of HIV & AIDS in Spain: The Leading Rate of Infection in Europe
    Considering the fact that Spain has the leading number of the homosexual in Europe, the rate of the infections in this group stands at 10%.
  26. HIV and People Who Use Drugs: Cases of Infection Caused by Injection Drug Use
    The existing condition of the epidemic in a certain region can be termed as low-level, concentrated, or generalized depending on the prevalence levels of the virus in the specified demographic.
  27. Concepts of Culture and Disease Paper: AIDS
    However, in general, African governments and non-governmental organizations with the help of the United Nations Department of AIDS, UNAids, continue to educate Africans on the spread, symptoms, and other AIDS factors. In sub-Saharan Africa, numerous […]
  28. AIDS and Its Trends: An Infectious Disease That Causes the Vulnerability of the Human Internal System
    These facts address the query of the author having the valid experience to make writings regarding the Disease, it is clear that he had first-hand experiences. The disease is manageable with the use of drugs […]
  29. Effects of HIV and AIDS on Young Children and Women
    The hypothesis of this study is to establish the prevalence of HIV and AIDS on the general population this is with particular attention to the young children and the women who are more vulnerable.
  30. HIV Counseling and Testing: Lifetime Treatment Program
    Some of the possible intervention that can be adopted by the clinicians in order to improve adherence include the encouragement of the patients to be in contact with people of their age who will encourage […]
  31. Epidemiological Analysis of the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
    The virus is found in most of the body fluids of the infected person; and this is the main route of infections.
  32. Drugs for the Treatment of HIV Infection: Over 30 Antiretroviral Drugs to Counter the Effects of the Deadly AIDS Virus
    By the latest study, the Food and Drug Administration has approved 30 antiretroviral drugs to counter the effects of the deadly AIDS virus According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the drugs, […]
  33. Health Care Management: HIV and AIDS Prevention and Treatment
    To define the measurement system, and define the failure or success of HIV/AIDS treatment it is necessary to give the image of the situation in general.
  34. HIV Crisis in Africa: Review of Major Public Health Concerns on the Continent
    The paper will examine the issue of HIV/AIDS in Africa, focusing on the effects of the disease, procedures of its containment, and the prevention tactics used by the African public.
  35. The Spread of HIV and AIDS in Prisons: Causes and Measures of Control
    Other causes of the spread of the disease include overcrowding and lack of education on the danger of the virus. At-risk individuals need to be sensitized about the devastating consequences of this virus and the […]

✅ Good Research Topics about HIV

  1. ART HIV Medicine Saves Lives: Maintains Functions of the Immune System and Prevents Opportunistic Infections
    The goal of the essay is to increase the level of awareness of readers on the importance of ART. A brief overview of HIV treatment programs should also be included in the essay to support […]
  2. HIV: Overview of the Clinical Manifestations of Infection and Symptoms and Known Cases of Complete Cure
    The information includes detailed information about the molecular structure of the virus, the form of the genome, and the mechanism of self-reproduction within a targeting cell.
  3. HIV & AIDS: Role of Healthcare Professionals and Patient Education
    It is also vital to stress that non-adherence leads to the return of the symptoms and the development of HIV-related diseases that could lead to death.
  4. HIV & AIDS Diagnosis and Treatment Measures
    After decades of its first appearance, the human immunodeficiency virus, which causes AIDS at a more severe stage, continues to be a major threat to human health and searches for developments in diagnosis and treatment.
  5. Breast Cancer and AIDS: Significant Issues in the United States in the Late 20th Century
    Thus, the given paper is going to explain why these activists challenged regulatory and scientific authorities and what they demanded. That is why the enthusiasts challenged their practices and made specific demands to improve the […]
  6. The Effect of HIV Treatment on Individuals and Contributing to a Longer Life of the Patients
    As a result, better treatment of the illnesses globally and especially in Africa has contributed to a longer life expectancy of the patients.
  7. Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention in South Africa
    The primary purpose of this study is to determine the cost-effectiveness of the use of circumcision and if this practice is appropriate.
  8. Misinform Partner’s HIV-AIDS Status: How to Prevent From Being Misinformed
    However, I believe that the key to avoiding the issue of the HIV growing epidemic does not lie in the doctor’s duty to anonymously inform one’s sexual partners.
  9. The Issue of HIV-AIDS-Positive Status Disclosure
    Whereas at the beginning of the epidemic, the therapists felt it was their duty to inform the patient’s surroundings of the issue, the introduction of the HIV/AIDS Confidentiality Act turned this duty into a forthright […]
  10. High Risk of HIV Among Injection Drug Users
    The aim of this Health Promotion Plan is to improve the situation with infection diseases spreading among the injection drug users due to the social importance of this problem and the high level of mortality […]
  11. New Directions and Strategies for Current and Future Research in HIV
    The authors therefore are in agreement that future research paradigms focusing on HIV should lay much focus on developing an efficacious vaccine to curtail further spread of the virus.
  12. Health and Health Policy of HIV and AIDS: Physical and Psychological Wellbeing
    Health is defined and understood as the state of full physical and psychological wellbeing, and not just the absence of diseases in the body, while a health policy is the plans, strategies and actions undertaken […]
  13. Bubonic Plague and AIDS: Differences and Similarities
    Transmission of the diseases is also another area that generated debate in the entire course of The Plague and during the initial stages of AIDS.
  14. Pricing AIDS Drugs Sold to Developing Countries
    The majority of the world’s HIV/AIDS cases are in Africa particularly the sub-Saharan and many of the infected have been faced with a huge challenge to live a normal life due to limitations in access […]
  15. Does Black America Need White Support in Order to Combat HIV, AIDS Epidemic?
    The economic instability, the lack of education and improper health care facilities all attribute to the spread of the epidemic in the black community which is set to rise in the coming years.
  16. Women With AIDS in Africa: Treatment Possibilities
    Starting with the economical issues, the countries of Africa are the countries of the third world and the economy is very weak in the area.
  17. The Relationship Between the High Rate of Urbanization in Africa and AIDS Spread
    This movement results in to increase in the number of people in the towns and cities in a particular year. The increased social interaction of people in towns has led to increased HIV/AIDS infections in […]
  18. Language and Stigmatization: Cancer, HIV, and AIDS
    Much has been written concerning the alarming spread and effects of HIV/AIDS in the society and the effects of cancer and the position of its victims and how to care for them.
  19. HIV and AIDS in Adolescents
    The teenagers in America and the world are a group that is constantly at risk of infection with the Human-Immunodeficiency-Virus and developing the Acquired-Immune-Deficiency-Syndrome, the disease condition that eventually results; this is stemming mainly from […]
  20. Workplace Stereotypes About People With HIV: Business Ethics
    After analyzing the every angel of the case, it can be said that this is the picture of the stereotyping prejudice of people with AIDS.
  21. The Pharmaceutical Industry Faces AIDS in Africa
    Food insecurity in these countries has to lead to the quick progression of patients to full brown AIDS and completely worsened the immunity of the patients.
  22. Center for Disease Control and HIV Prevention Goals
    The first short-term mission of the CDC Preventions is to increase the percentage of those HIV-affected people who indulge in such activities which alleviates the risks or dangers of HIV transmission.
  23. AIDS Infection in Europe Statistics: A National Disaster in Many Countries
    Most of these young men and women that engage in this business are end up being infected with HIV virus since they do not have the power to negotiate for safe sex and especially the […]
  24. Public Policy Development. AIDS.gov Benefit Types
    CDC is a premier public health agency which undertakes the control and prevention of AIDS in US, and their mission is to promote health and quality of life.
  25. Public Policy. Eligibility Rules Used by AIDS.gov
    There are no restrictions that prohibit the tailoring of health care programs by clients and using various services and providers that are eligible for meeting the health care needs of individuals.
  26. Social Networks of People Living With HIV and AIDS
    The purpose of the study was to compare the social networks of younger patients with the older ones. The convoy theory of social support lent credence to the research.
  27. Changes in Prostitution and AIDS Epidemic in Thailand
    This provided information on commercial sex trends such as the types of CSEs in existence, the number of sex workers, and the price of sex. However, the decline in the number of sex workers was […]
  28. Advancements in AIDS Research: A Potential Advancement in the Attempt to Cure HIV Infection
    After HIV’s genetic code is altered from a single thread to a double-strand by the reverse transcriptase enzyme, it gets included in the genetic code of the infected cell.
  29. Ethics of Leukemia Treatment With Disabled HIV Cells
    In recent years, the medical community has pondered the radically new approach to cancer treatment, which is isolating and collecting T-cells from the patient.
  30. AIDS: Emergence Factors of Infectious Disease
    Emerging diseases refer to the newly identified pathogens that have been recognized in the past few decades that lead to a new manifestation of diseases.
  31. AIDS and Its Impact on Humankind: The Leading Killer Disease in the World
    From these statistics, it is easy to deduce the effect of the disease of humankind. At the international level, more and more funds have been committed to the treatment of AIDS.
  32. Lewis’ Race Against Time: Curbing HIV&AIDS in Africa
    Lewis points out that, “HIV/AIDS has sabotaged all of the socioeconomic indices, and the continued damaging western policies in trade and aid and debt, serve to drive the nails into the coffins”.
  33. Community Health. HIV/AIDS Prevention for the 50+
    The specificity of the paper is that it relates the issue of HIV prevention for the people over 50. It is necessary to mention, that: 10% of all AIDS cases in the USA are people […]
  34. Anti-HIV Nonprofit’s Organizational Design
    Particularly, three areas of concern are of the primary interest: the design and functional characteristics of NGOs, the problem of HIV in the context of NGOs, and differences between organic and mechanistic organizational structures.
  35. OraQuick Home HIV Test and Its Pros & Cons
    The inventors or other technologists can work on reducing the time people have to wait for the results. It reduces the time people spend visiting the doctor.

⭐ Simple & Easy HIV Essay Titles

  1. Immunology and Virology of HIV Infection
  2. Health Fraud: HIV/AIDS and Sexual Enhancement Scams
  3. HIV and AIDS Early History and Risks
  4. HIV and AIDS Infection Levels and Their Social Effects
  5. HIV Prevalence Among American Queer Communities
  6. HIV Testing Among African American Women
  7. HIV Prevention Policy Development for Chicago
  8. HIV Prevention Among Young Adults in Chicago
  9. Group Policy Regarding the HIV/AIDS Transmission Issue
  10. Pharmacology: HIV Drug Resistance
  11. HIV Prevention in Youth: Public Health Campaign
  12. Act Up Movement for Surviving HIV/AIDS Plague
  13. HIV/AIDS Activism in “How to Survive a Plague”
  14. HIV/AIDS Prevention by Anti-Retroviral Drugs
  15. The Impact of AIDS and Reasons Behind the Outbreak
  16. ”The Cure for AIDS” by Apoorva Mandavilli and Various Ethical Issues
  17. HIV/AIDS as a Communicable Disease
  18. HIV/AIDS Patients: Legal Ethics and Patient Rights
  19. Medicine: HIV/ AIDS Campaign Slogan
  20. Medicine: HIV/AIDS as the Key Threat for the Kenyan Population
  21. HIV and AIDS in Kenya
  22. HIV/AIDS in Kenya: Evaluation Plan
  23. Health Promotion Program HIV/AIDS in Kenya
  24. HIV Among Adolescents – Treatment and Prevention
  25. Anglo American Plc’s HIV/AIDS Strategy
  26. 5 Years Strategic Plan for HIV Prevention in Swaziland
  27. HIV and AIDS Prevention Among the Youth in Asia
  28. HIV in South Africa
  29. STD/HIV Health Promotion Evaluation Plan
  30. HIV and AIDS: an Evolving Global Response
  31. HIV Epidemic in Enrique’s Native Country
  32. Critical Analysis of Avahan – the India AIDS Initiative
  33. HIV/AIDS by Allan Whiteside
  34. The Rate of Smoking Among HIV Positive Cases.
  35. AIDS Combating in the 21st Century: Issues and Challenges

📌 Most Interesting HIV Topics to Write about

  1. HIV/AIDS in the UK
  2. History of Treatment the HIV/AIDS
  3. Pathology of HIV and AIDS
  4. How the AIDS Epidemic Has Affected the World on a Political, Social, Economical Way
  5. The HIV and AIDS Problem Between Educated and Non-Educated Children in Uganda
  6. Implementation of AIDS Control Policies in Australia and South Africa
  7. HIV/AIDS Among African Americans
  8. AIDS: The Guilt and Failure of the West in a Spread of the Disease
  9. AIDS as an Epidemic of Signification: A Globally Potential Threat
  10. Key Drivers of HIV/AIDS in Sub Saharan Africa and in San Francisco
  11. Key Drivers of HIV and AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa and in San Francisco and Church’s Response to the AIDS Pandemic
  12. Drivers of HIV and AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa and San Francisco
  13. Impact of HIV/AIDS on Microeconomics
  14. Theory, Methodology and Human Development: HIV/AIDS and Education in African Countries
  15. Vital Signs: HIV Testing and Diagnosis Among Adults – United States, 2001-2009
  16. Community HIV/AIDS Mobilization Project (CHAMP)
  17. HIV/AIDS Stigma in Tanzania
  18. Communicable Diseases: HIV and AIDS
  19. A Project on Establishment of Housing Flats Voluntary Counselling and Testing Centers in Njoro to Reduce Prevalence of HIV/AIDS
  20. HIV/AIDS Issues in African Women
  21. AIDS in Lesotho, Africa: The Highest Prevalence Rate of HIV Infections in the World

❓ HIV Research Questions

  1. Is Being HIV Positive a Disability?
  2. Why Does the Immune System Weaken With HIV Infection?
  3. What Is the Main Cause of HIV?
  4. How Does HIV Gain Entry Into the Cells It Attacks?
  5. What Can Gamma Delta T Cells Contribute to an HIV Cure?
  6. What Are the 4 Stages of HIV Infection?
  7. What Are the 5 Symptoms of HIV?
  8. Does the HIV Virus Evolve?
  9. What Is the Good News for HIV-Positive Patients?
  10. What Is the Impact of HIV on Society?
  11. What Are the Symptoms of HIV/Aids?
  12. How Long Will HIV Take to Show Up?
  13. Can Mosquitoes Transmit HIV?
  14. How Can You Get HIV?
  15. How Fast Does HIV Spread in the Body?
  16. What Can the Government Do to Stop HIV?
  17. When Did HIV First Arise?
  18. Why Are Child Victims of Sexual Abuse at Greater Risk of HIV?
  19. How Long Do HIV Symptoms Last?
  20. Will There Be a Cure for HIV by 2030?
  21. Can You Survive HIV-Positive?
  22. How Many Teenagers Are Affected by HIV?
  23. Is There Currently a Cure for HIV?
  24. What Age Group Has the Highest HIV Infection Rate?
  25. How Long Can You Live After Having HIV?
  26. What Are the Three Biggest Risk Factors for HIV?
  27. Which Antibody Functions Are Important for an HIV Vaccine?
  28. Can You Drink When HIV Positive?
  29. Why Is HIV Research Important?
  30. What Resources Are Available for HIV Patients?

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IvyPanda. (2024, November 19). 234 HIV Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/hiv-essay-topics/

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"234 HIV Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 19 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/hiv-essay-topics/.


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IvyPanda. 2024. "234 HIV Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 19, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/hiv-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "234 HIV Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 19, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/hiv-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "234 HIV Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 19, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/hiv-essay-topics/.