136 STDs Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best STDs Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Violation of Basic Ethical Principles in the Tuskegee Syphilis Study
    This principle was also violated during the Tuskegee Study as the subjects were not treated as autonomous agents capable of and entitled to make their own decisions concerning their treatment and participation in the study.
  2. Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Infections Education
    Before discussing the benefits of normalizing the dialogue about STDs and STIs, it is crucial to examine their impact on the health of the infected persons and current incidence and distribution in the United States.
  3. Chlamydia Sexually Transmitted Disease
    The clinical manifestations of chlamydial infection depend on the virulence of the pathogen, the duration of the stay of chlamydia in the body, the topography of the lesion, the severity of local and general reactions […]
  4. Unethical Research Study «Tuskegee Syphilis»
    The motivation for this study was the prevalence of syphilis among blacks and the possibility of coming up with mass treatment of the condition.
  5. Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment and Ethical Principles
    The study started in 1929 when USPHS investigated the high incidence of syphilis in the rural areas of the South of the USA and possibilities for its mass treatment.
  6. Sexually Transmitted Diseases Analysis
    Since the topic is sensitive and it might even be uncomfortable for the audience, the teacher will have to set the tone of the lesson to be serious and devoid of humor.
  7. Sexually Transmitted Infections in Young People
    Drug and substance abuse among the youth is also another factor that has contributed to the high incidence of STI infection among young people because it leads to the occurrence of irresponsible sexual behavior among […]
  8. Gonorrhea: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
    Well, according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, gonorrhea is a curable disease. It is advisable also to go for a gonorrhea test and pressurize sex mates to do the same.
  9. Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Teaching Plan
    The main purpose of the given teaching plan is to provide a concept of sexually transmitted diseases, their types, routes of transmission, pathogens, and signs and methods of prevention.
  10. Bacterial Vaginosis: Watery Fish-Smelling Vaginal Discharge
    The symptoms started about a month ago, and attempts to get rid of the odour have not been successful. Location: vagina Onset: 30 days ago Character: watery discharge with a very unpleasant odour Associated signs […]
  11. Risk of Infection With Chlamydia and Gonorrhea
    This research is correlative because the study is observing and studying the relationship between the type of contraceptive used and the risk of infection.
  12. Sexually Transmitted Diseases Discussion
    Therefore, the reason why HIV is so hard to cure is that it resides in the nucleus, which is a stable reservoir where it goes undetected by the immune system and the medication administered. Chlamydia […]
  13. Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Curable and Incurable
    However, if an individual with the disease fails to get treatment and does not take care of themselves by not sharing needles or not wearing a condom, then they could spread the disease.
  14. Gonorrhea: Urinating, Cloudy Urine, Pelvic Pain
    If the untreated infection spreads to the upper parts of the genitourinary system, the signs are joined by an increase in body temperature, difficulty in urination, and pain when defecating.
  15. Syphilis as a Healthcare Threat
    In addition to age, gender, and race, it is necessary to consider other indicators that can provide a complete picture of the severity of the disease.
  16. Infectious Disease Assignment: Herpes Zoster
    Regarding agent factors, the presence of the varicella-zoster virus in the body after the recovery from chickenpox predisposes the host to develop HZ even if the virus remains dormant for years. HZ’s progression is linked […]
  17. Violation of Human Rights: Tuskegee Syphilis Study
    The authors of the study and the authorities tried to justify human rights violations by saying that they were analyzing the effects of fully developing syphilis on Black males.
  18. Gonorrhea and Chlamydia During COVID-19 in the Mississippi Delta
    The purpose of this epidemiological study is to describe the incidence of gonorrhea and chlamydia in primary medical clinics in the Mississippi Delta during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  19. Preventing Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among Older Adults
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides a standard curriculum for adults that helps with understanding the types of STDs and how to avoid them.
  20. Minors Seeking Treatment for Sexually Transmitted Diseases Without Parental Consent
    Due to the severity of sexually transmitted diseases, it is very important for doctors to provide minors with the necessary care.
  21. Researching of the Tuskegee Syphilis
    The Tuskegee Study, as a symbol of racism and medical malpractice, may never inspire the nation to action, but it may influence the way Americans approach sickness.
  22. Human Papillomavirus Infections Research
    This research question will look at the risk factors that lead to the development of cancer due to HPV infection. Based on the data obtained as part of the study, it will be possible to […]
  23. Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Among Teenagers
    The third question is, does the race of the teenagers affect the lack of testing? Evaluation of the performance of a point-of-care test for chlamydia and gonorrhea.
  24. Gonorrhea Disease Transmission and Treatment
    It is critical to get a thorough account of the chief complaint, with a particular focus on the chronology and the severity of the symptoms.
  25. Combating the Spread of Sexually Transmitted Infections
    Here are the current guidelines for screening for hepatitis B virus in teenagers and adult persons: Screening should be offered and provided to adolescent and adult populations suspected of HBV infection within them.
  26. Los Angeles: Community Strategic Plan For STD and HIV Reduction
    Thus, one of the main concerns is the risk of transmission of both STDs and HIV due to the crisis of homelessness and loneliness in Los Angeles Country.
  27. Capstone Project: HPV and Vaccination
    However, already in a number of countries, there is a potential for complete disappearance or decrease of anogenital warts within the population, which is associated with the short incubation period of this HPV and is […]
  28. Implementation of a Public Health Campaign on STDS Among the Youth
    A number of strategies will be used to actualize the envisaged public health campaign on STDs among the youth. Social media will be used to influence the behavior of the youth in relation to STDs.
  29. Gonorrhea: Fact Sheet
    Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease. It is spread through mucosal inoculation during vaginal, anal, or sexual contact.
  30. Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Implications
    When the swelling spreads to a different organ of the body, it is known as a systemic reaction. The condition is usually a result of iron deficiency.

📌 Most Interesting STDs Topics to Write about

  1. Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment and African Americans Hesitancy to Receive COVID-19 Vaccines
    Laurencin states that discrimination of the minority African-Americans in the health sector contributes to the high spread of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the United States black population.
  2. Social Stigma of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in North America
    Fundamentally, the social stigma in the North American countries and dependent territories have contributed to distress among the people with STDs and increased the prevalence of preventable STDs such as HPV due to improper medications.
  3. The Types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    Gonorrhea is caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and the unusual vaginal discharges, as well as the discharge from the penis in men, are typical symptoms of the disease.
  4. Health Care Policy: HPV Vaccination
    It is important that these actors among others play a big role in influencing formulation of health policy. In this regard, it is necessary that content is marched up to its objectives of health policy.
  5. Researching Chlamydia Trachomatis Disease
    Thus, an individual may have a certain resistance to disease while other groups of people and even the population at large may be vulnerable and may run the risk to develop a certain disease.
  6. Local Inflammation and Human Papillomavirus Status of Head and Neck Cancers
    The objective of the study was to assess whether periodontitis is related to the human papillomavirus status of the head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
  7. Human Papillomavirus in Throat and Neck
    In the conclusive segment, evaluation of originality and conceptualization are placed in order to ensure relevance in the review of prospect schema.
  8. Throat Cancer With Diagnosis of Human Papillomavirus
    The infection by the HPVs often appears in the epithelium, particularly in the areas with tissue lesions. In this respect, by means of the RNA scope, it is possible to transcribe the HPV genome and […]
  9. The Attenuation of Herpes Zoster
    The only difference is that chicken pox is mainly as a result of initial contact with the virus while zoster is more of a secondary effect.
  10. Informed Consent in Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
    The physicians involved in the experiment failed to inform their participants about the essence of the experiment and its possible outcomes.
  11. The Major Facts About Chlamydia
    In women, the cervix and the urethra are the first organs to be infected. The article is detailed and presents the information in a way that makes it relevant to the field of microbiology.
  12. Autophagy in Herpes Simplex and Varicella-Zoster Virus Infections
    The article in question deals with the difference between autophagy found in herpes simplex virus infection and varicella-zoster virus infection. The researchers conclude that autophagy is proviral during VZV while, in cells with HSV infection, […]
  13. Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Community
    The paper seeks to unravel the untold dangers and risks of gonorrhea infections and the general community view and knowledge of its existence.
  14. Chlamydia: Review and Analysis
    The symptoms of the disease depend on the organ infected. The choice of medication is different for breastfeeding and pregnant women.
  15. Syphilis in Children and Adolescents in India
    The country has experienced an escalating trend of the disease especially in the period between 2002 and 2004. Moreover, these sources further single out the age group 5-18 as the most prone to this deadly […]
  16. Chlamydia Infection: Signs, Treatment, Prognosis
    Among these complications is that there will be development of “pelvic inflammatory disease” in between ten to forty percent of the infected women.
  17. Human Papillomavirus Quadrivalent Vaccine
    The topic will include who is to use the vaccine and the administration of the vaccine in exceptional cases like the young girls and expectant mothers.
  18. Human Papillomavirus and Gardasil for Teenage Population
    The focus thus is more geared on the actual process of HPV, that is, the diagnosis, detection, treatment, vaccination and treatment of the virus.
  19. Syphilis and Polio: How the US Defeated Them
    The attempts to cure syphilis and the campaign to wipe out polio implied both similarities and differences. To begin with, one should state that the similarities referred to the universal role of both syphilis and […]
  20. Sexually Transmitted Infections among Elder People
    This paper explores and analyzes older people’s awareness of the STI danger and safer sexual practices, and provides evidence that the older generation is at increased risk in this regard.
  21. Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Statistics in the New Jersey
    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the spread and influence of sexually transmitted diseases, look at the statistics for the state of New Jersey, and evaluate the sides of the issue.
  22. Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Causes and Treatment
    Weeks claim that human sexuality as a biological process is derivative of organic processes that are linked to individual discourse via flirting and creation of sexual attention.
  23. Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Medical Issues
    The manifestations are symptoms of other illnesses or opportunistic infections which are exacerbated due to the immunosuppression of the CD4+ cells of the immune system by the HIV.
  24. Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the Mediterranean Region in the 15th-16th Century
    The spread of disease that is sexually transmitted also poses a problem because of the emergence of brothels and the proliferation of prostitution in the area.
  25. Chlamydia Screening Studies Critique
    The Chlamydia Screening Studies was the analysis designed to receive the results of people’s reaction to the home-based screening for the sexually transmitted infection, Chlamydia trachomatis.
  26. Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Community Teaching Plan
    Based on the study by Hailu, Mergal, Nishimwe, Samson, and Santos, the majority of adolescents receive no advice from parents concerning the unwanted consequences of sexual relationships, including STDs. Since 2013, in people aged 15-24, […]
  27. Human Papillomavirus Infection and Cervical Cancer
    Besides a description of HPV pathogenesis and epigenetics, the paper provides an overview of the global incidence and prevalence rates pertaining to infection and cervical cancer. HPV and HPV genotypes 16 and 18, in particular, […]
  28. Sexually-Transmitted Infections: Syphilis in Women
    The patient’s preliminary and current symptoms align with the typical presentation of syphilis, thus suggesting the onset of the condition’s second stage.
  29. Women’s Health Issues: Human Papillomavirus Vaccine
    Sherman et al.find that patients’ and clinicians’ lack of knowledge about the vaccine and HPV leads to lower levels of protection against the virus.
  30. School Interventions Against HPV and Effect on Vaccination Rates
    The author uses the methodology of policy synthesis and legal analysis to describe the implications of establishing the HPV vaccine as a school-entry requirement for policy and practice.

💡 Interesting Topics to Write about STDs

  1. Vaccination Among HPV Virus
    With the HPV virus belonging to the second group, it seems reasonable for the government to lobby for the vaccination to become mandatory for middle school girls to reduce the number of HPV-related precancers.
  2. Genital Herpes Caused by Herpes Simplex Virus
    The patient comes to the clinic with a complaint of lesions in the vaginal and perianal regions. The patient is bisexual she states that she has had sexual relationships with several male and female partners […]
  3. Chlamydial Infections: Gynecological Conditions
    The diagnosis will have a short-term effect on SL’s life as she will have to have a discussion about STIs with her partner, which may be challenging for her.
  4. Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Initiation in Girls
    The background of the study presents the statement of the research problem and the justification of the study. The authors used a descriptive study design, which involved the analysis of routinely collected data on the […]
  5. The Serologic Diagnosis of Syphilis
    In order to reject the diagnosis of contact dermatitis, it should be clarified which food and topical allergies the patient has.
  6. Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in Hispanic Women
    The study is justified because establishing the level of HPV, cervical cancer, and HPV vaccine knowledge among Hispanic women would pave the way for the formulation of strategies on patient education on the issue.
  7. Sexually Transmitted Infections Prevention
    Such policies focus on the assessment and evaluation of a present situation regarding STI and the subsequent implementation of therapeutic and prevention actions.
  8. Spirochaete: Syphilis T. Pallidum & Lyme Disease
    The term “Spirochetae” originates from the Greek “spiro” and “create” and owes its existence to the form of the bacteria, which has a spiral shape.
  9. Sexually Transmitted Infections and Health Program
    According to the Center for Disease Control, Georgia has one of the highest rates of Sexually Transmitted Infections in the United States.
  10. The Tuskegee Syphilis Analysis
    The main purpose of the following study was “to record the natural history of syphilis in Blacks”. First of all, it was called unethical as all participants were not informed about the conditions of the […]
  11. Human Papillomavirus Awareness Among College Students
    The research addresses the problem of low levels of literacy concerning HPV and other related sexually transmitted diseases and the stigma associated with the diseases. This research aims to determine the level of literacy among […]
  12. Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Reduction in Hispanic Women
    Its purpose is to reduce STI’s Gonorrhea/Chlamydia among Hispanic women in Michigan and to plan a culturally appropriate intervention to address this area of health. The final data is also inclusive of the ethnic and […]
  13. Sexually Transmitted Disease: Syphilis
    Therefore, it is necessary to inquire about the social and sexual history of the patient, ask about the number of sexual partners, the history of STDs, the use of condoms, and the intravenous use of […]
  14. Public Health: Chlamydial Infections
    The information that the nurse practitioner should consider is the possible non-sexually transmitted infections that can cause the change in the vaginal discharge and the urge to urinate frequently.
  15. The Chlamydia Trachomatis Treatment
    The protocol for extraction, amplification as well as sequencing was tested on reference of strains of the culture stocks in the laboratory and on the medium fluid sample collected in the study conducted to investigate […]
  16. Chlamydia Infection, Its Diagnosis and Treatment
    The response of the patient revealed lots of disappointment and a lack of satisfaction. There is also a possibility of the mother transmitting the disease to the unborn baby.
  17. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study Controversy
    Describe the facts surrounding the Tuskegee Syphilis study The Tuskegee syphilis study is the most controversial research ever performed on the black race.
  18. The Tuskegee Experiment on Syphilis
    The issues of protection of human beings in research and violation of the people’s right for treatment and care are explored in “Miss Evers’ Boys” with references to the development and results of the Tuskegee […]
  19. Concepts of the Human Papillomavirus
    The infection has no exact form of manifestation, a fact that medics attribute to the ability of the body’s immune system to eliminate the virus from the body in a period of two years.
  20. Chlamydia Campaign Overview and Analysis
    A survey can help the group members to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign by surveying people in the street about their awareness of such a campaign and the number of times they took Chlamydia […]
  21. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study Evaluation
    This ensures that the beneficiaries own the entire process of the study, project or policy and that they give their consent for the study to advance.
  22. Vietnamese Immigrant Women & HPV Vaccination
    In addition, the paper has given a keen attention to the religious doctrine as well as the study of the impacts of their values on HPV vaccination.
  23. STD/HIV Health Promotion Evaluation Plan
    Process evaluation will emphasize on quality and suitability of the interventions and approaches of the program. A critical aspect of process evaluation will be to determine and track the areach’ of the program.
  24. Tuskegee Experiment: The Infamous Syphilis Study
    According to Biber, the head of the clinical research assured fellow researchers that, “…everyone is agreed that the proper procedure is the continuance of the observation of the Negro men used in the study with […]
  25. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    In 1980s and early 1990s, the rate of nationwide gonorrhea infections had reduced due to the introduction of a program to control gonorrhea in the mid 1970s.

⭐ Good Research Topics about STDs

  1. Sex, Pregnancy, and STDs – Problem and Solution
  2. Online Dating Services for People With STDs
  3. Sexually Transmitted Disease Genital Causes Virus
  4. Genital Herpes Sexually Transmitted Disease
  5. Preventing STDs and Its Effects on Children
  6. Sex, Teen Pregnancies, STDs, and Beer Prices: Empirical Evidence From Canada
  7. Antibiotic-Resistant Sexually Transmitted Disease
  8. Sweatshops: Sexually Transmitted Disease and Better Jobs
  9. Sexually Transmitted Disease Among Teenagers
  10. Dealing With the Problem of Teenage Sex, Pregnancies, and STDs
  11. The Symptoms, Complications, and Features of Sexually Transmitted Disease Chlamydia
  12. STDs and How They Affect Society
  13. Sex Under the Influence: The Effect of Alcohol Policy on Sexually Transmitted Disease Rates in the United States
  14. The Sexually Transmitted Disease Epidemic: Common Diseases, Causes, Cures, and Stats
  15. Health Promotion Plans for Sexually Transmitted Diseases: The Role of Nurses and Health Care Practitioners
  16. STDs the Silent Infection
  17. Teenage Pregnancy and STDs Warning – An Argument Against Premarital Sex
  18. Sexually Transmitted Disease and Non Sexual Ways
  19. The British Government’s Policy on Prostitution and STDs
  20. Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Popularity Limits

📃 Simple & Easy STDs Essay Titles

  1. Correlation Between Abstinence and STDs or What Are the Main Issues Today’s Youth Have to Deal With
  2. STD Classification, From Common Herpes to Life-Threatening AIDS
  3. The Symptoms and Treatment of Gonorrhea, the Most Common Sexually Transmitted Disease
  4. The Symptoms and Treatment of Syphilis, a Sexually Transmitted Disease
  5. Chlamydia: Sexually Transmitted Disease and Health Care Provider
  6. Sexually Transmitted Diseases and STDs According
  7. The Symptoms and Treatment of Chlamydia, a Sexually Transmitted Disease
  8. The Most Common STDs Among Teens Today
  9. Theory-Based Health and the Prevention of HIV and STDs
  10. Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Types, Symptoms, Diagnosis
  11. Birth Control Methods and Fight With STDs
  12. Reproductive System; Sexually Transmitted Disease
  13. Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Public Health
  14. Sexually Transmitted Disease Chlamydia Infection: Causes, Signs, Treatment, and Prevention
  15. Abstinence Programs That Can Help Prevent STDs and Teen Pregnancy
  16. STDs and Prevention Among Young Adults
  17. STDs During the Youth: The Great Imitator, Crotch Crickets
  18. The Infectious Disease Acquired Out of Lust – STDs
  19. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: Not Just a Sexually Transmitted Disease
  20. The Aging Population Sexual Awareness of STDs and Sexual Behaviors

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IvyPanda. (2024, February 29). 136 STDs Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/stds-essay-topics/

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"136 STDs Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 29 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/stds-essay-topics/.


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IvyPanda. 2024. "136 STDs Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/stds-essay-topics/.

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