Looking for good titles for a Holocaust project? This is one of the most tragic parts of WW2 that is definitely worth studying.
The most popular Holocaust essay topics are:
- The Holocaust and its causes
- Nazi human experiments as a part of the Holocaust
- Jewish ghettos in Poland
- The establishment of Auschwitz concentration camp
- The consequences of the Holocaust
Below you can find much more ideas. In this article, we’ve collected Holocaust thesis ideas and questions for essays. They will suite for middle school, high school, and college-level assignments. You’ll also find tips on writing your introduction, conclusion, and formulating a thesis statement, together with Holocaust essay examples. Write an ️A+ paper with us!
🔝 Top 10 Holocaust Questions for Essays
- What were the ideological causes of the Holocaust?
- How was anti-Jewish legislation in Germany established?
- What were the goals of the Nazi Euthanasia Program?
- How and where were the largest ghettos created?
- How did the concentration camp system expand across Europe?
- What were the three types of ghettos?
- How did the resistance efforts in the ghettos look like?
- Who were the key opponents of Nazism inside and outside Germany?
- How did the US government respond to Nazism?
- What were the consequences of the Holocaust?
📝 Holocaust Essay: How to Write
The Holocaust has affected millions of people around the world. It is one of the most tragic and problematic topics of history. Holocaust essays help students to understand the issue better, analyzing its causes and consequences.
Organizing an essay on the Holocaust may be challenging, as there are many aspects to cover. We have developed some tips to help you through the process.
First, choose the Holocaust issue you want to discuss. Select one of the titles to work on. Some of the Holocaust essay topics include:
- Concentration camps in today’s Europe
- Lessons from the Holocaust: Fostering tolerance
- The consequences of the Holocaust
- Present and future of the Holocaust research
- The causes of the Holocaust and discrimination against Jewish people
- How could people have stopped the Holocaust?
- Political issues behind the Holocaust
- The effects of the Holocaust on its survivors
- The factors and issues that contributed to Nazism
You can choose one of these holocaust essay questions or ask your professor for suggestions. Once that you have selected the topic of your essay, you can start working on the paper.
A well-developed structure is highly significant for an outstanding essay. Here are some tips on how to develop a structure for the paper:
- Think of the Holocaust essay prompts you want to discuss first. You can do preliminary research to see what issues you should cover.
- Ask your professor about the type of essay you should write. If it is an argumentative essay, you will need to leave space for at least one refutation paragraph and a rebuttal paragraph.
- Include an introductory paragraph (or several paragraphs if you are working on a longer essay). This paragraph should include the background information on the Holocaust and the problem you have selected. Discuss the goals of the paper and state your main claim at the end of this section.
- The main arguments of your paper will comprise body paragraphs. You may want to dedicate at least one separate paragraph for each of your claims. The number of body paragraphs is up to you, however, we would recommend including at least three of them. Hint: Make smooth transitions between paragraphs to make your paper look more organized.
- Remember that at least one body paragraph should state the general information about the Holocaust, its causes, and effects. You may discuss statistical data, global consequences, and primary victims.
- While working on a refutation paragraph, do not forget to prove that your arguments are more reasonable that the opposing perspectives. You can dedicate a separate paragraph for a rebuttal.
- A concluding section or a summary should state your main arguments again. You can also include a recommendation if necessary.
- Important tip: Do not make your paragraphs too short or too long. We would recommend writing between 65 and 190 words per paragraph and not more than 35 words per sentence. Making all body paragraphs of similar length is also a good idea that will make your paper look more professional.
- Ask your professor whether you need to include a title page and table of contents. Remember that a reference page is a must, as it includes all sources from the essay.
- If you are not sure that the selected structure is good, search for the holocaust essay titles and examples online and see how other students organize their papers. Avoid copying the works you will find.
Remember to look at the samples on our website to get some ideas for your excellent paper!
🏆 Holocaust Essay Examples & Topics
- Holocaust and Bosnian Genocide ComparisonThe current paper aims to compare some of the most notable genocides in history, the Holocaust, and the Bosnian mass murder in terms of their aims, death tolls, tactics, and methods.
- Dehumanization and Holocaust Experiences in Night by Elie WieselThe impact of dehumanization on people’s attitudes to the world around them and to the people in it is depressing and terrible.
- Critique of Elie Wiesel’s Holocaust Book “Night”Like many books on the Holocaust, Elie Wiesel’s Night is a dramatic picture of the horror times in the history of humankind and particularly in the history of the Jewish people.
- The Holocaust: Poem “Tears of Blood”The extermination of the Roma was part of the general policy of the National Socialists to destroy political opponents, homosexual people, terminally and mentally ill, drug addicts, and Jews.
- Nazi Medical Experiments During the HolocaustThe information is maintained by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. This photograph is maintained and produced by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
- The Holocaust Survivors’ ExperienceAnita’s story reveals the experience of a ghetto in Vienna and further refuge before WWII with the challenges of adaptation to the new environment and reconciliation with her family.
- Holocaust vs. Japanese Colonial Era in KoreaThe Holocaust in the history of Jewish people, as well as Japanese occupation in the history of Korean people, was one of the greatest tragedies.
- The Nazi Holocaust’s EffectsThis study aims at analyzing the claim that social and psychological effects of the Holocaust linger in areas of political systems in which the survivors of the holocaust currently reside.
- “Night” by Elie Wiesel: A Journey Through the Holocaust and FaithSince it is written from the viewpoint of a teenager, the horrific deeds of the Nazis are even more evident, which supports the theme of the decay of humanity and the loss of faith.
- Pros, Cons, and Ambiguities of After-Holocaust ImageryThe imageries may be interpreted as depictions of the Holocaust, a tribute to victims, or the artist’s documentation of their experiences.
- Women as Perpetrators of Violence During the Holocaust and the Rwandan GenocideSince the extent of indoctrination into violent ideology is not predicated upon one’s sex, the propensity to violence and, in the worst-case scenario, genocide can be observed in women just as clearly as in men, […]
- Holocaust: Jewish People GenocideInspired by the United States’ eugenics movement and racist history, he managed to spread the ideas of racial purity among people affected by the consequences of a global depression, promising the restoration of the country’s […]
- Unveiling the Holocaust through Elie Wiesel’s NightThe author gives a detailed account of his experience of surviving the Holocaust and ensures that this terrible page in history is not forgotten.
- US Holocaust Policy During World War IIHowever, the anti-Nazi campaign was not successful, and the main reason for this was the harsh foreign policy of the USA.
- Reasons Why the Jews Failed to Resist the HolocaustThe award-winning book brings the readers to the lives and experiences of Vladek Spiegelman, a holocaust survivor, and his father during the period.
- The Holocaust and the Nakba: Tragedy and TraumaThe Nakba refers to the destruction of hundreds of cities and towns and the Palestinian people’s cultural, economic, political, and social backgrounds.
- Holocaust Commemoration in the US Holocaust Memorial MuseumThis paper is relevant to the understanding of virtual exhibit since it highlights the major notions of memorialization that are included in the exhibition.
- Holocaust: Traditions and EncountersHe was the only presenter in the video: he revealed the question about Sephardic Jews in the Holocaust and answered questions from the audience.
- Holocaust: Taking Steps Toward EvilTo the Nazi leader, the Jews were an inferior race and were an alien threat to the German racial purity. The Germans blamed the Jews for having lost the World War 1 and accused them […]
- “Holocaust Horror…” by MooreA considerable number of young people do not have the correct knowledge, and the most disturbing fact is that the Holocaust started to be interpreted in different ways.
- The Relationship Between Epigenetics and the Effects of the HolocaustTests are most likely to identify existing changes of DNA and the proteins related to DNA, which are responsible for the structure of the DNA and the availability of other elements related to the DNA.
- Art Spiegelman’s Graphic Novel “Maus I: A Survivor’s Tale”: Author’s Understanding of the HolocaustSpiegelman uses mice to represent Jews because of the oppression they experienced while in Hitler’s concentration camps. The mistreatment the Jews experienced is similar to what mice experience in the presence of cats.
📌 Holocaust Thesis Ideas
- Holocaust Museum Exhibition “State of Deception”Generally, evaluating a variety of facts from different sources, it becomes evident that the exhibition “State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Propaganda” in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum can be seen as rather […]
- Holocaust: Ethnic and Cultural Diversity and the Real Face of PrejudiceThe holocaust refers to the murder of six million European Jews in the course of the Second World War. The holocaust was the highest level of prejudice in society during the time.
- Human Response to Holocaust in “Nightfather” and “Fugitive Pieces”It is his memory of the nightmare that keeps him imprisoned, he appears in the camp again and again by the volition of his memory that is eager to play painful tricks with him.
- Holocaust Denial: Dynamics of EthicsWhile keeping this in mind, we will analyze the introduction of “holocaust denial” criminal charges into the penal code of many Western countries that simultaneously take pride in the fact that their democratic form of […]
- Jewish Family’s Experiences During the HolocaustPiecing together everything that I learned from my grandparents and parents, I have come to realize that I was shaped early on by the experience of my ancestors in the Holocaust and in Russia.
- The Holocaust: Auschwitz Concentration Camp HistoryIn an attempt to dehumanize the victims of the Nazis and as a testament to the resilience of a few of the inmates of the camps, the mentality of the brutal Nazis is worth a […]
- Henry Orenstein: Holocaust Survivor and EntrepreneurThe Nazi regime, were under the impression that the Germans were ‘racially superior’ to the Jews and believed that the Jews were somehow lesser than them.
- The Holocaust: Historical AnalysisThe Holocaust, now the example of Jewish pain, has long stopped to be a piece of history, and is now regarded by spiritual and material alike, as a piece of divinity – a sacred text […]
- Holocaust Tragedy in Nazi GermanySince the forties of the twentieth century, another such theory, called the Holocaust, came into use in the context of the mass extermination of Jews in Europe by the Nazis. It is the education of […]
- A Visit to the Holocaust Museum in Washington DCPeople visited the museum to learn about the atrocities caused to the Jews by the Nazi administration, headed by Hitler. The other piece I learned is that in the museum there was a video of […]
- Holocaust in “Maus” Graphic Novel by Art SpiegelmanIt is quite peculiar that Spiegelman uses only the black-and-white color perhaps, this is another means to emphasize the gloomy atmosphere of the Nazi invasion and the reign of the anti-Semite ideas.
- Post-Holocaust and Imprisonment Literary WorksIt is possible that Celan uses repetition to express the feelings of repetitiveness that he and the other people felt during the imprisonment.
- The Poetry of the Holocaust PeriodIn conclusion, it seems appropriate to state that Sutzkever is a metaphysical poet as his creative thought focuses on the beauty of nature and the truthful presentation of events.
- Holocaust Memorial MuseumTextiles, for example, badges, uniforms, flags, costumes, and banners are also housed in the museum. Other types of materials housed in the museum are works on paper, such as announcements, posters, broadsides, and maps.
- Holocaust in “Survival in Auschwitz” by Primo LeviAnother issue that needs to be discussed is that the economy of Germany was hurt because of the World War I, and it has affected the pride of the nation.
- 1942-1945 Holocaust: Nazi Germany’s Political ReasonsStarted in 1942 and taking place until the end of the war, the Holocaust was the genocide of Jewish people arranged by Hitler and implemented by the Nazi army.
- Holocaust, Antisemitism, and PropagandaThat is why, nowadays great attention is given to issues which led to the death of millions of people. Being a part of the ideology of Nazism, it led to the elimination of a great […]
- The Holocaust Effects: Books “Tzili” and “Wartime Lies”The natural experiences of growing up are changed and twisted by the war and its horrors, but the specific developments, their perceptions, and impacts are affected by the children’s personalities and circumstances of their lives, […]
- Holocaust: Nazi Anti-Jewish Policies and ActionsThe major policy that the Nazi implemented was the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service that excluded Jews from government jobs.
- Holocaust Experience in the Book ‘Night’ by Elie WieselEliezer’s depiction in the story as the main character in the story is that of a humble and religious young man.
- History of the Jews and the HolocaustThe Nazi regime and its partners became the pioneers of the Holocaust. That being the case, the anti-Semitism ideas and prejudices experienced in Germany before the Second World War led to the infamous Holocaust.
- Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory by Deborah LipstadtThe book is divided into chapters that focus on the history and methods that are used to distort the truth and the memory of the Holocaust.
✍️ Holocaust Essay Topics for College
- The United States Holocaust Memorial MuseumSince its inception in 1993, the museum has served as the nation’s reminder when it comes to issues of the holocaust.
- Iran and Israel’s Nuclear Holocaust and the Gulf Cooperation Council’s PositionAs such conflict would put a serious threat to the safety of the region, the policy aims at the acceptance of nuclear deal and the development of the effective course of actions aimed at eliminating […]
- Was the Holocaust the failure of or the product of Modernity?The date that traditionally marks the beginning of modernist era is 1453, when the City of Constantinople was conquered by the Turkish Ottoman Empire, as far as this date symbolized the end of the Byzantine […]
- Reconsidering the History: Holocaust Denial. The XXI Century ProspectsDespite the fact that Holocaust was one of the hideous crimes against the humanity that is never to occur again, some tend to represent the tragic event as the stage of the history that people […]
- Nazi Germany & HolocaustThe Nazi movement is a revolutionary movement that was associated with the mass murder of Jews and Communists in an attempt to restore the reputation of Germany at the international level. The Nazi regime under […]
- The Holocaust and Nazi GermanyThe rise of the Nazis to power in 1933 led to the establishment of thousands of concentration camps, which were centers of mass murders of Jews.
- The Holocaust: Analysis of Life in the Kovno, Warsaw and Lodz GhettosDue to the continued capturing and shooting of the Jews at the forts, Rabbi Shapiro felt that the Jews should be separated from the Lithuanians to live into the Ghetto and thus a seven member […]
- How Holocaust Has Been Projected by the Different Historians Over the Years?Several historians claimed that it was unfair as it was an act of barbarism and it promoted wicked behavior with the innocent people of Jewish community while on the other hand, it was said that […]
- Jewish Insight of HolocaustHolocaust, the extermination of Jews from the European land was the example of brutality and viciousness of the Nazi Germany. Meanwhile, many historians were observing the situation critically and wanted to present their ideas about […]
- Shooting At the Holocaust MuseumAccording to the incident report, von Brunn entered the museum and shot the guard. His motive was to hold the board members who were in the building hostage for the economic difficulties that the country […]
- The History of the HolocaustHitler said that the root cause of the problems were the despicable Jews of Europe. The direct victims were the Jews but the rest of the world understood the consequences of inaction and the lack […]
- Holocaust and the Cold WarCold war refers to the military and political tension between the United States of America and the Soviet Union immediately after the World War 2.
- Reinhard Heydrich’s Role in the HolocaustWith the help of his boss: Himmler[7], they used political forces to influence the police in an attempt to ensure the consolidation of the Nazi administration in the entire nation of Germany[8].
- Doris Bergen: Nazi’s Holocaust Program in “War and Genocide”The discussion of the Holocaust cannot be separated from the context of the World War II because the Nazi ideology of advancing the Aryans and murdering the undesirable people became one of the top reasons […]
- The ‘Banality’ of Abstraction: Western Philosophy’s Failure to Address the Moral Implications of the HolocaustAdditionally, I would like to address the relationship of Arendt and Heidegger in the context of The Holocaust, and the effect that it had upon their philosophical works.
- Conduction of The HolocaustPropaganda against Jews The common media the Nazis used for the campaign against the Jews was the Weekly Nazis newspaper, “The attacker”.
- Does Global English Mean Linguistic Holocaust?It is not difficult to find examples of the extinction of languages in the wake of the introduction of English. Some of the most active areas of extinction include the American West, where a variety […]
- The Horror of the Holocaust in Different Styles of WritingOne of the thematic thread that unites these three works of the writers from different countries is their attempt to reproduce how cruel and unfair the actions of the Nazi were. The Holocaust, the judgment […]
- Peter Eisenman; Building Germany, the Holocaust MemorialThe Jews were not the Nazi’s only victims during the holocaust, other casualties were the weak and disabled people in the society, who were killed on the pretext of the Euthanasia program.
- The Holocaust: A German Historian Examines the GenocideThe Holocaust: A German Historian Examines the Genocide deals with one of the most debatable issues of the history of the twentieth century, i.e.
💡 Most Interesting Holocaust Topics to Write about
- The Holocaust: Religion, Race and Ethnicity Discrimination
- Holocaust Resistance: The Largest Jews Revolt Holocaust
- The Violent Conditions and Dehumanization Faced by the Jewish People During the Holocaust
- Analysis of the Causes of the Holocaust in Germany
- The Anger and Bewilderment of Holocaust Survivors
- Racist and Hate Crimes During the Holocaust
- The Long-Lasting Impact of the Holocaust on the Survivors
- The Holocaust, and the Statistics of the Tragic Events
- General Information About the Holocaust Was Genocide Against the Jewish Race
- The Causes and Effects the Holocaust Was Responsible for the Death of 6 Million
- Overview of the Chinese Holocaust and Experiments on Living People
- The Goals and Impact of the Holocaust Camps in Germany
- General Information About the Horrible Events That Took Place During the Holocaust
- The Different Killing Methods Used by the Nazi Germans During the Holocaust
- The U.S. Government’s Disregard of the Jewish Holocaust
- Survivor’s Syndrome Among Holocaust Survivors
- The German Holocaust: Treatment of the Germans After WWII
- Holocaust Survivor Testimonies: Time, Methodology and Memory
- The Link Between Nazi Propaganda and the Holocaust
- Holocaust Survivor Bewilderment and Anger
- Stolen Art Literature and Music of the Holocaust
- The Genesis and History of the Holocaust in Nazi Germany
- The Knowledge About the Holocaust To Avoid the Same Experience
- Analysis of the Holocaust and the Crisis of Human Behavior
- The Horrific Experience and Fate of the Children During the Holocaust
❓ Holocaust Essay Questions
- How Did the Holocaust Affect the Jewish Community?
- How Does the American Holocaust Show the Huge Decline of Native Americans?
- Was German “Eliminationist Anti Semitism” Responsible for the Holocaust?
- How Were Jews Treated During the Holocaust?
- What Is the Relationship Between Holocaust and Genocide?
- How the Holocaust Took Away the Rights of Jewish People?
- What Was the Strength of the Nazis During the Holocaust?
- With Whom Does Responsibility for the Holocaust Ultimately Lie?
- How the Pope Affected the Holocaust?
- What Events Led to the Holocaust in Germany?
- How Was Survival Possible in the Death Camps of the Holocaust?
- Were the Jehovah’s Witnesses Really Affected by the Holocaust?
- Why Does God Permit Tragic Events Like the Holocaust Terrorist Attacks?
- What Was Hitler’s Role in the Holocaust?
- Why Is Peter Eisenman Building a Memorial to the Victims of the Holocaust in Germany?
- How Does the Holocaust Compare to One Other Form of Modern Genocide (Kurdish Genocide)?
- What Are the Problems Between Jews and Christians That Caused the Holocaust?
- How Did Oskar Schindler Act During the Holocaust?
- What Prejudices Were There During the Holocaust?
- How Did People Avoid Removal During the Holocaust?
- What Kind of Medical Experiments Were Carried Out During the Holocaust?
- How Did the Holocaust Affect Ordinary People?
- What Are the Proposals for Preventing a New Holocaust?
- How Did the U.S. React to the Holocaust in Germany?
- Why Was the World Silent During the Holocaust?
- How the Holocaust Affected Its Jewish Victims?
- What Are the Consequences of the Holocaust and Its Consequences for the Jews and the Rest of the Population?
- How the Holocaust Explodes the Concept of Mass Crime?
- Why Are Jews Demanding Compensation for Holocaust Damage?
- What Economic and Social Conditions Led to the Holocaust?