126 Nationalism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Are you looking for nationalism essay topics? This is a very complex subject, so you can be misled easily. Read our nationalism essay examples to discover the most fruitful issues.

In your nationalism essay, you might want to focus on its key features or history. Another idea is to talk about the challenges of nationalism, discussing why it is a working idea or not. One more option is to research the history and formation of nationalism in different countries. Whether you are assigned to write an argumentative essay, research paper, or thesis on this topic, our article will be helpful. Here you’ll find everything you might need to write an A+ paper! Nationalism research questions, prompts, and title ideas are collected below. Best nationalism essay examples are also added to inspire you even more.

🏆 Best Nationalism Essay Topics & Examples

  1. Nationalism as a Problem by Partha Chatterjee
    The second chapter named ‘The Thematic and the problematic’ tries to distinguish between the thematic and the problematic levels of nationalist thought.
  2. Has Nationalism Been a Unifying or Divisive Force During the 19th and 20th Centuries?
    It can therefore be said that colonial rule gave rise to the two forces of unifying nationalism and divisive tribalism and that the appropriate and legitimate framework for decolonization was nationalism, which emanated from the […]
  3. Nationalism in the Postcolonial Viewpoint
    As such, the school of thought also challenges the notion that Western nationalism is the sole form of the phenomenon. This essay will discuss the dangers of nationalism, as seen from the postcolonial perspective, as […]
  4. Nationalism in the Ottoman Empire
    The battle of Nicopolis also saw the empire expand into other regions of the European continent but later, other conquests such as the battle of Ankara, the conquest of Constantinople and the invasion of Otranto […]
  5. Linguistic Nationalism in Korea Under Japanese Occupation
    The present paper focuses on the review of studies dedicated to the Korean language’s status during Japan’s colonization and discusses how Koreans tried to defend their language and nation’s rights.
  6. Nationalism Versus Capitalism: Compare & Contrast
    According to Marxist philosopher, Herbert Marcuse, the main disadvantage of capitalism is prosperity that seduces workers with the items of comfort and makes them forget their primarily aim of overthrowing the capitalism.
  7. Reformation and Rise of Nationalism
    The country was then an already operational state was being ruled by monarchy.”The political and constitutional changes that came in the wake of the French Revolution led to the transfer of sovereignty from the monarchy […]
  8. The Relation of Music to Nationalism in the Work of Bedrich Smetana Composer
    This paper discusses and explores the following; the meaning and background of nationalism as a political and cultural force in the nineteenth century particularly in Europe, and the relation of music to nationalism exploring the […]
  9. Shinto Religion and Japanese Nationalism
    The kami was the first leader of the Japanese people who contributed to the creation of Japan as a state. They note that the style of dressing and the performance of rituals show that Shinto […]
  10. Football and Nationalism in Argentina
    Among the most popular sports in Argentina is football with Boca Juniors and River Plate as some of the best-performing clubs hailing from the country. Despite political turmoil, Boca Juniors and River Plate transformed the […]
  11. Nationalism and Its 19th Century History
    Although the majority of nations in Europe were established during the 20th century, it is worth to note that the events leading to the creation of these states took place during the 19th century.
  12. Features of Nationalism: Types and Stereotypes
    At the base of nationalism is the idea of nation as the supreme authority, which substitutes all other possible sources and guarantors of the highest value.
  13. Nationalism and 19th Century Music
    It was in the wake of the nationalist revolts that rose out of 1848: the intention to demand freedom from the shackles of the Austrian Empire.
  14. The Concept of Nationalism: Theory, Ideology, and History
    Instances of nationalism provided in the annals of history are the rise of Nazi Germany or the Arab nationalism. Nationalism and national identity is created through this common sense of the nation.
  15. Nationalism and Its Negative Effects in the Modern World
    This is the difference between a nationalism of a nation that interferes with the rights of other nations as it strives to uphold its own objectives and a nationalism that is sensitive to the rights […]
  16. Nationalism as a Political Occurrence
    Anthony Smith recognized five ways of using nationalism: the entire procedure of developing and preserving a nation; a source of sense of belonging and patriotism to the nation; symbolization to the nation; a political orientation […]
  17. Nationalism: Unity and Divisions
    Nationalism is a core concept in anthropology that encompasses the desire for a collective identity and the belief in the value of one’s social, political, and cultural group.
  18. Nationalism in Austria, Germany and Italy
    Italy and Germany were able to become the major political powers only through unification under a robust national idea, with the domination of the Austrian Empire serving as the catalyst of this process.
  19. Korean Nationalism: Yi Hangno and Ch’oe Ikhyŏn
    In fact, they are quite sharp in their writings; for example, Ch’oe Ikhy n refers to the Japanese as people who “have the face of human beings but the mind of beasts” and repeatedly refers […]
  20. The Nationalism Role During the French Revolution
    One of the most developed variants of this concept is the nationalism of the era of the French Revolution. In 1789, with the outbreak of the French Revolution, the idea of nationalism spread throughout France, […]
  21. A Critical Review of Nancy Ward: American Patriot or Cherokee Nationalist
    The article states that Nancy Ward’s actions come from her understanding of changes that Cherokee had to face, and her will to adapt to the changes rather than commit to American Patriotism or Cherokee nationalism.
  22. Stokely Carmichael’s Contribution to Black Nationalism
    The purpose of the Meredith March was to create equal rights for black voters to remove the fear of many black people to cross Mississippi and to fight against racism.
  23. Nationalism: Theories and Classification
    Expansionist nationalism; this is a form of nationalism that promotes the theory of expansion of a nation’s territories in an attempt to acquire more space or land to accommodate its people
  24. Nationalism in the Modern-Day World
    He says that in the developed countries of Europe, Asia and the United States of America industrialization and a strong economic base has in particular led to rise of nationalism in them.
  25. Nationalism in World War II
    Another critical “nation-statehood making” is the break of the Soviet Union and the end of cold war between Soviet Union republic and the United States.
  26. The Rise of Nationalism in Nineteenth Century
    It was the case in 19th-century Germany when Poles were represented as a threat to the well-being of Germany. To conclude, the nationalism of 19th-century Europe is a crucial phenomenon in world history.
  27. Techno-Nationalism: Future Trends in the IT Industry
    Chips are in extremely short supply due to the shift to remote working, unanticipated changes in demand during the pandemic era, and other supply chain disruptions.
  28. 19th-Century European Nationalism’s Impact on History
    Specifically, in Germany, the specified phenomenon created the basis for the further rise of the power of the working class, or the proletariat.
  29. Exploring the Differences Between Globalism and Nationalism
    Whereas globalism promotes international collaboration and interdependence, nationalism emphasizes the value of national sovereignty and autonomy. To clarify the distinction between globalism and nationalism, globalism is an ideology that promotes international collaboration, interdependence, and free […]
  30. Impact of Migration on Nationalism During the 19th Century
    In the 19th century, migration influenced nationalism since increased interactions led to the unity of purpose among citizens in various states. For instance, the migration of Europeans to African countries made the locals doubt the […]

👍 Good Nationalism Essay Examples

  1. Revolutions, Nationalism, and Exploitation in the Modern World
    Many meaningful changes occurred between 1789 and 2001, including the French Revolution in the 1780s, German nationalism in the 1800s, and the Gulag repressions in the 1900s.
  2. Quebec Separation: Nationalism, History, and Benefits
    The French government did not want to invest in the colony, and it granted the development of the settlement to a trading company, which was given a monopoly on the fur trade and was to […]
  3. White Nationalism as a Growing Problem in Society
    The group seeks to protect the survival and domination of the white race and the traditional cultures of the historically white communities.
  4. Nationalism in the Context of Globalization
    It is important to understand the idea of nationalism through the relationship between the concepts of state and nation. In other words, the crisis of citizenship is rooted in the notion of the disappearance of […]
  5. Martial Arts Cinema and Nationalism
    The Chinese have mastered the uniqueness of their martial arts, thereby relying on them as one of the best and most powerful tools for promoting a sense of pride and nationalism.
  6. Nationalism in Europe Before WWI
    This movement was the result of effective propaganda and an aggressive policy aimed at the redistribution of territories and the seizure of power.
  7. Imperialism, Colonialism, and Nationalism
    The concepts of imperialism, colonialism, and nationalism were particularly prominent and essential in the 19th and 20th centuries. In conclusion, imperialism, colonialism, and nationalism played a key role in the course of the 19th and […]
  8. Feminism and Nationalism: The Western World
    In this case, we find that feminism has been a different that all the time and therefore, it is impossible to predict the trend of feminism in future.
  9. Political Economy: Relationship Between Poverty, Inequality, and Nationalism
    The prevalence of nationalism leads to changes in the education system, as the government tries to justify the superiority of the country by altering the curriculum.
  10. African Nationalism as Colonial Legacy
    The oppression of rural areas and production and the prioritization of the urban population has become the main reason for the spread of poverty among the African population.
  11. Imperialism and Nationalism in Middle Eastern Politics
    Thus, in order to understand the political situation in the region, one needs proper knowledge of its history and the driving forces that led to the emergence of its contemporary countries.
  12. Nationalism and Identity Among Middle East Immigrants to Australia
    The common myth about the Muslim immigrants especially those from the middles east is that they have formed a unitary cultural identity.
  13. Architecture: Nationalism to Regionalism in Australia
    From the above description of the architecture, it is clear that it is a unique way of showing identities that vary from one civilization to the other, one ethnicity to the other, and from one […]
  14. Nietzsche’s Nihilism and the Rise of Ethnic Nationalism
    It was connected to the attempts of the philosopher to find a way out of the political and cultural crisis in Europe.
  15. China’s Nationalism: Main Aspects
    The moral fabric of the Chinese people has become jeopardized by the beliefs of the masses and the support of the government.
  16. Nationalism in the Context of the Japanese
    Nationalism in the context of the Japanese entails a very wide range of ideologies and sentiments that have been adopted by the Japanese people for the past two centuries concerning their native nation, the culture, […]
  17. Serbian Nationalism Rise Main Factors
    The rising of nationalism at the time when the period of the late 1700s was coming to a close is associated with the multiplication of the thought of well-liked independence.
  18. Arab Masculinity and Nationalism, on the Example of Two Novels
    The novels Season of Migration to the North by Tayeb Salih and Beer in the Snooker Club by Waguih Ghali brightly reveal the story of two male heroes who are in constant search of a […]
  19. Nationalism of Southeast Asian Nations
    They authors portray the struggles of average people who strive to prove to themselves and to the rest of the world that they must not be treated as inferior or subhuman.
  20. Nationalism Definition & Meaning
    There is no permission to target civilians in a war and all possible efforts must be made to avoid the killing of noncombatants.
  21. The History of Canadian Cultural Nationalism and Anti-Americanism
    This paper analyses the movements and the efforts taken to protect the cultural nationalism in Canada, and providing the idea that the reasons for such actions were not limited to opposing the Americanization, or specifically […]
  22. Nineteenth Century Musical Nationalism: Important Milestones
    A great hero of Italian music and opera, Verdi is put in the front reference when it comes to music discussion, nineteenth century Italy and nationalism.
  23. China’s Rising Nationalism
    The supremacy of pride in Confucianism civilization is present in the nationalists in China. In Chinese nationalism nowadays, Intellectuals contribute significantly and they have become a major dividing force in the politics and ideology of […]
  24. German National Consciousness
    Much was needed to instill a sense of German identity and common political ambition, a feeling of belonging together as one nation, into the populations of the central European states, Protestant and Catholic alike, the […]
  25. Proto-Nationalism in Korea and Other Nations Since 1780
    The reading also touches upon the topic of language and the role it plays in the evolution of proto-nationalism and the promotion of its ideas across the globe. What is the role of proto-nationalism in […]
  26. Proto-Nationalism in Premodern Korea and Since 1780
    Hobsbawm discusses the reasons and the ways of the concept of “national patriotism” becoming a powerful political force within a short time.
  27. Nationalist Ideologies’ Rise in the 19th Century
    The growing popularity of nationalist ideologies in the 19th century was as a result of the following factors. Many people were exposed to political knowledge as a result of the spread of nationalist ideologies.
  28. New States and Nationalism in International Arena
    Globalization and the current international arena are hostile to all new states and that makes their entrance a nightmare that they wish to overcome.
  29. Ethnicity and Nationalism
    In the chapter, the author lists a number of different approaches to studying the position of women in society. This is a very interesting application and extension of the ideas expressed in Peggy Macintosh’s article […]
  30. American Culture and U.S. Nationalism
    I am convinced that the American culture is one of the best cultures in the world. This has seen my appreciation of the American culture.

💡 Most Interesting Nationalism Topics to Write About

  1. Conservatism, Nationalism, Socialism as Ideologies
    From the time of its establishment, the term has been used in the description of a broad range of views about political science.
  2. Sports Role in the Imperialism and Nationalism Development
    In that case, it is an indication of certain developments within the nation’s country that promote the ideas of inequality and superiority, such as the ideas of imperialism and nationalism.
  3. Piano Music, Baroque and Nationalism Influences
    The keyboard music of the Baroque period has exhibited the features characteristic of the other forms of art of the period: the increasingly complex and ornate patterns and the virtuosic and exquisite nature of the […]
  4. Anglo-American Relations, Freedom and Nationalism
    Thus, in his reflection on the nature of the interrelations between two powerful empires, which arose at the end of the 19th century, the writer argues that the striving of the British Empire and the […]
  5. Nationalism and Colonialism in Arab Literature
    In brief, the narrative mainly starts as a “love and romance story” that portrays the life of Muhsin, his love with Saniya and state of jealous in his family.
  6. Asian Studies: Vietnamese Nationalism
    The decline of the colonial rule in Vietnam gave rise to the development of the nationalist movement in this country. In particular, one should focus on the views of Phan Chu Trinh, Ho Chi Minh, […]
  7. Nationalism in International Relations
    Given this interplay of international relations and nationalism, this paper examines the view that nationalism has been and continues to be the most significant force in international relations.
  8. Is It Possible to Imagine Nationalism Without the Nation?
    The historical development of the notion of nationalism streams from the ancient politics that witnessed the dramatic emergence of the French Revolution of 1789 that marked the formation of the first ‘nation-state’.
  9. German Nationalism and Its Effects
    There has been an extensive account of a favorite cultural model in Germany, even prior to the augmentation of the National Socialists and their capitalization on the initiative of the Volksgemeinschaft in the 1930s and […]
  10. The Nationalism and Islam in the Middle East Region
    The discovery of crude oil in the region during the 20th century has changed the fortunes of the region. The issue of the Jewish resettlement in the Middle East has been viewed as central to […]
  11. Nationalism and Its 19th Century History From a Moral and Functional Perspective
    France used nationalism to unite the state against its enemies, and this showed the morality of nationalism. The paper first describes the nature and history of nationalism.
  12. Battle of Verdun: Nationalism and Pride
    Based on the account of Horne and the opinions presented in this paper, it can be stated that the entire battle of Verdun was complete was of human life and shows how nationalism and pride […]
  13. The Representation of Irish Nationalism
    In contrast, Joyce’s “The Dead” criticizes the cultural imperialism that threatens the harmony of the Irish and the revival of the Irish language and culture.
  14. Ethnic Nationalism Among People
    The researcher also notes that the conflicts are inevitable in the contemporary globalized world as people witness the differences between the cultures.
  15. Nationalism Does Not Form a Single Fraternal Community
    Now that a description of the Argentinean historical and political discourse has been given, it is crucial to link this to the divergent occurrence of nationalism in the country.
  16. Nationalist State in Southern Africa
    The country is ranked as the biggest economy in Africa and is the 28th largest economy in the world. In 1820s, the Dutch and the British acquired land in the north and east of South […]
  17. The Role of Nationalism and National Identities in the Uae
    According to Patrick the UAE has yet to develop the concept of a nation as manifested by the increase in the public debate approaches to guard the national identity through amicably defining who is a […]
  18. History of Black Nationalism
    The black movement passed a message of thinking about the racial identity and the empowerment of the free blacks in the United States.
  19. Nationalism in Korean Cinema
    In the course of his duty as a police officer, he arrest citizens and in the process tortures one by the name Myongsik in attempt to maintain order in the society that is marred with […]
  20. Ethnic Nationalism in the Modern World
    Therefore, it still remains that ethnonationalism is a major cause of the plight of minority groups and the increase of refugees in the world today. It was this ethnic mixing that led to the idea […]
  21. Nationalism and Changing Roles
    Nationalism has various effects to the people involved and this paper looks into the effects of nationalism on the roles of the working class, women, and minorities in an effort to achieve political power through […]
  22. History of Nationalist Ideologies
    The dominance of global politics and values by nationalist ideologies can be traced back to the ninetieth century, from the Romantic concept, “cultural diversity” and the liberal’s argument that political legitimacy is only achieved from […]
  23. The Concept and History of Liberal Nationalism
    It can be argued that it is only in the “Age of Renaissance where one can find the emergence of this particular idea, the idea that a group of people came together to form an […]
  24. New Nationalism: Origins and Effects
    The movement concentrated on issues relating to history of man and the intrigues of civilization. This brought a new dimension to understanding of social situations and the required procedure for diffusing upheavals in society.
  25. Rise and Development of Nationalism in East Asia
    Even though much of the concerns about the alteration of the dressing to have the capacity to erode the culture of the Chinese people concerned what women wore in the ninetieth century, the link between […]
  26. Nationalism’s Opposing Meanings
    In this publication, Anderson referred to the constructed nature of culture and the role of print capitalism in nationalism. The Revolution attracted the National Guard, the militia, and a section of the army.
  27. GCC Countries: National Identity or Radical Nationalism
    Still going on, the conflict which was further referred to as the ‘Saudi national debate’ has transcended the boundaries of critiquing the political issues in the state and has become the voice of the national […]
  28. Religious Hypocrisy in Dublin and Nationalism
    As Benstock argues, the priest is in near state of mind breakdown as he is in the verge of losing the faith that he proclaimed in the church.
  29. Influence of Nationalism and Communism on the Non-Western World
    In countries like Japan, class mantra was the order of the day in the areas that were controlled by communists, the CCP which was the main political party was against agrarian radicalism and hence abandoned […]
  30. Adolf Hitler and Nationalism
    The war would also bring the downfall of the old European culture of kings and noblemen and their codes of honor”.[2] However, neither the number of casualties at the battlefields could reflect the actual devastation […]
  31. Anarchy, Black Nationalism and Feminism
    The site acknowledges that anarchism has been associated with violence and therefore the site is meant to enlighten both anarchists and the public on this misconception.

❓ Nationalism Essay Questions

  1. Was WWI the Result of Tensions Caused by German Nationalism?
  2. Does Taglit Birthright Israel Foster Long-Distance Nationalism?
  3. How Did Nationalism Reveal Itself Through Films During World War II?
  4. Was There Any Such Thing as African Nationalism Before?
  5. What Extent Did the Revolutions of 1848 Support the Ideas of Nationalism and Liberalism?
  6. How Does Nationalism Affect Nations?
  7. Why Did Chinese Nationalism Fail?
  8. How Do Different Political Geographers Study Nationalism?
  9. How Black Nationalism Helped Civil Rights?
  10. How Does Nationalism Solidify a Country?
  11. How Does Globalisation Affect Nationalism?
  12. Why Has Nationalism Become Such a Powerful Force in the Mode?
  13. What Came First Nations or Nationalism?
  14. What Has Nationalism Done to Europe?
  15. How Adolf Hitler Implemented a Distinct Form of Nationalism?
  16. What Explanations Are Offered for the Development of Nationalism?
  17. Does Nationalism Inevitably Breed Rivalry and Conflict?
  18. How Comanches and Nationalism Helped Young United States?
  19. How Strong Was Nationalism in the Second Reich?
  20. Was Nationalism the Most Important Force of Change in Europe up to 1870?
  21. How Nationalism Affected Composer’s Music?
  22. When Does Nationalism Become Ultra Nationalism?
  23. How Did Nationalism Arise in Southeast Asia History?
  24. What Can the Study of Nationalism Contribute to Our Understanding of International Relations?
  25. How Important Has Nationalism Been in Shaping the Modern World?
  26. How Does Radical Nationalism Affect Society?
  27. Can the European Union Be Considered as a Compensator for Serbian Nationalism?
  28. How Does Nationalism Influence Europe During the 20th?
  29. Why Did the Idea of Liberal Nationalism Fail in 19th Century Germany?
  30. How Far Has Nationalism Changed Over the Last Hundred Years?

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"126 Nationalism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 22 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/nationalism-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '126 Nationalism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 22 November. (Accessed: 16 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2024. "126 Nationalism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 22, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/nationalism-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "126 Nationalism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 22, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/nationalism-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "126 Nationalism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 22, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/nationalism-essay-topics/.