173 Suicide Essay Titles and Examples

🏆 Best Suicide Essay Examples and Topics

  1. Consequentialism: Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide
    People against euthanasia view the consequences of legalization as a gateway to other unethical practices being accepted, which is a slippery slope that could lead to adverse consequences to the fundamental principles and values of […]
  2. Durkheim’s study of suicide
    Durkheim argues that, suicide is a social phenomenon, and the main causes of suicide were social: the end of overpowering of social relationship.
  3. Sociological Imagination: Domestic Violence and Suicide Risk
    Hence, considering these facts, it is necessary to put the notion of suicide risk in perspective when related to the issue of domestic violence.
  4. Psychology, Anthropology, Sociology: Teen Suicide
    For young people, suicide continues to be a major problem as thousands of teenagers in the U.S.commit suicide each year. The risk of teen suicide is also seen to increase when they have access to […]
  5. Edna’s Suicide in Kate Chopin’s “The Awakening”
    Thesis: Edna’s journey to the end of the sea at the end of the novel can be interpreted in two ways: the simplistic one being that Edna commits suicide and a deeper interpretation being it’s […]
  6. Suicide Bombings on the Dorrat Al Jadawel Compound
    As seen in the recorded wills that were made shortly before they carried out their suicide attacks, one interconnecting theme between all of the bombers is their assumption that what they do is for the […]
  7. Teenage Suicide Statistics
    Although teenagers are more vulnerable to committing suicide, some predisposing factors and circumstances trigger the depression and subsequent development of suicidal feelings and thoughts.
  8. Gay Marriage: Societal Suicide
    While Colson and Morse cannot neglect the need to oppose gay marriage because it destroys human society, the tone, references to the law, and the language chosen for the article help the reader understand the […]
  9. Should Assisted Suicide Be Legalized
    Regardless of the conditions of a person, it is imperative to appreciate the fact that people have the free will to decide what to do to their lives without causing any form of harm to […]
  10. Ethical Issues in Crisis Intervention: Suicide Attempt
    The hypothetical scenario for the current assignment is the suicide attempt by a 37-year-old male who experienced anxiety and a sense of hopelessness after the divorce.
  11. Moral, Ethical and Legal Dilemmas of Suicide
    Since it is a duty of medical practitioners to treat and care for patients, it would be immoral to allow a patient to commit suicide.
  12. Durkheim and His Theory of Suicide
    In his famous work Suicide, Durkheim dismisses the notion that suicide is a special form of madness, and that it never occurs when an individual is sane; Durkheim argues that although certain acts committed by […]
  13. The Right to Suicide: Arguments in Favor
    The decade of the 60s and 70s in which the trend of suicide started and never stopped. Many would want to argue against the presence of such a right but there are some proponents of […]
  14. Suicide by Cop: Exploration, Definition and Issues
    One of the reasons why suicide-by-cop is not very understood in the American society and why the police is not very much aware of how to deal with this is the lack of research in […]
  15. Morality and Ethics of Assisted Suicide
    In this case, utilitarian theorists argue that it is right to facilitate assisted suicide because it will rid the victim of their suffering once and for all.
  16. Increased Suicide in Emergency Departments
    The topic of this study is the prevention of suicide attempts leading to the death of patients and medical personnel in emergency department.
  17. Death and Suicide on TV and Social Media
    The media’s portrayal of suicide and death is discussed by Carmichael & Whitley, with particular reference to American newspapers’ coverage of Robin Williams’ suicide.
  18. Elder Abuse, Euthanasia, and Suicide
    The most dismal fact is that the reasons for elder abuse and the ways to overcome it are still unknown. Neglect is characterized by the failure or refusal to perform the duties of caring for […]
  19. Suicide Education and Prevention
    In addition, divorce can profoundly impact a person’s mental health and well-being and is linked to increased suicide risk. As a result, the feelings of despair and hope associated with suicidal ideation in those dealing […]
  20. Aspects of the Social Facts and Suicide
    Ways in which Durkheim’s Definition of Social Facts can be Applied to Suicide and Infant Mortality Durkheim’s concept of social facts can be applied in two ways to suicide and infant mortality.
  21. Adolescents’ Suicide Behaviors and Predictors
    The issue of suicide among adolescents needs to be studied more profoundly, and this research is a step toward this idea.
  22. Cognitive Therapy for the Prevention of Suicide
    Previous studies have actively examined the effectiveness of cognitive therapy in the management of suicidal behaviors among young women and adolescents.
  23. Suicide Among Youth as a Worldwide Issue
    The world needs to pay more attention to this issue because of the many young lives that society loses and the socioeconomic and psychological effects suicide causes.
  24. Suicide and Social Influences on Behavior
    The rationale for this is that other factors working against an individual’s suicide are outweighed by the detrimental value of their endurance to suffer and lose their honor.
  25. Assisted Suicide: Legalization in the US
    Research Question: Is there a need to legalize assisted suicide in the United States based on the current needs of patients and their families?
  26. Suicide Rates Across Different Countries
    In particular, the work attempts to determined the existence of differences among male and female suicide rates, accounting for the effects of age, and generation “Gen”, across countries.
  27. Adolescent Suicide in Australia
    The retrospective study based on the completed suicide cases in Australia among 10-19-year-old teenagers aimes to compare psychological and demographic characteristics of the cases between adolescents of younger and older age, males, and females.
  28. Social Causes of Suicide: Sex, Race, Ethnicity, Age Group, and Mechanism of Death
    Suicide is one of the top ten main causes of death in the United States, making it a major issue. The suicide rate in the West is higher than in the South, Midwest, and Northeast.
  29. Suicide Risk in the LGBTQ Community
    As a result, it is vital to conduct a thorough analysis of all the factors contributing to the health disparity and identify the possible solutions to the problem of suicide risk among LGBTQ individuals.
  30. Barratt Impulsiveness Scale for Suicide Prevention
    In order to address the possibility of self-harm and suicide in a Med/Surg unit, the personnel should be able to identify the risk in the first place.
  31. Teenage Suicide and Preventive Measures
    Secondly, it is essential to formulate questions correctly, calmly, and lucidly to ask about the essence of the disturbing situation and about what help is needed.
  32. Problem of Suicide in Modern Society
    It is complemented by the lack of thereof in the elderly population, and this fact contributes to the seemingly higher risks for adolescents, whereas it is not confirmed by research.
  33. The Relationship Between Sexual Orientation and Suicide
    The authors of the article conducted a study of the relationship between sexual orientation and suicide risks. The article is aimed at people with a high level of knowledge and education.
  34. Durkheim’s Methodology and Theory of Suicide
    The evidence of the similarities in structure could be examined by comparing the ways of presenting the concepts of suicide and social fact in the mentioned works.
  35. Assisted Suicide for Individuals With Severe Mental Illnesses
    The pillars of these arguments and debates are inclined toward the broad fundamental principles of duties to society and oneself, together with the central question of the value of life.

👍 Good Suicide Titles for Essays

  1. Medically Assisted Suicide Realities in Canada
    From these considerations, act utilitarianism supports assisted suicide in case of incurable diseases since it would result in less pain for the subject and, therefore, maximizes their net good.
  2. Veteran Peer Suicide Prevention
    The two completing needs of the veterans in the United States are the ability to access healthcare services and the lack of policies and practices that are specifically designed to address the healthcare needs of […]
  3. Did Hitler Commit Suicide?
    The siege of Berlin by the Soviet soldiers marked the end of his rule. The confirmation of the teeth to be of the ruler proves he died in the bunker.
  4. Teenage Suicide: Statistics Data, Reasons and Prevention
    One of the most comprehensible methods to showcase and emphasize the importance of the issue is drawing the statistics of teenage suicide rates and other valuable data related to the problem.
  5. Causes of Increased Suicide Rates in the United States
    The lack of hope in future economic prospects coupled with the opioid epidemic and easy accessibility to guns has culminated in a rapid rise in suicide rates.
  6. Suicide Rates: Evidence-Based Practice Position Statement
    The PICO or clinical question formulated in regards to the identified healthcare issue is the following: in the population of adolescents aged between 10 and 19 presenting to emergency departments or their NPs, what is […]
  7. The Global Problem of Geriatric Suicide
    The concern for an adult’s mental health in regards to suicide should begin at the age of 60, as at this period the issue is the most prevalent.
  8. Suicide Risk Factors in Adolescents
    Moreover, a family history of suicide can lead to other family members’ mental health complications, leading to increased chances of another member committing suicide.
  9. Personal Reflection on Suicide Prevention Information
    The accidental encounters involved reading through books, particularly of Judas and Samson in the Bible, and novels and short stories, such as Chicken Soup for the Soul.
  10. The United States Healthcare Intervention on Suicide Crisis
    However, the problem of increasing rates of suicide across the country is alarming and it raises the question of whether adequate efforts are made to curtail this crisis.
  11. How Does Cultural Continuity Play a Role in Youth Suicide Rates Among Indigenous People in Canada?
    In conclusion, it is possible to mention that there is a direct connection between youth suicide rates among Indigenous people in Canada and cultural continuity.
  12. Suicide Prevention Facts on the Adolescent Population
    Adolescent suicide and the increasing level of child suicide are painful topics that pose a number of problems and questions for parents and society: What prompts adolescents to take this step? Is it possible to […]
  13. Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide Articles
    According to the methods of application, there are two main types of euthanasia: “active”, which consists in performing certain actions to accelerate the death of a hopelessly ill person, and “passive”, the meaning of which […]
  14. Suicide Prevention Consultation Structure Analysis
    A specialist should capture and analyze the situation. A consultant should build the capacity of informal community care.
  15. Hegemonic Masculinity and Gender Variation in Suicide Rates
    This paper provides an overview of various aspects of psychology including the effects of sex, gender and sexuality on counseling psychology and the concept of hegemonic masculinity and its role in explaining gender variation in […]
  16. “Myths About Suicide” by Thomas Joiner
    However, the fact that it is physically difficult to commit suicide surprised me, and the idea that people who are one step before suicide are often difficult to distinguish made me think.
  17. Suicide: Theories, Dynamism, and Assessment
    The theory further distinguishes the desire to commit suicide from the capacity to do so. It is therefore imperative that people know the characteristics of those likely to commit suicide so as to avert it.
  18. Teenage Suicide in South Africa: A Survey Tool Design
    Another issue that needs to be addressed badly is whether the target audience is susceptible to the behavioral tendencies that occur among the young people of the specified age.
  19. Police Suicide: Causes, Prevention, Impacts
    As much as the media and the general population assume police officers are less susceptible to stress and depression due to long exposure to the life stressors, research indicates otherwise.
  20. Suicide in People With a Criminal Justice History
    The main questions raised in the study included suicide risk for the Danish population over the past three decades and possible relation of the results with the social and health problems of the suicides.
  21. The Suicide Warning Signs List
    However, most studies note that the most unique suicide warning signs include suicide threats, having a history of suicide attempts, and revealing statements insinuating the longing to commit suicide.
  22. Acne Treatment with Isotretinoin and Suicide Attempts
    This paper critically analyzes the findings of a research presented in the article “Association of suicide attempts with acne and treatment with isotretinoin: retrospective Swedish cohort study” where the link between the patients using isotretinoin […]
  23. Physician Assisted Suicide – State Laws
    This authorization may be given by the family members to the medical personnel irrespective of the fact that whether the death is imminent or not within the stipulated period of one year. In contrast to […]
  24. Family Factors and Youth Suicide
    This, in turn, is fraught with the loss of contact between a child and parents and is a driver that prompts teenagers to seek a way out in suicidal thoughts.
  25. “The Effect of Country Music on Suicide” by Stack and Gundlach
    The main dependent variable in ‘The Effect of Country Music on Suicide’ study is the suicide rate. They have also compared the effect of country music to fictional suicide stories.
  26. Western Philosophy: David Hume on Suicide
    This is due to the compatibility that exists between freedom and the determination of one’s actions. The advantage is that this may prevent a person from contemplating suicide.
  27. Suicide Prevention Program Components
    An important component of suicide prevention is a prior investigation of suicidal tendencies of prisoners. Offenders who are susceptible to suicide should be provided with counseling.
  28. Suicide Prevention Programming in the Jail Setting
    The article findings are in agreement with the text topic that the number of suicides among inmates with mental health issue is relatively higher in comparison to suicide among the normal inmates.
  29. College Suicide: The Key Reasons
    This paper will look at the reason why suicide is becoming a leading cause of death to college students, the responsibility of the college to the student in preventing suicide and the point where the […]
  30. J. M. Dieterle “Physician Assisted Suicide”
    These are reasonable as family members and insurance companies can pressure on the patient because of money, and the elderly, minorities and the poor are the most likely categories to suffer from prejudices and depression, […]
  31. Human Growth and Development: Teenage Suicide
    Trends in recent advances in the treatment of suicide cases can be highlighted and stories in the media about the incidents of suicide and the reasons for the same often prove to be very informative […]
  32. Various Myths That Are Related to Suicide and Crisis Intervention Procedures
    This is the last stage after a long period of depression and the victim have not managed to get assistance in order to deal with the environmental stressors.
  33. Teen Suicide and Depression
    In a recent national survey of teenagers concerning their information level and attitudes toward youth suicide, Marcenko et al revealed that 60 percent of the adolescents in the survey knew another teen who had attempted […]
  34. Institutional Theory in Suicide Prevention
    That is why the medical staff is required to possess the knowledge and skills of suicide prevention regardless of their medical specialization.
  35. The Issue of Assisted Suicide
    In the case of medical aid in dying, nurses should communicate with their patients to explore the reasons for assisted suicide requests and, if possible, seek alternative solutions and provide emotional support. It is essential […]

📌 Simple & Easy Suicide Speech Topics

  1. The Issue of Suicide in America
    Thus, the article formulates a hypothesis that a person’s disassociation with a religious denomination and their divorced marital status are “determinants of suicide rates”.
  2. Media Highlight of a Suicide at a Mental Hospital
    The omission of the story would likely make the overall argument weaker and increase the probability that nothing would be done to help resolve the matter.
  3. Teen Pregnancy Can Lead to Suicide and Poverty
    Importantly, it occurs as a result of various factors, and the complexity of the situation lies in the fact that a teenager is not ready to experience this condition and its consequences neither from the […]
  4. Suicide and Bipolar Disorder: Medical Treatment
    Still, the possibility to reduce the risks of suicides among people is the achieved outcome that makes physicians and psychiatrists choose this medication. This drug helps to reduce the frequency and severity of mood changes […]
  5. Prevention of Suicide in People with Schizophrenia
    As a strategy to prevent suicide in schizophrenic patients, the drugs are aimed at controlling the symptoms associated with the condition.
  6. Psychiatrist’s Role in Suicide of Terminally Ill Patients
    The con side, on the other hand, believes that the “safeguard” takes advantage of a scientific clinical course of action. A good example is the Catholic Church that is opposed to any given form of […]
  7. Suicide Prevention Consultation Model
    The second step is the analysis of the girl’s past and present behavior patterns and thinking of the most beneficial approaches for dealing with the problem.
  8. Youth Suicide Prevention: Health Promotion Plan
    In this paper, a proposed mental health initiative to meet the challenges of at-risk youth is discussed using the PDSA model and related evidence-based strategies based on IHI indicators included. Access to the program will […]
  9. Nursing Policy for Suicide Prevention in Students
    The significance of the issue to nursing is supported by the fact that depression may not only deteriorate the patients’ quality of life but also lead to the increase in associated morbidity and mortality rates.
  10. Suicide Prevention Program for Baltimore
    However, it has been noted that in order to reach the entire community, a reasonable program for suicide prevention should target the population as well as the individuals that are at a more significant risk […]
  11. Cyberbullying and Suicide
    In other countries where religion plays a key role in the values and norms of the people, suicide is a topic that is rarely discussed.
  12. Suicide and Older Men: Causes and Prevention
    Considering the factors of age and gender, it can be argued that the influences contributing to the high suicide rate among older men include psychological pressures, health problems, and social issues.
  13. Preventing Suicide in the Military and Veterans
    Surveys and psychological questionnaires after the military personnel returned from the war can be very helpful in determining the type of disorder.
  14. Amanda Todd’s Bullying and Suicide Story
    She was fifteen years old, and her story created a major uproar in the press, as it showed the true nature of bullying and the effects it has on the person.
  15. Suicide and Fundamental Attribution Theory
    The theory of the fundamental attribution asserts that in social situations, the following sequence is noted: a person observes the behavior of another person, makes a logical conclusion about the intentions of this person based […]
  16. Suicide in Teenagers: Health Policy Research
    Therefore, the evaluation of regulations and strategies and the factors that contribute to the positive outcomes in the administrative process is essential to the achievement of better policy effectiveness.
  17. Violent Extremism and Suicide Terrorist Attacks
    Thus, these also gave rise to numerous civil conflicts in different parts of the world which preconditioned the appearance of problems related to the preservation of public peace, protection of the existing world order, and […]
  18. College Students: Suicide and Bullying-Methods
    The analysts used this tool to report the mood of the participants by posting quizzes, which the students answered while filling the questionnaire.
  19. Teen Suicide Prevention Website
    The main objective of the official website of the Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide is to substantially minimize the number of teen suicides and attempted suicides being witnessed in the United States and […]
  20. College Students: Suicide and Bullying
    The misconception that bullying is a minor issue among college students has contributed to the high number of students who suffer because of bullying.
  21. Suicide, Bereavement and Grief
    In the case of egoistic suicide, the individual experiences a lack of social integration, preventing them from being connected to the resources that would presumably prevent suicide.
  22. Is Suicide Morally Wrong? – Philosophy
    Kant says that the wellbeing of a human being is supreme, thus suicide is an abominable act. It is obvious that the death of a person through suicide causes sadness and even grief to the […]
  23. Assisted Suicide: The Patient’s Decision
    Although this is the case, one thing that most of these individuals fail to recognize is that some medical conditions are irreversible; hence, prolonging individual’s live means increasing their suffering and hopelessness.
  24. Brady Act Homicide and Suicide Associated Rates
    The thesis of this paper was to determine whether the enactment of the Brady Act has a significant effect on the rates of homicide and suicide in the USA.
  25. Suicidal Behavior: Triggers and Solutions
    In view of the above facts, suicide is the willful initiation and actual completion of an act that will end the life of the initiator either in the full knowledge of a spy, which is […]
  26. Suicide in Teenager 14-18 Years Old
    Although the statistics show that there has been a considerable reduction in the number of the reported cases of suicide, the current rates are still worrying.
  27. Children and Adolescent Suicide Behavior
    Therefore, CBT as a methodology of helping in diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of suicidal behavior problems among adolescents is useful in social work to the extent that it can lead to the elimination of the […]
  28. Should Physician-Assisted Suicide Be Legal?
    In some cases, the patient may be forced to grapple with the pain for a very long period even if the doctors are sure that the chances of the pain going away are minimal to […]
  29. Suicide in the Military (US)
    The contributions of these factors to the rise in suicide in US military can be explained as follows. The authorities of the US military have taken cognizance of the need to reduce the cases of […]
  30. Korean President Roh Suicide From Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Perspective
    According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, self-actualization is the peak of experience when a person reaches understanding and harmony with his/herself and the surrounding people.
  31. Suicide Prevention in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
    The primary aims should be to meet with the referring practitioner to elucidate both the reason for the medical appointment and the expectations of the consultee to achieve a working understanding of the present nature […]
  32. Emile Durkheim’s View about Suicide
    He concluded from the findings of his study that there were lower rates of suicide among the Catholics due to the firm grip and control this religion had on the community.
  33. Bullying and Suicide Among Teenagers
    Specific objectives Analyze the causes of bullying among teenagers in the country Analyze the effects of bullying among victims, perpetrators and by-standers Analyze the relationship between bullying in school and suicide among teenagers in the […]
  34. ‘Double Suicide’ – By Shinoda Masahiro
    Being one of the four foremost innovative Japanese directors of the modern wave of movie and film stylization developed between the 1950s and 1960s, Shinoda maintained the major concepts of the story to ensure that […]
  35. Young Generation is Suffering from Chronic Suicide
    On the same note, they should be in a position to talk to the child and when they cannot handle the problem they forward the student to the school canceller who may take away the […]

💡 Suicide Persuasive Essay Topics

  1. Medically Assisted Suicide Problem
    If laws are passed permitting assisted suicide, relatives of sick individuals may even urge them to seek suicide to end the suffering and pain.
  2. Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
    The final act that results in the death of the person is however usually performed by the person intending to die after the provision of information, advice and even the ways through which he or […]
  3. Causes and Effects of Teenage Suicide in Canada
    The issue in this research is to identify the major causes of Suicide amongst the Canadian youths and the consequent result to the society.
  4. Why Physician Assisted Suicide Is Morally Wrong?
    There is also involuntary PAS, where the patient does not want to die and the doctor performs the act without their knowledge. They feel that the time of active contribution to their homes and the […]
  5. The Medical Practice of Helping Patients to Commit Suicide
    Keeping the arguments from both sides in mind, this paper reviews the current legal status and the effects of legalizing assisted suicide in the states of Oregon, Washington, and Montana with the aim of supporting […]
  6. Suicide Risks Identification
    There are several factors which affect human condition and may be considered as the main signs of suicide risk. Therefore, it should be concluded that depression and anxiety, especially which last for a lengthy period […]
  7. Pros and Cons of Physical Assisted Suicide
    Physical assisted suicide minimizes the enormous costs associated with long- suffering patients as it is extremely expensive to maintain a dying patient.
  8. Suicide in Children and Teens
    While the teenager may be able to endure the problems of stress and pressures caused by the environment and in that state display all the danger signs of a troubled and suicidal teenager there is […]
  9. Camus on Philosophical Suicide
    One of the thoughts that Camus laid down for his argument is the idea that once the abstract nature of the world is revealed to an individual, a person develops attitudes that are connected to […]
  10. Suicide of Tyler Clementi
    The actions of Ravi and Wei “gravely violated the university’s standards of decency and humanity” and the efforts of the institution to encourage “civility within the social life of the campus”.
  11. Physician-Assisted Suicide
    Gorsuch asserts that physician-assisted suicide is a practice that should only be acceptable if the patient is likely to die from the disease.
  12. Concepts of Should the Government Legalize Assisted Suicide
    Considering the intensity of suffering and pain that patients must endure in their vegetative state, the amount of resources that the process of saving “dying” patients use, and the significance of respecting patients’ wishes, it […]

❓ Research Questions on Suicide

  1. What Are the Causes and Effects of Suicide?
  2. How Can Social Psychology Explain the Behavior of Suicide Bombers?
  3. Are There Regional Disparities in Suicide Rates?
  4. Does Unemployment Aggravate Suicide Rates?
  5. What Triggers the Thought of Suicide?
  6. How Can Students’ Suicide Level Be Prevented?
  7. Why Do Older People Have Higher Rates of Suicide?
  8. How Does Teen Suicide Affect Society?
  9. Are Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia Ethical?
  10. Are Suicide Rate Fluctuations Transitory or Permanent?
  11. Does the Media Matter to Suicide?
  12. When Adolescents With Bipolar Disorder Attempt Suicide?
  13. Does Corruption Affect Suicide?
  14. Why Do Adolescents Commit Suicide?
  15. How Do Suicide and Music Relate to Each Other?
  16. How Can You Escape the Thought of Suicide?
  17. Did Socrates Commit Suicide?
  18. Why Are LGBT Students Committing Suicide More Than Non?
  19. Who Are Qualified for Assisted Suicide?
  20. How Does Suicide Affect People Mentally, Spiritually, and Physically?
  21. Does Depression Lead to Suicide and Decreased Life Expectancy?
  22. Are No-Suicide Contracts Effective in Nursing Practice?
  23. How Does Immigration Affect Suicide?
  24. What Makes Individuals Attempt or Complete Suicide?
  25. Does Suicide Make Sense?
  26. How School Programs and Connectedness Can Prevent Suicide?
  27. Should Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide Be Legalized?
  28. Are Suicide Rates Related to the Psychiatrist Density?
  29. Does Deinstitutionalization Increase Suicide?
  30. What Is Suicide Definition in Psychology?

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IvyPanda. (2024, November 25). 173 Suicide Essay Titles and Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/suicide-essay-topics/

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"173 Suicide Essay Titles and Examples." IvyPanda, 25 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/suicide-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '173 Suicide Essay Titles and Examples'. 25 November. (Accessed: 22 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2024. "173 Suicide Essay Titles and Examples." November 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/suicide-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "173 Suicide Essay Titles and Examples." November 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/suicide-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "173 Suicide Essay Titles and Examples." November 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/suicide-essay-topics/.