United Way of Cape Breton Website’s 7Cs Evaluation Essay (Article)

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Web site design is not static, but changes based on emerging technologies. However, Web designers have to understand the necessary requirements and technical aspects of layouts and designs. Some of these technical changes require designers to create Web sites with aesthetic appeals. However, desires to create such Web sites according to fads have resulted in poor qualities of some Web sites. There are two main reasons for such poor qualities of Wed designs. First, the designer is driving the client’s wishes or his own wishes. Second, many designers’ skills have deteriorated because of the advent of new design techniques. However, professional Web site design must aim for the following aspects:

  • Aesthetics: This is a professional look and feel of the Web site. It should be consistent with the business branding of the organization.
  • Usability: this shows how fast and easily users can get and process the required information from the site.
  • Functionality: the design should facilitate functional aspects of the site, such as updates of data-driven content.

From the business perspective, pundits have identified the 7Cs of Web site design for commercial purposes. This paper evaluates the Web site of the United Way of Cape Breton from the 7Cs perspective.

  • Context: the context of the United Way of Cape Breton Web site is uncluttered. It has white spaces. It is easy to read and navigate because the menus are visible at both the top and bottom of the site, and it has appropriate colors for the branding of the organization.
  • Commerce: the site is for commercial purposes because partners or supporters can donate. It also has a ‘Member Sign-In’ area. A click on this menu leads to an encrypted site for the safety of members.
  • Connection: the site has links, which lead to other sites like Cape Society, YouTube, and Facebook.
  • Communication: the United Way of Cape Breton has many ways to contact its customers and partners on the Web site. The Web site has contact information such as phone, fax, physical address, Facebook, YouTube, photo gallery, ‘News and Events’ portal, and online catalog.
  • Content: the site has both text and graphic presentations. However, it lacks music and videos. These are only accessible through other links like YouTube.
  • Community: the main Web site of the United Way of Cape Breton does not have message boards or live chat. However, the site has a Facebook link as an interaction option for social media. Supporters or members who wish to donate have many options to do so.
  • Customization: the United Way of Cape Breton allows minimal customization of its Web site. Only members can choose the language of their choice (French).

Based on the 7Cs of a commercial Web site evaluation, the United Way of Cape Breton has met most requirements. It is a well-rounded Web site. The designer understood many of the technical and artistic requirements of a commercial site. As a result, the Web site is versatile, efficient, scalable, and search engine and user-friendly. The Web site achieves the main philosophies of a Web site design like usability, aesthetics, and functionality.

The designer can introduce other elements of designs like sounds, music, videos, and elements of Flash media on the main site. In addition, they can also enable customization on the main Web site where visitors can choose different languages.

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IvyPanda. (2020, December 31). United Way of Cape Breton Website's 7Cs Evaluation. https://ivypanda.com/essays/united-way-of-cape-breton-websites-7cs-evaluation/

Work Cited

"United Way of Cape Breton Website's 7Cs Evaluation." IvyPanda, 31 Dec. 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/united-way-of-cape-breton-websites-7cs-evaluation/.


IvyPanda. (2020) 'United Way of Cape Breton Website's 7Cs Evaluation'. 31 December.


IvyPanda. 2020. "United Way of Cape Breton Website's 7Cs Evaluation." December 31, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/united-way-of-cape-breton-websites-7cs-evaluation/.

1. IvyPanda. "United Way of Cape Breton Website's 7Cs Evaluation." December 31, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/united-way-of-cape-breton-websites-7cs-evaluation/.


IvyPanda. "United Way of Cape Breton Website's 7Cs Evaluation." December 31, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/united-way-of-cape-breton-websites-7cs-evaluation/.

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