Cheerleading Shoes: Kinds, Brands and Prices Essay (Article)

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The sky’s the limit when we are put in a situation where we have to choose between the best, decide on the price and figure out what brand would be the most feasible to purchase cheerleading shoes. Though most teams dwell a considerable amount of thought in the art and design of issues, factors such as comfort and price should be given enough for thought.

Are the shoes big or heavy? Do they have enough padding and support? Etc are some of the main questions that must be attended to before finally zeroing down on one.

The average price of cheerleading shoes varies from $50 to $60. One should thus, consider if it falls within their price range. Are they sturdy enough to last them a year at least. Ergo, plenty of time can be taken to select the best shoe on the block in the process. The quality, sport and construction of the shoe can make a huge difference between a sprained ankle and safety conscious cheering. Even then, if one’s unsure of what to wear and how to go about it, advice may be sought from the school’s physician or advisor or representatives from various companies. For instance a team that is meant to perform partner stunts and pyramids will have to select a show that will be different from a team that never has to perform any of these aforementioned functions. However canvas shoes that offer no support are a big no for cheerleaders. The risk is too dangerous to be taken up. Nonetheless cheerleading shoes should always be light and flexible. Most cheerleading shoes are available in the market with color cards.

There are various kinds and brands of cheerleading shoes available in the market. Hanes Sport is one of the most renowned cheerleading shoes available in the market. Its light weightiness and excellent quality at an affordable price makes it one of the most attractive cheerleading brands around which certainly seem irresistible to most customers. If you have never tried a Hanes Sport shoe before, then this could certainly prove to be a bargain worth the price due to its quality, price and attractiveness.

One of the leaders of the market; Converse which is available in different types such as Converse kick out, converse dismount and converse chant which are all available at extreme prices. Features such as the Molded EVA midsole allow the cheerleader optimum cushioning and flexibility. The other support features such as the Leather/synthetic upper makes the break in easier and the support system easier as well.

Another feather in the cap of this brand is the superior traction for all surfaces. The Antimicrobial treatment for the sock liner creates better sanitary preventive measures. The different adult sizes and colors have made this brand one of the most heavily demanded shoes of today. The fact that it’s available on such low prices makes it all the more irresistible for all those who swear by this brand.

Another customer favorite; Power is available at some of the lowest prices and its wide range from Maximum edge, freedom, edge, excel all make it a must buy for any cheerleader today due to its super light weight, durability, synthetic leather, enhanced hand grip, stability etc.

As far as the prices are concerned, power freedom has by far been the cheapest. It is offered at $19.4 while most other cheerleading shoes are offered at $34. Nike, Adidas and Infinity all offer their shoes in the range from $50 to $40. Ergo, the best bet could be power for its cheap costs and high flexibility.

Hence, all shoes are certainly worth one’s money and the quick delivery time makes it all that more appealing. So, what is stopping you from hollering your way to the nearest store?

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 7). Cheerleading Shoes: Kinds, Brands and Prices.

Work Cited

"Cheerleading Shoes: Kinds, Brands and Prices." IvyPanda, 7 Dec. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Cheerleading Shoes: Kinds, Brands and Prices'. 7 December.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Cheerleading Shoes: Kinds, Brands and Prices." December 7, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Cheerleading Shoes: Kinds, Brands and Prices." December 7, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Cheerleading Shoes: Kinds, Brands and Prices." December 7, 2021.

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