Elizabethan Period: Conrad Gesner of Switzerland Essay

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Conrad Gesner

Conrad Gesner was born on 26th March 1526 in Zurich, Switzerland. His father passed on when a plane he was boarding clashed in 1531. Conrad went to the University of Strassburg where he showed superior linguistic ability and curiosity in nature. He later studied medicine in Basel and in 1537 became a Professor in the Greek language at Lausanne and compiled up a dictionary in Greek. He later joined Montepellier and became a therapeutic doctor. Later, Conrad became a Physics lecturer at Collegium Carolinium (Petroski 78).

During the Renaissance era, he worked on a full review of nature. His colossal Historia animalium was a demonstration of the information bank of the whole realm of breathing living things: flora and fauna. In the year 1551 through 1555, he wrote his first best-half language warranting Mithridates. In 1565, an epidemic in the form of Pulmonic Bubonic invaded Zurich and he succumbed on 13th December of the same year.

Pencil Invention

The first pencil was devised in the year 1564 after a vast graphite mine was revealed in Borrowdale, United Kingdom. The clean graphite was stitched into panes and thereafter severed into rectangular bars. The graphite bars were placed into hand-carved stiff vessels made from wood, thus making pencils. In 1565, Professor Gesner became the first person who documented the pencil. The United Kingdom had domination over the making of pencils as no other untainted graphite mines were identified and no one knew how to make graphite sticks. Before the middle of the 1500s, pencils comprised slender poles made of supple lead and were mainly utilized by artists (Petroski 89).

Adipose Tissue

Conrad was the first person to identify adipose tissue in 1551. Adipose tissue is a slack linking tissue made of adipocytes. In theory, it is made up of approximately 80% fat and its most important function is storing energy in a fat state. In addition, it safeguards and shields the body. There are two categories of these tissues namely the white which was documented first and brown tissue. The development of adipose tissue is considered to be managed by the adipose gene (Brummitt 25).

Importance of Conrad Gesner to Modern Civilization

Conrad Gesner was vital in modern civilization since his zoological work, Historia Animalium, became the starting point of modern zoology. He also contributed a lot to the evolution of many languages of the world due to his vast curiosity in linguistics. For example, his book “Mithridatis de Different Lingus”, was written in over 130 languages. Moreover, he appeared on fifty Swiss Francs that were circulated between 1978 and 1994 and was partially liable for insectorum, sive and Minimorum Theatrum which means the theatre of insects.

Importance of Pencil to Modern Civilization

Pencils have brought many tremendous changes in the modern world. Life without a pencil was rather tedious and therefore the pencil came in handy. For instance, the pencil has changed the field of art to a great extent. Today, pencils are used by many artists around the world to come up with initial sketches or drafts before the production of the actual artworks. These features, where the markings made by a pencil are easy to erase, make it an artist’s favorite for sketching and drafting. This also means that many people use pencils in cases where the final marking has not been arrived at such as in accounting books.

In addition, pencils have changed and helped great deal professionals in the technical fields such as architects and engineers. The drawing of designs almost starts with pencils albeit with the recent developments in digital technology. The pencil has therefore contributed greatly towards science and art among other fields. If Conrad had not invented and documented the first pencil, there are chances that the current state of technology in art and science would not have been arrived at as of now. The pencil helped to ease work and hence promoted the development of related technologies (Petroski 341).

Significance of Adipose Tissue Description to Modern Civilization

The adipose tissue description by Conrad revealed many issues surrounding humans, plants, and animals. First, Conrad revealed that obesity in human beings is a result of many factors and not necessarily the quantity of fat in the body. According to Conrad, the adipose tissue works as a vital organ that releases somebody’s hormones for instance cytokine. Adipose tissue is studied all over the world by students and if Conrad had not described it then, some of the facts concerning it might have remained unknown. Many biological sciences such as zoology depend on Conrad’s descriptions as the basis of their study. Therefore, his work served as the turning point to biological science (Nedergaard 947).


Conrad’s invention of the pencil and his description of the adipose tissue brought a lot of benefits to the modern world. The pencil is seen to have various important functions and its existence is acknowledged to Conrad. The description of adipose tissue is the most vital zoological exposition. He is perceived to be a reviver of the standard school of zoological description. His recognition by the government of Switzerland shows how his scholarly work and inventions and his descriptions are applicable in many spheres of life.

Works Cited

Brummitt, Powell. Plant Names. Zurich, Switzerland: Kindler, 1992. Print.

Nedergaard, Cannon. “Developmental Biology: Neither Fat nor Flesh Nature.” PubMed 4.1 (1998): 947-8. Print.

Petroski, Henry. The Pencil: A History of Design and Circumstance. New York: Knopf, 1992. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 20). Elizabethan Period: Conrad Gesner of Switzerland. https://ivypanda.com/essays/elizabethan-period-conrad-gesner-of-switzerland/

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"Elizabethan Period: Conrad Gesner of Switzerland." IvyPanda, 20 Dec. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/elizabethan-period-conrad-gesner-of-switzerland/.


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Elizabethan Period: Conrad Gesner of Switzerland'. 20 December.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Elizabethan Period: Conrad Gesner of Switzerland." December 20, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/elizabethan-period-conrad-gesner-of-switzerland/.

1. IvyPanda. "Elizabethan Period: Conrad Gesner of Switzerland." December 20, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/elizabethan-period-conrad-gesner-of-switzerland/.


IvyPanda. "Elizabethan Period: Conrad Gesner of Switzerland." December 20, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/elizabethan-period-conrad-gesner-of-switzerland/.

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