Emerging issues – GASCO Essay

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Various organizations uphold environmental protection obligations. In fact, they have enacted policies to steer and regulate their involvement in environmental issues. This is an important provision in the ecological context. This paper discusses Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited (GASCO), which is a natural gas manufacturing company based in Abu Dhabi, UAE (GASCO 1).

The discussions relate to its environmental protection policies, enduring impacts on the environment, legal obligation on environmental protection quests, rivals environmental policies, and whether the company is environmentally friendly. Other aspects of apprehension are whether its environmental concerns have any business benefits.

However, what is important is whether the company is environmentally friendly or not. Additionally, unveiling what benefits it gains from such missions is vital in this context. Evidently, most organizations have managed to consider various environmental issues in the realms of becoming energy efficient, observing the aspects of global warming, reducing hazardous gas emissions, managing pollution, and recycling wastes for a sustainable environment and preservation of energy resources.

These mandates are fostered by relevant and adoptable environmental policies usable in various contexts. As a component of its social responsibility, GASCO has enacted Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) movements to ensure that it attains its environmental sustainability mandates. Precisely, GASCO has a real commitment in improving the environment, embracing the safety of the people, and instituting appropriate environmental and health concerns.

GASCO’s Environmental Policies

GASCO has realized the significance of a sustainable environment. Consequently, it has incorporated its aspects into its operations and mandates as an environmentally conscious organization. As indicated earlier, the company established HSE as a component of its visions, in the realms of HSE Policies as well as HSE Management System (HSE MS).

Precisely, the company has policies that allow it to uphold environmental sustainability discussed in this paper. Since it deals will petroleum gases, the company has policies that limits emission of hazardous gases into the environment. These environmental policies demand every employee to be observant and contribute immensely in the environmental protection quests.

Relevantly, this has helped the company to attain a massive market presence, competitive advantages, global limelight, and other lucrative provisions beneficial to its business endeavors. Policies meant to eradicate gas spillage and other dangerous chemical from reaching the environment are quite considerable in this context.

Although most organizations participate in the environmental mission with the aim of marketing themselves, GASCO is genuinely environmentally friendly besides the need to have a comprehensive market share in the natural gas industry, both locally and globally (Oxford Business Group 125).

Through its HSE policies, it has programs of cleaning the environment, planting trees, sponsoring environmental programs, reducing hazardous emissions into the environment, promoting public health, and recycling wastes into useful products. These roles and mandates indicate how the company is environmental friendly and is able to enact viable environmental concerns to help the public. Contextually, the company has managed to uphold its environmental concerns since its inception decades ago.

This has been possible through the ratification of stringent environmental policies to help in governing the ecosystem and protecting the environment for sustainability as indicated earlier. From this context, it is possible to concur that environmental policies are coherent with the business strategies since they help in promoting businesses, enhance their brand names, and increase their market shares. Nonetheless, the business aspects of this should come second after attaining the environmentally targeted mandates.

Precisely, GASCO has policies that govern its HSE programs with the intent of attaining a sustainable ecosystem, uphold its business strategies, commit to the aspects of CSR, and promote its global presence. Additionally, the company has policies that govern environmental impacts of their operations.

GASCO’s potentiality in making a lasting impact on the environment

Evidently, GASCO has a massive potentiality in making remarkable impacts on the environment. This is an important observation following its obligations, policies, and concerns over the environmental issues. Additionally, the fact that the company deals in the production of natural gases is a massive environmental concern.

Its mandates to protect its operations, limit gas emissions, restrict the use of harmful gases, enact safe gas transportation mechanisms, and safety concerns are of critical consideration. In fact, if the company observes safety and environmental issues, it will contribute considerable to the aspects of environmental protection and sustainability.

Its policies equally signify its long-lasting potentiality in conserving the environment. This is evident through its HSE programs mentioned earlier. It is important to recognize the criticality of its obligations in the realms of environmental protection despite the business provisions in it. However little its inputs are to the aspects of environmental protection, its contributions still matter considerably. From this concern, it is obvious that GASCO has the potential of making a lasting impact on the environment.

Both Business and environmental benefits of the policies

Principally, the established environmental policies are mandated to offer a remarkable, sustainable, and safe environment to the entire community. It is through viable policies that an organization can attain its environmental mandates (through CSR) and involve other stakeholders towards the achievement of a sustainable environment.

Consequently, it is crucial to consider various aspects of these policies with regard to environmental protection. Conversely, there are business aspects of all these endeavors. An organization might aspire to demonstrate to the public that it is environmentally conscious (Oxford Business Group 125).

Consequently, it captures the attention of the public, build its market visibility, global presence, brand name, and enhance its operations and profitability in the long run. Through environmental concerns, the organization will obviously promote its operations, businesses, and enhance its marketplace acceptability.

GASCO competitors’ environmental policies- Is the firm doing more or less?

Other competitors in the natural gas production industry (both in UAE and globally) have established similar policies to help in the promotion of environmental sustainability. It is from this context that the entire environmental protection emerges.

Additionally, other competitors like TAQA, ADNOC, and other firms in the oil and gas industry have managed to establish environmental protection programs and sponsorships to enhance their environmental friendliness. If compared, GASCO is doing considerably better in the realms of its environmental mandates and protection obligations.

Is the firm doing more than it is legally obliged to?

According to the environmental laws and demands of the environmental activists, GASCO still need to do more in its roles to enhance environmental protection. From this context, it is evident that the law requires more than anticipated (GASCO 1). Despite the efforts to meet these demands, there are some challenges that might hinder the company from realizing its environmental obligations. Precisely, the firm is averagely doing what it is legally obliged to do. It still needs to do more.


Conclusively, GASCO is environmentally friendly following its endeavors to protect the environment through its HSE policies.

Works Cited

GASCO. Health, Safety and Environment. 2012. Web.

Oxford Business Group. The Report: Abu Dhabi 2007. London: Oxford Business Group, 2007. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 1). Emerging issues - GASCO. https://ivypanda.com/essays/emerging-issues-gasco/

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"Emerging issues - GASCO." IvyPanda, 1 Apr. 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/emerging-issues-gasco/.


IvyPanda. (2019) 'Emerging issues - GASCO'. 1 April.


IvyPanda. 2019. "Emerging issues - GASCO." April 1, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/emerging-issues-gasco/.

1. IvyPanda. "Emerging issues - GASCO." April 1, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/emerging-issues-gasco/.


IvyPanda. "Emerging issues - GASCO." April 1, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/emerging-issues-gasco/.

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