Employee Relations in Practice: Disciplinary, Grievance and Engagement Report

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Flexible working is a policy practiced by many businesses with its employees in terms of working time, location and pattern of work (Budd 2004). Flexible working arrangement (FWA), according to the employment act 2002, indicates that all employees have a statuary right to request for a flexible working arrangement with the employer (Befort and Budd 2009).

This should follow specific procedures, which must be adhered to. It is a crime for an employer to refuse or dismiss any attempt of the employee requesting for flexible working arrangements (Hrcouncil, 2010).

However, the policy should only cater for all employees who meet certain criteria set inorder to apply for a flexible working arrangement. The policy also mandates the employer to dismiss any FWA, which may turn out not to be cost effective to the company (Dontigney 2011).

Discussion: Key considerations in the development of a flexible working policy

Proper guidelines

The first consideration when introducing FWA in a company is to set up proper guidelines, which employees must follow for the success of the program implementation (Ackers and Wilkinson 2005). There is also need to first address on all business needs and to make sure that all the new steps are compatible with the existing company objectives.

Clear guidelines on the application process, reversibility and any change on the employee status should be properly set to avoid future confusion and misunderstanding (Salamon 2000).

Moreover, the company should clearly formalize basic guidelines primarily to head off any complains coming from employees concerning favourism or any form of unfair treatment. This will ensure success of FWA to both the company and the employees.


Another key factor to consider when implementing the FWA is to make sure that all employees are trained and educated about the policies, which they should be comfortable with (Referenceforbusiness.com 2011). This should be occasionally practiced by any company, which actively practice FWA program.

The major objective of this training is to make sure that all employees operate and participate in such an initiative manner that will not hurt the company and their careers. Although many people regard those who enroll to FWA to be committing career suicide, it’s the mandate of the company to make arrangements for such training programs (Referenceforbusiness.com 2011).


Ultimately, most companies will only tolerate this FWA if it benefits the companies financial and production goals. In this aspect, there is need to ensure that the program is maintained at whatever costs.

Considerably, it is indeed the duty of companies’ managers to ensure that despite the offer, all business considerations remained paramount to all other options. Notable to mention is that, employees and work teams can be helpful when it comes to shaping and Setting up flexible proper guidelines at all costs to ensure the success of FWA program is attained (Referenceforbusiness.com 2011).


The other major consideration, which must be implemented for the success of FWA, is to ensure that evaluation is exercised on a regular basis (Businesslink.gov.uk 2010). It is the responsibilities of business managers and owners to conduct continuous evaluation processes.

Such evaluations with time will provide basic information accounting for the progress of the program, just to secure the business and also promote FWA. In an example, some companies may launch very good FWA without frequent evaluations. In such incidents, they end up losing the both the business progress and the effectiveness of the program due to neglect (Referenceforbusiness.com 2011).

Advantages and disadvantages of such policies


It has been proved that the implementation of FWA has reduced absenteeism in many companies and workplaces (Businesslink.gov.uk 2010). FWA is also considered to be legitimate business rationale, which not only has it managed to strengthen employee’s commitment, but also gives them full mandate to clear out any situation that can lead to absenteeism.

Moreover, FWA also creates a venue for the business to increase employee’s loyalty. This in fact, FWA also develops a positive impact on the productivity of employees who are capable of attending to family needs and at the same time concentrates on employment duties.


Though FWA has many apparent advantages, various critics have emerged to point out all the possible negative impacts it has on businesses. First, it is good to note that FWA will never be appropriate for all employees. The in and out movements of employees at different hours again is not cost effective to the company.

Moreover, the customers may suffer when being attended to by two or three people at two or three hour’s interval (Referenceforbusiness.com 2011). Incase of a factory operation, it is the manufacturing sector that suffers most.

This is because; it is obvious that operators always depend on each other support for the efficiency in output manufacturing. Finally, critics also point out that manager suffers most whenever FWA is implemented. This is because they have a difficult time when it comes to equality especially when considering who goes and at what time (Referenceforbusiness.com 2011).

Unionized and a non-unionized workplace

The most fundamental difference between unionized and non-unionized workplaces as afar as the employees relations is concerned is that; when it comes to payment, unionized workers have higher wages than the un-unionized workers. For example, currently in Canada the wages of unionized workers is $20.29 an hour while those who aren’t in any union earn $17.22 per hour.

This basically means that, there is the union wage advantage which is about 40% more than un-unionized workers. Moreover, it good to mention that gender balancing in terms of wages is strictly considered in unionized work places. This is evident in Canada, where women in unionized workplaces earn 89% of the wages earned by men as compared to low 79% earned by women in un-unionized work places.

However, employees working in non-unionized work places also enjoy several benefits those in unionized work places don’t. For example, when it comes to promotion the boss can decide to promote any worker based on the worker’s ability and potential (Dontigney 2011). Contrary, for unionized workplaces, the time the employee stays in employment is the key consideration before anyone is promoted.

Finally, it is good to point out that unionized workplaces suffer most whenever their unions impose fees and dues to all its workers (Acas.org.uk 2011). This is never experienced for non unionized employees, who avoid such costs potentially boosting their total take home wages (Dontigney 2011).

On the basis of job security for un-unionized work place, the future security of the job lies at the mercy of the boss. At anytime, one can get fired. Often, if an employee has any grievance or complain the only option is to talk about it with the manger first and then it is upon the same manager to either accept, ignore it or even punish the worker for raising such an issue.

This is perceived differently in unionized work places. For instance, workers don’t have to face the boss to express their issues it’s the responsibility of the union to hire representatives who will always ensure that they support individual workers when treated unfairly.

Most unions do offer varieties of short courses and training to boost their member’s general knowhow. Again most unions involve in many activities such as community services, all in the name of making working condition better for all employees. In many occasions, most unions have been in the fore front to pressurize employers and the government to adjust and increase salaries for their workers.

The same union also takes responsibilities of advising the government and other employers not to overwork people and also set the minimal amount a person can earn as salary.

This is different in un-unionized institutions, where the boss dictates over the working hours and salaries. This is so because they don’t have recognized voice to fight for them. Therefore, exploitation is exhibited and anyone who tries to speak is immediately fired.


In today’s business world, flexible working and telecommuting for the employees continue to grow, in large measure because it is evident that most businesses that introduce them continue to prosper and simultaneously improving the life of their employees. In my opinion, it really pays for one to join any union. This is basically for the benefit of workers who will be stronger especially when they face management, they will never be alone.


Acas. 2011, NonUnion Representation Text. Web.

Ackers, P and Wilkinson, A 2005, “British Industrial Relations Paradigm: A Critical Outline History and Prognosis” Journal of Industrial Relations.

Befort, S F and Budd JW 2009, Invisible Hands, Invisible Objectives: Bringing Workplace Law and Public Policy into Focus, Stanford University Press, California.

Businesslink. 2010, Flexible working – the law and best practice. Web.

Budd, J W 2004, Employment with a Human Face: Balancing Efficiency, Equity, and Voice, Cornell University Press, New York.

Dontigney, E 2011,. Web.

Hrcouncil.ca 2010, HR Policies & Employment Legislation. Web.

Referenceforbusiness. 2011,. Web.

Salamon, M 2000, Industrial Relations: Theory and Practice, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

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IvyPanda. (2019, July 2). Employee Relations in Practice: Disciplinary, Grievance and Engagement. https://ivypanda.com/essays/employee-relations-in-practice-disciplinary-grievance-and-engagement/

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"Employee Relations in Practice: Disciplinary, Grievance and Engagement." IvyPanda, 2 July 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/employee-relations-in-practice-disciplinary-grievance-and-engagement/.


IvyPanda. (2019) 'Employee Relations in Practice: Disciplinary, Grievance and Engagement'. 2 July.


IvyPanda. 2019. "Employee Relations in Practice: Disciplinary, Grievance and Engagement." July 2, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/employee-relations-in-practice-disciplinary-grievance-and-engagement/.

1. IvyPanda. "Employee Relations in Practice: Disciplinary, Grievance and Engagement." July 2, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/employee-relations-in-practice-disciplinary-grievance-and-engagement/.


IvyPanda. "Employee Relations in Practice: Disciplinary, Grievance and Engagement." July 2, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/employee-relations-in-practice-disciplinary-grievance-and-engagement/.

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