Firearm Injuries Prevention: The Highland Park Parade Shooting Essay

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The case which will be analyzed is the Highland Park parade shooting. The celebration of Independence Day in the United States turned into a tragedy this year. An attacker staged a massacre during a festive parade in a suburb of Chicago (Franklin & Treisman, 2022). The man killed six people and injured dozens. The suspect in the attack was arrested, police said. Police say a man suspected of killing at least six people and seriously injuring more than 30 at a Fourth of July parade in Chicago has been arrested.

Gun injuries are a significant public health problem. The American media, identifying the reasons for the surge in murders in the country, cite such a surge in arms sales, widespread unemployment, discrediting the police, and dysfunction of the criminal justice system (Dowling & Sathya, 2022). National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) is one of the healthcare bodies that should be allocated within such firearm cases prevention strategy (Public health approach to gun violence prevention, n.d).

The strategy should include three primary directions: allocating the resources for conducting research and gaining compelling statistics of firearm violence victims, designing interventional programs for reducing gun violence, and alerting the lawmakers to change the legislative addressing of the question. Prevention is an issue in healthcare because a well-supported empirical design and change plan should be provided to encourage significant legislative changes. Only such institutions as NCIPC can allow lawmakers to estimate firearm violence from a medical perspective. The strategy of prevention also includes the medical workers’ practical addressing of this issue when building the conversation with the patients. The development of mental health support for patients can also significantly decrease the occurrence of such events, as described above.


Dowling, M., & Sathya, C. (2022). . Web.

Franklin, J., & Treisman, R. (2022). . NPR. Web.

. (n.d.). EFSGV. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2023, November 22). Firearm Injuries Prevention: The Highland Park Parade Shooting.

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"Firearm Injuries Prevention: The Highland Park Parade Shooting." IvyPanda, 22 Nov. 2023,


IvyPanda. (2023) 'Firearm Injuries Prevention: The Highland Park Parade Shooting'. 22 November.


IvyPanda. 2023. "Firearm Injuries Prevention: The Highland Park Parade Shooting." November 22, 2023.

1. IvyPanda. "Firearm Injuries Prevention: The Highland Park Parade Shooting." November 22, 2023.


IvyPanda. "Firearm Injuries Prevention: The Highland Park Parade Shooting." November 22, 2023.

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