Greedness and Church Marketing Essay

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Greed and Wealth

Contentment is a virtue in Christian discipleship. Therefore, much has been discussed on the fulfillment in Christ and wealth accumulation. Greed is a desire to gain all, without limitations. It creates options that may not be morally right and sinful. Wealth is an indicator of riches in cash and assets. In the church setting, the channel to wealth has been categorized on different platforms. While some ministries see wealth as a need, others as opposed to the assumption.

The biblical passage provided a balance between greed and wealth. Others subscribe that the lack of money creates envy, greed, and other evil vices. As, a result, pastors preach wealth accumulation to avoid the temptation of being poor. Hoverer, biblical teaching is clear about contentment and wealth. When the bible referred that God’s children will inhabit the best of the land, it means they would be rich and wealthy. It means being Christ-like, removes the sin nature that tempts an individual to greedy paths.

This message has been diluted with different churches and ministries. Pastors and church leaders have invented different approaches to church giving. Most of them have twisted the word on wealth to fulfill their desires. As a result, it becomes normal for parishioners to acquire wealth by any means possible. These parishioners are given titles and portfolios as they give money in huge figures. Based on natural laws and biblical covenant with God, a man who works hard would be successful (O’Callaghan, 2017).

Therefore, giving towards church growth and development must be done under scriptural teachings (Oosthuizen & Lategan, 2016). It becomes morally wrong when different aspects of the Bible are used out of context to fulfill one’s greed. This is evident as most parishioners have been categorized based on wealth accumulation. Such classification changes the narrative of the gains of contentment.

Church Marketing and First-mover Advantage

The first-mover advantage may not exist in most churches as it does in circular marketing. As the name implies, first mover advantages give the institution the opportunity to create a competitive edge against new entrants. However, with the era of aggressive church marketing, the myth of first-mover advantage is no longer a dominant issue. Although most people subscribe to church marketing, it has been diluted for personal desires.

Most churches have created empires because of greed and the love of money. The most important goal of church marketing is to stimulate people’s hearts as they surrender to the Gospel of Christ. It means the features of church marketing should create a positive impact on a convert to acknowledge God’s presence and accept him. As a result, church marketing means creativity, flexibility, and outward appearance (Appah & George, 2017).

However, in the bid to make an impact and overcome the challenges of the first-mover advantage, church leaders pursue dangerous aspects of Gospel marketing (Appah & George, 2017). They make sermons based on personal motives. This approach provides an avenue for new membership based on the message type. For example, parishioners understand that salvation is free and they are saved by saved by grace.

However, some church leaders have translated the grace sermon to suit their target audience. The sermon of the ‘soul that sinned is death’ is replaced with the Grace message. Most parishioners leave a free life believing that Grace has redeemed all their iniquities (past, present, and future). This concept of marketing dethrones the monopolistic power of the first-mover advantage. As a result, such ministries swell with a multitude of followers. Other churches market the sermon of stupendous wealth accumulation. The target audience who subscribes to this sermon would become new adherents to such ministries, which eventually become a large congregation.

However, preaching the right Gospel is far more rewarding as it creates a genuine love for the work of God. The true gospel is devoid of greed, evil deeds, and false teachings. Thus, being at peace with God is far more rewarding than having unacceptable wealth. Therefore, church messages and programs should be conducted under biblical injunctions. Church size, financial strength, and church structures are nothing before God. As a result, parishioners must never lose sight of the promises of God for eternal life. It becomes vain things if we gain the earth and lose eternal life. The judgment of God is real, and the consequence of sin is eternal damnation.

On the last day, every soul will give an account of his or her deeds. Therefore, church marketing must be conducted under scriptural teachings. In this context, church leaders must spread the gospel of love and salvation. Since church marketing is similar to social marketing, church leaders must use the correct sermon while establishing the target audience, goals, objectives, opportunities. Developing the right marketing mix is essential. Under church marketing, pastors endeavor to justify why parishioners should reject their old habits and accept a new way of life. Therefore, it should be carried out as an enriching program for the Gospel of Christ.


Appah, G., & George, B. (2017). Understanding church growth through church marketing: An analysis on the Roman Catholic Church’s marketing efforts in Ghana. Journal of Economics and Business Research, 23(1), 103-122.

O’Callaghan, P. (2017). Cultural challenges to faith: A reflection on the dynamics of modernity. Journal of Church, Communication and Culture, 2(1), 25-40.

Oosthuizen, A., & Lategan, L. (2016). Strategic management of the church as challenge and reality: Can the habitat of expectation solve this dilemma? Journal for Christian Scholarship, 4(1), 277-297.

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IvyPanda. (2020, December 9). Greedness and Church Marketing.

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"Greedness and Church Marketing." IvyPanda, 9 Dec. 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Greedness and Church Marketing'. 9 December.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Greedness and Church Marketing." December 9, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Greedness and Church Marketing." December 9, 2020.


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