Lockheed Martin Corporation’s Information Security Checklist Report (Assessment)

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The main idea of this paper is to create a check list devoted to the problem of the information security in Lockheed Martin with referencing to the following problems, identifying risks and vulnerability places with the purpose to avoid or mitigate them.

  1. Employing people for software engineers’ and information technology positions, one should remember about the security. Are the contracts devoted to keeping the commercial classified information signed?
  2. Does the company care greatly of the information protection?
  3. Being an international company, Lockheed Martin should work on implementation and following the company rules and norm in all parts of the world. Do the employees correctly understanding those norms?
  4. Does the company protect its interests and information by means of not hiring former government employees?
  5. The customers’ sensitive information is protected by means of the technologies applied by Lockheed Martin. The main risk the company is subjected to is the cracking of a software program and breaking authorization protection. Does the company care of the protection of customers’ sensitive information and which actions are provided?
  6. People are always more vulnerable than computer programs. Thus, one of the main problems remains information leakage about the passwords and logins. Are passwords and logins properly protected?
  7. The leakage of personal customers’ information is also a violation of the law that may be considered as a security risk. Does this risk exist in the company?
  8. Is there a risk that some employees will use the resources of the company in improper way connected with the running a personal business and using the information for the personal benefit?
  9. Sensitive information is a vulnerable place. May it be used for stock operations on the basis of the “material nonpublic information” (Setting the standard, 2008, p. 29)?
  10. Lockheed Martin Cyber Security Assistanceship is a program which is aimed at providing the consultation and training for students who want to work in the company. Is there a hazard that the company will provide the students with the information and they will use in for other activities (Financial Assistance, 2010)?
  11. Is the appearance of computer viruses every day a real risk for information protection?
  12. May the lack of ethical and legal knowledge be harmful for the whole working process and information security?
  13. Is the company unable to update software and Internet Security from viruses?
  14. Has Lockheed Martin a disaster recovery plan in case if the problems occur and the company will have to protect what is left?
  15. Is the Network Security provided on the appropriate level?
  16. Does the company provide audits to follow the violations in the company?
  17. Is the physical security in the company which deals with information security on the highest level?
  18. Are there the places where the ports are not disabled? Are there the procedures in the company which allow the company workers monitor the access to the network ports? Are there the facilities which monitor the access to those ports?

In conclusion, here is a checklist which should be considered while understanding whether the information security in the selected company Lockheed Martin is properly maintained or not.

Reference List

Financial Assistance: U.S. Government Scholarship Programs. (2010). The Information Networking Institute. Web.

Setting the standard: Code of ethics and business conduct. (2008). Lockheed Martin Corporation. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, January 30). Lockheed Martin Corporation's Information Security Checklist. https://ivypanda.com/essays/lockheed-martin-corporations-information-security-checklist/

Work Cited

"Lockheed Martin Corporation's Information Security Checklist." IvyPanda, 30 Jan. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/lockheed-martin-corporations-information-security-checklist/.


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Lockheed Martin Corporation's Information Security Checklist'. 30 January.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Lockheed Martin Corporation's Information Security Checklist." January 30, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/lockheed-martin-corporations-information-security-checklist/.

1. IvyPanda. "Lockheed Martin Corporation's Information Security Checklist." January 30, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/lockheed-martin-corporations-information-security-checklist/.


IvyPanda. "Lockheed Martin Corporation's Information Security Checklist." January 30, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/lockheed-martin-corporations-information-security-checklist/.

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