Manufacturing Industry Human Resource Management Report

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Running the meeting

In order to prepare for the meeting, the team carried out a comprehensive research on the nature of the Chinese business market, in terms of the available skills and ease of doing business. The research included latest human resource managemethe nt systems that leading companies within the Chinese manufacturing industry use. Besides, team carried out research on tthe he current labour management situation in the Bearing & Boodles Company in order to offer relevant solutions that support its short term and long term goals on efficiency.

The team achieved the intended results since we unanimously agreed to present the proposed 360 degree feedback system of enhancing employee recruitment and performance to the Bearing & Boodles Company. Besides, the team of five allocated each member a specific responsibility for the whole period of consultancy. Teddler was appointed the manager while Manea was assigned the role of marketing. Majed was appointed the secretary to work alongside Joshua who was appointed the training and development director. In addition, Mike was unanimously nominated for the post of the recruitment and selection director.

Moreover, the team drew the objective of the intended consultancy service as nurturing talent within the Bearing & Boodles Company’s workforce to create flexible, proactive, and global skills as an organisation culture. In addition, the team created a success measurement system through the proposed 360 degree feedback channel (Heathfield, 2011).

Among the issues the team noted as re,quiring improvement in the next meeting include creation of a systematic consultancy module to accommodate the different roles assigned to each member. Besides, the team noted that consultancy services for the Bearing & Boodles Company should be aligned to the business requirements within the Chinese market. Thus, Mr. Majed was assigned the role of finding out the laws and regulations that control business operations in China. This action was meant to give the team a clear picture of the Bearing & Boodles Company’s business environment.

Individual impact

In the process of developing consultancy module for the Bearing & Boodles Company, I was very effective in presenting the immediate needs that the team could present during the first meeting with client. Specifically, I presented a compressive report on the labour skills environment for companies within the manufacturing industry in China. I went further to mark the magnitude of skills that the company enjoy in China. I was careful to present the demographics of the required skills that will make the Bearing & Boodles Company successful in China, as a leading producer of bearings and boodles.

I was very confident and interested since the nature of services within the scope of the consultancy module was related to my career interests. Since I had done a comprehensive research before the meeting, I was very certain in the responses to different questions raised by the team. The certainty was also as a result of past training in the art of public speaking besides personal mastery of the subject of discussion.

Despite the confidence and deep interest, I realised that I needed to improve on my intra and inter communication skills since I noticed that some of the members, especially the secretary and the training and personnel directors, were finding it difficult to keep up with my presentation. I made a lot of assumptions that other members were conversant with the different demographics and evidences I was presenting.

I am convinced that my business skills and a deep interest in consultancy will easily create a health business relationship with the client. To create the health and sustainable relationship with the clients, I will demonstrate my knowledge and understanding of the consultancy demands by developing a proactive and consultative approach to different challenges that the company is currently facing, especially in the human resource management department (MacKay and McKiernan, 2004). Besides, my reports will be supported by practical examples from leading organizations, which operate in the same industry as the Bearing & Boodles Company.

Team impact

Each member became part of the team due to the fact that they share same interests and have a common view, characterised by consultative approach in addressing problems through creation of proactive solutions. Besides, the team was inspired by the need to create viable labour management solutions which can be applied in the unique Chinese business market. However, the team could not agree on the scope of consultancy since each member had his or her own thoughts on the requirements. Besides, some members of the team could not honour the commitment to keep time and address each issue within thirty minutes. As a result, the team spent almost two hours discussing the roles of the training and development director, since some of the roles were similar to those of the recruitment and selection director. Besides, despite having signed a memorandum of understanding on the need to participate and contribute equally during the meeting, some members were more active than others.

To improve as a team in the next meeting, it will be necessary for the members to understand personal motivation and self targets, the need for aggressiveness in the discussion, and development of proper personal etiquette since consultancy services in big companies, such as the Bearing & Boodles Company, require a dynamic team. Besides, it will be essential for the team to limit the scope of activities to contain only relevant discussions since some members were involved in irrelevant discussions about personal issues (Rouse, 2014).

During the first meeting, I noticed that uncontrolled discussion might limit the seriousness and professionalism in constructing and presenting individual views to a team. For instance, our team became a victim unregulated discussion and had to spend a lot of time on irrelevant issues. Besides, lack of personal disciple and etiquette might distort the efforts of a team meeting. To prevent problems that might arise, it is essential for the team to embrace teamwork, personal discipline, and need for proactive contributions. Besides, each member should be made to feel appreciated and instrumental in the discussions.

Reference List

Heathfield, S 2011, Effective meetings produce results: Before the meeting, Web.

MacKay, B., & McKiernan, P 2004, “The role of hindsight in foresight: refining strategic reasoning,Futures, vol. 36 no. 2, pp. 161-179.

Rouse, M 2014, Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, May 15). Manufacturing Industry Human Resource Management.

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IvyPanda. (2020) 'Manufacturing Industry Human Resource Management'. 15 May.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Manufacturing Industry Human Resource Management." May 15, 2020.

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