More Employee Involvement Would Reduce Grievance in the Workplace Essay

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Relationships at the working place is a complicated theme as depending on the employee involvement, the leadership style and general relations in the company the employee satisfaction may be measured.

The level of the employees’ satisfaction with the work place is a guarantee of the reduction of grievance as pleased employees have nothing to complain about. Even when the smallest issues bother people, successful working environment and satisfaction with other aspects cover dissatisfaction and grievance is eliminated to minimum.

Having conducted a literary research in the sphere, it can be stated that satisfied employees are better at work performance and they are less intended to complain and perform other forms of dissatisfaction with the working place.

Grievance is considered as a part of conflict managing and the benefits of investing in managing conflict at work have already been proved. Conducting a conflict managing lectures, the employees feel the improvements in the working atmosphere.

Almost a third part of the employees reports about the reduction in the number disciplinary and grievance cases. 28% of employees have noticed the improvements, therefore, the employees are to think about the conflict management measures.1

Even though the number of grievance has been reduced with the conflict management measures, the complaints still existed. However, one more benefit of the conflict management is that those complaints became formal that allowed the company to implement official measures and reduce the dissatisfaction of the employees.2

Trying to understand the relation of conflict management and the employee involvement in the working process, it is important to remember that while conflict management all people are involved in the working process by means of various facilities.3

The interest in the work is increased as employees have an opportunity to control their working relations, and this is an important factor. The employees have an opportunity to interfere into the working processes that makes those more satisfied with the working process and therefore, the complaints are reduced.

Employees have an opportunity to see the problems and the ways of their solution, therefore, they do not need any measures to be completed.

Other reports show that grievance may be reduced by means of the reference to unions. HR manager of Westinghouse UK Fuel Business says the following, “When we have had issues in the past, we tended to avoid communicating early with the unions for fear of their reaction.

Nowadays, because of the level of trust that has been established, I will involve them as early as possible in the knowledge that they will help us resolve the issue earlier, and in the best way possible”.4

Therefore, one more measure which may be helpful in reducing the level of employees grievance s the involvement of the working unions. The reference to the working unions is a serious step which shows employees that the company understands that some problems may exits and therefore it does all possible to reduce them.

Turning to the working union, the employees are involved in the outside relations of the company, they see that the measures are taken and when the results of such measures are seen, the desire to complain is reduced to minimum. The involvement of the employees in the working process is based on the intrusion of the third party.

Grievance is the way of employees’ expression of their dissatisfaction with the working process. When people do not know what is going on, their dissatisfaction increases.

The unawareness of the reasons of some actions and the outcomes leads to the increase of the number of complaints. When employees understand what is going on, when they know what has happened and how this may be changed, the number of grievance is reduced.

The formal involvement of the employees in the working place makes those more aware of the issues which happen in the company.

Unawareness is one of the main reasons why people are dissatisfied. Moreover, disciplinary procedures which also become the part of employees’ involvement in the company working process may reduce the grievance.5

Trying to understand the connection between the involvement of employees into the working process and the grievance better, the following case should be considered. Working in the company, people usually have their personal attitude to the working process.

Having a desire to increase the income, many employees try to work more, however, the absence of the salary increase leads to dissatisfactions and grievance, either formal or informal.

The employees focus their working skills and abilities on the spheres they are best at, however, being unaware of the latest company tendencies may lead to the absence of the necessity on the work an employee is occupied with.

The work which is not necessary discourages and employees may start complaining on the company and its bad functioning. All these aspects reduce the company image and the general vision.

However, in fact, it is the employee’s fault that he/she is aware of the company priorities. When an employee is aware of the working processes and tendencies in the company, when he/she is aware of the priorities of the current procedures, the employee is going to focus on the specific working procedures which are more important than others.

Therefore, the increase of the working productivity leads to the salary increase and complaint reduction. Working for the benefit of the company and being aware what to do to increase the company profit, employees feel gratitude and can easily work better. This is the reason why many people stop grievance and try to work more.

Therefore, it may be concluded that the involvement of various working processes leads to the reduction of grievance at the work place.

The involvement in the conflict management helps people understand the problems which exist in the company and trying to solve those problems many people forget about the reasons why they were dissatisfied with the working procedures.

The involvement of the working unions in the company work makes employees become interested in the latest news and this increases the employee involvement.

Seeing that the working union is satisfied and seeing the results successful interference of the working union in the working process of the company many employees stop grievance a well.

As for me, being aware of the problems and success of the company helps employees to see what is happening, which spheres are not in the bets position right now and it also helps employees see that the company management does all possible to reduce the problems, if any.

These are the main factors which help reduce the level of both formal and informal grievance. Much research has been conducted n the sphere of the relation between work involvement and job satisfaction (which is the direct result of the reduction of grievance) and the results support this issue.


CIPD, Leadership and the management of conflict at work, 2008. Web.

‘Healthy Work: Managing Stress in the Workplace’, Workinfo, 2008, p. 35. Web.

‘High performance workplaces’, Department of trade industry. Web.

‘Leadership and the management of conflict at work’, CIPD, 2008. Web.

Saundry, R., Antcliff, V., & Jones, C., ‘Accompaniment and representation in workplace discipline and grievance’, ACAS, 2008. Web.


1 ‘Leadership and the management of conflict at work’, CIPD, 2008.

2 Ibid., p. 6

3 ‘Healthy Work: Managing Stress in the Workplace’, Workinfo.

4 ‘High performance workplaces’, Department of trade industry.

5 R, Saundry, V, Antcliff, & C, Jones, ‘Accompaniment and representation in workplace discipline and grievance’, ACAS.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 2). More Employee Involvement Would Reduce Grievance in the Workplace.

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"More Employee Involvement Would Reduce Grievance in the Workplace." IvyPanda, 2 Apr. 2019,


IvyPanda. (2019) 'More Employee Involvement Would Reduce Grievance in the Workplace'. 2 April.


IvyPanda. 2019. "More Employee Involvement Would Reduce Grievance in the Workplace." April 2, 2019.

1. IvyPanda. "More Employee Involvement Would Reduce Grievance in the Workplace." April 2, 2019.


IvyPanda. "More Employee Involvement Would Reduce Grievance in the Workplace." April 2, 2019.

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