Philosophy as a Complete Understanding of Human Way of Life Essay

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Philosophy can be defined as a complete understanding of a human way of life. Philosophy, therefore, gives an analysis of human nature as well as the nature of reality of human beings in their lives. Philosophy addresses the fundamental issues of life and normally these issues are basic and pervasive which helps in the determination of the course of life an individual takes as well as the way an individual treats other people in the society (Chisholm, 16). Basically, Philosophy is concerned with the rational explanation of reasonable inferences that concerns human values as well as the establishment of claims which are related to human knowledge and making interpretations of the nature of reality (Watts,12).

The field of philosophy is quite different from other fields in its methods as well as the nature through which various subject matters are handled. Philosophy is believed to pursue questions that are related to various dimensions which concern the nature of human life.

Many researchers tend to describe philosophy as a branch that concerns the fundamental truth as well as the principles of conduct. Studies by Watt (29), show that philosophy seeks to establish standards of confirmation of rational methods which consequently deals with the methods of solving conflicts to create techniques that can be used in the evaluation of ideas and arguments. Philosophy helps individuals to view the world from their own perspective in terms of their own cultures. In addition, philosophy enhances the ability of an individual to perceive some relationships among the numerous fields of study by deepening one’s sense of meaning and identification of the various varieties of human experience (Watts, 40).

The major subfields of philosophy commonly consist of logic which can be seen to be a sub-branch of philosophy that is concerned with the provision of sound methods that can use to differentiate between what is right and what is wrong. It is therefore seen as an aid which well provides premises that can be used to evaluate decisions that support our conclusions. It helps an individual to find arguments in a situation where there are set loose statements as well as discovering assumptions that an individual didn’t know while making the claims (Chisholm, 26).

The other sub-field is ethics which is concerned with the moral concepts of what actions can be termed as wrong or right. It is an area that is concerned with the formulation of principles concerned with the making of moral decisions. The other field of Philosophy is Metaphysics which actually seeks to determine a criterion that can be used while sorting out things in a real-life situation. It deals with matters of spiritual as well as mental matters. Epistemology is the last area and it has its main focus on the areas of knowledge and especially identification of the truth in real-life situations (Watts, 45).

Philosophy is believed to have been developed by the earlier philosophers and according to studies, philosophy has many branches which tend to been derived from the traditional areas. The major branches of philosophy consist of philosophy of mind, science, ethics, religion, business, ethics, and art.

Since philosophy can be applied in various areas it can be used for the following purposes; General Problem Solving, Communication Skills, Persuasive Powers, Writing Skills among others (Chisholm, 56).

To conclude philosophy can be seen as an orderly study of an individual’s ideas as well as issues which eventually lead to an individual’s proper reasoning when it comes to understanding an individual’s moral principles and values as well when it comes to the resolution of conflicts.

Works cited

Roderick M. Chisholm, Philosophy; Published by Prentice-Hall, Pg 16-56 (1964).

Boethius, V. Watts, The consolation of philosophy; Published by Penguin Classics, Pg 12-45 (1999).

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IvyPanda. (2021, November 16). Philosophy as a Complete Understanding of Human Way of Life.

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"Philosophy as a Complete Understanding of Human Way of Life." IvyPanda, 16 Nov. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Philosophy as a Complete Understanding of Human Way of Life'. 16 November.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Philosophy as a Complete Understanding of Human Way of Life." November 16, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Philosophy as a Complete Understanding of Human Way of Life." November 16, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Philosophy as a Complete Understanding of Human Way of Life." November 16, 2021.

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