Placing People Where They Belong Research Paper

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The Peculiarities of HRM Recruitment Methods

Dealing with the issue of hiring employees is one of the most crucial aspects of any company’s work, since the further development of the company depends on the careful choice of the workforce (Abdullah, 2009).

However, despite the efficient and quite successful scheme of sorting the employees in the workplace according to certain principles has proved quite successful new methods of recruitment strategies emerge and the new ways of convincing people to work in the given sphere, allowing the former to perfect their skills and indulge into the favorite task emerge.

Therefore, the current HRM strategies are to be analyzed to find out which of these proves to be the most effective and is likely to develop further on.

It must be kept in mind that with the advent of the new technologies and the Internet, the process of staff recruitment has become both simpler and more versatile, allowing the HR managerial to broaden the horizons of the recruitment procedure. However, it is worth marking that the old, time-tested means of choosing staff still prove quite popular.

Therefore, the old and the emerging means of recruitment are to be analyzed as well. Implying “successful recruitment begins with proper employment planning and forecasting” (Richardson, 2000, p. 3), the existing kinds of staff recruitment are to be considered in the given paper.

Direct Mailing: Acting in a Straightforward Fashion

One of the most obvious ways to recruit a new employee must be the establishment of a direct contact with the latter, which one of the key recruitment techniques presupposes. It must be admitted that electronic mail has broadened the possibilities of the given strategy (Othman & Musa, 2006).

Relatively uncomplicated and offering a number of benefits that direct contact presupposes, namely, allowing to have the first impression about the given person judging by the way the respondent reacts to the mail and how prompt the answer is, one must admit that direct mailing is the prior strategy that offers an efficient recruitment process and the further fruitful cooperation.

However, according to Parmesh (2008), even though the existing strategy of contacting the alleged employee does seem rather efficient, there is still considerable need for the new approaches to be undertaken, which will involve specialized recruitment managers, new talent pools and consolidating the recruitment effort (p. 22), as the scientist emphasizes. Thus, the need for an online recruitment methods application arises (Parry & Tyson, 2008).

Indeed, the given innovation doe shave sufficient grounds to be implemented, fir it comprises the beneficial elements of the direct communication with the employee-to-be and the most modern technologies. With the online methods of recruitment, the HR experts will be able to conduct more precise data in a more organized way (Parry & Tyson, 2008), which is also extremely important. In addition, the online recruitment will allow to narrow down the search or, on the contrary, broaden the latter according to the demand of the company management.

Job Fairs: Talented Specialists, Great Discounts

Though the online active search of the staff does prove quite efficient, it cannot be denied that the given method considerably lacks in efficiency when compared to searching for the job candidates on various job fairs.

While in the situation mentioned above, the recruiter is supposed to deal with the candidate that has chosen the given company to work in, on job fairs, it is the recruiter who looks for an appropriate employee, which makes the situation more beneficial for the HR specialist. Hence, the strategy of recruitment that implies the consideration of the job fairs offers certain facilities as compared to the previous means of recruiting the staff.

Quite close to the head hunt, the given means of recruiting wins owing to the opportunity to choose from the pool of possibilities, which is rather alluring (Richardson, 2000, p. 6 ).

According to what Richardson (2000) claims, the strategy involving dealing with the job fairs is becoming increasingly popular with the modern HR managers, along with the new technologies: “more often, now, job/career fair sand e-Recruiting are reaching the job seeking market” (p. 6).

As Richardson (2000) explains, “the concept of a job fair is to bring those interested in finding a job into more companies who are searching for applicants. Job fairs are open fora at which employees can exhibit the best their companies have to offer so that job seekers can make informed choices” (p. 20). Therefore, the given means allows the HR managers to take the blindfold off their eyes as they search for the specialists for a certain position.

Visiting Outplacement Resource Center

Even though the unemployed might seem rather debatable workforce in term of the experience, efficiency and the outstanding performance, the given group is nevertheless worth taking a look at. According to the numerous evidence of the connoisseurs, outplacement services can assist people to “assist the transition of people from the organization” (Sjarma, Sharma, & Devi, 2009, p. 211).

Therefore, the issue of outplacement provides an HRM specialist with the additional space for recruitment maneuvers. With the help of outplacement services, an HRM specialist is likely to find the workforce rather fast and successfully. However, according to what Seth & Sethi (2011), in the past few months, outplacement was considered a redundant practice (p. 128), which decreases the chances for an HRM specialist to find the appropriate expert.

Military Outplacement Services: Hiring People Who Follow Orders

Whenever an HR specialist is looking for an employee that is supposed to suit the requirements and at the same time offer the original and peculiar ways of solving the complexities that arise at the workplace, one of the obvious decisions for an HRM concerning the place to search for an employee with the skills of the necessary level is the sphere of military service.

The reasons for such choice are completely obvious, since a military person is the one who is supposed to follow orders without asking additional questions and at the same time provide the discipline and the order that a civil servant is unlikely to be able to offer.

Therefore, it cannot be doubted that searching for the specialists among the military people can be considered an original approach to work. According to the numerous pieces of evidence given by the researchers, the field of military service is a perfect opportunity for an HR manager to consider when looking for an employee.

As the resent explorations document, there are certain restrictions concerning the military people dismissal: “Employers may not discriminate against military personnel” (Texas State Auditor’s Office, 2000, p. 3). However, the cases when military people are dismissed are rather frequent, making 23% (Bernthal, 2002, p. 3). Therefore, searching for the employees among the military men is rather efficient tactics.

The Authority of the Licensing/Certification Board

Among the problems that an HRM specialist is facing when looking for the efficient recruitment strategies is the level of professionalism of the given person. Once offering a job to the candidate, an HRM expert cannot be sure whether the given person corresponds to the standard of a professional, or whether his/her skills leave much to be desired; it is a matter of practice to figure out whether the given employee can solve the complexities that arise at work or not.

However, it must be marked that among the number of strategies offered for an HRM expert to follow when recruiting specialists for a certain type of work is the authoritative opinion of the licensing/certification board.

As Piotrovski & Armstrong (2006) say, the latter provide great professionals and can be considered a good resource (p. 491).Since even virtual licensing boards are available (Maurer & Liu, 2007), the search becomes even easier. Another possible variation of the given strategy is browsing through the targeted candidate sites (Wilde & Shields, 2002), which offers a possibility to narrow down the search.

The University and a Community Center: Find Five Differences

Whenever an HRM expert starts the recruitment process, the question of the professionalism of the alleged employee arises, which the employment of the candidate depends considerably on. However, because of the HRM tradition to give preference to the people with certain working experience, neglecting the young specialists that have not obtained the necessary professional record yet, a number of opportunities can be lost forever.

Therefore, another strategy that is supposed to help an HRM specialist to develop a specific recruitment scheme is the idea of searching for the future employees among the youth that has not obtained the necessary experience yet. It must be mentioned that the given specialists can be most easily found in such places as universities, institutes and community centers (Wilde & Shields, 2002).

Speaking of the efficiency of the given means of recruitment, it is necessary to add that the HRM specialist certainly faces risks, since students do not have sufficient practice yet and, thus, cannot know a number of niceties that a professional handles easily.

However, in a course of several days, the lack of competence can be filled and the student in question will be able to take responsible decisions. As Evans, Glover, Guerrier, & Wilson (2007) and Ijose (2010) emphasize, the given establishments offer the best professionals, whose knowledge can compensate the lack of experience.

The People Who Could Have Made It: Rejected Applicants

Among the most questionable tactics existing in the sphere of HRM recruiting strategies, the one that presupposes the use of the working force that has been declined by the rest of the companies is the most risky one.

Indeed, logically, the people who failed to deliver efficient results in a certain company are most likely to offer the same results for another one, yet one must admit that in certain cases, the dismissal of the staff depends not on the lack of professionalism, but on such problematic issues as the conflicts within the organization, job cuts and a number of other factors that do not concern the sphere of professional knowledge and the skills of the given employee, which is the reason to consider the given person’s working record closer and learn more about the issues that were used as the basic reasons to be rejected.

In addition, among the reasons for an applicant to fail to obtain a position in the company, the stress of the first application could have played great role, which might not be the case for the next experience. According to the authoritative opinion of the experts, the rejected applicants can prove efficient workers (Som, 2008).

Outsourcing Specialists: Making Rivals Envious

No matter how hard an HRM specialist might look for a knowledgeable specialist in the given field, the best opportunities might have already been used by the other companies, which suggests rather specific strategy of HRM recruitment to follow.

Acting on behalf of the company and doing everything for the given corporation to succeed in the market and offer the most efficient working process, an HRM specialist should resort to such recruiting strategy as the outsourcing of the specialists.

Even when dealing with the rival enterprises, one can see that the compromise can be achieved once sharing the experience and offering an outsourcing of the specialists from one company to another. According to hat researchers say, outsourcing is one of the best ways out when the candidates for the given vacancy have already been offered other responsibilities to bear.

As Li & Meissner (2008) explain, “sufficient evidence that Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is growing rapidly” (p. 1). Therefore, it cannot be denied that the given sphere offers a plethora of unraveled opportunities.

With the help of the efficiently developed outsourcing strategy, one is likely to recruit the most intelligent and professional working force and find the proper place in the company for the given specialists in the corporation, which is the target of an HRM specialist.

It is important to mark that there are the records of successful outsourcing strategies application: “Some large companies say that these facilities have decreased since the 1990is because of outsourcing” (Department of Health and Ageing, 2010, p. 151)

Spreading the Word of the Mouth: Heard By the Grapevine

Even in the advent of the computer technology developments and the era when people socialize via electronic messages more often than in an oral talk, the strategy that can be defined as “the word of the mouth” still proves rather useful.

Though it relies on the chance much more than the ones that have been described previously and is far from being as fast as the ones that presuppose the use of computer technologies and other means that concern the era of high tech, the “word of mouth” strategy is still efficient enough.

It is necessary to mention that the give strategy, in contrast to the ones mentioned above, presupposes the so-called “chain reaction,” when the news concerning the vacant position spread with the help of an increasingly nig number of people.

One of the most obvious benefits of the give strategy is the fact that the HRM staff does not have to take any actions after the initial push. However, it is also evident that the given tactics is quite uncontrollable. Unfortunately, the drawback mentioned above does not allow the given strategy to become as efficient as the ones depicted above; yet the word-of-the-mouth tactics cannot be denied the rights to exist. As Van Hoye and Lievens (2009) explain,

On the one hand, people are mote likely to request word-of-mouth information from knowledgeable sources because they are perceived as being capable of providing correct information […]. On the other hand, sources with higher degrees of experience are more likely to generate the word-of-mouth because they have higher levels of involvement with the product or organization (p. 342).

Therefore, when resorting to the word-of-mouth method, one faces the threat of picking the employee who has the socializing skills, not the professional ones. Thus, an HRM expert cannot rely on the given means solely. However, as an additional method, the word-of-mouth strategy proves rather efficient. As Maurer & Liu (2007) explain, the given means can be comprised with headhunting and the use of networks (p. 306).

Concerning the Senior Workers: Something the Youth Cannot Know

At certain moments, a professional HR manager should consider the possibility of employing the people who are usually considered to have reached the age when they are not to be accepted to certain types of work.

Despite the widespread opinion that the people who have reached the age of 45 cannot be compared to the younger and more agile staff who can handle the arising issues immediately and are more open to perceiving the new information, the people over 45 often prove efficient workers.

It is essential to keep in mind that, in contrast to the youth, the seniors are experienced, which is quite important for certain jobs. As Bulgarelli, Lettmayr, & Kriemi (2010) explain, in 2002, the rights of the people, over 45 have been restored, yet the cases of firing the latter are quite frequent (p. 145), which gives certain reasons for consideration. Once resorting to the assistance of older professionals, one can achieve fruitful results.

However, it must be taken into account that the conflicts between the younger and the senior employees may arise due to the difference in the viewpoints and the approaches each of the age group prefers.

As Department of Health and Ageing (2010) explains, the issues are inevitable, yet rather easy to justify and control: “The fact that younger employees generally do not share older workers’ views may provide evidence of the potential for conflict between these two cohorts” (p. 12).

Conclusion: Placing People Where They Belong

Judging from the abovementioned, one can claim that the sphere of HRM has developed considerably from the humble tactics that it used to be several decades ago.

Offering a full fledged range of specific approaches that allow to locate the human recourses that are at the disposal in the most efficient way, the given tactics prove rather well-thought and, which is even more important, based on the new technologies that allow to broaden the possibilities of the HRM sphere (Bondarouk, Ruel, & Looise, 2011).

However, it must be mentioned that, in contrast to the time-tested original tactics of the HRM recruitment, the emerging ones prove rather half-naked and require additional testing. Since the HRM specialists cannot be completely sure of the efficiency of the strategies offered, they have to comprise each of the methods to obtain the maximum result (Texas State Auditor’s Office, 2000).

Nevertheless, one has to give credit to the existing methods in the fact that the given methods allow the HRM experts to utilize the latest developments in the sphere of psychology, technology and social studies, which offers a plethora of space for further experiments with the specific means depicted above.

According to what Purcell & Wright (2007) said, “to advance recruitment research further, recruitment scholars need to develop a comprehensive, theoretically coherent, and succinct model of recruitment strategies” (p. 292). Now that the basic shapes that the recruitment strategies can take are learned, an ultimate strategy for an ideal recruitment procedure can be offered.

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