Technology and Multiple Intelligence Development: Gardner’s Ideas Put Into Practice Research Paper

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Introduction: The Multiple Facets of Intelligence

Despite the numerous researches, the mysterious ways of a human brainwork remain a secret for the humankind. However, with the progress which educational theories have made so far, one can expect certain suggestions on intelligence development. With the help of nine types of intelligence discovered by Howard Gardner, one can expect a change in the approaches to the concept of early learning and child education in general.

Nine Ways in Which a Brain Works: Description

It is important to remember that there are nine key types of intelligence, according to Gardner. Therefore, to develop a perfect human brain, one has to focus on the above-mentioned types, thus, allowing one’s brain to train every single basic way in which the latter works.

Verbal-linguistic intelligence

According to Lever-Duffy & McDonald (2011), the given type of intelligence allows to learn the basic conversational skills and convey one’s ideas with the help of oral or written text messages. Once the skill is underdeveloped, a full-fledged communication is impossible.

Mathematical-logical intelligence

The given type of intelligence helps to make calculations and deduce certain conclusions from the given facts. Without it, one will not be able to make the simplest conclusion.

Musical intelligence

With the help of musical intelligence, people are able to differentiate between various notes, tones and motifs and, therefore, develop their abilities to feel the rhythm and choose the right pitch of voice, etc. Living without this skill is possible yet not quite comfortable.

Visual-spatial intelligence

The given type of intelligence allows one to allocate him-/herself and other people, as well as mark the differences and similarities between objects. Without this skill, one would be unable even to move across the space.

Body-kinesthetic intelligence

Body-kinesthetic intelligence helps to differentiate between the temperatures, the smells, the surfaces and other objects. Without the body-kinesthetic intelligence, one would not be able to live.

Interpersonal intelligence

Interpersonal intelligence makes communication possible, since it is the ability to response to the others, as Lever-Duffy & McDonald (2011) explain. If the given intelligence is neglected, communicational skills will not be developed.

Intrapersonal intelligence

In contrast to the previous type, the given one allows to come to terms with one’s self, recognizing oneself as a personality. Unless the intelligence is developed, such effects as an inferiority complex can be the result.

Naturalistic intelligence

Represented by the skill to interact with the environment and the world around, the given type of intelligence needs development, otherwise one will not be able to recognize the world around.

Existential intelligence

Presupposing the ability to consider such issues as the questions of life and death, existential intelligence is the basis for moral standards. Without it, one will not be able to develop basic moral principles and philosophical concepts.

Multiple Intelligence Development in Learning

It is obvious that in the process of learning, every single aspect of intelligence must be considered. Therefore, the theory of multiple intelligence is especially important; with its help, one can see distinctly the spheres which must be taken into account when developing school activities. With the help of the classification offered by Gardner, every single essential skill can be trained.

In addition, the given theory can help not only provide sufficient development of each sphere, but also to find out the peculiarities of one’s development and even the latent talents and, hence, develop the latter. According to Gardner, “human beings have very different kinds of intellectual strengths” (LENCharlotte, 2009), which means that with the help of the given theory, one can discover the specific strengths of the given person and create a series of exercises to develop them.

Technology and Multiple Intelligence Development

It seems rather reasonable that in the course of multiple intelligence development, various technological innovations could be used. According to Solvie & Kloek (2007), such appliances as smartboards increase the students’ efficiency greatly:

Text with a variety of fonts and colors, shapes in the form of selected graphics or drawn on the board during the lesson, and ease of movement through touch to new pieces of the lesson provided support and scaffolding but also appealed to multiple sensory modalities of the students (12)

Therefore, it can be considered that the use of technology in multiple intelligence development is completely justified. Using interactive tasks and allowing students to work with the media which develops every single type of intelligence, one will be able to train every single intelligence type of a student’s brain.

Conclusion: The Limitless Possibilities of a Human Brain

Therefore, it is obvious that a human brain can develop every single aspect of intelligence, thus, passing to a different stage of development. However, it is also worth keeping in mind that the given breakthrough is achievable only with the help of efficient training. Once finding the right way to encompass all the possibilities of a better development, the humankind will reach the peak of the progress.

Reference List

Lever-Duffy, J. & McDonald, J. B. (2011). Teaching and learning with technology (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc./Allyn and Bacon.

LENCharlotte (2009). Howard Gardner of the Multiple Intelligence theory. YouTube. Retrieved from

Solvie, P., & Kloek, M. (2007). Using technology tools to engage students with multiple learning styles in a constructivist learning environment. Contemporary Issues in technology and Teacher Education, 7(2), 7-27.

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IvyPanda. (2019, May 17). Technology and Multiple Intelligence Development: Gardner’s Ideas Put Into Practice.

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"Technology and Multiple Intelligence Development: Gardner’s Ideas Put Into Practice." IvyPanda, 17 May 2019,


IvyPanda. (2019) 'Technology and Multiple Intelligence Development: Gardner’s Ideas Put Into Practice'. 17 May.


IvyPanda. 2019. "Technology and Multiple Intelligence Development: Gardner’s Ideas Put Into Practice." May 17, 2019.

1. IvyPanda. "Technology and Multiple Intelligence Development: Gardner’s Ideas Put Into Practice." May 17, 2019.


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