The Important Harassment and Employment-Related Laws and Regulations Essay

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The implementation of the labor laws and regulations in an organization is imperative as it leads to increased productivity. This ensures that there is low employee turnover due to worker satisfaction as well as motivation.

The work environment should foster productivity through dealing with issues that affects workers motivation and productivity. The employment policies affect the organization’s profitability all the time.

The essay is about the regulations as well as the implications on the company policies in relation to employee harassment.

The discussion is about the Occupational Safety and Health Act as well as how the organization will align its policies with the United States of America Labor laws.

Harassment of workers is a major issue where the senior employees act in a manner that emotionally or physically hurts other workers. This affects new workers who may do things that are unethical because they are not yet used to the new environment and the existing workers do not accept them.

It also involves discrimination of workers based on the race, gender or religion. According to the United States labor laws, it is illegal to discriminate workers due to their gender, age, race or religion.

This organization therefore will not discriminate anyone based on gender, race or religion. All the workers will receive fair treatment where compensation will be based on merit according to the agreed terms and conditions (Norman, 2008).

Harassment also includes actions that harm the other person sexually. This form of harassment may be either verbal or physical. In most cases, it involves doing something to an individual in order engage in sex against his or her will.

The organization should not tolerate individuals found guilty of such actions. The other major form of harassment is institutional harassment where a given institution harasses the employees through legal procedures or policies intended to coerce the employees to act in a certain manner.

In most cases such policies involves threats, termination of employment and overworking policies that are not according to the compensation given to the workers.

In addition, it involves bureaucratic processes, which restrict employees from communicating with the superiors. The organization can foster productivity by eliminating institutional harassment of workers and provide motivating environment (Simon, 2008).

When complying with the United States labor laws, the organization must include the wages and salaries as part of the labor policy in the organization. The wages set by the organization should be according to the minimum wages set by the government of the United States of America.

However, different states have their own minimum wages that they have set. When determining the wages, the company should have a good structure on how different employees at different levels should be compensated. The payment policies govern the employees’ terms of employment whether casual, contractual or permanent.

This ensures that there will be resources due to the growth of the company and creation of appropriate time when the employees are supposed to report for work.

The company should also know how and when the employees would receive payment to avoid inconvenience as well as motivate them to be productive. The policies should also state the amount of money to be paid for the outsourced laborers (Honeyball, 2008).

The other regulation when creating the resources of the company relates to the formulation of Occupational Safety and Health where the company must have measures of protecting workers in the workplace.

The occupational health and workplace policies should explain the safety measures, procedures and compensation put in place by the company. It should have an incident action plan to enhance safety and outline the measures as well as policies for compensating the workers who are injured.

The compensation should adhere to the compensation outlined by the states rules and regulation on Compensation Act. The other issue relating to the occupational safety is that the company should conduct policies of development in the country (Norman, 2008).

The policies that will govern international employees are significant and should be considered by the management. These policies ensure that international employees receive compensation without discrimination and provide their ideas to the managers of the company.

In many instances, most of the international employees are harassed due to inability to have their issues addressed quickly because of the long distance from where the company is located. The company should create employment policies that favor the international employees to take care of their needs.

The international employees should not be discriminated in terms of wages but compensated equally like the local employees (Gillian, 2005).


The management of the organization should ensure that appropriate policies are provided for the employees. They should have policies, which ensure that the working conditions are favorable and motivating to the employees.

The policies should create an environment that promotes cohesion and motivation among the employees. When the organization has proper policies, it is likely to experience innovation, employee loyalty and high level of productivity.


Gillian, M. (2005). Labor law. New York: Hart Publishing.

Honeyball, S. (2008). Honeyball and bowers’ textbook on employment law. New York: Oxford University Press

Norman, S. (2008). Selwyn’s law of employment. New York: Oxford University Press.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 12). The Important Harassment and Employment-Related Laws and Regulations.

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"The Important Harassment and Employment-Related Laws and Regulations." IvyPanda, 12 Apr. 2019,


IvyPanda. (2019) 'The Important Harassment and Employment-Related Laws and Regulations'. 12 April.


IvyPanda. 2019. "The Important Harassment and Employment-Related Laws and Regulations." April 12, 2019.

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