381 American Politics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best American Politics Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Barack Obama as a Transformational Leader
    In this instance, Barack Obama’s approach was that of a transformational leader: he urged the American citizens to desire change and take measures towards achieving the transformation.
  2. The Challenges of Racism Influential for the Life of Frederick Douglass and Barack Obama
    However, Douglass became an influential anti-slavery and human rights activist because in the early childhood he learnt the power of education to fight inequality with the help of his literary and public speaking skills to […]
  3. George Washington and Abraham Lincoln: Similarities and Differences
    George Washington and Abraham Lincoln appear to be the most prominent personalities in the entire history of the United States. Considering the fact that George Washington and Abraham Lincoln lived in different historical periods, it […]
  4. George Washington: Life and Achievements
    His role in the French and Indian War was significant, as he was a commander of the Virginia Regiment, raised to oppose the French in the Ohio Valley.
  5. Barack Obama’s Charismatic Leadership
    In Obama’s Case, the sparkle and invisible energy as defined by Rao pushed him to the presidency and continues allowing him some loyal following albeit the fact that some are being disappointed by the slow […]
  6. Christianity: The Making of a Leader by Clinton
    The book narrows down the subject of leadership to the stages of developing leaders and the lessons that one can draw from each of the involved steps.
  7. “The Atlanta Compromise Speech” by Booker T. Washington
    The idea was that if it became clear to the whites that the black community was ready to contribute to national and global development, the barriers of social inequity and racial injustice would gradually diminish.
  8. “Farewell Address” by George Washington
    The significant aspect of the president’s speech was the value of unity, loyalty to party over the nation, and the danger of foreign entanglements.
  9. Michele Obama’s Speech: A Rhetorical Analysis
    The main message of the First Lady was to draw attention to the suppression of the advertising of unhealthy food to minors.
  10. Obama vs. Lincoln: Presidents’ Comparison
    The people of the nation are the first line to be affected with how the president handles the state that is why they are very keen in evaluating the current president.
  11. Franklin Roosevelt and Veto Power
    In the United States, and as per the constitution, every bill passed by the House of Representatives is given to the president for assent.
  12. President Obama’s Inaugural Speech Analysis
    In his speech, Obama was seen to take advantage of the significance of that moment to address the Americans’ main concerns.
  13. George Washington’s Achievements and Farewell Address
    Washington was a successful leader because he promoted democracy, led the country through the revolutionary war, and achieved most of the goals which he had promised the people.
  14. Leadership Style of Bill Clinton: What Can We Learn?
    To have a good understanding of Bill Clinton, we shall have a review and a brief description of his biography in order to understand about the background of Bill Clinton right from the time he […]
  15. Rhetorical Theory Applied to Michelle Obama’s Speech
    The next step was the discussion of the candidate’s history, her skills, and the nature of the election. In conclusion, this rhetorical analysis reveals the strengths and weaknesses of Michelle Obama’s speech at the Democratic […]
  16. Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson Comparison
    The two presidents managed to contribute to the development of the country in different ways. However, both of them managed to contribute greatly to the development of the USA and its empowerment.
  17. Political Institutions Comparison: USA, UK and France
    In UK, the prime minister is elected into office through the house of the commons. In conclusion, France is the most interesting system of government due to its ceremonial prime minister and does not have […]
  18. Obama Had Authority to Order Operation Geronimo
    The public opinion of the US citizens supported the president and military force actions because of the ongoing conflict between the USA and Al-Qaeda.
  19. The “Obama’s Deal” Documentary Reflection
    The world was not privy to the level of lobbying that happened behind the scenes, and the cost to his popularity, bipartisan ideals, and open government.
  20. Bill Clinton’s Accomplishments as President
    Besides the record-high surpluses and the record-low poverty rates, the economy could boast the longest economic expansion in history; the lowest unemployment since the early 1970s; and the lowest poverty rates for single mothers, black […]
  21. The Reagan-Bush Years: 1981-1993
    The 1980s would not be considered a Go-Go economy as there was significant instability in the earlier years of the decade with the adoption of Reaganomics.
  22. The American Political System
    Of course, there are some controversies, but it is possible to note that the political system of the country does work.
  23. Franklin Roosevelt and Adolf Hitler: Leaders Ways
    This paper aims to reveal the cause of the problems faced by the United States and Germany as identified by their leaders in inaugural speeches and the ways Roosevelt and Hitler were planning to solve […]
  24. Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton – Leaders Comparison
    Economic growth as a result of Reagan’s and Clinton’s presidency can be seen as one of the main reasons to consider both presidents effective leaders.
  25. Natural and Revealed Law: American Political Philosophy
    While its roots go back to Ancient Greece and Rome, natural law has remained a part of modern history.[1] In particular, the rise of Christianity contributed to the evolution of natural and revealed law and […]
  26. Role of Politics in American Society
    The president, the congress, and the Judiciary share power reserved to the national government while the federal governments share powers with the state government.
  27. Barak Obama and Donald Trump: Communication Styles
    Nonetheless, it is essential to determine which of the factors play a decisive role by comparing the communication styles of Barak Obama and Donald Trump, examining the examples of their debates and speeches across their […]
  28. Logos, Ethos, and Pathos in Hillary Clinton’s Speech
    Looking at the example of the Clinton speech, her address focuses on the rights of women and the need to protect them.
  29. Barack Obama’s Leadership Skills
    Between the ages of six and ten, the young Barrack lived in Indonesia before coming back to the US to complete his education which culminated in a degree from Harvard Law School.
  30. The Influence of Evangelical Christianity on American Politics and Culture
    The others are the belief in the supremacy of the bibles authority and the reiteration of the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  31. Barack Obama’s Family History
    Payne, on the other hand, was born in the year 1922 in Wichita, Kansas and she died 86 years later on November 3, 2008 in Honolulu, Hawaii.
  32. Abraham Lincoln’s Cultural and Political Legacy on Central America
    3 However, the eruption of the American Civil War resulted to the consecutive banning of slavery in all the States in U.S.
  33. Four Freedoms by President Roosevelt
    Throughout the discussion we shall elaborate the four freedoms in a broader way for better understating; we shall also describe the several measures that were put in place in order to ensure the four freedoms […]
  34. Lifespan & Personality: Towards Explaining President Barrack Obama’s Personality Traits
    President Barrack Obama from the perspective of developmental psychology by applying two theories of personality in the analyses of the influences throughout the lifespan.
  35. President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt
    In his view, Roosevelt was convinced that a good nation must be able to pass its resources to the future generation increased and not depleted.
  36. Fiscal Policies by President Barrack Obama
    This research paper will further offer a comparison of the two as employed by the current president of United States of America then describe a statement of polices adopted by the White House.
  37. The Legacy of George W. Bush
    He brought in the support and vote for the Christian Conservatives, and his father was elected as the 41st president of America.
  38. Bill Clinton’s Foreign Policies
    As the president of the United States of America, Bill Clinton promised the Americans that he would be “the most ethical administrator ever seen in the history of the nation”.
  39. Biden’s 2023 State of the Union Address Analysis
    It is good that Biden highlighted the achievements of his administration, which included the lowest unemployment rate in history and efforts to minimize the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukrainian crisis.
  40. Political Culture of American Government
    This type of political culture influenced the German government’s hesitation because they did not want to spoil the relationship with the Russian government.

👍 Good Essay Topics on American Politics

  1. “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights” by Hillary Clinton
    Hillary Clinton’s speech about women’s rights effectively convinces her audience that women rights are an indispensable part of human rights through the use of logical argument, repetition, historical facts, and emotional stories.
  2. Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Plan
    The changes essentially affect the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program that allows federal student loan borrowers to receive payment credits. As part of the plan, Biden paused the extension of loan repayment.
  3. Editorial on Donald Trump in 2024 Presidential Race
    This is a liberal view as the editors feel that the president will reverse some of the gains made towards creating a society where everyone feels entitled to the benefits that the nation has to […]
  4. Washington’s Farewell Speech Analysis
    With the help of James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, Washington composed a letter in Philadelphia in what later became described as the “Farewell Address”.
  5. Donald Trump’s Election Campaign for 2024
    A few days after the results of the midterm elections for the U.S. According to Trump, his rivals suspended the counting of votes in important states of the country in order to get additional ballots […]
  6. The Port Huron Statement: American Political System
    The manifesto was written in historically difficult times for the United States, which fell on the aggravation of relations with the USSR, the beginning of the Cold War, the Vietnam War, and the development of […]
  7. The Role of Japan in Biden’s Indo-Pacific Economic Framework
    This paper addresses the challenges that led to the framework’s creation, the IPEF’s four pillars, and the participation of the other nations in the region.
  8. The American Political Campaigns: Major Historical Eras
    A breakdown of the remaining three eras, how congressional candidates can capitalize on campaign laws, the primary factors in a congressional campaign, and the role of media in driving the public’s understanding of candidates for […]
  9. Joe Biden’s First Two Years in Office
    The outcome of the midterm elections for the US Congress, where the Republicans received a majority of the votes, is evidence that Biden did not act quickly enough to address the issues arising in society.
  10. Rhetoric in Obama’s 2008 Speech on Racism
    When the audience became excited, it was Obama’s responsibility to convey his message in a more accessible form. To conclude, Obama’s speech in 2008 facilitated his election as the first African American President in history.
  11. Barack Obama’s Biography and Political Leadership
    The main reason why many see him as an inspiration is that he was the first person of color to hold the office of president, but there is so much more to him and what […]
  12. Donald Trump: The Law Violations
    The former president of the US, Donald Trump, has been the subject of heated political and legal discussions due to the numerous charges he faces because of violating the law on several accounts.
  13. Foreign Policy of the Clinton Administration
    The foreign policy strategies of Clinton and Bush Jr.differed significantly. In contrast, Bush Jr.was focused on isolation and confrontation with the principles of globalization.
  14. President Obama’s Justification for Killing bin Laden
    In Schlag’s opinion, the secrecy of lawyers in working on the legal actions surrounding the plot of Bin Laden’s death raised concerns regarding the justification of his killing.
  15. Requesting a Warrant for Trump’s Home Search
    In his opinion piece for KCRA, Alanna Durkin observes that a checklist of stringent conditions governs the procedure of getting a search warrant. Durkin notes that the court could have only authorized the request if […]
  16. Conservatism in the Clinton and Obama Administrations
    Thus, the Clinton and Obama administrations have examples of how the presidents challenged the rise of conservatism and were considered the continuation of it simultaneously.
  17. Biden’s Student Loan Dilemma by Barbaro & Cowley
    The podcast Biden’s Student Loan Dilemma by Michael Barbaro and Stacy Cowley examines the state of student debt loans in the U.S.
  18. Joe Biden’s Inaction on the Need to Eliminate Existing Tariffs
    The main effect of this decision was retaliatory tariffs on US agricultural imports to China, which led to a decrease in the export of soybeans.
  19. Trump’s Trade Dump: Agreement With China
    According to detractors, it is the sort of management trade policy that the U.S.has long opposed, particularly about China and its economic control.
  20. Women in the USA: The Emergence of Political Power
    The role of factors determining the status of American women in the state and society and the degree of influence of women themselves on the development of state policy in general and concerning the female […]
  21. George W. Bush’s Inaugural Speech
    It is rather interesting that, in the text, Bush says that “the best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of freedom in all the world”. This text also helps to think about […]
  22. Black Lives Matter and Trump’s Use of Secret Police
    He has tried to hide the truth and the police brutality that took Floyd’s life, just as it endangered the lives of other black Americans.
  23. Trump Tells Story About Killing Terrorists With Bullets Dipped in Pigs’ Blood
    The text reflects on Donald Trump’s recollection of the myth that terrorists were killed before the bullets used were dipped in pig blood.
  24. President Biden’s State of the Union Address in 2022
    The measures taken to date will help reduce the share of unresolved problems and give some impetus to the development of the well-being of America and its citizens.
  25. Theodore Roosevelt’s Progressive Ideas
    The decision to promote progressive ideas was not spontaneous, and he saw the movement as the possibility to protect the real rule of humans.
  26. George Washington’s Farewell Address
    He considered the most important element of the success of the state and society to be the preservation and promotion of peaceful coexistence with all forces.
  27. Rhetorical Analysis: Logos and Pathos in Trump’s Truth
    In the third chapter, “The Truth Is the Greatest Enemy of the State,” attention is paid to Trump’s speeches and promises.
  28. 1968: The Turning Point in American Politics and Society
    Over the years of existence in the modern United States, there have been numerous iterations of the party systems and political structures in the attempts to address the differences between Democrats and Conservatives.
  29. The Speech About the Assassination of Osama bin Laden by Barack Obama
    To conclude, we can consider this speech as a good example of weighted but at the same time pompous and threatening speech regarding the issue of national security.
  30. President Obama’s Inaugural Address in 2009
    First, the inclusion of certain phonological elements such as alliteration, consonance, and assonance works to beautify the language, which causes it to resonate with the listener.’Pounded the pavement’ or ‘picked up the phones’ is an […]
  31. Michelle Obama’s Tuskegee University Commencement Speech
    The commencement speech of Michelle Obama at the Tuskegee University primarily focused on the continuing and detrimental effects of racism, but even more improtantly on the concept of a post-racial America.
  32. Progressive Ideology by President Roosevelt
    In addition, the key role of the progressive lies in addressing the problems of the other, for which reason they are to remain enthusiastic and inspiring under any circumstances.
  33. Biden’s Push to Increase Tax on the Rich From New York Times
    The major reason for this news is Biden’s will to increase taxes for the rich to fund his plan of reshaping the economy.
  34. Biden Ends Workplace Immigration Raids, Reversing Trump Policy
    Firstly, the announcement will contribute immensely towards the integrity of most employers in the sense that it is going to push employers to pursue only documented immigrants for labor without putting excessive pressure on the […]
  35. George Washington’s and John Adams’s Policies
    George Washington is the first popularly elected President of the United States of America, Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, a participant in the War of Independence, and the founder of the American institution of the […]
  36. The COVID-19 Bill Proposal by President Biden
    As the standing committees to introduce the bill to, the budget committees of the House and the Senate will be involved.
  37. The Actions of Roosevelt During the New Deal
    The period from 1929 to 1941, including the Great Depression and the New Deal, is undoubtedly one of the most important in American history.
  38. Watergate – American Biggest Political Scandal
    In an attempt to do so, participants of Nixon’s Committee to Re-Elect the President broke into Watergate headquarters of the Democratic National Committee.
  39. “Industrial Education for the Negro” by B. T. Washington
    In the article, the author insists on the introduction of industrial education to the curriculums of all black students to ensure that they understand the value of labor.
  40. Academic Reforms of George W. Bush
    The development and establishment of the Every Student Succeed Act, is an attribute of Bush’s education reforms from his initiative to provide every child with the right to education in his bipartisan act of No […]

⭐ Simple & Easy American Politics Essay Titles

  1. What Explains the Increased Use of Drones Under The Obama Administration in Pakistan
    The C.I.A.holds the responsibility for the Drone attacks in Pakistan.”The C.I.A.began using drones in Pakistan in 2004, even though the United States was not engaged in a war with that country.
  2. Washington vs. Texas Court Case No. 649: Issue, Facts, and Summary
    Still, the court authorities denied him a request to listen and consider the testimony of a witness or an accomplice, because of which the court’s verdict turned in the opposite direction.
  3. Booker T. Washington’s Position Regarding the Black Problem
    Washington saw the main goal of education in the social and cultural teaching of African Americans, thanks to the emphasis on the acquisition of technical skills.
  4. Booker T. Washington’s Atlanta Exposition Speech
    The appeal to the white population was based on a call to reduce pressure on African Americans to build a socially equal society.
  5. W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington on African American Education
    The effects of racial discrimination and the resulting segregation echoed in every area in the late 19th and early 20th century, causing the debate concerning the need for integrated schools to become rather polarizing even […]
  6. Biden’s Stimulus Package: Impact on Society
    The new legislation will also provide direct payments to individuals through the US, and this is the second reason why I support it strongly.
  7. American Wars and American Political Development
    In his article “Wars and American Politics,” David Mayhew argues that there were at least five major wars faced by the US which determined its fate as a progressive state: the War of 1812, the […]
  8. Text Analysis of Trump’s Tweets
    Besides, the Network has a system of comments on the posts of politicians, which can also help to understand the mood of the public.
  9. American Political Thought in the Pre-Revolutionary Period
    Hence, the Enlightenment and Great Awakening played a central role in shaping the colonists’ ways of thinking, which significantly changed the way that the residents of North American colonies regarded the authorities.
  10. President Obama’s and Sen. Cruz’s Hanukkah Greetings
    The speeches reveal that upholding the celebration is an important event in commemorating the justice of redemption of Jerusalem and rededication of the second temple at the beginning of the Maccabean revolt.
  11. President Roosevelt’s New Deal in Tennessee
    The United States was in the middle of the Great Depression when Roosevelt was elected. In conclusion, the election of Roosevelt seemed like a solution to the impacts of the Great Depression.
  12. The Washington Consensus and 21st-Century Socialism
    The relation between market trade and the involvement of the state from one of the primary aspects upon which such models are compared. Both policies demonstrate particular differences in the context of the balance between […]
  13. Barack Obama Policies in Healthcare: Ethical and Unethical Behavior
    The United State should not have health care reform when members are working but it has to support every child and provide him/her with quality healthcare services.
  14. Obama’s Health Care Speech to Congress Summary
    He said that the failing economy was affecting businesses and homeowners and there was a need for decisive action to cut costs and therefore ensure the survival of the Americans by not counting the returns […]
  15. Franklin Roosevelt and The New Deal
    The New Deal was initiated by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, he was the 32nd president of the United States. His administration inherited the devastation of the Great Depression.
  16. Cooper’s “Perfect” Feedback Regarding Trump’s White House Address
    The segment featured a live Trump’s speech a few days before the election was called and had to be cut off due to the President’s remarks a few minutes into the session.
  17. Is Political and Racial Equality Possible in American Society?
    The study of this issue is important to modern American politics as it directly reflects the problems and opportunities of racial and ethnic minorities. It is also important to strive for justice and equality in […]
  18. Opioid Crisis During Trump, Obama, and Bush Presidency
    The president is the head of government, meaning that this political figure has the power to solve the existing problems. Trump declared the opioid crisis a national emergency, meaning that sufficient attention was necessary to […]
  19. Social Media Helped Obama Win
    The theory of hegemony is instrumental in understanding the relationship that exists between media and power as it can go a long way in reinforcing certain beliefs.
  20. The Under-Representation of Asian Americans in US Politics
    The vast disproportion between the percentage of Asian American individuals within the overall US population and the rate of their representation in office might be addressed by improving the likelihood of this community engaging in […]
  21. Blackstone’s Influence on American Political Philosophy
    This collection of comments and discussions highlighted the role of the citizen in the country and greatly influenced the formation of the American ideas of the common law.
  22. Leadership Lessons from Donald Trump: Analysis of Success Factors
    His leadership style seems to be visionary in regards to his managerial skills and the ability to focus on the future rather than focusing on past events.
  23. “Michelle Obama Calls on You to Serve” Address
    Michelle pointed out initiatives and actions that were implemented and asked people to join her and the President to serve communities and build the foundation for the state’s future growth with the help of the […]
  24. Media Influence on Donald Trump’s Career
    Trump is the focus of this essay as a prominent case of a worldwide discourse regarding the negative effects of media on a politician’s image.
  25. A Critique of President Obama’s Administration Position on Contraception
    The paper comes from the premise that after all contraception is widely used in the US but not all the women can afford the contraceptive.
  26. Barack Obama: Ambassador Leadership Style
    The history and current experiences of the leaders determine the approaches to the management of contemporary institutions. The advantage of this leadership is that the staff gains a lot of experience as they become more […]
  27. Constitutional Issues vs. Obama Healthcare Law
    This is because of government involvement in subsidizing the medical cover costs and putting it mandatory for everyone to have a medical cover or pay a fine.
  28. Obama’s Health Reform and Weak Points Revealed
    Consequently, the chief goal of the US administration is to re-focus the benefits promised by the medical care in the USA on citizens but not on medical products manufacturers.
  29. Clinton Health Policy Formulation
    Its main components included the formulation of a national health board that was supposed to regulate the health care structure in the United States.
  30. The Trump Travel Ban
    The aim of the current paper is to explore the ban and review the implications of its enactment for the affected individuals and the global community as a whole.
  31. The Role of Interests and Factions in American Politics
    Thinking about the consequences of unregulated factions politics, the first idea that comes to mind is that the weaker groups will always be outsiders that are unable to promote their interests. Nevertheless, in my opinion, […]
  32. Stories From the Great Depression: President Roosevelt
    At the same time, the era of the Great Depression was the time when many Americans resorted to their wit and creativity.
  33. Political Communication: Donald Trump’s Insult Politics
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze Donald Trump’s insult politics and the role of racism and religion in it.
  34. Progressive Policies After Theodore Roosevelt’s Term
    By centralizing power in the federal government, he diminished the chances of misrepresentation by municipal governments and ensured close monitory of the United States affairs to the fulfillment of the will of the people.
  35. Trump’s Advocacy for Waterboarding: A Comprehensive Analysis
    In addition, as Trump said, waterboarding is a good method to gather information from the enemy and predict national or international threats.
  36. Success and Mistakes of Barack Obama’s Foreign Policy
    This paper aims at discussing the achievements and shortcomings of the 44th U.S.president’s foreign policy. The second mistake of Obama’s foreign policy seems to be its expansive nature.
  37. Barack Obama Made History: The First Black President of the United States
    In addition to becoming the first black president of the united states, Barack Obama has numerous prominent achievements that will remain the history of the United States.
  38. President Obama’s Budget Proposal for the United States
    The budget is also expected to have an expansion of the earned income tax credit for the working poor. Contrary to the above, Republicans argue that raising the tax of the wealthy during a downturn […]
  39. Roosevelt’s New Deal and Its Influence on the Society
    The meaning of the policy of “New Deal” was described by Roosevelt in a speech to the voters, as elements of economic planning for a “more equitable distribution of wealth and goods and supplies, the […]
  40. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
    His credits as a leader are tied to his successful leadership amidst the alarming economic depression that was a challenge to his administration. These are just a few of the great thing Roosevelt achieved during […]

💡 Interesting Topics to Write about American Politics

  1. The Healthcare Reform Law by Obama: Budget of the Healthcare Reform
    The proposed healthcare reform has an estimated budget of $828 billion; half of which is scheduled to be acquired from the expansion of Medicaid with an extra $29 billion stipulated to aid in the funding […]
  2. The American Army: Political Science
    John wanted to become a warrior, belong to the company of the best soldiers in the world, to see the world, and to have financial stability.
  3. Satiric Cartoons on American Politics
    In this cartoon, a stout man in a formal suit is depicted. In this cartoon, there is a snake cut into parts.
  4. Bush on God: Bushisms From a Satirical Point of View
    According to the latest news, more and more people believe in the coming of the new Prophet. The witnesses claim, he was receiving a new message from the God at that moment.
  5. Franklin Roosevelt: The Evolution of an American Idea
    The following paper is intended to discuss and explain why the first inaugural speech of Franklin Roosevelt, the retirement announcement made by Lou Gehrig, John Kennedy’s inauguration address, and Martin Luther’s “Dream” disclosure are considered […]
  6. Will Donald Trump Make a Good President?
    Donald Trump might be a successful businessman and a true patriot, but he lacks the skills and experience to be a good leader of a country and represents opposition to core American values.
  7. Public Opinion About American Politics
    All three articles perform in depth analysis of the events, or offer all the necessary information for such an analysis, hence, whether these are discussion of a public opinion, description of the governor’s actions, or […]
  8. The Debate Over Gay Rights in American Politics
    Proponents of gay rights vigorously dispute these interpretations, but many people on both sides of the issue do not realize that the Bible has historically been used to argue many things in the past including […]
  9. Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson in American Presidency
    Theodore Roosevelt is known as the 26th President of the United States and the first president to have served the full cadence in the 20th century.
  10. Colonialism Questions: George Washington and Monroe Declaration
    He believed that the US was in danger if it would entangle itself in the foreign affairs of other nations particularly those from Europe. The convention of 1800 saw an end to all the treaties […]
  11. Obama’s Health Care Bill: Legaslation`s Changes Review
    It is imperative to note that the passage of the bill involved wrangling from what appeared as proposition and opposition sides of the Health Care Reform bill.
  12. President Obama’s Wall Street Reforms
    The new “bill stipulates that the amount of fees charged by banks to process debit card transactions need to be realistic and relative to the cost of the transaction”.
  13. George Washington: The First President of the Great Free Country
    He was recognized not only as the commander in chief but also as one of the leaders who assisted in crafting the new constitution.
  14. The Jesus Factor in G. W. Bush’s Political Career
    This time marked the turning point in the life of George Bush as he was able to receive Jesus as his personal savior this was how Bush explained. The friends of Bush were able to […]
  15. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Office Term
    The rationale for President Roosevelt running for these additional terms in the office was the perilous times in the early 1940s, as American faced the possibility of war in 1940 and was in the midst […]
  16. Obama’s Deal: The Problem of Healthcare Reform
    The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the problem of healthcare reform, which was raised in the documentary Obama’s Deal, and to evaluate the impact of lobbyists’ efforts on the legislative process.
  17. Barack Obama as an Exceptional Leader
    According to Huffington, “the first one hundred days of Obama in office has had a lot of achievements and intangible transformational leadership”.
  18. Obama and Sarkozy: Political Views and Personalities
    Comparing the forty-forth president of the United States of America, Barack Obama, to the twenty-third president of the French Republic, Nicolas Sarkozy, it should be noted that the historical background, economical systems and the foreign […]
  19. American History: Key Events in Social and Political Life
    In the beginning of the 18th century, half of the labor was provided by the African slaves while the rest was being provided by the Native Americans with the latter providing the Spanish farms or […]
  20. Social and Political Theory: American Theocracy
    Capitalism and the State rely on the exploitation of the majority of humanity. Mobilization of a working class calls on dealing with all the issues affect them.
  21. How Is Obama Doing: Discussion of Obama’s Presidency
    The anointment of Barack Obama as the first African American President of the United States has signaled to the world that American democracy has finally matured and that it is truly the land of opportunity […]
  22. Donald Trump: Leadership Ability
    As a leader, Trump is committed to direct involvement in every business that has his name on it. As a leader, Trump is able to build strong business relationships and rally people behind his ideas […]
  23. President’s Obama Ability to Address Issues
    In his capacity as the most senior member of the cabinet, the president needs to work together with other members of the executive including the cabinet to formulate policies for the nation.
  24. Bush Plan on Immigrants
    Since the program seeks to vet all aliens entering our country, it will be bound to increase the security in our country considerably. According to the program, all foreigners entering our country will have to […]
  25. American Politics and Power Decentralization
    The investigation done on policymaking for the period of 1947-1998 presented enough information on the subject of national government to decentralize its power to state government.
  26. President Obama and Congress on Healthcare System
    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between Obama and the congress over the health care plan. Using the power of the media, he is appealing to the voters to maintain his […]
  27. The Barack Obama Presidency in the United States
    This essay discusses President Obama’s administration policies on foreign and domestic issues, the challenges he faces, the strengths he can utilize, and what he needs to do in order to deliver the promises he made […]
  28. The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama
    In the book The Breakthrough, Gwen Ifill addresses the political background and what part the women and men the author calls “the breakthrough politicians” or what the editor of the New Yorker David Remnick refers […]
  29. President Barack Obama’s Job Performance
    He has proven to be a president who listens to the logic and needs of his constituents. He has shown the world that as the new image of America, he is not to be feared […]
  30. George W. Bush’s Activities and Forecasts for Barack Obama
    So far, all he has done to show that he would make a better president, was to overturn a number of decisions made during the Bush administration.
  31. Obama: The Rule of Law and the Chrysler Debacle
    The Rule of law is also well known as Supremacy of law and it establishes the fact that nobody should be considered above the law of a particular nation.
  32. Theodore Roosevelt as the Man and the American
    I at once announced that I would continue unchanged McKinley’s policies for the honor and prosperity of the country, and I asked all the members of the Cabinet to stay. This emphasizes that he was […]
  33. Obama’s Tax Relief Plan Analysis
    The following graph outlines the proposed tax cut relief plan in detail and it would be analyzed in terms of the effect that it has had on the economy and it’s bearing on the American […]
  34. Political Parties in the Modern America
    Political parties introduce the political life of the country through the ideas and considerations which are put in the basis of these parties and are the main differential features, which make the opposite.
  35. Barack Obama and Joe Biden Committing to Domestic Reform
    The 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt is mostly renowned for his policy of progressivism, which initially arose at the end of the nineteenth century as a response to the vast changes brought […]
  36. Barack Obama’s First One Hundred Days in Office
    In his first interview of 60 Minutes, the president asserted that he the knowledge of the importance of the first one hundred days and this is because he was well acquainted with Roosevelt’s First 100 […]
  37. Obama: Successes and Failures
    But Obama has not relented on the plan; in his speech to the Congress about the plan, he challenged them to face the plan as a way of tackling health issues.
  38. American Political and Economic History of the 20th Century
    While a part or parts of this statement maybe true, it is not in the way it is presented. The fall of its communism marked the end of its superpower regime and a global change […]
  39. President Bush’s Tax Cut Policies
    The impact of the tax cuts on the high-income households, the middle-income households and the low-income households have been assessed. Taylor argues that the tax cut policies of President Bush have minimized the amount of […]
  40. Obama and Solving the Problem of Racial Inequality
    One of the most important problems in this sphere is the growing tendency of authorities to influence the work of mass media.

📑 Good Research Topics about American Politics

  1. American History: Presidents Starting From Roosevelt
  2. Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address
  3. Inauguration of President Barack Obama on 2009
  4. Barack Obama: The Rhetoric of Political Words
  5. How the Election of Barack Obama as the U.S. President Will Affect America’s Racial Issues
  6. Global Security Interests of Bush and Clinton
  7. Americanization of Canadian Political Culture
  8. The Death of George Washington
  9. Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Great Depression
  10. Political Campaigns Finance Reform in USA
  11. Roosevelt’s New Deal and the Great Depression
  12. American Politics: Judges Selection and Appointment
  13. Obama and McCain’s Taxation Policy
  14. Biography of Bill Clinton: Interpretation of Personality
  15. Comparing Obama and Mccain Plans
  16. George Bush, Love Him or Hate Him
  17. B. Obama H. Clinton: Peculiar Individuals in US History
  18. Barack Obama as the Next President of the USA
  19. The Gilded Age as an Important Political Turning Point in American History
  20. President Bush and United States Congress
  21. F. D. Roosevelt and L. B. Johnson: USA Presidents
  22. Barrack Obama Is a United States Presidential Candidate
  23. Vice President in the Political System of the USA
  24. American Vision and Values of Political Freedom
  25. 2008 US Elections: Barrack Obama and John McCain
  26. Barack Obama: The First Black President Ever
  27. Barrack Obama’s Campaign Review
  28. Political Function of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
  29. Donald Trump and American Democracy
  30. George W. Bush’s Foreign Policies
  31. Trump’s Contributions to Healthcare Policy
  32. Tea for Trump Public Relation Campaign: ROPE Theory
  33. American History vs. Donald Trump
  34. Clinton’s Plan and Obamacare: Healthcare Policy
  35. President Trump’s Impeachment: For and Against
  36. Fake News and Donald Trump’s Political Career
  37. American vs. Russian Government & Politics
  38. Sentimentalism in American Political Culture
  39. Donald Trump and Joe Biden on Oppression
  40. Turnover Rate at President Trump’s White House
  41. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Definition of Freedom
  42. President Trump’s Impact on Economy
  43. George Bush: President of the USA
  44. Politics and Justice Challenges in American Society
  45. American Democratic Political Model as an Innovation
  46. Barack Obama’s Charisma in Leadership
  47. Barack Obama’s Presidential Leadership and Charisma
  48. 2016 Presidential Elections: Hillary Clinton and Marco Rubio
  49. The Heroic Deeds of George Washington
  50. Donald Trump: Theory X and Autocratic Decision-Style Methods
  51. Franklin Delano Roosevelt as an Admirable Historical Figure
  52. Barack Obama’s Second Presidential Term Agenda
  53. Bill Clinton’s Impeachment From Post-9/11 Perspective
  54. Roosevelt’s First New Deal and the Second New Deal
  55. Asian Americans’ Political Involvement
  56. The Politics of Theorizing African American Families
  57. Obama Campaign vs. Save the Children Initiative
  58. Power, Politics, Government in Canada and America
  59. George Washington: Leader in the United States
  60. Politics in America Between 1820 and 1850
  61. Judicial System and Politics in American History
  62. American History and Politics in the 19th Century
  63. The American Revolution and Political Legitimacy Evolution
  64. Ethical Factors in Trump Campaign Funding
  65. The Evolution of Trump’s Muslim Ban in the United States
  66. Trump’s Trade Restrictions and International Mechanisms
  67. Franklin Roosevelt’s Presidency and Its Influences
  68. Political Cartoon: Trump’s Healthcare Amendments
  69. Bush’s Best Baked Beans: International Expansion
  70. Is Obama “The Reagan of the Left”?
  71. Trump Phenomenon: Why Was He Popular?
  72. Internet in American Politics, Society, Economics
  73. Roosevelt’s Camapign for Japanese Americans
  74. American Political Ideology
  75. Brexit and Trump’s Election in Online News Media
  76. Popular Politics, Populism, and Donald Trump
  77. Muslim Ban From Entering the United States Enforced by Donald Trump
  78. Trump’s Refugee Order: Suppression or Protection
  79. Trump’s Presidency: A Legitimate Change Amidst Global Instability
  80. Racism in Trump’s and Clinton’s Campaigns
  81. Obama’s Presidency and Racism in the USA
  82. Anti-Trump Protests for Third Night on CNN
  83. Hip-Hop and Politics Correlation in the USA
  84. Hillary Clinton and John Mccain: Media’s Defeat
  85. Importance of Religion in American Politics
  86. Why Franklin Delano Roosevelt Was Most Popular Presidents?
  87. Did President Obama Save the Auto Industry?
  88. Barack Obama and Race Impact on American Politics
  89. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Presidential Era
  90. George Washington’s Leadership Style and Character
  91. George Washington and Neo-Classical Imagery
  92. Hillary Clinton’s View on Religion and Politics
  93. Intelligence Problem in the Trump Administration
  94. Hillary Clinton’ Education Policy
  95. Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Candidate’s Position
  96. Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders’ Debates
  97. George Washington: Servant Leadership and Communication
  98. Marcus Garvey: Afro-American Political Leader
  99. New York Times: Obama Vows to Push Immigration Changes
  100. Three Problems That Obama Should Fix
  101. The Life of George Washington Truett
  102. The Politics of Crime and Punishment in America
  103. Presidential Elections Analysis: Clinton vs. Cruz
  104. The Congress by George Bush
  105. Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney’s Economic Plans
  106. First Presidential Debate: Mitt Romney and Barack Obama
  107. Obama’s Policy: Delta and Northwest Airlines’ Case
  108. George Bush’ National Strategy of War in Iraq
  109. Political Issues of Marijuana in America
  110. Presidential Campaign: Barack Obama’s Message and Its Power

📌 Most Interesting American Politics Topics to Write about

  1. King’s and Obama’s Views on Racism in America
  2. Press and Politics Relations in America
  3. Post American Revolution Period: Washington Presidency
  4. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney Comparison
  5. The Third Party and Its American Political History
  6. Historical Event: Barack Obama’s Election
  7. Political Sciences: American Immigration
  8. Political Rhetoric: Barack Obama’s March 18 Speech
  9. Washington, Jefferson and Parker’ Role in the US History
  10. Political Issues: National Interest in America
  11. Obama’s Brain Mapping Project
  12. Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Era
  13. Roosevelt’s Plan to End the Great Depression
  14. Donald Trump: His Political Course and Contribution as a President
  15. President Clinton’s Impeachment
  16. Obama’s Health Care Reform and Utilitarian Theory
  17. The Challenges That Being Black Creates for Douglass and Obama
  18. George W. Bush Role in Foreign Policy of the United States
  19. American National Politics
  20. Ronald Reagan Revolution Through Obama
  21. George Bush Election Campaign
  22. President Barack Obama’s Healthcare Reforms
  23. Effects of the Indigenous Movements to the Politics of Modern Latin America
  24. Obama’s First Election and Racism
  25. Has President Obama’s Presidency Changed the US?
  26. The Political Views of Muslim Americans
  27. Economic, Political, Social, and Racial Concerns Affecting Mexican Americans
  28. How Obama’s First Election Has Been Affected by Racism?
  29. The Controversial Health Policy in the USA Initiated by the Obama’s Administration
  30. Features of Bill Clinton’s Obituary
  31. US Foreign Policy During Obama Presidency
  32. President Obama’s Higher Education Agenda
  33. The Monroe Doctrine and Its Roosevelt Corollary
  34. Latin American Government and Politics
  35. American Government and Politics Today
  36. Bush Tax Cuts Debate
  37. President Obama’s National Export Initiative
  38. Political Leadership: Bill Clinton and John Kennedy
  39. Republican Presidents Theodore Roosevelt & Taft
  40. President Obama’s Duties as the American CEO in His Second Term
  41. President Obama’s Foreign Policy
  42. President Obama: Manager of the Economy
  43. Did Obama’s Stimulus Work?
  44. Sumner, Wilson, Reagan, and Obama
  45. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal
  46. Fiscal Policies of President Bush and President Obama
  47. Bill Clinton Leadership
  48. African American Political History
  49. Political Regimes and Business Environment Comparison Between China and USA
  50. Clinton Homosexual Discrimination Policy
  51. Theodore Roosevelt Role in the American History
  52. Obama’s American Jobs Act
  53. Analysis of Media Coverage of President Obama’s Activities
  54. Cultural and Political History in the USA: Flight to Canada by Ishmael Reed and The Making of Americans by Gertrude Stein
  55. American Political Parties in the Late Nineteenth Century
  56. General George Washington. Life of the Commander in Chief
  57. Religion and American Politics
  58. Role of Politics in American Social Microstructures
  59. Print Media Journalism: Obama Campaign
  60. Politics in America: President and Congress
  61. American Political Culture
  62. Addressing Barack Obama’s Presidency Issues
  63. Barrack Obama and Race in Politics and Culture
  64. Political Structure and Process in America
  65. American Political Culture History
  66. Obama’s Administration Seeking Peace With Iran
  67. Obama and Romney’s Plans for Higher Education
  68. Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney on Health Care
  69. Eric Rauchway’s Murdering McKinley: The Making of Theodore Roosevelt’s America
  70. The Views on the Debate of President Obama and Romney on 10/3/12
  71. American Politics and British Taxation
  72. Rhetoric in American Politics
  73. Public Speaking by American Politicians
  74. The Political Landscape of America
  75. Bush Doctrine, Explanation of the Administration and War on Terror
  76. Immigration as Political Issue in the USA
  77. Welfare Expenditure Reduction: Obama’s Federal Worker “Tax”
  78. Obama’s Wars and the International Relations
  79. Role of Judicial Review: Bush vs. Gore
  80. Political Causes of WWII for America and Germany
  81. Evaluating Obama’s Presidency
  82. Concepts of Bill Clinton
  83. President Obama’s State of the Union Address on January 1, 2011
  84. Role of the American Constitution in America’s Political Process
  85. Barack Obama as President of the United States
  86. Compare and Contrast of the Historical Figures: Barrack Obama and Joel Osteen
  87. Is Barrack Obama Like Hitler?
  88. The Era of Franklin D. Roosevelt
  89. Barack Obama and Nicolas Sarkozy: Partners or Opponents?
  90. Roles That Political Parties Play and Have Played in American Politics
  91. T. Roosevelt as a Rough Rider

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"381 American Politics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/american-politics-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '381 American Politics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.


IvyPanda. 2024. "381 American Politics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/american-politics-essay-topics/.

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