242 Death Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Death Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. The Death of My Grandmother and Lessons Learnt
    Often the loss of a grandmother is the first loss in life, which only complicates the feelings experienced. The loss of my grandmother was the biggest tragedy that has happened to me.
  2. Dealing With the Death of a Grandfather
    In my mind, I never expected grandpa to depart from us, and when he finally did, I felt that God was so unfair to me because He should have left grandpa to see my children.
  3. Death Ceremonies in Luhya Tribe
    This tribe is called the Luhya tribe and is one of the 42 tribes of the Republic of Kenya. This is because a clan might actually size to exist due to the death of a […]
  4. Life After Death
    In many religions across the world, people belief in life after death and also being born again in the world after an individual. Life after death is the belief in the continuation of life after […]
  5. Life After Death: Christianity and Islam Perspectives
    The afterlife, or the resurrection, is the purpose of most religions. This is the question we ask when we talk of the afterlife and the resurrection.
  6. Plato on Death: Comparison With Aristotle Afterlife – Essay on Life After Death Philosophy
    On the other hand, religion has maintained that the soul is immortal and survives the death of the body. Plato argued that the soul is immortal and therefore survives the death of the body.
  7. Death, Dying, and Bereavement: Reflection
    End of life care for my mother took a toll on me, and I had to reevaluate my aspirations to see whether I treated life as an endless path.
  8. The Epic of Gilgamesh: The Death and the Afterlife
    The main purpose of the Gilgamesh myth is to illustrate the weakness of man in the face of destiny. By the time this dream appears in the story, the reader is already aware Enkidu is […]
  1. “Sylvia’s Death” by Anne Sexton
    The poem “Sylvia’s Death” by Anne Sexton is devoted, as the title suggests, to the death of poet Sylvia Plath. The poem itself is like a monologue or a short speech devoted to Sylvia and […]
  2. All Are Equal in Death
    Death refers to the lasting termination of all life’s tasks in a human being. Death chances on its prey in the middle of their actions and strikes equally to all.
  3. The Peculiarities of Discussing the Theme of Death in Poetry and Prose
    The question of this fringe helps to emphasize the problem of the lovers’ separation.”The separation of the soul from the body, and the separation of lovers from each other, is not an ending but the […]
  4. Are the Witches Responsible for Duncan’s Death?
    For example, Banquo was given good news by the witches about the likelihood of his children becoming kings and yet he did not rush to murder as it’s in the Macbeth’s case.
  5. Sea Otters’ Life Cycle From Birth to Death
    However, after the species had almost become extinct and their protection began, the species began to recover and towards the close of the 20th century, conservation had given rise to tens of thousands of sea […]
  6. The Probable Cause of Marilyn Monroe’s Death
    She had many lovers, many admirers, she associated with the rich and powerful, but in the end, she was so emotionally and psychologically troubled that when she died in 1962, with bottles of drugs beside […]
  7. Death and the Afterlife: A Spiritual World After Death
    The spiritual world for people means the immortality of their souls, which is in general highly important from the point of view of religion and philosophy.
  8. Philosophy: “Death” Essay by Thomas Nagel
    Therefore, the first element of viewing death is evil that the author examines is the contrast of this occurrence to life, which is perceived as good.
  9. Exertional Heat Stroke and Sudden Death
    The heat leads to the malfunctioning of the Central Nervous System, which is manifested in the symptoms of EHS. According to the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, it is vital for an athletic trainer to recognize […]
  10. “Death and Justice” by Edward I. Koch
    Although the issue of the death penalty is quite controversial, it is the most effective deterrence and the fairest justice that can be done to the victims of the most serious offenses.
  11. Magellan’s Death in the Philippines and Captain Cook’s Death in Hawaii
    Captain Cook was a surveyor in the royal navy and in 1778, he made his first trip to the Hawaiian Islands. The Hawaiians were very hospitable to the captain and his crew.
  12. Death and Funeral Customs of the Ainu and Nuer Peoples
    The high level of interest in the thematic is due to transformations in the rituals that indicate changes in the social order and conditions of its existence.
  13. The Theme of Death in the World of Literature
    Important is the fact that the death is personified in the poem and has the role of the gentleman. The death is presented as a powerful element of the poem and of the narrator’s life […]
  14. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
    Most of these studies focused on the incidences of SIDS, factors that are responsible for the condition, and the possible measures that could be put in place to reduce the incidence of the condition.
  15. Cleopatra’s Life, From Her Ascension to the Throne to Solemn Death
    The bond between Antony and Cleopatra continued to strengthen and resulted in the return of most of Egypt’s empires that had been conquered by the Romans.
  16. The Theme of Death in Fiction-Writing
    Nevertheless, while it is emotional, having to deal with death, the pain of losing a son, and having to deal with the sympathy of people around them, the story disguised the emotion of the individuals […]
  17. Reflection on Percy Bysshe Shelley’s “On Death”
    We are not aware what happens at the moment of death or after it and seek to find the answers to the questions raised by Shelley in the poem “On Death”.
  18. Socrates: His Life, Philosophy, & Death
    The Philosopher, Socrates was a Greek and he was born in the proximities of 470 B. Much of the philosophy and life of Socrates is explained by Plato in his dialogues.
  19. From Birth to Death: Human’s Destiny
    The reason people seem to be so attached to Facebook and blogs is because they think this is their primary means of communicating and connecting to the world.
  20. Late Adulthood and Death
    This paper examines ageism and the stereotypes associated with late adulthood; how individuals can promote health and wellness in late adulthood; the importance of relationships and social interactions; and personal attitudes towards death in late […]
  21. The Matter of Life and Death
    Since it is necessary that the population of the mankind did not expand, due to the lack of supplies, it is undesirable that the pregnant woman were in the bunker.
  22. Ethical Issues of Death and Dying
    The aim of the end of life care is to ensure that the dying person encounters the least discomfort during the dying process.
  23. Death & Mourning Rituals in China
    The unique beliefs put into the basis of Chinese philosophy, particularly those concerning the phenomena of death and dying may have a significant impact upon the patients’ attitudes and decision in the end-of-life care and […]
  24. Emily Dickinson and Death as a Theme in Her Poetry
    Using the theme of death, the author says that she has to cut her connections with the world and anticipates death.
  25. The Death Scenario: Positive Psychology
    Generally, I am concerned about Death and my Death or the Death of a loved one for that matter in different ways. The fear of this death scenario and the pain associated with it are […]
  26. Modern Christianity View and Perspective on Death and Dying
    Some Christians believe that death is safe to the people of God and that it is a necessity to fit in the complete delight of God.
  27. Social Issue: The Death of the Whitney Houston
    In addition to giving a precise of the aforementioned story, the next discussion also elaborates the story by relating it to sociological imagination and the concept of social perspectives.
  28. A Systematic Study of Suffering and Death in Christianity
    There exist six major perspectives that try to explain the meaning and existence of suffering in Christianity: First, the Bible exploits well the subject of suffering; it does not leave it to the believers’ own […]

👍 Good Essay Topics on Death

  1. Analysis of Nagel’s Death: The Assumptions and Theories
    He explained death as the end of living; this meant the life of an individual would be terminated at the time of death.
  2. Worldviews in Religions on the Aspect of Death and Afterlife
    The essay compares and contrasts the worldviews of Christianity, medieval Buddhist and Muslim on the aspect of death and afterlife and is covered as follows.
  3. The Death of the Moth by Virginia Woolf
    It was as if they were mindful of what had happened to the moth but in truth these creatures were simply taking a break.
  4. Forensic Psychology: Death Notifications Importance
    It is very important to surround the surviving relatives with compassion and understanding during the initial shock that follows the dreadful news. The purpose of delivering death notifications in person is to provide compassion.
  5. The Theme of Death in Literary Works
    The Duke reflects on the death of the Duchess and finding a new mistress to please him. The significance of the use of dramatic monologue is that it distinguishes the poet from the main speaker […]
  6. Detailed Coronial Analysis of a Chest Pain Related Death
    The coroner’s report reviewed in this paper is for the patient AD who was brought to the emergency department by the Queensland Ambulance Service with the diagnosis of the acute coronary syndrome.
  7. Death and Terminal Illnesses
    Some of the diseases under this category are heart diseases in the advanced stages and to some extent cancer.”In popular use, terminal conditions indicate diseases which will end the life of the sufferers in a […]
  8. Death and Dying From Children’s Viewpoint
    I can say that religion, the media, and my parents contributed to my early understanding of the concept of death. I developed a view that life expires at the death of my parents’ revelation that […]
  9. Life After Death: Scientific and Religious Answers
    Is there a life after death? In any way, there is no life after death.
  10. Death and Dying in Modern Christianity
    This is well elaborated in the bible as an explanation of the reward to the righteous and the justices that will be accorded to the evil.
  11. Muammar Gaddafi Deserved a Private Death
    The violation posed a threat to many leaders and is a clear indication that they are not protected even in the time of their death since the media is “the threshold for publishing gruesome images” […]
  12. Poe’s Favorite Subject Matter Is Death
    This is not an exaggerated statement judging from terms and imagery used in at least four of his popular works such as The Cask of Amontillado; The Black Cat; The Tell-Tale Heart; and The Masque […]
  13. Why Are We Afraid of Death?
    However, it can be interesting to understand why the rest of the people are so afraid of death. People are afraid of the unknown.
  14. Environmental Pollution and Increased Birds Death
    The increase in the population of different animals may also cause the death of birds. This leads to the extinction of some animals and birds hence massive death.
  15. Self-Reflection on Life Values, Goals, and Death
    I want my life to be full of genuine relationships despite how challenging it is to find and cultivate such bonds in modern society.
  16. Death and Dying: How to Accept the End of Life Ideas
    Loss-related grief hurts and is frequently intolerable, and it can be challenging to maintain a good outlook on life when one is in pain.
  17. Atkinson’s Death Penalty Article: Rebuttal Argument
    Regardless of unrealistic and irrelevant assertions about therapeutic jurisprudence, the death sentence is an efficient deterrence and punishment mechanism when seen within the context of vigilante justice and as a part of the current legal […]
  18. Restorative Justice and the Death Penalty
    Draft thesis: The death penalty, when viewed under the retributive justice framework and as a part of the existing justice system, is an effective deterrent and punishment measure irrespective of impractical and irrelevant restorative justice […]
  19. The Death Definition and the Need for Euthanasia
    If the concept of the soul is to be believed in, then one’s death is simply a process that detaches the soul from the body.
  20. Capital Punishment and the Death Penalty
    Furthermore, the defense and, in the United States, the prosecution has the right of vexatious challenge, which allows it to confront several participants without providing a reason.
  21. Heracles’ Death in Women of Trachis and Modern Perspective
    The concept of a good death changes over time, and what was considered a good and glorifying death in ancient times may be terrifying today.
  22. Psychology: The Aftermath of a Death
    Thus it is necessary to analyze the emotions and experiences of others in order to have a general idea of the problems that occur in different people.
  23. The Wisdom of Silenus: The Meaning of Life & Death
    When thinking about this idea, it is difficult to take any specific point of view about it because the meaning of life primarily lies in the process of a lifetime; making any goal the meaning […]
  24. Can There Be Agreement as to What Constitutes Human Death
    From a biological point of view, death is considered a natural fact of the termination of life due to the exhaustion of the body’s vital resources.
  25. Low Vitamin D and Risk of Premature Death
    Categories of clear communication index, including the Main Message and Call to Action, Language, Information Design, State of the Science, Behavioral Recommendations, Numbers, and Risks, will evaluate the general consumer publication.
  26. Experience With Death in Personal Life
    Facing death is an ordeal because it leads to nervousness, prolonged sadness, and pain of loss. Third, facing death is an ordeal because we feel the pain of loss.
  27. The Black Death: Causes and Reactions
    This paper discusses the causes of the Black Death, human contribution to the spread of the disease, and describes the responses to the Black Death.
  28. Media Journal Assignment: Elijah McClain’s Death
    The death of a young Elijah was quite a shocking revelation about injustice that is taking place in the country. It demonstrates the social solidarity of people on the injustice that has taken a place.
  29. “Death on Demand Is Not Death With Dignity” by Debra Saunders
    The author uses the example of Brittany Maryland, who is diagnosed with terminal cancer and moves to Oregon as assisted suicide is legal there.
  30. Protests Over the Death of George Floyd
    The suspect was cooperating with the officers who instead treated him harshly and pinned him to the ground against the police conduct.
  31. Impact of Divorce vs. Death of Loved One
    On the contrary, suffering as a result of divorce is similar to experiencing a loved one’s death in many aspects. In my view, the impact of divorce and the death of a loved one should […]
  32. Social Causes of Suicide: Sex, Race, Ethnicity, Age Group, and Mechanism of Death
    Suicide is one of the top ten main causes of death in the United States, making it a major issue. The suicide rate in the West is higher than in the South, Midwest, and Northeast.
  33. Euthanasia: Nurses’ Attitudes Towards Death
    The weakest part of the article is that most of the participants did not clearly define the concept of euthanasia, which casts doubt on the reliability of the sampled data.
  34. Health Policy to Solve Premature Death Inequality
    Further, the policy will teach the community about the dangers of drug and substance abuse and how it relates to premature deaths.
  35. Newspaper Coverage of Adolf Hitler’s Death
    It marks the end of the era of the terrible events of the Holocaust, the seizure of Poland, the extermination of millions of people.
  36. Impact of Intentional Death Problem
    Moreover, the negative consequences of euthanasia are the devaluation of human life, violation of the equality of people before the law, medical duty, and the structure of the doctor-patient relationship.

📌 Most Interesting Death Topics to Write about

  1. Tyler Skaggs’s Death Reminding About Opioid Crisis
    The case of Tyler Skaggs serves as a reminder of the problem that is crucial in the United States nowadays the opioid crisis.
  2. Attitude Towards Death Essay: Life-Span Development
    Therefore, I try to maintain respect for this phenomenon and thereby try to enjoy every moment of life so as not to regret anything on my deathbed. It became an increasingly sensitive topic to me […]
  3. Medical Error as Causes of Preventable Death
    One of the notable examples of significant damage to patient health due to a medical error in our hospital was the case of LIS caused by rapid correction of hyponatremia.
  4. The Investigation of Rigor Mortis: Method to Determine the Time of Death
    One of the methods to determine the time of death is the investigation of rigor mortis. Considering the state of the body, it is possible to determine the time of death using the progression of […]
  5. Death and Stages of Grief
    However, such an understanding can be questioned due to the invention of life support devices and the development of the death of the brain concept.
  6. Experiences of the Death of Spouse
    In order to elaborate the appropriate one, it is crucial to address Maslow’s Human Motivation and Hierarchy of Basic Human Needs.
  7. Regulated Cell Death Induced by Membrane-Interacting Peptide Amphiphiles
    Media from the cells will be removed and replaced with the fluorescent dilution media and incubated for 45 minutes. For visualization, the PA solution with 1 wt% of a fluorescent analog will be used.
  8. Death Perspectives in Epicurus’ Theory
    Starting with the assumptions that fear of this phenomenon is one of the most important stimuli in the life of people and ending with the suggestions that death is not bad for the deceased, thinkers […]
  9. Understanding of the Death Concept by Children
    The death component of irreversibility involves the child’s ability to conceptualize that death is permanent and the dead never return to life.
  10. Researching of Why Human Beings Fear Death
    From the religious perspective, some people know about their sins committed on earth in their life and are afraid of the punishment for those sins as opposed to people who believe in God and His […]
  11. Atherosclerosis: St. Louis Cardinal’s Death
    The function of the arteries is to carry oxygenated blood from the heart to other parts of the body, while the function of the veins is to transport deoxygenated blood from other organs to the […]
  12. Circumstances and Facts Behind the Death of Pamela Langley
    This memorandum highlights the circumstances and facts behind the death of Pamela Langley and the subsequent trial of the accused, Mr.
  13. Women’s Life Stories: Maori Sudden Infant Death
    Keeping in mind the analysis of both – modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors in relation to SIDS, it becomes obvious that equal attention is to be paid to biological and behavioral variables along with social […]
  14. Wrongful Death: How to Prove Legally That Death Was Wrongful
    The plaintiff sued the vehicle’s driver, County and the driver’s defendant on behalf of the decedent’s estate and as a family member.
  15. Mr. B’s Death: Valium Case
    However, this was not the case as the patient was only monitored for the blood pressure and the saturation of oxygen without monitoring the pulse rate and the breathing rhythm.
  16. The Line Between Life and Death: The Terri Schiavo Case
    A clear definition of a person who is alive is important in order to be able to make decisions about patients in a vegetative state.
  17. A Psychological Perspective on Death and Mourning
    The psychological perspective in health psychology is interested in trying to explain how biological, environmental, and psychological factors have influenced and affected health psychology and also the prevention and treatment of illness and diseases.
  18. Death Rates and Causes: Global Health Assessment
    Furthermore, it has been recognized that both methods of research are applicable within the cultural context as well within the context of beliefs and perceptions of the individuals the conducts the research and individuals that […]
  19. Heart Disease: Cell Death During Myocardial Infarction
    This process is known as the non-reversible cell injury because of the changes in the cell structure and functions when the cell membrane is damaged, and the cell dies.
  20. The Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
    Ordinal variables show a “clear ordering of the categories”. In a ratio scale, the size interval represents a ratio or proportion of the total values.
  21. A Root Cause Analysis for Mr. B’s Death
    Without the tools, the doctor could neither measure the response to the sedation appropriately nor sense when the situation of the patient was worsening.
  22. Alzheimer Related Morbidity and Death Among New Yorkers
    Generally, Alzheimer disease is a form of dementia, which inflicts a loss of memory, thinking and behavior. The proportion of ethnic and racial diversity in the US is increasing.
  23. Vibrio Cholerae: Death by Diarrhoea
    Although it is widely believed that Vibrio cholerae is a human pathogen, implying that human beings serve as the natural host, it has the capacity to persist and survive in the absence of a human […]
  24. The Book “On Death and Denying” by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
    According to Kubler-Ross, the stage of denial is the first in the grieving process. According to the Bible, Job says, “shall we not accept the good things that God does and adversities?” This is an […]
  25. The Death of a Loved One: Methods of Coping for the Elderly
    Prior to the start of the study, Mr.G.stated he did not remember the information the researcher had discussed and did not remember signing the consent.
  26. Abortion-Related-Maternal Death in Dominican Republic
    There is need to focus the effort in pressuring the lawmakers to respect the rights of women. The Dominican law prohibits women from abortion even the life of woman and the child is in danger.
  27. Problem of Death and Bereavement: Case Studies
    The life of a newborn child, no matter how disabled or handicapped it may be, is guarded by the ‘sanctity of human life’ doctrine, and the wishes of the parents or the prospects of the […]
  28. Death From Preventable Injuries: Predicting When Emergency Surgery Is Needed as Early as Possible
    The first attempt to quantify this occurred in 1999 when, at the instigation of a presidential task force, the Institute of Medicine extrapolated findings from three states to estimate that from 44,000 to 98,000 people […]
  29. Trauma and Death in World Literature and Films
    The themes of trauma and death unite the novel “The Day of the Locust” by Nathaniel West, the short story “Grief” by Scholastique Mukasonga, and the short film The Neighbors ‘Window by Marshall Curry.
  30. The Death of Hybrid Bodies in Literature and Cinematography
    The death itself is not always physical, it is the mental process of rejection or accommodation to the surrounding world, as the beast’s metamorphosis and integration into the human life paradigm is also a certain […]
  31. Hindu Death Rites and Provision of the End-of-Life Care
    Hindus have a particular perception of death and what happens to a person in the afterlife, shaping the appropriate for them end-of-life care.
  32. Global Inequity in Preventable Maternal Death
    Hence, in the framework of the international governance lens, discussions on the alienation of global inequity within the prevention of maternal deaths are relevant and reasonable to provide.
  33. The Role of Cocaine in the Death of Len Bias
    The primary focus of this paper is to analyze the existence of cocaine, its consumption, and connected public opinion at the end of the 20th century studying life and death of Len Bias, a renowned […]
  34. OSHA: Death Caused by Ladder Falls
    The first one is selecting the wrong type of ladder, which stems from the lack of understanding of essential tools. The most common cause of ladder accidents is the incorrect use of them.
  35. Suffering of Death Organs: Organ Donors and Transplantation
    The author begins the article by discussing how the past cessation of breathing used to be one of the recognized signs of death and how the development of the iron lung and later the artificial […]
  36. U1 IP Medicolegal Death Investigation
    There is one more problem: the bigger the interval between the death time and the body found, the more inaccurate will be the estimation.

✅ Simple & Easy Death Essay Titles

  1. Line-of-Duty Death (LODD) or Critical Injury
    A group of persons with knowledge on the insurance policies of the company should be appointed to render assistance to the family in the filing of claim forms.
  2. The Chinese Belief on Death and Dying
    These distinctions are visible due to several cultures act of subjecting to an influencing experience of death in the African perspective, the keeping with the nature of the Bible or its times, the people from […]
  3. When Butterflies Die: Alvarez and Her Idea of Death
    Considering a loss as a chance to take a closer look at ourselves, Alvarez interprets the old idea of drinking the honey and throwing away the bee, applying it to people’s subconscious and suggesting to […]
  4. Greek Attitude Towards Death and Afterlife
    The thoughts about death and the beyond can send shivers down the spine of a contemporary person and the attitude of ancient Greeks to death was practically the same.
  5. Nature of Self, Death, and Ethics in Buddhism
    The state of ultimate reality is pervasive and it builds the foundation of being and the source of energy in every atom and the life of every creature.
  6. Death in TV-Series “Six Feet Under”
    The paradox that is based on the conventional fear of death and the perception of death almost as one more member of the family cannot but leave a significant sign on each member of the […]
  7. The Duty to Die. “Going to Meet Death” by John Hardwig
    This approach is considered with the fact of how these loved ones should, on the one hand, bear all those condemnations and disagreements with life and words about soon death along with a perpetual presence […]
  8. Wit by Margaret Edson How to Face Death
    Through the story, the writer explains the tragic life of the Professor and how she recalls the story of her life which she spent without anybody to care and love for.
  9. Denial of Death in Major Religions
    I will agree at this point that the God that both the Christians serve and the Muslims is the same God because both religions believe that this supreme God is not comparable and will never […]
  10. The Western Corpse: Are We a Death-Denying Society?
    This belief in the body as merely a shell is also assisted by the fact that the corpse in modern times is no longer prepared for disposal by the loving hands of the friends and […]
  11. The Death of George Washington
    He is considered to be one of the most prominent politicians in the history of the United States. The twentieth century was marked with increased attention to the death of George Washington.
  12. Death Sentence to Muslim Terrorists: Should We Murder People Who Had Done the Same Before?
    In my opinion, the aim to punish is not the most important in this, but we should try to avoid the same crimes in the future, and that is the aim of Mankind.
  13. Brain Death: Medical Analysis
    If death is defined as the loss of breathing and the loss of the heartbeat, which are both based on the proper functioning of the brain, then it can then be subjectively derived that life […]
  14. Death and Suffering: War Opposing Viewpoints
    The number of human casualties is very much alarming Take the case of the Second World War. It is considered to be the worst and the most deadly war ever fought in the history of […]
  15. Aging and Death Relations
    The growth of damages in the organ elements that are required for the creation of new cells of the body leads to death.
  16. The Concept of Death as Depicted in the Iraq War
    It is a fact that the most prominent and evident aspect of the war is the phenomenon of death. The reactions of people to the thought of death depend on how death is represented through […]
  17. Ancient Conceptions of Death and the Afterlife
    Although the specific elements of the religion of the mostly pagan society of the composer of Beowulf around 1000 AD is fundamentally different from the Christian religion of Alfred Lord Tennyson who wrote Morte D’Arthur […]
  18. Final Wishes Before Death
    The better your visualization and your solutions to the problems that you have envisaged, the better is the peace that reigns in your home after you pass away.
  19. Death and Dying in Christianity and Buddhism
    Birth and death are part of everybody’s life: birth is the beginning of living, and death is the end of it.
  20. Death-Denying Culture Among Patients
    The author has argued that society has become a death-denying society where prolonging life becomes a test of the machines and technology that is bent on prolonging death.
  21. Healthy People 2020: Death Causes & Health Indicators
    Healthy People 2020 is a science-based governmental program designed to track progress on the national goals for improving public health in the United States. The scope of Healthy People 2020 is broad.
  22. Death Causes and Health Indicators in Georgia, US
    The analysis of the leading causes of death across the country identifies the most problematic health issues on the national scale.
  23. Overview of Sudden Death Infant Syndrome
    The cause of death in SIDS remains inexplicable in spite of a thorough examination of history and a detailed postmortem. In the United States of SIDS is the leading cause of post-neonatal infant mortality.
  24. Low-Carb Diets as a Cause of Premature Death
    There are various claims and misconceptions in the field of nutrition due to the fact that it is highly difficult to identify the core influencing factors.
  25. Philosophical Perspectives on Death and Dying
    These are fear of premature death, fear of the idea of death, fear of the dying process, fear of the death of significant others, fear of the unknown, fear of being destroyed, fear of the […]
  26. Death in the Work of Danticat, Marshall and Roumaine
    The despair of Celianne in “Children of the Sea” as she throws herself into the ocean is felt by the male narrator of the same story when he embraces death and by Grace’s mother in […]
  27. Terri Schiavo’s Patient Rights and Death
    Euthanasia is the process of stopping the medical maintenance of a patient’s life when the patient/herself does not want to suffer anymore and the doctors are sure that no improvements in the patient’s condition are […]
  28. A Matter of Life and Death Compositional Elements
    Through the usage of color scheme, props, and the setting of the last mise en scene, A Matter of Life and Death facilitated the propagandist message of Anglo-American understanding within the pursuit of individual happiness.
  29. Ethics of Organ Donation After Human Death
    In reference to this case, the ethical dilemma is related to the fact that the hospital administrator needs to disregard the necessity of informed consent for organ donation.
  30. Dying With Dignity: Euthanasia Debate
    On the other hand, the supporters of the law claim that assisted death is not a suicide, and it allows more end-of-life options for terminally ill patients. The majority of people are concerned with control […]
  31. Determining Manners of Death
    Such deaths can occur as a result of the following: Life-threatening infections; Lack of supervision from staff; Falls and injuries; Neglect of basic needs and unsanitary conditions at facilities; Errors in medication.
  32. Manners of Death in Police
    The authors of the report also provided diverse sets of data sorting the incidence of death in custody in the state of California by various features such as the demographic characteristics of the victims, the […]
  33. Manners of Death in the United States
    However, there are many people in the entire world who happened to face lightning strikes and survived. For instance, lightning strikes and drowning deaths might be staged by criminals to confuse the police in a […]
  34. Spirituality Issues: Death and Dying
    The African culture maintains that it is only in the land of the living where rewards and punishments are inevitable. It is the last stage in the human life cycle and a transition to “life […]
  35. Medicolegal Death Investigation System in the US
    The paper below will cover various issues of the medicolegal death investigation system in the United States of America. The key points that will be addressed in this research are exploring the background information about […]
  36. Medicolegal Death Investigation: Coroner System
    A coroner carries out the investigation related to the case, defines the causes thereof, and confirms the incidence of death. The medical examiner system implies that a person with a medical degree should carry out […]

💡 Good Research Topics about Death

  1. Death Causes and Gender Factor in Herkimer County
  2. Child Death Causes by World Health Organization
  3. Internal Family Briefing After the Victim’s Death
  4. Knowing Age of Death and Its Disadvantages
  5. Blood Test Predicting Death Age for Better Life
  6. Medical Ethics in Charlie Card’s Death Case
  7. Death Awareness Effects on Self-Realization
  8. Death of the Historical Buddha in Zen Buddhism
  9. The Love of Poets for Nature: Life and Death
  10. Why Is Death Bad?
  11. PTSD as the Primary Factor Causing Infant Death
  12. The Concepts of Death and Afterlife in Religious Beliefs
  13. Shaken Baby Syndrome and Pathology of Death
  14. Good Life and Death for Humans and Other Animals
  15. “Life After Death” a Book by Damien Echols
  16. Change in Attitudes Towards Death and Dying
  17. Death Types in Criminal Investigation
  18. Buddha’s Speculation About Life After Death
  19. Death in Psychological and Personal Understanding
  20. Death With Dignity as a Social Concept
  21. Life and Death in The Rio Grande by Américo Paredes
  22. Life After Death: Ideas in Religion and Culture
  23. End of Life Issues: Hospital Versus Home Death
  24. Christian and Worldview Perceptions on Death
  25. Muammar Gaddafi Death: Aspects and Publicity
  26. Media Announcements: Human Death Deserved to Be Private
  27. Muammar Gaddafi’s Death: Scene and Dilemma
  28. “Dancing Skeletons: Life and Death in West Africa”
  29. Brian Terry’s Death: Difficulties of Investigation
  30. Euthanasia: Is It the Best Solution?
  31. Amusing Ourselves to Death Thesis
  32. Power, Memory and Spectacle on Saddam Hussein’s Death
  33. Socrates on Death and Virtue
  34. Perspectives of Death
  35. Gaddafi Deserved a Private Death
  36. Philosophical Views on Life and Death

✍️ Death Essay Topics for College

  1. Death Anxiety Is a Multidimensional Concept
  2. Children Literature Analysis: The Concept of Death
  3. A Matter of Life and Death, or Did You Hear Someone Knocking?
  4. A Comparison Between Pat Tillman’s Death and the Bourgeois Theory
  5. We Are Not Harmed by Our Own Death
  6. Different Approaches to the Theme of Death
  7. The Policy of One Child Per Couple in China: Death and Birth Rate
  8. Death and Everyday Life
  9. Does the Death Sentence Offer Justice to the Criminal?
  10. Death in The Shipping News
  11. How Death and Dying Is Dealt With in Other Cultures and Countries
  12. The Elephant in the Room: Existentialism and the Denial of Death
  13. “Death” by Thomas Nagel: The Issue of Death and How People Think of It
  14. Death Lore: Texas Rituals, Superstitions, and Legends of the Hereafter
  15. Parameters of a Children’s Book That Talks About Death and Dying
  16. The Kind of Sara’s Death: Medical and Religious Aspects
  17. Effects of a Parental Death on Younger Children
  18. Philosophical Analysis on the Death of Osama Bin Laden
  19. Death, Loss, and Grieving
  20. Death and the Maiden: Emily Dickinson’s Thematic Obsession With Death
  21. Buddhism: The Concept of Death and Dying
  22. Death, Dying and Bereavement
  23. Change of Death Attitude From Traditional to Modern Way
  24. Why Physician-Assisted Death on the Terminally Ill lacks Justification
  25. Becoming Original: Truth and Death in Hawthorne’s The Minister’s Black Veil
  26. Death’s Head, Cherub, Urn and Willow: The Views of Religion and Death in 1720–1820
  27. Schutzstaffel: Hitler’s Infamous Legions of Death
  28. The American Way of Death: Process Analysis in Writing

❓ Interesting Questions About Death

  1. Is There Life After Death in Buddhism?
  2. How Did the Black Death Affect European Societies of the Mid-Fourteenth Century?
  3. Why Didn’t Socrates Fear Death?
  4. Can the Death Penalty Make Citizens Feel Safer?
  5. How Is the American Middle Class Affected by the Death?
  6. What Is the Implication of Death to the Meaning of Life and to the Human Person?
  7. How Is Death Viewed in Different Cultures?
  8. Will We Ever Be Able to Control Death?
  9. Could Death Row Inmates Be a Viable Source for Organ Donation?
  10. How Does Death Affect One’s Decision to Live an Authentic or Good Life?
  11. Does the Death Penalty Effectively Deter Crime?
  12. What Are the Cultural Aspects of Death?
  13. How Do Society and Culture Influence Our Views and Attitudes Toward Death?
  14. Does the Death Sentence Kill the Crime or the Criminal?
  15. Whether the Personal Consciousness Survives Death?
  16. How Does Death Affect Social Development?
  17. Did the Black Death Greatly Improve the European Society?
  18. How Does the Japanese Culture View Death?
  19. Should Physician-Assisted Death Be Legalized in the United States?
  20. How Has Death Changed in the Past 100 Years?
  21. Does the Brain Stay Active After Death?
  22. Should the Tobacco Industry Be Held Liable for Illness and Death Caused by Smoking?
  23. How Did the Black Death Impact Medieval History?
  24. Was Bob Marley’s Death a Conspiracy?
  25. How Does Mark Antony Manipulate the Crowd After the Death of Caesar?

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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 242 Death Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/death-essay-topics/

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"242 Death Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/death-essay-topics/.


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IvyPanda. 2024. "242 Death Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/death-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "242 Death Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/death-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "242 Death Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/death-essay-topics/.