Brian Terry’s Death: Difficulties of Investigation Essay

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Brian Terry’s death on 14th December 2010 Brian Terry was a customs protection agent who was well organized which made sure that even in the advent of him being gunned down in the border outside the Rio Rico on December 14th the Christmas gift to his family still arrived to them in time from where he mailed it in Michigan. The issue that there are two guns found at the scene of his death complicates Brian’s death and the guns are suspected to have been purchased by suspects across the border of Mexico (Calabrese & Frank 2011).

The gun used to kill Terry looked just the same as the AK-47’s that recovered from the suspects yet the weapon used in the murder is not recovered yet. However, it is quite clear from the forensics that the recovered weapons look exactly like the ones used in the murder exercise. At their father’s death, Brian’s testimony concerning the death moves the mourners into tears (Calabrese & Frank 2011).

This forms part of the House oversight committee bulk of evidence against the government, an investigation so branded as Fast and Furious which is believed to have lead to the illegal purchases of firearms in bulk. Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosive bureau believes that the realized guns would in the long run lead the agents on the ground to file larger cases against the warlords or the drug kingpins. It is therefore true that Brian is killed in the operation through a shooting using the illegal firearms (Mexico in crisis 2009).

His body is ultimately carried home for Christmas though not alive in the current situation. He was buried exactly closer to the house where he was raised. The deceased cousin, supported by a representative of the mother and sister, conclusively reports this reprt. They plea that the government is prudent to accept probability and promise to desist from the acts of mass killing and suffering in the future to enable the exercise proceed.

Relation of Brian’s death to the Bureau It is indeed very clear that the death of Brian is not a natural one and the first and almost a sure proof is that of the forensics which indicates the gun used to shoot. The bureau is in the process of seeking to establish a pilot program to bring to book the gun dealers in Mexico and Texas not excluding Arizona. This is to ensure that a report is presented on the frequency over which guns are sold in the city as compared a five-day limit (Nakaya & Andrea 2005).

This rule is quite corresponding to that by the US law that demands that dealers in firearms report their turnover in terms of sales of the firearms throughout the country to be able to note a lick of weapons into the society (Pavlich & Katie 2012). This has the impact of helping to retrieve back the arms already lost which those holding them use wrongly.

Through strong enactment of the laws and their implementation, the state authorities intend to track the drug cartels from Mexico and their tactics to smuggle firearms into Mexico (Nakaya & Andrea 2005). In connection to Brian’s death again, he is reported to be surrounded by agents whose reports though dismissed can be traced.

The proposal by the firearms bureau for a declaration of a state of emergency along the border where Terry was killed is another strong link of the patriot’s death. The Whitehouse though strongly opposed the enact ion of the laws in its bids to cover up the mistakes it did in dishing out the arms Operation Fast and Furious management failures at the Department of Justice, 2012.

Why controversy of the Fast and Furious operation The controversy of the fast and furious operation is farfetched, some of the parties wonder how the weapons could be scattered publicly despite there being agencies who are responsible for screening the movement and circulation of weapons. Some citizens continue to wonder how gun traffickers could be allowed to deal in their significant numbers of between 30 to 50.

They go ahead to even wonder how the operations of the groups above could take that long before being detected and wiped out before they pumped a lot of guns into the market of their operations Operation Fast and Furious management failures at the Department of Justice, 2012. There is a concession that allowing firearms in the society was a very big offence or mistake. This is because it leads to the brutal murder of innocent US civilians and even the officers like that of Brians case when he was on service to his nation.

Furthermore, the murders are not sole events yet they are events that the government are actually much aware about and alongside the cause are also quite clear and well known to the authorities. The authorities have therefore proved a lot of negligence of its role to protect its citizens from unnecessary harm Operation Fast and Furious reckless decisions, tragic outcomes, 2011.

The major controversy witnessed by the Obama government is that of tainted integrity, the investigation by the House of Representatives shows that the government intentionally gave out the firearms though they are trying to deny. After releasing the weapons turn back to harm the citizens who the same government is mandated to protect with zeal. Did the US intentionally allow for firearm smuggling? According to the arguments, provided it is not clear whether the government accommodated the smuggling of weapons.

The Bush administration launched a serious project to combat firearms which are being smuggled in it south coast. Through the ATF, the government realized its objectives, made several arrests, and seized weapons to a tune of more than 10000 weapons. The gang on studying the government tactics of wanting to sweep them out changed their style of operation and furthered their illegal activities. In a period of less that four years the illegal group killed over 35000 people (Pavlich & Katie 2012).

The weapons that were used to perpetuate such crimes are recorded in a report of 2007 to have come from the United States. This is confirmed by the concession of the federal official though they argue that the number is not accurate since not all guns can be traced in Mexico (Payan & Tony 2006).

In addition, the government has initiated both the fast and furious and ATF of which the former is not an anti-smuggler but it supports the ATF perform its roles. Are there firearms still missing? Firearms sneaked in very large numbers into the society given their immense supply by the dealers. The spread of the firearms like bushfire was also due to lack of a proper plan to follow the weapons. They used wiretaps to do the tracking of the guns, which has many loops hence, disappearance of many firearms (Payan & Tony 2006).

Works Cited

Calabrese, Frank. Operation family secrets: how a mobster’s son and the FBI brought down Chicago’s murderous crime family. New York: Broadway Books, 2011. Print.

Mexico in crisis: lost borders and the struggle for regional status.. Austin, TX: Stratford, 2009. Print.

Nakaya, Andrea C. Homeland security. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2005. Print.

Operation Fast and Furious management failures at the Department of Justice : hearing before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, second session, February 2, 2012.. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 2012. Print.

Operation Fast and Furious reckless decisions, tragic outcomes : hearing before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session, June 15, 2011.. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 2011. Print.

Pavlich, Katie. Fast and furious: Barack Obama’s bloodiest scandal and its shameless cover-up. Washington, DC: Regnery Pub. ;, 2012. Print.

Payan, Tony. The three U.S.-Mexico border wars: drugs, immigration, and Homeland Security. Westport, Conn.: Praeger Security International, 2006. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2020, April 22). Brian Terry's Death: Difficulties of Investigation.

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IvyPanda. 2020. "Brian Terry's Death: Difficulties of Investigation." April 22, 2020.

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