California’s Coastal Biodiversity Initiative Report (Assessment)

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The considered threat to California biodiversity is a relevant topic in the face of climate change. For instance, according to researchers, the water level in the coastal zone can rise to 5ft, which will ultimately threaten the integrity of 59% of the entire coastline (www #1). This perspective is dangerous since a large number of wildlife species live close to the ocean. To prevent this outcome, it is necessary to involve the competent authorities and plan a possible mode of operation in case of flooding and damage to certain areas.

The proposal to take active measures at the national level is essential, and it is implemented today. There is a special intervention plan, and one of its points is the conservation of renewable energy on about a quarter of the entire state (www #2). In addition, various public organizations concerned about the situation in California create movements in support of biodiversity protection and promote ideas to government boards. Such steps may have positive results if a sufficient number of stakeholders take part in such an environmental assistance program.

Another potentially valuable activity can be a closer look at those species that are in California. This approach to drawing public attention to the threat to state biodiversity is a step towards solving the problem, and today, many students are involved in such activities (www #3). Volunteer units engaged in studying the wildlife of California provide significant support to official boards. As a result, more people can learn about current difficulties due to information disseminated on social networks. Thus, the active involvement of non-indifferent people has a potentially significant result for the conservation of the biodiversity of the state.

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IvyPanda. (2021, May 30). California's Coastal Biodiversity Initiative.

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"California's Coastal Biodiversity Initiative." IvyPanda, 30 May 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'California's Coastal Biodiversity Initiative'. 30 May.


IvyPanda. 2021. "California's Coastal Biodiversity Initiative." May 30, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "California's Coastal Biodiversity Initiative." May 30, 2021.


IvyPanda. "California's Coastal Biodiversity Initiative." May 30, 2021.

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