Google+ Shut-Down and Its Causing Changes Essay (Critical Writing)

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Organization Choice

For the summative assessment, it was chosen to analyze the recent changes in Google that resulted in shutting down the Google Plus social network. According to Dassanayake (2019), the Google management team decided to shut down the service due to low usage and the high cost of maintaining a product that meets consumers’ expectations. The example was chosen because the events are recent and fresh in memory.

There is a significant body of up-to-date information on the matter that can be utilized. Additionally, it will be beneficial to analyze a case of a successful company admitting the failure of one of its projects. Finally, the organization was selected for personal reasons, as Google Plus has long been a service of interest. In brief, Google was chosen for the summative analysis due to a combination of objective and subjective reasons.

Assignment Plan

The plan for approaching the assignment consists of four major phases that will be subdivided into smaller steps.

  1. Gathering all the material for the assignment and create a reference list appropriately formatted.
    1. Collecting information about key stakeholders;
    2. Getting acquainted with utilized theories;
    3. Obtaining data about actions that were taken.
  2. Writing a summary of the essential elements of the organizational change from theoretical and practical viewpoints.
    1. Considering the reasons for the events;
    2. Determining the type of change;
    3. Describing the approaches to the process;
    4. Naming the people involved in the matter;
    5. Acknowledging organizational culture and power.
  3. Choosing and analyzing the success and limitations of two elements of the organizational change process.
    1. Reflecting upon the encountered issues;
    2. Studying how conflicts were handled.
  4. Evaluating the results of the change process and the impact it produced on the company’s performance.
    1. Stating the positive outcomes of the process;
    2. Specifying the areas of possible improvement.

Section 1: Draft

Since its launch, Google Plus did receive much attention from the users despite attempts to promote the service. Therefore, the company has been struggling with maintaining the social network, as it does not attract enough attention from the users (Dassanayake 2019). According to Wong and Solon (2018), the additional reason for the matter may have been a security breach that happened in 2018. Even though the company tried to conceal the matter, the bug Google Plus attracted much attention that may have become the final argument towards closing down the service (Wong & Solon 2018). In short, the reasons for the organizational change are connected to the financial and reputational implications of service maintenance.

Even though the change may seem spontaneous, it is long-considered and well-planned. The type of change is remedial, as it aims at reducing costs and restoring the image of a company successful in all spheres (Hughes 2010).

People involved in the matter are numerous, as the change produced an effect on more all the Google Plus team members and users of the social network. Google planned gradual shutting down of the service and asked all its users to save the needed information before April 2 (Dassanayake 2019). The plan was based on the company values and culture, as Google is known for aiming at the excellence that comes through smartness and openness. In summary, Google has adopted an approach of a planned remedial change based on the company’s vision and goals.

Reference List

Hughes, M 2010, Managing change: A critical perspective, Kogan Page Publishers, London, UK.

Dassanayake, D 2019, ‘,’ Express. Web.

Wong, J & Solon, O 2018, ‘,’ The Guardian. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, November 29). Google+ Shut-Down and Its Causing Changes.

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"Google+ Shut-Down and Its Causing Changes." IvyPanda, 29 Nov. 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Google+ Shut-Down and Its Causing Changes'. 29 November.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Google+ Shut-Down and Its Causing Changes." November 29, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Google+ Shut-Down and Its Causing Changes." November 29, 2020.


IvyPanda. "Google+ Shut-Down and Its Causing Changes." November 29, 2020.

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