How the Globalization Can Be Achieved Nowadays? Essay

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Just as Kofi Annan says that every crisis in our world has an opportunity, I also believe that even in our modern world the forces of multilateralism, globalization and global cooperation is possible to a certain extent. One nation alone cannot control globalization and thus, it too needs others to cooperate so that everyone can benefit from globalization, equally. Today the whole world is facing a huge depression and we have already seen instances of international cooperation among various nations for fighting against this crunch. It is also my opinion that until and unless multilateralism is implemented, prosperity, welfare, security, opportunity and stability for all cannot be guaranteed and overall inequality of wealth among the nations cannot be properly tackled. Thus, if the richer countries agree to provide aids to the poorer ones and if the developing countries realize that without globalization, world cooperation and multilateralism they will be affected the most, globalization, which was once a dream, is certainly possible. If our world leaders take the initiatives by placing standards and goals for the wealthy and developed countries so that they provide development aids to cut down global poverty, changes can be brought about in developing countries too. I think that globalization can be achieved by spreading political, economic and social freedom all over the world and by lowering limitations on the dissemination of information among the various nations.

According to me, globalization is also possible if the countries increase their mutuality and interrelation by integrating their economies for the betterment of the whole world. Although this seems to be almost impossible, the world leaders have to look beyond their borders and increase their participation in our global economy. Globalization, world cooperation and multilateralism are not only affecting our present state but are also shaping the future of our world. People of the world will not benefit until and unless there is cooperation and collaborative efforts all over the world. We need to have a global civilization that respects multiculturalism and each other. I think that the only way a world of globalization, multilateralism and global cooperation can be achieved is if all the nations together put their hands together in setting goals for aids and prioritize them, mobilize their funds and develop, sponsor and promote the mechanisms needed for increasing international cooperation. The countries also need to set up close inspections to observe their public health and also strengthen their human resource and institutional resource and bring about developments in their technical fields. I feel that although globalization, multilateralism and world cooperation may seem to be both inevitable yet a highly desirable force in our changing world today only if the countries realize the bane these forces can bring about will they be able to implement them worldwide. This world will never be able to obtain globalization, multilateralism, or global cooperation simply by reducing population rates, by improving their infant mortality rates, or by minimizing the poverty rates. I think that we can achieve globalization if the people of the nations feel empowered so that they are able to speak out their concerns and as a result affect the decisions made for them. If people understand that globalization will have positive and beneficial results for them, it will help in its implementation and their development and growth.

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IvyPanda. (2021, November 6). How the Globalization Can Be Achieved Nowadays?

Work Cited

"How the Globalization Can Be Achieved Nowadays?" IvyPanda, 6 Nov. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'How the Globalization Can Be Achieved Nowadays'. 6 November.


IvyPanda. 2021. "How the Globalization Can Be Achieved Nowadays?" November 6, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "How the Globalization Can Be Achieved Nowadays?" November 6, 2021.


IvyPanda. "How the Globalization Can Be Achieved Nowadays?" November 6, 2021.

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