Immigration Services Against Crime and Terrorism Case Study

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The rise in public apprehension attributed to criminality, terrorism, and refugees has resulted in the Americans questioning the effectiveness of the immigration services in promoting national security and fighting crimes. The United States has witnessed numerous attacks involving immigrants (McElmurry et al. 4). Cases of criminals smuggling weapons across the American border are common. It underlines the reason most Americans support the closure of borders and repatriation of refugees. There is pressure from the public for the immigration department to limit entry of refugees from states that are renowned for terrorism.

Following the terrorist attacks in Brussels, Paris, San Bernardino, and Orlando, many Americans have advocated barring of Muslim immigrants from entering the United States (McElmurry et al. 4). Some have advised the government to implement “immigration moratorium” to guarantee their safety and minimize crimes (D’Appollonia 13). The immigration department is responsible for screening all the immigrants coming into the country to ensure that they do not pose a threat to national security. Moreover, the unit arrests unauthorized immigrants and interdict drugs as a way to minimize crimes. The immigration agencies work in liaison with multiple, local, federal and global law enforcement agencies. This article will discuss the significance of immigration services in promoting national security and fighting crimes.

Immigration Service is a Constituent of National Security Machinery

The immigration department plays a critical role in crime prevention and promotion of national security, and it is a constituent of the federal security apparatus. The 9/11 attack led to the rise of the Department of Homeland Security, which was an amalgamation of 22 independent federal agencies, among them two critical border agencies (McElmurry et al. 6). They were the Immigration and Naturalization Service and the United States Customs Service. Presently, the Department of Homeland Security is among the most prominent cabinet departments in the country. It comprises over 240,000 workers with a budget of $64.9 billion (McElmurry et al. 6).

Immigration service is one of the agencies within the Department of Homeland Security. At least 50% of the department’s expenditures go to the implementation of customs and immigration policies (McElmurry et al. 6). The immigration enforcement agencies have hired over 45% of the security officers across the country (McElmurry et al. 6). Three primary immigration agencies are part of the Department of Homeland Security. They include the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and The United States and Border Protection (CBP) (McElmurry et al. 6). The ICE is responsible for probing and implementing federal laws that regulate trade, customs, and immigration to guarantee public safety.

The CBP helps to fight crimes and promote national security by ensuring that potential terrorists do not enter the country (Davies and Fagan 103). Moreover, the agency prevents criminals from smuggling weapons into the United States. It ensures that people engage in legal global trade and travel. The USCIS makes sure that people do not migrate to the United States illegally.

Immigration Service Promotes Border Security

The Department of Homeland Security has established significant agencies under the immigration services that manage the United States’ borders. The ICE and CPB work together to implement the customs and immigration laws. McElmurry et al. aver, “All officers of the CPB at the borders and ports of entry and ICE’s investigative agents are cross-designated to exercise both immigration and customs authorities” (7). The federal officers have the power to stop and screen all immigrants, vessels, vehicles, and deliveries into the United States to make sure that they abide by the established laws.

The immigration laws give ICE and CBP officers the power to determine the permissibility and citizenship of immigrants entering or already in the United States (Davies and Fagan 108). They also fight counterfeiting, human smuggling, and weapon trafficking. It goes a long way towards combating crimes and promoting national safety. Drug trafficking and money laundering are major crimes across the world. The Americans are significant victims of drug trafficking, where Mexican and Colombian cartels smuggle drugs into the United States. Money obtained from drugs is used to fund crimes in the country. The immigration service, through ICE and CBP, combats money laundering and drug trafficking. In return, it helps to minimize crimes and guarantee public safety.

The CPB comprises 60,000 workers who man 95,000 miles along the coastline and 7,500 miles of provincial borders (McElmurry et al. 7). The agency’s primary mission is to guard the borders to protect the Americans from harmful materials and individuals. The immigration officers screen at least one million people every day at different points of entry. In 2015, the immigration officers arrested over 1,300 criminals who were trying to find their way into the country (McElmurry et al. 7). Moreover, they stopped hundreds of immigrants from entering the country due to security reasons. Currently, the immigration department has intensified border patrol and surveillance to ensure that criminals, weapons, and drugs do not get into the country. Apart from these measures, the immigration employees cooperate with their counterparts from neighboring states to resolve terrorism and criminal challenges along the borders. For instance, they liaise with immigration staff from Canada to warrant safety along the border between the two nations.

Immigration Service Entails Vetting of Immigrants and Visitors

Promoting security does not entail manning only the physical borders. It also involves vetting and screening all visitors and immigrants coming into a country to ensure that they do not pose a threat to public safety. The immigration workers collaborate with other security agencies like the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Department of Defense (DOD), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and Department of Justice (DOJ) to screen and vet all visitors and immigrants. The immigration division has enhanced the way it evaluates visa applications, confirms identities, and screens visitors. The objective is to make sure that individuals with ill motives do not enter into the country. All immigrants seeking permanent and temporary residence in the United States are put through a rigorous vetting and screening process. The immigration branch conducts thorough medical and criminal background check to ensure that they are safe. The USCIS has enhanced its screening mechanisms to cater to all potential risk factors. The vetting process helps to identify individuals with criminal records, sex offenders, suspected terrorists, and members of criminal gangs. The immigration staff does not ignore even the insignificant element of national security concern. The officers liaise with law enforcement agents to decide the necessary action.

The high number of nonimmigrants who come to the United States hinders the ability of the immigration services to promote national security and curb crimes (Menjivar and Abrego 1392). Hundreds of visitors and American citizens enter the country on a daily basis. It is quite challenging to ensure that all these persons do not pose a threat to national security. Moreover, it is hard for the immigration officers to screen all nonimmigrants to ascertain that they do not pose a threat. It underscores the reason why the immigration service agencies run biometric screening programs.

The programs help to inspect noncitizens who intend to visit the country. The vetting process commences once a person applies for a nonimmigrant visa. The individual’s data is verified to ensure that they are not on the terrorist watch list (Menjivar and Abrego 1403). The Immigration division uses numerous travel-related programs to guarantee national security. The programs help to recognize possible criminals before they get into the country. Currently, the immigration staff uses the risk-based method to promote national security and prevent crimes. The CPB uses “trusted traveler” screening methods to aid safe tour of low-risk persons without affecting trade.

Immigration Services Address Internal Threats

The United States faces both internal and external threats, which underscores the reason the country has immigration laws that seek to curb internal risks. Apart from monitoring the ports of entry, the immigration department endeavors to stop internal threats (Massey and Pren 12). The ICE, which is an immigration agency under the Department of Homeland Security, helps in the fight against domestic terrorism. The body identifies individuals who have overstayed their visas and pose a threat to national security. Moreover, the staff of ICE partakes in the terrorism taskforce that works under the FBI.

The team helps to probe cases involving immigrants and cross-border crimes. McElmurry et al. aver, “As part of the immigration enforcement, Congress has supported efforts to identify and remove foreign criminals, national security threats, felons, and repeat offenders” (13). The ICE runs an Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) unit, which helps to identify and thwart internal threats. The unit detects, apprehends, and deports illegal immigrants who pose a risk to the nation (Massey and Pren 17). Additionally, it works with the local and state law enforcement agencies, giving them the power to enforce immigration laws. The local and state law enforcement agencies are given the authority to identify, apprehend, or process illegal immigrants in their areas of operations.

The ICE runs a National Fugitive Operations Program, which identifies and arrests renegade illegal immigrants who have been previously deported or apprehended for felonies. The immigrant services must secure the public (Moloney 24). Thus, ICE has the powers to assume custody of immigrants detained by local or state law enforcement agencies for deportation. Despite ICE using its mandate to promote national security by deporting illegal immigrants, the move does not auger well with refugees (Moloney 27). There is no trust between immigration staff and immigrant communities. The communities argue that some immigration programs like Secure Communities facilitate racial profiling and deportation of persons who do not pose a significant danger to the country (Strunk and Leitner 69). In fact, some state governments have abolished Secure Communities after realizing that it contributes to the unjust deportation of immigrants.

Personal Opinion

The United States faces both internal and external threats. Thus Americans have every reason to be concerned about their safety. The attacks in San Francisco, San Bernardino, and Orland are clear indications of the nature of security threats that Americans grapple with on a regular basis. Blaming the current level of insecurity on refugees and immigrants is futile. Closing the borders and vetting all visitors and immigrants will not help much as many immigrants use alternative routes and means to get into the country.

Presently, the United States’ immigration system has prevented thousands of immigrants from entering into the country due to security reasons. Preventing individuals who pose a threat to national security is an essential component of America’s security mechanisms. However, there is the need to update the immigration system to enable the country to channel its scarce resources to areas that pose a significant threat. The United States requires coming up with feasible and logical approaches to immigration, which will boost national security, reduce crimes, and enable the immigration department to attend to other functions that promote national interests.

The political leaders have shown that they concur to enact laws that guarantee national safety only when the country is in crisis. After the 9/11 attack, the Democrats and Republicans agreed to review the immigration laws. It is the high time that political leaders agree that the United States requires substantial and effective immigration policies and reforms. Moreover, the government should invest in enforcement infrastructure to enable the immigration department to reduce cases of illegal and undocumented immigrants. Improvements in the immigration department should consider the country’s economic interests. Many foreigners come to the United States for business purposes on a regular basis. The immigration department should ensure that reforms do not compromise business between the United States and its trade partners.

The United States require vetting and documenting over 11 million immigrants who are in the country illegally. That way, the government will identify individuals who pose a threat to national security and take the appropriate measures. Stringent immigration laws and possible arrests and deportation discourage illegal immigrants from presenting themselves to the immigration offices for documentation. The Congress should come up with immigration laws that do not discriminate against immigrants who are in the country on humanitarian grounds. It will encourage unauthorized immigrants to look for ways to legitimize their presence in the country.


Immigration services have helped to promote national security and minimize crimes. However, a lot of changes need to be implemented to enhance the success of the services. Opponents of reforms in the immigration system claim that the move would compromise public safety and give criminals a chance to perpetrate crimes (Strunk and Leitner 65). They fail to appreciate that the existing immigration policies have loopholes, which have contributed to a high number of undocumented immigrants in the United States. The federal government has done a lot to ensure that immigration division has adequate resources to run its operations.

Nonetheless, more resources and reforms are required to guarantee safety, particularly at the borders. It is imperative to understand that securing the border demands enforcement of the established laws. Moreover, it calls for the fulfillment of legal needs through legitimate means. The challenge of procuring legal temporary work permit has led to many immigrants looking for illegal ways to get into the country (Strunk and Leitner 67). Enhancing the provision of temporary work permits will encourage immigrants from neighboring countries like Mexico and Canada to use legitimate means to enter the United States. The current effort by the immigration division to curb illegal entry will not work unless the agency looks for ways to ensure semi-skilled workers who do not pose a danger to the nation are allowed into the country.

One of the main challenges to the immigration department is regulating visa programs, particularly work visas. It is difficult for the immigration agencies to ensure that people do not overstay their visas (Strunk and Leitner 71). It gives unscrupulous employers an opportunity to retain workers illegally. Moreover, illicit networks use this loophole to smuggle criminals using false documents. Indeed, many immigrants in the country never went through the necessary security and criminal screening processes (Strunk and Leitner 72). Immigrant communities are hesitant to report illegal immigrants because they do not want to come into contact with law enforcement agencies (Strunk and Leitner 72). In return, they establish a haven for criminals. The immigration unit requires establishing rapport with immigrants to help identify and deal with offenders who enter the country unlawfully.

The immigration department should reform its legal system to exploit the enforcement resources. The current legal immigration system does not guarantee adequate screening of immigrants at the border and within the country (Strunk and Leitner 80). Even though the existing border security measures facilitate national security, there is the need to change the immigration policies that allow admission of unskilled employees into the country. The current systems rely on archaic visa laws that do not cater to the high demand for foreign labor (Strunk and Leitner 82). Lack of sufficient immigration policies allows illegal recruitment of workforce by employers and influx of illegal immigrants into the United States. The immigration department takes long to process family-based visas, thus resulting in people looking for alternative ways to get to the United States. It becomes difficult for the immigration division to capture possible criminals and terrorists.


Terrorism is a significant concern in the United States. The shootings in San Bernardino and Orlando brought to the light the level of security threat that the Americans face. The United States’ immigration services play a significant role in promoting national security and fighting crimes. The immigration department is a critical component of America’s security apparatus. It works under the Department of Homeland Security and helps to ensure that criminals and illegal weapons do not get into the country. The immigration division has representatives in all points of entry into the United States. They help to secure the nation by ensuring that criminals do not get into the country. Moreover, they aid in the fight against drug and human trafficking. Money laundering is a significant cause of crimes in the United States.

The immigration officers assist in fighting money laundering, thus minimizing offenses in the country. Vetting of immigrants and visitors is essential as it helps to prevent criminals from entering a country. In the United States, the immigration department plays a primary function of vetting all visitors and immigrants. It helps to identify individuals with criminal records, thus ensuring that they do not get into the country and pose a danger to public safety. Even though the immigration sector has helped to curb crime and guarantee public safety, a lot needs to be done as there is a high number of undocumented immigrants in the country. The department should establish a rapport with the immigrants and expedite the processing of different visas to prevent people from looking for alternative means to get to the United States.

Works Cited

D’Appollonia, Ariance Chebel. Frontiers of Fear: Immigration and Insecurity in the United States and Europe. Cornell University Press, 2012.

Davies, Garth, and Jeffrey Fagan. “Crime and Enforcement in Immigrant Neighborhoods.” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 641, no. 1, 2016, pp. 99-124.

Massey, Douglas, and Karen Pren. “Unintended Consequences of US Immigration Policy: Explaining the Post-1965 Surge from Latin America.” Population and Development Review, vol. 38, no. 1, 2012, pp. 1-29.

McElmurry, Sara, et al. “Balancing Priorities: Immigration, National Security, and Public Safety.” Chicago Council on Global Affairs and Bipartisan Policy Center, Web.

Menjivar, Cecilia, and Leisy Abrego. “Legal Violence: Immigration Law and the Lives of Central American Immigrants.” American Journal of Sociology, vol. 117, no. 5, 2012, 1380-1421.

Moloney, Deirdre. National Insecurities: Immigrants and U.S. Deportation Policy since 1882. The University of North Carolina Press, 2012.

Strunk, Christopher, and Helga Leitner. “Resisting Federal-Local Immigration Enforcement Partnerships: Redefining ‘Secure Communities’ and Public Safety.” Territory, Politics, Governance, vol. 1, no. 1, 2013, pp. 62-85.

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