Three Mobile Company Review Essay

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Executive summary

This paper looks at the Three Company. It commences by providing the background of the company. It goes ahead to explore its mission as well as its vision. After that, the paper looks at the target customers of the firm. A number of the major competitors of the firm are also explored. They include Vodafone, Giffgaff, T-mobile and O2.Additionally, the paper provides PEST analysis of the company.

PEST analysis refers to the analysis of the political, economic, and social-cultural as well as the technological environments of the company. Additionally, the paper has conducted a SWOT analysis of the company.

This entails exploring some of the strengths of the firm, weaknesses of the firm, opportunities that are available for the firm as well as some of the threats facing the company. Additionally, the paper looks at the main marketing objectives of the firm. A thorough exploration of the marketing mix strategy of the firm is also provided in the paper.


Significant changes have occurred in the industry of telecommunications, both in the United Kingdom and globally. This paper commences by detailing the Three Company’s situational analysis. It offers a detailed PEST and SWOT analysis.

Largely, it explores the firm’s marketing strategy together with its marketing objectives. Additionally, the firm’s marketing mix is looked at by the paper. An action plan with various recommendations has also been provided at the last stages of the paper.

The background of Three Company

The Three Company is one of the leading mobile brands and is controlled by Hutchison Telecommunications (HTHKH), which is one of the members of the Hutchison Whampoa Group. In the year 1983, the firm initiated a mobile telecommunications networks (Saplitsa, 2008).

This took place in Hong Kong. After about two decades, the firm constructed one of the biggest and highly successful 3G and 2G mobile networks within Hong Kong. It was also a highly competitive mobile market globally.

The firm commenced its original 3G network in the year 2004. This made the network of the firm expand rapidly to cover more than 99 % of the market share. Presently, the firm falls in the category of the biggest operators of 3G within the market.

It provides rapid mobile data services through HSPA network. The firm has a highly sophisticated 3G technology and besides, it is famous for its numerous innovations as well as its culture of laying much emphasis on the needs of its customers.

Mission & Vision

The mission of the Three Company is to drive service innovations in order to improve the experiences of its numerous customers. The major goal of the firm is to make sure that the market’s future is shaped. Besides, the firm strives to make sure that its numerous clients are provided with unmatched infotainment and communications experience on an adaptable mobile platform.

Three mobile’s marketing mission is to improve its share of the market within the United Kingdom’s mobile market. The mission statement plays very big role in offering direction for the firm (Pearce & Robinson 2004; Kotler, 1998; Jean-Pierre and Sachin 2005 and Blattberg, Briesch and Fox, 1995).

Target Customers

The major target population for the firm includes the student population as well as other salaried individuals. Other target customers for the firm are the youthful population that loves downloading and streaming video clips as well as music.

Again, the firm targets those who are interested in accessing a huge array of entertainment and information services like financial information, news, traffic updates, fashion, sports, movie trailers as well as weather. Lamb, Hair, and McDaniel (1998) state that identification of the target market is highly beneficial for firms in achieving their objectives.


Blattberg, RC, Briesch, R & Fox, EJ 1995, “How Promotions Work,” Marketing Science, vol. 14 no. 3, G122-G132.

Jean-Pierre, D and Sachin G 2005, “Own-Brand and Cross-Brand Retail Pass Through,” Marketing Science, vol. 24 no. 1, 110-122.

Kotler, P 1998, Marketing, (4th ed.), Prentice Hall, Australia.

Lamb, W., Hair, J, McDaniel, C1998, Marketing, (4th edn), South-Western College Publishing, Cincinnati.

Pearce, J & Robinson, R 2004, Strategic Management (9th ed.), The McGraw-Hill Companies, New York.

Saplitsa, I 2008, Business Analysis and Valuation of Vodafone Group, Norwegian School of Economics, Norway.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 18). Three Mobile Company Review.

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"Three Mobile Company Review." IvyPanda, 18 Apr. 2019,


IvyPanda. (2019) 'Three Mobile Company Review'. 18 April.


IvyPanda. 2019. "Three Mobile Company Review." April 18, 2019.

1. IvyPanda. "Three Mobile Company Review." April 18, 2019.


IvyPanda. "Three Mobile Company Review." April 18, 2019.

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