159 Artists Essay Topics & Examples

In case you’re writing about contemporary artists or art history, we have a whole lot of interesting ideas for you! Our experts have collected visual art essay topics and examples right below.

🏆 Best Art Essay Topics & Examples

  1. Artist’s Role in Society: Cultures, Traditions, Ideas, and Moral Responsibilities
    These artists support the best national ideas and traditions in order to make every society successful. Artists can “encourage their followers to support the best activities and decisions in the society”.
  2. Revolutionary Art in America: Society and Artists
    This paper will highlight the purpose of revolutionary art in the society and at the same time discuss how revolutionary art has affected art and artists in America.
  3. Art and Society: Goals and Duties of Artists
    Therefore, it can be asserted that one of the roles of art is to preserve the cultural trait and heritage of a community or society. This is both to the user of the artistic material […]
  4. Leonardo da Vinci – Artist, Scientist, Inventor
    The painting “The Amo Valley” also portrayed some of the best artistic styles. This talent made it easier for Leonardo da Vinci to produce the best paintings.
  5. Responsibility of Artists to Address Social Problems in Their Work
    In light of the significant power that art and by extension artists hold, there arises the question of whether artists have a responsibility to address social problems through their works.
  6. Jiro Takamatsu, a Japanese Artist
    In “The Temperature of the Sculpture,” Takamatsu may have used the materials and tools available to him to express this change in Japanese society.
  7. Photography: An Artist Statement
    In the first image, I arranged the details in the composition to guide the observer through the place I captured by the camera. With the help of the play of the light and shadow, I […]
  8. Early Childhood Memories Impact on Artists’ Journey
    The reason for childhood memories to have such profound importance for the development of one’s artistic style and attributes can be explained by the acquisition of the executive function that occurs during early childhood.
  9. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce
    The most unique aspect of the book is the author’s innovative use of sense to describe the thoughts and feelings of the character.
  10. How and Why Do Advertisers Use Specific Works of Art or Artists to Sell Their Products?
    The role of the art in the adverts is to give an image to the company and its products. In all the artistic values, the most comprehensive is space as it is a combination of […]
  11. The Challenges Emerging Artists Are Facing in Emerging Art Scenes
    The Flemish art period between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries involved significant and dynamic events in the historical mark in the field of artistry.
  12. Principles of Design in Female Artists’ Works Displayed in the Louvre
    In Peace Bringing Back Abundance, the level of precision while showing the figures is less intense than in the other painting, which creates a sense of lightness and sanctity.
  13. Paul Benny’s Work: Artist Presentation
    Paul Benney’s artwork mainly deals with painting of people’s portraits. The themes of his work touch on issues embraced daily.
  14. Artist-Promotion Relation: Commercialization and Art
    Through Orlean’s article, the artist-promotion relation, in addition to being a commercially successful marketing move, it could be sensed that the author views this relationship as a step of closing the gap between the art […]
  15. Origin and History of Salsa Music, Greatest Artists
    It is important to note that the youth loves and have interest in music than adults and this is why salsa was heavily affected.
  16. Gibran Khalil Gibran-Lebanon Writer and Artist
    Gibran’s mother settled in Boston together with a young Gibran, his two younger sisters, and his half brother. Holland was a member of the European avant-garde-movement and he acted as a tutor and mentor to […]
  17. The Artist’s State of Mind: Van Gogh’s “The Starry Night”
    The painting also has a tree that also stretches to the sky; it is the tallest feature in the village. The choice of color in the painting is also an indication of the painter’s mood.
  18. Paul Klee: The Revolutionary Artist
    The work represents the research on the biography and artwork of designer Paul Klee. Klee continued to paint after the war, and the world saw his new works from 1919 to 1925.
  19. Why We Should Separate the Art From the Artist
    In the second experiment, the researchers found out that narratives increased how much the listeners liked the artist, and the desire to see them succeed.
  20. Modernist Art: Pablo Picasso and Umberto Boccioni
    Early 20th-century European culture, which was characterized by a growing interest in the avant-garde and a rejection of conventional art forms, fostered the success of both artists, due to the fact that their experimentation and […]
  21. The Discussion of Women Artists
    For the situation to change, it is important to talk more about artists the heroines of the past, their contemporaries, and their heritage.
  22. Salvador Dali: Artist in the Area of Surrealism Art
    Salvador Dali was among the most prominent artists in the area of surrealism art. It “balances a rational vision of life with one that asserts the power of the unconscious and dreams”.
  23. Social Media and Female Artist Representation
    Such a project has been facilitated by the emergence of new media, characterized by the emergence of both the internet and social media.
  24. Ron English: The Famous Graffiti Artist
    This paper explores and analyses the aspects of graffiti – a form of painting and the work of one of the most famous and talented graffiti artists.
  25. The Appearance of an Artist
    The musician’s wardrobe also influences the perception of performance, and it is important for performers not only of popular music, but also of classical music.
  26. Ai Weiwei as a Contemporary Art Artist
    The meaning of human rights and the destiny of the Chinese people are of primary significance for the artist, so many of his works reflect the issues that Weiwei recognizes and wants to eliminate.
  27. “The Eco Artists Turning Trash Into Treasure” by Webster
    It is interesting to see how artists can convey the message and bring awareness to the environmental impact of the modern human lifestyle, which generates large amounts of waste and pollution.
  28. Optical Illusion: Technique to Artist and Designer
    The main aim of this paper is to reveal how optical illusion fascinates and deceives as influenced by art and design spearheaded by artists and designers of the modern day.
  29. An Analysis of Two Works by Digital Artists: Smith and Cutts
    This artwork is summoned to stress the peaceful nature of the protests and to show the inadequate response on the part of the authorities.

⭐ Interesting Art Topics to Write about

  1. David Hockney: The Pop Artist and His Works
    The “Day Pool with 3 Blues” is a picture of extreme simplicity, and it is necessary to mention, that the advantage of this particular canvass is the feelings, that arise when the picture is viewed.
  2. An Artist-Entrepreneur’s Lean Startup
    Therefore, in the case of Sikander, the first key factor in ensuring the success of her project’s business model is having a stable customer base.
  3. DaWangGang Artist: Exploring Music Interculturalism
    This paper discusses the role and the place of the Chinese musical band Dawanggang in the world that is still defined by the tension between the Occident and Orient.
  4. The Legacy of Artemisia Gentileschi: One of the Greatest Female Artists of the 16th-17th Centuries
    During her active years, Gentileschi had to face a great deal of adversity and social resistance, which was not unusual for driven and ambitious women of her era.
  5. “The Smoking Plant” Project: Artist Statement
    It is the case when the art is used to pass the important message to the observer. The live cigarette may symbolize the smokers while the plant is used to denote those who do not […]
  6. Romanticism. Artists Associated With the Movement
    Art dealt mostly with issues of motive and realism while other forms of art dealt with the darkness of the community on one hand and its magnificence on the other.
  7. Leonardo Da Vinci – The Greatest Artist of Renaissance
    In the modern day, Leonardo da Vinci is considered by many to be the greatest artist and possibly even the greatest person of all time. The greatness of Leonardo is evidenced by the description of […]
  8. Juan Luis Guerra a Dominican Artist
    Also, he is predominantly linked with the popular Dominican music genre known as bachata, though partly true, he exploits the elementals of bachata tempo with elements of bolero in his works. The impact of his […]
  9. Artist Willem de Kooning and Critic Harold Rosenberg the Language and Concepts
    The kind of art the artists in this movement did put America on the international stage and dimmed the light for Paris, which had been the center of art in the world.
  10. Marcelle Ferron and Celine Dion: Canadian Artists
    Moreso she learnt to be strong and fought for the rights of women and was straight forward in her approaches about life.
  11. Crossover Artists in the 1970s
    However, if analyze the peculiarities of each style, it is quite easy to find out the difference and be amazed of how rich and wonderful the world of music is.
  12. Colonialism in the Work of Some Artists
    In the second half of the past century, the American art world shattered the traditional views on the tradition to passively depict the objects.
  13. Andy Warhol: An American Pop-Artist
    In the process of describing the creative process of Andy Warhol it is evident how closely the word ‘Genius’ is intertwined with their creativity.
  14. European Baroque: Artists, Features, Ideas
    The style of Baroque was spread all over the European continent in different expressions of art from 1590 and until the beginning of the eighteenth century. Many outstanding artists are representing the style and epoch […]
  15. Angony Rising: Melbourne Native Artist
    His art is popular because of the way that he is able to reveal his experience through the bold figures and forms of primitive art.
  16. The Rise of Virtuoso Artists in the 18th Century
    While it is true that ornamentation played a very important role in the early baroque music performance and that it was instrumental to the early sociento style of music, there is no denying fact that […]
  17. The Origins of Poetry of Famous Americans Artists
    Realizing this is the origin of his own poems, Whitman may have extrapolated this concept to all poets in the above statement, suggesting that the origin of all poems is in the lives of the […]
  18. Artist Bibliography on Elizabeth Catlett
    Although she went to the university to study printing she has stated in her earlier interviews that she changed to painting because of the influence of James A Porter.
  19. Illustrators Artists and Designers
    They have indeed been a great influence in my interest to art and design and have greatly contributed to the economic growth, political and social enhancement of their nations.
  20. Tracey Moffatt: Australian Artist
    Her photography masterpieces are permanently included in the collections of the Tate Gallery in London and the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
  21. Women Writers and Artists About Social Problems
    The uniqueness of Mary Cassatt’s style is that she depicts the natural desires and values of women, women, and their hopes.
  22. Great Women Artists in the World History
    The first overreaching cause of the absence of great female artist throughout history was the subjugated position of women as a gender in the majority of societies.
  23. Artists’ Legal Advice Services Definition
    ALAS has shown to foster collaboration with artists through holding events during which artists share their experiences and ask for the advice of the organization’s team.
  24. The Job of the Artist Is to Always Deepen the Mystery
    Among a variety of definitions of art, it is possible to say that it is one of the forms of education, and artists become the best educators who use their skills and experience.
  25. Artists in Jazz Music and Dance Development
    The core areas in this study will include; the presentation, the ensemble, the musical instruments, and the memories of the events.
  26. Artist as a Genius: Johann Sebastian Bach
    Bach’s talent was evident from his mastery of the organ and the violin, as well as the great pieces that he composed.
  27. Collaborating With Artists in the Luxury Brand Industry
    As the conventional approaches to product development fail to support the concept of exclusivity in the present-day environment, the collaboration of luxury brands with artists comes to the rescue of the very essence of luxury […]
  28. Contemporary Female Artists in Turkey
    The secrecy associated with Islam and gender roles in some parts of Asia has further compounded this mystery because few people know what to make of the place of women in traditional Islamic societies and […]
  29. Decoloniality in Art and Artist as Ethnographer
    The review is divided into three main sections including the identification of the main arguments and the explanation of their worth, the evaluation of the supportive material and the clarification of methodological framework, and, finally, […]
  30. Arabic Calligraphy and Contemporary Artists
    Arabic calligraphy is a form of art involving the use of the Arabic language and alphabet. In the old town of Jeddah, for instance, artists have blended Arabic calligraphy with graffiti to create calligraffiti.

📑 Good Research Topics about Art

  1. Robert Wilson: Artist and His Beliefs
    It is possible to say that by examining these qualities, one can better appreciate the achievements of Robert Wilson. This is one of the challenges Robert Wilson is ready to face.
  2. Artist Marcel Duchamp and His Works
    Duchamp claimed that the main purpose of art was intellectual satisfaction; he shared that he was tired from the expression “stupid as a painter,” and that attitude had to be changed.
  3. Edward Ruscha, an American Artist
    Ruscha was born in 1937 in Omaha, the largest city in Nebraska, and is currently based in Culver City, California. In 1969, Ruscha also worked as a guest professor of art at the University of […]
  4. Pre-Raphaelite Artists
    The Pre-Raphaelites artists opted to go back to the aspects of art that involved copious details, complex compositions of Italian and Flemish art, in addition to the use of intense colors.
  5. A.A. Bronson’s Through the Looking Glass: His Personal Identity as a Canadian Artist
    Thus, his work Through the Looking Glass is the one of the best works that reflect the author’s vision of reality and the one that reflects the author’s sense of Canadian identity.
  6. Living as a Non-Speaking English Artist in English Speaking Country
    The efficient performance of a non-English speaking artist as well as his or her participation in the growth of the economy of a host English speaking nation is to a larger extent, influenced by cultural […]
  7. Popular Street Artists
    In an effort to discredit the Bank of England, Banksy satirically replaced the words ‘Bank of England’ with ‘Banksy of England.’ During the Notting Hill Carnival, a certain individual dished out the fake money to […]
  8. Art History: A Close Study of a Chinese Artist Cai Guo-Qiang
    His unique skills in artwork have led to the advancement of his signature in most events. His inspiration has ensured that he remains in the limelight in most of his solo works.
  9. A Written Analysis of Other Artists’ Works
    The composition of the painting The composition of the picture seems to be of a particular importance, as numerous elements of the painting, including texture, forms, lines, etc.show the depth or perspective of the author’s […]
  10. The Life of an Artist: “Just Kids” by Patti Smith
    Patti never thought of disclosing to anybody the change that had occurred in her relationship with Robert but she discovered that it was important for her to find something different.
  11. Melancholy Caused by Fasting: An Artist in the Modernist Period
    In the personality of the hunger artist, we may notice the generalized character of a modernist artist, and in the actions of fasting, we may recognize the characteristics of modernism as an epoch in history […]
  12. Post-Colonial and Contemporary British Muslim Artists
    The art presented by these Muslims bears the attitude portrayed by the British society towards them and the Islamic religion as a whole and the artists’ own views on Islam.
  13. Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollock: The Revolutionary Modern Artists
    The essay addresses the contribution of these famous artists to their particular art movements and in general, the world of art.
  14. How Director is Able to Yield Higher Productivity of the Artists?
    Through the above analysis it could be said that through effective thought-process, observation and thorough planning, a director is able to yield higher productivity of the directors.
  15. Arts and Artists Being Affected by Today’s Realities
    Arts and artists have inevitably been affected and influenced by advancement in technologies, changes in global communication, and an accelerated tempo of globalization in various ways.
  16. Fu Baoshi as One of the Most Famous Chinese Artists
    Fu Baoshi is one of the most famous Chinese artists who contributed greatly into the development of the national art. One of his works reveals aspirations of Chinese people who lived in the middle of […]
  17. Artists in Exile: How Refugees From Twentieth-Century War and Revolution Transformed the American Performing Arts, by Joseph Horowitz
    Knowledge of the type of music in that era is will help in the understanding of the book especially the German way of expressing inner motion.
  18. One Holy Image By Two Great Artists
    One of the most important themes in the western art is religion, and one of the most inspiring images for may be each of the greatest artists has been the Virgin Mary.
  19. The Contemporary Artists and Their Contributions
    Since childhood, she admired the work of Mexican and Southwest artists and this drove her to apply their employment of warm colors in her individual paintings.
  20. The Role of an Artist: Anne Deavere Smith and Tod Hackett
    In comparison to one literary character, Tod Hackett from The Day of the Locust by Nathanael West, Anna Deavere Smith does not want to lose her mind and be guided by the current events; she […]
  21. Artist Report: Antonio Puleo
    The postures of the children during the photography add strength to the morality theme, which is a major focus in the whole documentary. The process of growing up and sexuality is one of the key […]
  22. Chinese Art (Zhang Hongth: Studio Visit and Artist Talk)
    In a wide-ranging discussion, he touched on humor, the cathartic value of defacing the iconic image of a dictator, China’s imperiled environment, the dangers of political art in that country, and his feelings as a […]
  23. Madness and Art: Is The Artist a Holy Madman?
    The members of the movement known as l’Art Brut, and others, drew a connection between art and madness, art and mysticism, and art and outsider status for whatever reason.

📌 Simple Visual Art Essay Topics

  1. To What Extent Do Artists Using Collaborative Strategies Influence Society?
  2. The History of Women Artists During the Early Centuries in Italy
  3. Graffiti: How the Rise of Graffiti Has Digitally Its Artists
  4. The Importance of Art as a Guideline for Future Artists
  5. Three Unforgettable Artists Since the 1960s: Heart, Brian MC Knight, and Pink
  6. Impressionist Artists Georges Seurat and Camille Pissarro
  7. The Lives of the Painters of Modern Life: The Careers of Artists in France From Impressionism to Cubism
  8. The Lack of Known Women Artists in Pre Modern Art
  9. Women Artists and the Female Form
  10. The World Through the Eyes of the Artists of the Harlem Renaissance the Early Modern Period
  11. Beneath the Rainbow: Enchanting Stories and Poems From Kenya, Illustrated by African Artists
  12. Comparison of Musical Artists Rage Against the Machine and Writer George Orwell
  13. The Multicultural Influences of the Silk Road on Artists in the Tang Dynasty
  14. Transformation in the Artwork of Contemporary Artists
  15. Censorship in Music Children Artists Problems
  16. Distinctive Features in the Works of Kazakh and Russian Artists
  17. The Use of the Uncanny by Artists or Designers in Their Work
  18. Conflict & Tension: What Writers Can Learn From How Visual Artists Use Contrast
  19. The Role That Visual Artists Play in Our Modern Day Society
  20. The Importance of the Works of Art by Colombian Artists

👍 Good Artists & Art Essay Topics

  1. Graphic Design: A Superb Career Option For Technology Savvy Artists
  2. The Mexican Artists: The Artists on the Go for the Next Masterpiece
  3. Female Artists and Its Effects on Society
  4. A Graphic Cosmogony: Artists Imagine How the Universe Was Born
  5. How Geographic Differences Influenced American Artists
  6. Kandinsky on the Spiritual Element in Art and the Three Responsibilities of Artists
  7. The Moral Rights of Artists: Droit Moral ou Droit Pécuniaire
  8. The Link Between Artists and Bipolar Disease
  9. The Life and Painting Works of Pop Artists Andy Warhol
  10. Understanding Abstract Art Artist Artists Subject
  11. The Musical Tradition, Impact and Influential Artists of the Blues Musical Style
  12. The Shaping of Renaissance and the Artists During the Period
  13. Visual Artists Transmit the Values and Beliefs of Society
  14. The Portrayal of Female Artists
  15. The Rap Industry Has Been at War With New Artists Trying for Change Raps
  16. An Analysis of the Design and the Importance of Marketing for Post Collegiate Artists
  17. Use of Art Criticism on the Artists Personal Opinions
  18. An Analysis of Formalist and Avant-Garde Artists in the Modern Art
  19. Why There Are No Great Women Artists by Linda Nochlin
  20. Vincent Van Gogh Is One of History’s Most Famous Artists

❓ Art Essay Questions

  1. How Has African Art Changed and Inspire European Art?
  2. Does the Self Referentiality of Postmodern Art Speak Only to the Elite Audience?
  3. How Did Ancient Greece Emulate the Egyptians and Left an Everlasting Legacy of Science, Art, and Trade?
  4. Can Art Change the Way We View the World?
  5. How Do Anthropologists Interpret Cave Art?
  6. Are Autographs Integrating the Global Art Market?
  7. How Do Architecture, Art, Science, and Spirituality Relate to Each?
  8. Can Art Still Play a Subversive Role in Society?
  9. How Are Science and Art Similar?
  10. Should Art and Music Education Be Included in School Education?
  11. How Did Islamic Beliefs Affect Islamic Art?
  12. What Are the Stages of the Creative Process?
  13. How Does Art Activity Shape Identity?
  14. Can Manufactured Bands Ever Be Classified as ‘Good’ Art?
  15. How Does Art Affect Child Development?
  16. Are Art Works Forgeable?
  17. How Can Art Change the World?
  18. Can Shock Art and Its Development in Time Still Be Considered as Art?
  19. How Can Art Overcome Depression?
  20. Does Art Imitate Life, or Does Life Imitate Art?
  21. How Do Art Critics Challenge and Provoke Artists and Audiences?
  22. Are Photography and Printmaking Art?
  23. How Has Art Changed Since the Middle Ages?
  24. Does Art Influence Culture, or Does Culture Influence Art?
  25. How Has Art Influenced the Views of the Public and Art Establishments?
  26. Are the Aztec Codices Art or Language?
  27. How Do Artists Express Anger and Protest Through Their Art?
  28. Does Gallery Lighting Have an Impact on Appreciation of Art?
  29. How Can Adlerian Art Therapy Impact Sexual Abuse?
  30. Why Is the Modern Art So Bad?

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IvyPanda. (2024, November 16). 159 Artists Essay Topics & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/artists-essay-topics/

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"159 Artists Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda, 16 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/artists-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '159 Artists Essay Topics & Examples'. 16 November. (Accessed: 23 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2024. "159 Artists Essay Topics & Examples." November 16, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/artists-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "159 Artists Essay Topics & Examples." November 16, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/artists-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "159 Artists Essay Topics & Examples." November 16, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/artists-essay-topics/.