The history of this great land can be traced through looking at the history of different people who occupied it who included the Sumerians, the Akkadians, the Amorites, the Hitites, the Kassites, the Assyrians, and […]
The prominent dynasties that had significance in the social and the political phases of China included the Shang dynasty and the Ch’in the Chou dynasty.
Socrates defined the concepts of evil and good, assuming the achievement of the goals of self-knowledge as the highest virtue. In disputes, Socrates sought to prove the practicality and reasonableness of the world and a […]
The most important similarity, which also explains the prosperity of the Sumerians and Egyptians, is the territory and environment. Some similarities can be traced to the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians and the Sumerians.
On the other hand, Ancient Greece is considered the first global civilization because it was in this part of the world that the concept of worldview was first conceived.’The Iliad’ and the Odyssey discuss events […]
Thus, culture is a flexible feature of non-animal communities that penetrates their subsistence and helps to adjust to the surroundings. The last concept, civilization, is the consequence of the constant changes of the first two […]
One of the most incredible creations of the ancient civilizations, the Ashoka Pillar is the reminiscence of the bygone times and the most incredible specimen of the ancient art.
While Individual sacrifice was shared in the Incan religion, giving special status to the formation of stones, these religious beliefs of the Inca people influenced the architectural designs of Machu Pichu and the way of […]
In such a way, the objective of this paper is to analyze the crucial milestones of Islamic culture and civilization in relations to its achievements in the fields of both sciences and humanities.
Some of the ancient trading activities included the exchange of food crops which led to development of agriculture in various territories.”Ideas also spread and developed through trading activities”. At this time many people were concerned […]
According to Huffman, the Meiji government developed nationalism in Japan. Furthermore, under the Meiji regime, Japan was able to expand and had a stronger military.
Alexander the Great used the Roman Empire to spread Greek civilization to Europe and the rest of the world. The Greek Macedonian Empire that was established by Alexander the Great extended to many parts of […]
Therefore, the study of complex societies has risen in popularity to investigate the formation of states separately from the concept of urbanization. The evidence of African civilization enables anthropologists and archeologists to better understand the […]
Therefore, the drought theory could be considered as the most reasonable for explaining the Mayan civilization’s disappearance mystery. Two most reasonable hypotheses of Mayan civilization’s disappearance were examined: the drought theory and the environmental theory.
Bederman said that aside from the fact that race and gender is the most important requirement to open doors of opportunities it is not enough to be male to ascend to the top of the […]
Importantly, the physical composition of the land and natural resources alongside artifacts of ancient Egypt had a substantial impact on the country’s growth and development.
The 7th Century marked the beginning of the implementation of trade and tax measures as defining elements of the Muslim state as the centralized empire began its transformation into a nominal confederation.
To begin with, the earliest period of Greek history was the Bronze, and it is characterized by the usage and production of essential tools and the formation of two civilizations, which further contributed to the […]
The connection between ancient Greek architecture and modern culture in the United States is evident because of the presence of similar constructions and continuous use of terms that originated from that civilization.
The Civilization in Sumer was the first in the world starting from the early Bronze Age. The women here had the authority over the religious group and were held in high esteem.
In spite of the fact the Mayan civilization disappeared many centuries ago, the mystery of the sudden fall of the successful and developed civilization which cultural achievements are still examined and discussed as significant ones […]
Despite the large amount of information that the internet provides to people, research shows that the internet may have a negative effect on the intellectual ability of an individual. The use of technological devices may […]
The book of Genesis is the basis of the review made in this paper. The book of Genesis tells the story of creation by illustrating the Lord as the architect of the universe.
Instead of upholding the moral norms of a perfect culture advancement, the current definition of social growth is retrogressively built along the lines of the socio-economic and political agenda of major influential powers.
The comparison of both epochs in the history of ancient Greece is a way to demonstrate the growth of the social, political, and religious relations in the society.
For example, both the region of the Indus Valley and the area near such bodies of water as the Yellow and Yangzi Rivers can be considered as cradles of early civilization.
The main aim of writing this paper is to outline the concepts laid out by Freud in Civilization and its Discontents and then use the works of Marcuse and Foucault to critique the same.
The age of Islamic civilization started when Muslim conquests led to the establishment of the Caliphate, or Islamic Empire, during the 8th to 10th century.
The civilization of ancient Egypt happened at the same time Mesopotamian civilization was taking place in other areas in the nations of the Akkadians, Babylonians and the Sumerians. Indeed, religion in ancient Egypt led to […]
Ancient Greeks held strict moral and ethical codes while conducting the Olympics because it was not just a competition for them; it was a glorification of the true ideals, valor, and gallantry of an athlete. […]
Besides the highly valuable narrative of past events and great historic movements, the motives of the AP Program in European History include the development of: The understanding of fundamental themes in the European History.
This paper will describe the Roman civilization, some important moments in its history, and how it interacted with Islamic civilization. Some of the most important parts of Roman history are related to the changes in […]
The people of Mesopotamia used calendars in order to determine when the floods could occur along the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. The Egyptians had a lot of developments in the field of architecture and art […]
There is a universal opinion that inequality is inextricably linked with the development of civilization and is an integral part of the progress of human society. Wengrow describes that the invention of agriculture led to […]
Thus, the capacity to investigate possibilities and take advantage of them is the significant similarity between human growth and evolution in primitive times and the modern world.
Western civilization is the body of art, literature, culture, and timeless concepts that originated in the eastern Mediterranean in the pre-Common Era during the 17 to 19th centuries.
Thus, despite the irrefutable victories of Alexander the Great, it is difficult to call him the first true superhero of Western civilization because of the methods to which he resorted.
The concept of a single Greek civilization arose during the time of the Romans, who called all the tribes in the west of the Balkan Peninsula Greeks; The Greeks themselves called their country Hellas and […]
The meaning of the concept of the Dark Ages has long been a subject of widespread misunderstanding among people that mistakenly attribute the title to a presumed atmosphere of overwhelming darkness and social collapse.
In ancient Greece, the body was the material means of constructing and transmitting social values; the body’s visual representation exemplified the moral codes of the time.
One of such elements was Roman names, the dissemination of which may be explained by the existence of networks of exchange and the sense of identity of name bearers.
The visit to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization was a great addition to the themes learned in class. The observed artifacts demonstrate the peculiarities of life and culture of the Egyptian people.
On the other hand, the Virgin of compassion icon was a Byzantine icon portraying the Virgin and Child as subject matter. On the contrary, the painting was used as a style of artwork in the […]
The Battle of Talas in 751 between the Abbasid Caliphate and the Chinese Tang Dynasty for control of Central Asia was the turning point initiating mass conversion into Islam in the region.
Overexposure to contemporary technologies causes a disconnect between the environment and people, leading to a lack of empathy to participate in good causes such as conserving the environment.
Get this: In the formation of the heavens and the world; in the night and day variation; in the voyage of ships around the globe for the sake of humanity; in the rain that Allah […]
🎓 Most Interesting Civilization Topics to Write about
Civilization, on the other hand, refers to the transition of these cultural ways over generations to complexity and modernization. Because of the increased population, people developed the art of agriculture to avoid long distances in […]
At around 200 BC, there was the construction of the Great Wall of China, and improvement of the trade relations which involved Asia and the Roman Empire, and the use of architecture in the design […]
The growth and success of Christianity came from the conversion and patronage of Constantine. The early Christians of Rome were received with contempt and suspicion.
This led to the death of many young people in the nation which resulted in one of the failures for them to reach the standards of the Romans of establishing an empire.
The sort of political and trade framework that came into existence after the advent of this religion resulted in the provision of a legal order that the Arabs had no former experience of and hence, […]
He goes on to describe the temperature as perfectly attuned to his own sense of correct feeling, the sounds of the bullfrogs and whippoorwills as just the right note for the moment and the breathless […]
Although it is true that the primary and predominant role of women have been to look after the children and the household, it is also necessary that they also need to indulge in primarily creative […]
The Greek civilization impresses by its originality and incontestability in the manners of people and in a number of philosophers who made a great impact on the further flow of scientific thought.
In order for civilization to come by there has to be ordered in a country. In most cases, most of their husbands had been executed and the wives were taken to these camps.
But even he failed to foresee the tragic consequences of the development of these institutions1.”There is no document of civilization which is not also a document of barbarism”.
The latter groups consist of diseases transmitted from a vector as a result of a pest or insect bite that may contain the virus or the bacteria that cause the infection.
Since the soft obsidian rock that was used in the making of the weapons was found in the Southern region and as a result, the people in the South were in a better position to […]
The Marxists claimed that only material production made a human out of a monkey and connected all the stages of the historical development with the levels of the development of economy.
The following events in the course of the European countries’ development give us a way to state that there was a time of chaos and instability during the period under consideration: The decay of the […]
Through innovation, town planning was very important in Rome, the roman in the city plans considered factors like the climate, purpose of the town, and the environment.
There was a strong influence of the Minoan palace culture that was greatly affected by the earthquakes that took place in that area most of the time, and therefore it became hard as the palaces […]
The Great Flood in Genesis and the Epic of Gilgamesh both depict the flood, the boat, the God of gods, and persons responsible for preserving humanity.
The first signs of development in Central America emerged in the second millennium with the emergence of Olmec culture, in swampy and hot lowlands along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, South of Veracruz.
According to Diamond’s theory, the rapid growth of the Mayan civilization resulted in the maximization of its population and the need for more food, which, eventually, caused overhunting, overfishing, deforestation, and destruction the soil.
Nevertheless, remains of farmsteads and hamlets point to the active involvement of the Anasazi in construction and agriculture and trade with neighboring communities.
This author likes to investigate numerous positive and negative aspects of Black Friday in order not to define the outcome of the event, but to explain that it is possible to have both normal and […]
Thus, the specific approach toward nature, the perception of it as a resource that could be exploited and that is not a part of the society led to the development of capitalism.
The book under analysis informs the reader about how the Irish intentions to migrate but never forget the power of knowledge and the role of books in their lives saved civilization and brought love to […]
Another feature of the skull of Homo neanderthalensis was the possession of a protuberant mid-facial region, which was an outstanding feature that differentiated the species from the rest of the sapiens.
Chavalas presents the notion that one of the drawbacks behind the hunter and gatherer stage that existed prior to the development of complex and stratified societies was the lack of sufficient concentrations of native populations.
Eastside Heritage Center The image in question can be interpreted as a hint at the possibility of the sustainable use of natural resources by the residents of the city.
The development of arts and sciences, as well as old science in Islamic the empire, is explained by the inquisitive and speculative nature of the Arab people from long ago.
In its turn, this is the direct consequence of the fact that, in order for this civilization to remain on the path of progress, in the linear sense of this word, it may never cease […]
Rome and Greece made essential assistance to the civilization of the western world which evolved over the centuries. Although the classical culture of Greece was fundamental in the creation of western civilization, it made no […]
This self-centeredness is at the heart of destroying the world, and it is characteristic of all members across the board. It is just the first step towards the achievement of a sustainable world.
Gandhi says that, he decided to examine further, the nature of British colonialism, and he realized the cause of all the problems was the modern civilization.
The new set of new empires spurred military conflicts, but at the same time advancements in science and technology and the widespread of the idea of exploration became prominent during the 19th century.
The achievements demonstrated by Marx and Freud play a significant role in the field of sociology and philosophy indeed; Marx believed in the power of labor and recognized the individual as an integral part of […]
The figure below is a map of the region during the height of the Teotihuacan civilization in the Mexican area that presents the extent of the empire in context of other cultures that existed at […]
However, great thinkers in the past came to appreciate that it would be very beneficial if the government was to be inclined to people’s interest as opposed to the personal interests of its leader.
Proponents of religion argue that it is a source of peace and tranquility in the world. Careful study and analysis of the contributions of religion in world’s civilization reveal that it contributes to both peace […]
This paper, therefore, aims at viewing the western society and how it has been influenced by Europe, it also views the extent to which religion serves as a progressive and stabilizing force in the society […]
Indeed, the goals of the people, heading for the terra incognita of the distant and savage lands are not quite clear; wisely enough, Conrad does not disclose the aims of the travelers from the very […]
One of the Andean civilizations, the Inca Empire was the largest country in the pre-Columbian America. The tax system was one of the statements of the Inca’s economy.
Mordecai Kaplan’s Judaism as a Civilization focuses on the reconstruction of the American-Jewish life that would help the Jewish to change their traditional way of life through incorporations of the modern way of life, philosophy, […]
The entry of the colonialists into Native America was the beginning of the suffering of the Native Americans. However, the situation changes in 1812 when the policy of assimilation of the native lands was no […]
The secrets of the civilization are deeply buried in the tropical forests of the Central America. They are the largest class in the Mayan society and were regarded as the most productive.
What is of fact from the two articles is that Greek civilization came about as a result of contact between the Indo-European Language and cultural influence from Egyptian and Semitic languages.
Therefore, the Hammurabi’s code of laws made people in the ancient Mediterranean to be responsible for their actions, the owners, the thieves, the merchants and judges among others were all responsible for their actions.
Thus, the film is seen as a way of confronting the old and the new cultures and the significant conflict that arises from this fusion. Dona is thus the allegory of the Venezuelan woman who […]
He counters this on the basis of his argument that changes in the economics and politics of a civilization are anchored in the diverse culture of the concerned civilization.
However, one has to admit general ignorance of the fact that Islam is the predecessor of the Western science and has shaped the face of it throughout the centuries. In conclusion, one may confirm, that […]
In this respect, the Book II written by Herodotus can be considered a good documentary evidence of the process of embalming though morality of this process can be questioned by the contemporary audience taking into […]
It is clear that such factors as the comparative isolation of China, the religious influences, the dynasty form of political order, and the peculiarities of trade relations and overlordship over the Silk Way contributed to […]
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark are the researches who managed to conduct a land expedition, going to the dangerous and unpredicted Pacific Northwest with the goal to search for the marine connections for commercial purposes […]
Founded in early days, it survived events such as the split of the Roman Empire, the fall of the Roman republic and the fall of the Western Roman Empire.
❓ Questions About Civilization
Did the Mayan Civilization Collapse as a Result of Drought?
What Are the Origins of the Mesopotamian Civilization?
How Has Modern Civilization Expanded and Adapted Over Time?
Why Does the Ancient Culture of Mesopotamia Deserve to Be Called a Civilization?
Did the European Civilization Impact America?
How Has Diversity Shaped Western Civilization?
What Caused the Disappearance of the Mayan Civilization?
How Did Ancient Greece Influence Western Civilization?
What Did the Industrial Revolution Represent for Western Civilization?
How Did the Minoans Influence the Mycenaean Civilization History?
What Role Did Religion Play in One Civilization Dominating Another?
How Did the Geographic Features of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia Impact Civilization Development?
Which Greek Civilization Was Based on Slave Labor?
How Did Ancient Greece’s Geography Affect Its Civilization?
Why Did Civilization First Emerge in the Middle East?
What Was the Role of Women in the Early Civilization?
How Did Religion and Art Shaped Roman Civilization?
Are We Prepared for a Possible Encounter With an Extraterrestrial Civilization?
How Has Technology Driven the Civilization of Our World?
Which Philosopher Had the Greatest Impact on Western Civilization in the 18th Century?
How Well Do Different Civilizations Fit Each Other?
Why Did Civilization Occur in the Nile River Valleys?
What Factors Caused the Collapse of Palatial Mycenaean Civilization?
How Did the Reformation Affect 16th-Century Civilization?
Why Was Ancient Greece the First Civilization to Develop Democracy?