120 Murder Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Murder Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. The Use of DNA Technology in the O. J. Simpson’s Murder Trial
    The tests revealed that the blood samples taken from the crime scene, the victims’ blood and the blood at the gate matched Simpson’s blood.
  2. Infamous Crimes: Laci Peterson’s Murder
    Even during the war in Iraq, the search for her and the ultimate arrest of Scott Peterson led the news. Her cell phone and purse were still in the house, and a neighbor said she […]
  3. The Murder of Jonbenet Ramsey – Forensic Pathology
    The case of murder of JonBenet Ramsey is one of most mysterious episodes in the American criminology, and this report is the attempt to bring some light to the case based on the mistakes made […]
  4. Murder in the Cathedral: The Constant Battle Between the Two Antipodes
    Murder in the Cathedral is a tragic theater that explores the conflict between the values of the world as represented by the murderous knights and King Henry II and the values of the spirit.
  5. The Penny Parker Cold Case of Homicide
    Finally, despite the high percentage of DNA matching, the investigators would need to interrogate the suspect, which would pose a question of how to act if Jennings requested to have a lawyer.
  6. Chris Watts and His Murder Crimes
    Watts pleaded guilty to the killings of his children and wife. Watts concluded the interview by saying he was sorry and repented for his actions after seeking refuge in God.
  7. Hamlet & Laertes: Fathers’ Death Reactions
    King Hamlet’s ghost then informs prince Hamlet of the person who killed him; consequently, Hamlet accepts the ghost’s demands, swears his accomplices to secrecy and reveals to them his intention of killing the king to […]
  8. O.J. Simpson Murder Trial: The Case Study
    According to the defense side of the case, the warrant that was obtained by the detectives only covered the investigation on the residence. For instance, they collected the evidence without a search warrant.
  9. Ballistics Evidence of John F. Kennedy’s Assassination
    Kennedy assassination saw the arrest and the subsequent murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, who was the lead suspect in the shooting that took place from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository’s southeast […]
  10. Criminal Law: A Case Study About Charges With Murder
    Finding the poison that Juan bought to poison his mother-in-law and kept somewhere in his car could be a significant piece of evidence.
  11. The Murder of Helen Betty Osborn
    The second volume is supposed to address various issues that were related to the murder of Helen Osborne and the actions that were taken by the police.
  12. The George Floyd Murder: Crime Analysis
    According to this theory, if one window in a structure is broken and is not restored, the rest of the windows will soon follow.
  13. The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
    The assassination of Abraham Lincoln is one of the most significant events in the history of the United States. C, and was one of the most shocking events of the era, resulting in a long […]
  14. Homicide in Butte County, California
    The trend line shows an increase in the homicide rate: The above chart shows California’s homicide as compared to the national homicide from 1998 2003.
  15. The Documentary “Murder to Mercy: The Cyntoia Brown Story”
    The documentary “Murder to Mercy: The Cyntoia Brown Story” follows the story of Cyntoia Brown, who was accused of killing and stealing from Johnny Allen in 2004.
  16. Why Do Women Kill? The Causations of Women Who Murder
    A meta-analysis of 14 studies on women violence done by Honkatukia also found no substantial evidence linking the feminist and liberation movements to a rise in the share of violent offending and homicide perpetrated by […]
  17. Proactive Versus Reactive Approaches to Serial Murder Investigation
    The reactive investigative approach plays a crucial role in facilitating the seizure of a serial slayer. Proactive and reactive investigative approaches play a crucial role in the capture and detention of serial murderers.
  18. Assessment Guide Book for a Homicide Murder
    A criminal profile is a well developed psychological sketch of the offender based on the state of the scene of the crime.
  19. Impact of Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007
    This article examines the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 in light of the child offense issue in the 21st century.
  20. Lincoln’s Assassination as the Turning Point in American History
    It is unfortunate to know what the fate of the United States would have been if the president had stayed for the rest of his term, as he was the first president to be assassinated.
  21. Is the Murder in Dostoyevsky’s Novel “Crime and Punishment” Justified?
    In the same way, the greed and avarice of the old Alyona Ivanovna do not justify the commission of such a violent and severe crime.
  22. Murder of Jabrill Mara by Charncey Daniels
    First, the retributive theory is a mode of punishment for an offender who breaks the law, and justice requires that a guilty person suffers for the crime they commit with a punishment that is proportional […]

👍 Good Essay Topics on Murder

  1. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s Assassination
    The characteristics of Godse, the motive, and his actions will be looked at to establish the conditions of the case. On that day, Gandhi was getting prepared to unveil his plans to the congress, and […]
  2. Attempted Murder Case Mr. Assin
    Moreover, a prosecutor also needs to prove that the accused had the intent to act, or go through with the plan, and the intent to kill, and not merely maim or disfigure the victim.
  3. Murder and Prejudice: “The Butcher’s Tale” by Helmut Smith
    Events that followed this murder have been debated by different people and this formed the bedrock of Nazi propaganda in a broad way.
  4. The Felony Murder Rule: When Is It Unfair?
    The felony murder rule should make felons more conscious of the adverse effects of crimes that they engage in and reduce the number of felonies.
  5. Establishing the Identity of Murder Victims
    Identification of murder victims can be instrumental in solving murder cases because much of the information about any murder case is usually found when investigators know the details of the life of the victim.
  6. The Martin Luther King Assassination
    Martin Luther King is often regarded as one of the most courageous leaders of the Civil Rights Movement in the history of the USA.
  7. World War I: Political Alliances and the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary served as the catalyst that ignited the conflict, pushing the Great Powers of Europe into war.
  8. Harold Shipman’s Murder of Kathleen Grundy
    The current essay is going to present the case of Kathleen Grundy and how it became both the pinnacle and the lowest point of Shipman’s serial killer lifestyle.
  9. Forensic Psychologist’s Role in Homicide Investigation
    Forensic scientists should ascertain that racial tension exists in society and should not assume each eyewitness is accurately depicting the perpetrators of a crime.
  10. Natural vs. Moral Evil: Earthquakes vs. Murder
    This problem demonstrates that such justifications for the problem of evil, such as the fact that suffering exists to improve the moral qualities of a person and thus serve the greater good, are unconvincing.
  11. Should Abortions Be Illegal as Form of Homicide?
    When it comes to the difference between my opinion and the status quo, I believe that abortions cannot be considered a form of homicide and cannot be persecuted.
  12. The Murder of a 6-Year-Old Beauty Queen
    Among the reasons why the prosecutor might not have filed charges in this case, the authors of the article highlight the following.
  13. Battered Women’s Syndrome and Excusable Homicide
    The killing of the abuser by such a woman is often used as an example of justifiable homicide; however, it has a number of negative implications.
  14. Ethics: Should Batman Kill the Joker?
    It is hard to give a clear answer to the question about the necessity for Batman to kill the Joker, and personal judgments play an important role. He knows that the Joker’s death could minimize […]
  15. Guns Are Tools That Do Not Kill People
    Why Guns Do Not Kill People It is possible to provide two examples that support the statement that people are the ones who kill and not guns by showing how they can be used both […]
  16. The Concept of First-Degree Murder
    First-degree murder would require either an intent to kill or intent to cause serious injury together with an awareness of a serious risk causing death.
  17. Homicide in Criminal Investigation
    The cases of criminal homicide are further separated into murder and manslaughter, with the key difference laying in whether the law determines the presence of malice in the act.
  18. The Conspiracy Theories Regarding Assassination of John F. Kennedy
    At the time of JFK’s death, his relationship with the CIA was strained, which could have possibly led the agency to conspire and eliminate the president.
  19. History of Police Brutality: The Murder of George Floyd
    Police officers strive to maintain order and ensure adherence to the laws of the state. The standards observed the right to democracy and addressed the need for representation.
  20. Did the Mafia Kill John F. Kennedy? Conspiracy Proved
    Besides, these theories correlate with one of the latest versions, according to which the murder of JFK was a conspiracy of the CIA and mafia members, including Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald.
  21. American History Since 1945: Assassination of John F Kennedy
    This paper discusses on the possibility that the president’s death was a conspiracy and the facts that suggest it could have been the case.
  22. Criminal Justice Research: Homicide
    It also gains capacity with the regulations and reaction of crime from the society and the government. In homicide research, the characteristics and methods of qualitative research are evident.

💡 Most Interesting Murder Topics to Write About

  1. Criminological Theories in “Murder on a Sunday Morning”
    The film chronicles the details of proceedings of the trial of the young African-American. The boy gets arrested and is taken to the scene of crime for questioning by the detectives.
  2. Isla Vista Mass Murder as a Hate Crime
    It was revealed that his parents tried to intervene and stop the rampage, but Rodger could not hear any of it.
  3. Domestic Violence and Systemic Failures: An Analysis of Key Events
    The second key event took place in 2012 when after the decision of the social worker to close the case and place the complete responsibility on the victim without the support of the corresponding authorities […]
  4. Forensic Assessment Tools: Murder of Bill
    In other words, a psychological assessment of Bill, the person accused of a first-degree murder, is crucial to the fairness of the trial and the feasibility of the verdict to be passed.
  5. Fetal Homicide: Planned Killing of a Fetus
    According to the fetal homicide law in California, the interests of the mother once a fetus reaches seven weeks and above are not at stake.
  6. Murder of Kitty Genovese
    In this case, 38 neighbors committed an act of omission by not reporting this ordeal to the police. The main advantage of charging bystanders is to make sure that people do not tolerate crime as […]
  7. O.J. Simpson Guilty of Double Homicide
    For his “dream team” defense group, he was a re-launch into the limelight as the case of the century for they had after all managed to make names for themselves in the profession and now […]
  8. A Murder Case Involving Sally Thomas
    The determination will depend on the strengths and weaknesses of the case as presented to the prosecutor by the detectives. Being that Sally and John were in a relationship at the time of her death, […]
  9. Homicide in the White Community
    The majority of homicide victimization of the whites is done through poison followed by arson and lastly guns. Although the majority of homicides committed are intra-racial, special focus is usually given by juries in inter-racial […]
  10. Role of Sadistic Fantasy in Sexual Murder
    This paper discusses the role of sadism and sadistic fantasy in sexual murders, with a view to clearly illuminate the psychological and criminal factors that come into play to drive individuals with sadistic fantasies into […]
  11. Types and Degrees of Homicide
    Proof has to be shown that the conduct of the defendant was the resultant cause of the victims’ death and that it was due to negligence.
  12. Criminal Investigation: The Murder of Brianna Denison
    There is full adherence to the law in which the police officers are supposed to get in detail the root of the case and be able to have supportive evidence to the accused person.
  13. Homicide in “California Criminal Law Concepts”
    According to Justia Law, in California, the penal code clarifies a murder into two categories comprising of the first degree which is distinguished through the following 3 ways. He was sentenced to death in January […]
  14. The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    It is possible to state that the modern world is still suffering from World War I consequences. As for me, I would have prevented the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand not to let World War […]
  15. Disability and Murder by Caregivers
    The study of the situation of the family of a person with disabilities in the social structure of society and the possibilities of social mobility is a special section of the disability problem.
  16. Serial Murder and Media Coverage
    While globalization pushes criminology and forensic practices to move forward, the media tend to decrease the effectiveness of any investigation. Hence the assumption that the mass media activity can often result in the disruption of […]
  17. John F. Kennedy Assassination
    John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s assassination is considered to be one of the most mysterious events in the history of the United States of America.
  18. Kennedy’s and Martin Luther King’s Assassination in 1960’s
    The American history of assassinations in the 1960’s left an indelible mark in the minds of many people. Similar to the assassination of John F.
  19. Importance of Ethics in Homicide Investigation
    This means that ethics of homicide investigation are a set of values and standards that the investigators must put in consideration in order to facilitate the process of investigation.
  20. The Psychology of Murder in Literature
    While in all of these cases the deaths are tragic and involve the protagonist, the reader is never left to side with the protagonist in the justification for their actions.
  21. A Murder in Lemberg: Modern Jewish History
    He undertakes to trace the root cause of the Prime Minister’s murder to underlying issues that have characterized the history of the Jews over the period of time since the murder of Rabbi Abraham Kohn […]
  22. Legal Causation in the Context of Homicide
    In the medieval doctrine, a question about the causal connection was examined especially in the context of a homicide, and the very concept “of causing”, because of which in particular the tendency to soften the […]

⭐ Simple & Easy Murder Essay Titles

  1. Death Sentence to Muslim Terrorists: Should We Murder People Who Had Done the Same Before?
    In my opinion, the aim to punish is not the most important in this, but we should try to avoid the same crimes in the future, and that is the aim of Mankind.
  2. Police Psychologist’s Role in Homicide Investigation
    Some of the roles that I would play as the police psychologist involved in the above investigation include conducting an analysis of the pre-crime scene behavior.
  3. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
    The film revisits the story of the gang leader Jesse James and his murder, committed by his friend and gang member Bob Ford for a reward.
  4. Premeditated Murder and New Preventive Techniques
    The order of detention identifies the crime by the suspect, names the individual, provides suspect’s location, and authorizes the police officer to proceed with the arrest.
  5. Rape, Robbery, Murder, and Aggravated Assault
    The FBI observed that after two years of declines in violent crimes in the US, in the year 2015, however, an increment of 3.
  6. Assassination: Moral, Legal, Political and Practical Views
    This paper intends to support the policy of assassination by evaluating the moral, legal, political and practical dimensions of assassination. The immunity theory and consequentialist approach will be revisited to espouse the political dimensions of […]
  7. The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln and Its Consequences
    Abraham Lincoln is remembered as the 16th President of the United States of America and the first president of the country ever to be murdered.
  8. Symptoms of Schizoaffective Disorder in Murder
    Researchers in psychiatry, psychology, and criminology have devoted a lot of their time to the study of the relationship between crime and psychosis.
  9. Brady Act Homicide and Suicide Associated Rates
    The thesis of this paper was to determine whether the enactment of the Brady Act has a significant effect on the rates of homicide and suicide in the USA.
  10. Tarantino’s Films Comparison: Kill Bill and Pulp Fiction
    It is possible to consider a number of thematic and stylistic devices to understand the essence of Tarantino’s surrealism that is manifested in his characters’ inability to live a real life and to be real […]
  11. The Movie “Memories of Murder”
    To a great extent, this ending contradicts the conventional canons of detective stories in which the names of the main villain are usually disclosed.
  12. The Korean Film Studies: Memories of Murder
    Memories of Murder is one of such movies; by making the ending unclear and the fates of the characters uncertain, the moviemaker managed to relate the content of the movie to the political situation that […]
  13. Assassination of Osama Bin Laden Influence
    The following is a literature review on how the assassination of Osama Bin Laden was an example of how intelligence can make a real contribution to the international justice and the ‘rule of law’.
  14. Public’s Opinion on Alternative Sentencing
    Due to time constraint and high number of participants involved in the research, the research was vulnerable to counselling where the pollsters made summaries of the responses the participants gave without giving them time to […]
  15. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Drones Kill Innocent Civilians
    Despite of the criticism and questions raised both on the local and international forums against the validity of the use of drones to perform attacks on other countries’ soil, the US has continued its drone […]
  16. Police Service Transformation: A Critical Evaluation of Implementing Transformational Leadership in the Homicide Division
    It will evaluate how to integrate transformational leadership into the division and analyse factors that hamper the transformational leadership and critically assess the effectiveness of implementation, analyse the efficiency of Transformational Leadership, its implication on […]
  17. John Wilkes Booth’s Life and His Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
    Booth was against the abolition of slavery and the right of the former slaves to vote that he wrote a letter criticizing the Union Government for wanting to abolish slavery.
  18. Mise-En-Scene, Shots and Sound: Hitchcock’s Spare Use of Cinematic Repertoire in Sabotage’s Murder Sequence
    TRANSIT- ION SOUND ADD’L COMMENTS 1: 0 12 sec Long shot Level None Cut Synchronous diegetic Audience is appreciative 2: 12 3 sec Close-up Level None Cut Asynchronous diegetic Reaction shot; Sylvia appears happy 3:15 […]
  19. Killing the Innocence in War, Justified or Murder?
    The appeal to what would cause outrage in the general sentiments of humanity is a common way to think about the elements of normal moral perception of which each person is thought to be capable.
  20. California Historical Murder Case
    He clarified that the shot entered the victim through the front part of the body and according to the bullet wound, firing occurred a few inches from the victim.
  21. History of John F. Kennedy Assassination
    When the Oliver Stone picture, JFK, was released in 1991, it generated enormous interest in the possibility that elements of the federal government and the military-industrial complex, including the CIA, might have been behind the […]
  22. The Writers Who Came in Late: Modern British Murder Mysteries and the Timeless Classics of Fleming and Le Carre, Compared
    Starting appropriately with the analysis of the main characters, one will have to mention that Fleming was not the first author to introduce the conflicting dynamics between the antagonist and the lead character; the tradition […]
  23. Annotation of Immigration Effects on Homicide Offending for Total and Race/Ethnicity-Disaggregated Populations
    Third, the studies show that immigrant concentrations had negative effects on homicide victimization rates in totality, and lastly, the studies were ambiguous on homicide victimization on all the ethnic and racial groups.
  24. The Assassination of John F. Kennedy: Conspiracy Theories
    Investigations that were carried out by to the CIA revealed that Carlos Marcello, a suspected member of the mafia could have organized and implemented the conspiracy.

❓ Questions about Murder

  1. What Was O.J. Simpson Famous for the Murder?
  2. How Does Dahl Subert Murder Mystery Conventions?
  3. Why Do People Commit Murder?
  4. Why Does Anyone Commit Murder?
  5. Did Lizzie Borden Commit Murder?
  6. How Are People Willing to Be Cruel Just to Be Accepted Into the in Crowd?
  7. Does the Death Penalty Deter People From Committing Murder?
  8. Was Leo Frank Guilty for the Murder of Mary Phagan?
  9. Should Women That Kill Punish Their Abusive Husbands for Murder?
  10. What Percentages of Murders Get Solved?
  11. How Should the Courts Deal With Battered Women Who Murder Their Abusers?
  12. Did the Germans Who Voted for Hitler Realize That They Were Voting for War and Mass Murder?
  13. How the Media Negatively Impacted the Simpson Murder Case?
  14. Should Teens Who Murder Be Executed?
  15. Why Did the Ideas of Hitler Make Mass Murder Possible?
  16. How Human Flaws Hinder Murder Investigations?
  17. How Mr. Wright Caused His Murder?
  18. How Was the Carew Murder Case Described as Horrifying?
  19. How Do Murders Affect Society?
  20. What Legally Justifies Committing Murder in American Society?
  21. Were the Conspirators Right to Murder Julius Caesar?
  22. How Does Murder Impact the Family of the Victim?
  23. What Impacts and Consequences Do Murder and Death by Natural Circumstances Have on Those Around It?
  24. Should Prison for Juveniles Commit Murder?
  25. How Many Are Murdered in the US Each Year?
  26. What Influences Persuade Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to Murder?
  27. Should the Mandatory Life Sentence for Murder Be Abolished?
  28. When Was Murder Legal?
  29. What Are the Three Types of Murders?
  30. Can Religion Justify Murder?

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IvyPanda. (2025, March 15). 120 Murder Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/murder-essay-topics/

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"120 Murder Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 15 Mar. 2025, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/murder-essay-topics/.


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IvyPanda. 2025. "120 Murder Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 15, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/murder-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "120 Murder Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 15, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/murder-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "120 Murder Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 15, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/murder-essay-topics/.