Why Pit Bulls Should Not Be Banned Essay

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Not many animals have made such a significant contribution to the life of all mankind as dogs. In ancient times, they helped ensure survival by signaling danger, assisting in hunting and protection from wild animals, and serving as shepherds and livestock guards. Over time, they have become even more tightly integrated into their usual lives; they have become excellent companions for lonely people, guides, and helpers for people with disabilities. And now, they are fulfilling their important role in saving people’s lives as K9 employees, helping to find people under the rubble, and preventing terrorist attacks and drug trafficking. But despite all these mutually beneficial relationships between people and dogs, there are still serious fears and fears about these animals in society. This is most often the case for large breeds of dogs that people consider aggressive or dangerous, such as pit bulls. Some activists are calling for a ban on this dog breed, calling it vicious, and have even achieved a ban in some cities and countries. However, banning pit bulls or other large breeds is not the right solution to prevent dogs from attacking people in a consistent and effective way.

Pit bulls are strong and large dogs and their appearance can be intimidating. All this is multiplied by periodic news about attacks or aggression of dogs towards people. However, recent studies have concluded that, on average, dog breeds account for only about 9 percent of the behavioral variation of any given dog (Gorman). This means that judging a dog by its breed is wrong. A team of researchers reported, after interviewing the owners of 18,385 dogs and analyzing the genomes of 2,155 dogs, that the breed is essentially worthless in predicting the behavior of some dogs (Gorman). One of the most obvious conclusions from this comprehensive study is that breed has no discernible influence on a dog’s reaction to something new or unexpected. This conduct is correlated with what some people may term aggressiveness. This puts into question assumptions about aggressive breeds like pit bulls.

Another interesting finding from this study is that one thing that pit bulls did score high for was human sociability. In contrast, the stereotypically outgoing and human-oriented Labrador Retrievers did not show a significant correlation with human sociability (Gorman). But most people are still convinced otherwise due to breed prejudice. Socializing with dogs with this advanced score, like pit bulls, can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, ease loneliness, encourage exercise and playfulness, and even improve cardiovascular health.

The researchers also found that behavior patterns in dogs are highly heritable. The early history of pit bulls began with rat and dog fights, which required greater agility, speed, and determination from them, which is why people used to breed dogs with these abilities. However, the genes that determine whether a dog will be friendly, aggressive, or aloof date back well before the 19th century, when most modern breeds, such as those recognized by the American Kennel Club (Gorman), were created. Since then, breeding has been primarily about the physical characteristics of the dogs, and in particular their appearance, rather than their temperament. These traits have long been replaced in breed characteristics, and therefore the attitude towards pit bulls as exclusively fighting dogs is outdated and has nothing to do with the modern reality of the breed. Within pit bulls, as with any other breed, there are great individual differences. In connection with their modern role as companions and friends than employees and performing a specific role, it is friendliness, complaisance, obedience, along with appearance, that comes to the fore among breeders, and therefore it is the genes responsible for these traits that are now inherited much more.

Stigmatization of dog breeds is similar to gender or racial prejudice. Like people, dogs have their own disposition and character, which are influenced by their environment, growing up conditions, and upbringing. Breed prejudice is a dangerous phenomenon not only for dogs but also for people. People who have no experience in caring for and raising a dog, as well as not having enough time for socialization and care, most often choose stereotypically kind and passive breeds, assuming that they will not be aggressive towards other people or animals by default. As a result, the popularity of such breeds is growing, and there are more breeders and kennels who are more passionate about the number and appearance of puppies than their health or character. And on the contrary, people who have experience and are aware of the responsibility to be the owner of a dog understand that regardless of the breed, any dog requires proper education, care, and attention, regardless of whether it is a pit bull, a chihuahua or a golden retriever. Thus, the focus of efforts should be shifted from prohibitions and fears of any breed to the establishment of compulsory education for dog owners, control of breeders and kennels, compulsory education, socialization, and vaccination. This will allow a deal with prejudice more effectively and truly reduce the number of accidents associated with dog attacks on people.

Work Cited

Gorman, James. “.” The New York Times, Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 26). Why Pit Bulls Should Not Be Banned. https://ivypanda.com/essays/why-pit-bulls-should-not-be-banned/

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"Why Pit Bulls Should Not Be Banned." IvyPanda, 26 May 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/why-pit-bulls-should-not-be-banned/.


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Why Pit Bulls Should Not Be Banned'. 26 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Why Pit Bulls Should Not Be Banned." May 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/why-pit-bulls-should-not-be-banned/.

1. IvyPanda. "Why Pit Bulls Should Not Be Banned." May 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/why-pit-bulls-should-not-be-banned/.


IvyPanda. "Why Pit Bulls Should Not Be Banned." May 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/why-pit-bulls-should-not-be-banned/.

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