Caffeine: Carriers, Addiction and Diseases Essay

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Caffeine Carriers

Caffeine is a nervous system stimulant available in nature as coffee, tea leaves, cocoa beans and kola nuts. Many of the energy drinks available in the market contain this stimulant. The notable beverages like Coca cola, Pepsi etc. contain caffeine, though it is labeled as a flavoring agent. The quantity of caffeine varies with each beverage depending upon the mode of preparation and serving. The caffeine has its presence in some pain killers, cold medications and diet pills, and it improves their effectiveness. It acts quite different from other drugs like alcohol, and blocks the adenosine receptors generated through the cellular activities. This makes the natural stimulants of the body soar high.

Caffeine Addiction

Prolonged and regular intake of caffeine will evolve physical as well as psychological addiction. People who used to take 100 milligram of caffeine can develop headaches, muscle pain, stiffness of the body, nausea, temporary depression and irritation when they stop taking it. A person who takes two cups of coffee every day is susceptible to withdrawal symptoms if he discontinues it. However, it does not cause any serious drug addiction effects like drugs and alcohol. The negative effects of caffeine are mostly overlooked as it is a largely consumed drug accepted by the society at large.


When caffeine is taken in, the body absorbs and then gets rid of it fast. It carries only half-life of six hours to get itself eliminated from the body system. After ten hours the remaining portion of the caffeine will be rejected from the body. Drinking coffee in the evening can hamper sleep, but it won’t be a problem if it is taken six hours prior to reclining at night. Caffeine sensitivity can fluctuate in relation to the body metabolism and consumption rate.

Those who have hypersensitivity will undergo insomnia, nervousness and various intestinal malfunctions. But, generally, it creates no threat to the physical and social aspects of health, like the addictive drugs do, though it can develop a hole in the wallet if too much caffeine is consumed. Keeping these in mind, and considering that I become lethargic when I do not drink coffee, I took a decision to give up drinking it for a weekend, to know what happens during the abstinence.


The moment the decision taken, a sudden feeling for a cup of tea crept in mind. On fighting it out, a slight headache started, followed by some sort of irritation. Concentration was lost abruptly. Prior to quitting coffee, there was a little losing of fluid from the body due to the diuretic effect of caffeine. To cope with that contingency, I began to take more water then, which eased the situation. However, as I have stopped taking the coffee, the existing gastrointestinal problems escalated which prompted me to seek medication. But, the headaches and vomiting feeling continued for two days. Also, there was a disruption in sleep. When the next day dawned, the headache was gone, and I felt very calm and peaceful. I continued to resist the tendency to grab a cup of coffee, and that gave me more confidence than ever. I became more energetic and resourceful since that day.


My experience on refraining from drinking coffee gave me inspiration to advise my coffee addicted colleagues to quit it. I told them that a higher level of caffeine intake will lead to dehydration and resultant health issues. I know, many of my friends are overweight due to the frequent consumption of energy drinks that contain caffeine. That’s why I record here my feelings on the abstinence from drinking coffee.

Caffeine Vulnerability

Now I know that three cups of coffee daily will do no harm to a healthy adult, though the aged having high blood pressure are vulnerable to its effects. Using it above 744 milligrams per day can lead to hip fracture in older people.

Recent studies show that caffeine has no direct link to cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. In fact, caffeine protects the body from cancer attacks. However, if pregnant women consume more than 200 milligrams of caffeine daily, it can cause miscarriage. Kids may develop anxiety and irritability with increased intake of caffeine.

Benefits of Caffeine

Though caffeine has no health benefits, there are some potential gains in it. Consumption of caffeine improves the feelings of sociability and helps controlling certain headaches and asthma. Moreover, it decreases malfunction of the liver, and Parkinson’s disease. Additionally, it can reduce colorectal cancer and type 2 Diabetes. In spite of these potential benefits it is advisable not to take high levels of caffeine to avoid any adverse effects of caffeine addiction.

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IvyPanda. (2020, May 18). Caffeine: Carriers, Addiction and Diseases.

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"Caffeine: Carriers, Addiction and Diseases." IvyPanda, 18 May 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Caffeine: Carriers, Addiction and Diseases'. 18 May.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Caffeine: Carriers, Addiction and Diseases." May 18, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Caffeine: Carriers, Addiction and Diseases." May 18, 2020.


IvyPanda. "Caffeine: Carriers, Addiction and Diseases." May 18, 2020.

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