Elements of Project Management: Workplace Health and Safety, PPE, B2B Marketing Reflective Essay

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Workplace Health and Safety, and PPE

Personal Reflection

The aspects of management style that have brought the best work out of me are adaptability and critical problem-solving skills (Davis 2008). The aspect of adaptability influenced the adjustments that I had to make in exercising influence over the need to remodel the concrete mixing ratio when constructing a temporary bridge in the Sussex region.

Through these adjustments, I was in a position to model a unique project remodeling that reassures and discerns the wants and desires of the local council. However, I was not able to balance the ability to oversee and proactively supervise the project since the risk mitigation was in the hand of the project supervisor.

To make the project more successful, the managers ought to have encouraged interpersonal skills among the employees since they have an immeasurable value in the success of the project.

However, this was difficult for the managers faced the constraints of limited vital soft skills among the employees such as project leadership and management skills, risk assessment skills, and rational decision making in the process of micromanagement of the bridge construction project.

From experience in the bridge construction project, I need to develop the behavioral skills of project personnel such as the aspect of scientific management, which necessary in addition to proactive leadership approach.

Topic discussion

Project management at organizational and project level focuses on the objectives and set goals that are to be achieved through project implementation within the international safety standards.

Individual project management skills such as motivation, inspiration, and revitalization of the project personnel, project leadership skills nurture collective and self-responsibility to perform optimally in compliance with health and safety standards.

The challenges faced by on-site managers in maintaining WHS are micromanagement of different employees and quality assurance with varying levels of safety standards. To address these challenges, the manager should adopt a proactive approach towards connecting the mission, vision and objectives of a project to the unique dynamics of the project WHS environment (Davis 2008).

With references to the development site at Jordan Springs, another challenge that cannot be easily segregated is the difficulty of balanced supplementary implementation of the project through project leadership skills, the culture of teamwork and common purpose will eventually climax in successful project execution.

In order to mitigate this challenge, it is necessary to design a practical project tracking plan and progress assessment criteria through the application of project leadership and soft management skills (Workcover 2000).

B2B marketing

Personal Reflection

Reflectively, I have always had a passion for a career in the construction industry. Specifically, the science and art of project management greatly influenced my degree choice and the conclusion to attend UWS. The UWS offers the necessary training in project leadership and management skills, which inspire creativity and innovativeness in the process of project management.

Possession of relevant project leadership and management skills as appropriate recipe for an all-round and productive career in the construction industry impacted my decision. I went through career planning and future career development prospects when deciding to attend UWS.

The main challenges I faced in the transition from school and university was the change in environment, the scope of topic coverage, and embracing diversity as I meet students from all over the world who had unique beliefs and behavior. I have addressed these challenges by opening up, developing a proactive attitude and embracing the diversity in my new environment.


A good brand positioning as a marketing strategy guides the marketing plan by illustrating the brand’s essence, and showing how it helps the agent achieve their goals.

In the construction industry, the need for marketing facilitates building of strong brands, amalgamation, or consolidation, which unites several sub-brands into a single unit that is more appealing to the potential investors. Strong brand strategy will facilitate the restructuring of effective support and awareness to develop product knowledge of the potential stakeholders.

In the case of Jordan Spring construction project, effective marketing will persuade the general public to accept the project since its benefits are communicated in the marketing plan.

If well merged with appropriate market mix, the strategy will secure a continuous quantitative increase of the market by continually maintaining relatively support of the products on offer as well as the maintenance of fair competition level from other competitors within the construction industry.

Reflectively, marketing will form the primary educational tool for informing potential clients about the benefits, cost elements, and future property projections. Thus, stakeholders and potential investors will make rational decisions based on the information in the marketing strategy for the Jordan Springs project.

The Penrith City Council has the role of certifying the construction project, recommending to the public the benefits of the project, and providing social security to interested stakeholders via authenticated the legality of the Jordan Springs construction project (Workcover 2000).

Communication and Interpersonal Skills

Personal Reflection

My communication skills reflect on a constant communication culture characterized by individual professionalism, consistency, quality, adaptability in intra and interpersonal relation, rule of consultation in intra operation, healthy working environment, sensitive management and personal organization with minimal complications on performance and health.

I have created a working stressor regulator by expressing anxieties proactively to exceedingly manage psychological and physical demands for comfortable cope up with the unfamiliar situations. Also, this regulator manages unrealistic personal pressure among other excessive demanding work and individual cognitive factors inclusive of health issues, relationship and inability to adjust to sudden change.

I have a weakness in setting up simple, practical strategies to get to know and offer solutions to personal artificial impairment in communication before it generates into an interaction risk or harm (Rothwell 2005).

Through designing personal tolerance model levels, I can address this challenge by developing a dependence of interest attached to an activity, creating proactive relationships, and monitoring their interaction with physical and psychological health within intra and interpersonal communication.

To improve on personal communication, I would concentrate on establishing a good intra and interpersonal communication relationship at work as a security strategy for confidential sharing of work-related hiccups with fellow employees or a trusted staff mate.

In addition, I would concentrate on preventive policy of creating informal inter-group meetings where the employees are given an opportunity to share experiences and encourage each other.

I would then research on any pre evidence of a recognizable stressor I know or ought to have known because of the work nature besides the work environment. Instead of playing the blame game, I would then concentrate on addressing these issues and where necessary providing personal rehabilitation program (Workcover 2000).


There are two types of social conflicts: informal and formal (official). These social conflicts influence one another. For instance, the aspect is the mutual interests that exist between the company and its workers may lead to informal conflict.

This mutual interest offers superordinate objective which can be achieved only through combined determination of the organization (employer) and individual workers to resolve the conflict via arbitration.

Through negotiation, a company can establish internal procedures to address misconduct cases that bring conflict within the organization. This ensures that its organizational actions and objectives are ethical (Rothwell 2005).

The first step in arbitration and negotiation is to develop an expectation in the conflicting parties for a win-win solution so that a mutually satisfactory conclusion is arrived at. The second step is to define the general concerns, needs and interests though it can lead to arguments based on rights.

The next stage is to brainstorm the creative suggestions from both the parties. The final step is to combine the best tips that you have received into a win-win solution. In doing this, care should be taken to reduce the cost of an agreement to the disadvantaged party.

The specific issues that managers and supervisors need to address when it comes to conflict on the construction site include the scope interpersonal relations, working conditions, welfare provisions, and work environment since these elements significantly contribute to employee effectiveness and behavior.

Therefore, these conflicts can be solved by examining psychosocial and physical well being of employees towards organizational effectiveness and appropriate job performance and satisfaction. Psychosocial conditions impart more effect on the organizational effectiveness and job satisfaction.

The impact of organizational environment and structure on employees’ behaviors is a crucial issue to put into consideration for the management of conflict at the construction site (Workcover 2000).

Managing in the Global Environment – the Virtual Organization

Personal Reflection

Reflectively, personal motivation forms the pinnacle of global leadership perspectives. Specifically, my drivers to complete work, assignment and other tasks are the foresight which is very crucial because it gives an individual a rough perspective and overview of the future concerning the expected and unexpected changes and challenges.

Therefore, I always examine and evaluate my past and endeavor to adopt relevant skills that will be relevant for future challenges and responsibilities.

Through designing personal task management model levels, my task orientation module has remained active in developing dependence of interest attached to an activity, creating proactive relationships, and monitoring their interaction with physical and psychological health (Bustin 2004). Eventually, it has paid off since I have learnt to appreciate the essence of tolerance and necessity to stay active.

Several external and internal pressures have a direct impact on my motivation and desire to succeed. As a proactive individual in the past assessments and a ‘think out of the box’ personality, overcoming obstacles has been a cutting edge, especially when this involves a third party. Working with others consists of the flexibility of the mind and ability to proactively embrace different opinion.

Diversity at workplace may exert pressure on personal development (Bustin 2004). The pressure to build a stable, practically oriented and qualitative problem solving criterion throughout life has impacted on my life since this experience has placed in me a practical work environment and added value to the desired skills for the future career path.


Having online Creating Thinking classes enabled me to hypothesize within the context of how the application of learning methodology and guarded me against being subjected to the authoritarian teaching strategies; which often happens to be an integral part of the on the ground learning environment.

I had much freedom in working on my homework assignments, and the choice to favor an integrative approach towards absorbing the taught material. However, face to face classes are more interactive and comprehensive since I had several opportunities to seek first-hand clarification on different topics (Workcover 2000).

If the Creating Thinking classes were fully online, poor time management, outside influences and isolation would have negatively influenced my grade. Though online classes make the learning experience more comfortable, lecturers benefit more than students since the lecturers will spend a short time with the students. Thus, the learning experience will be very poor.

IPad is a useful learning tool for students are empowered to comfortable study on and off-campus. IPad technology makes it easy for students to access class material and save them a lot of time in library research. Generally, the students embraced this project since it empowered them to embrace efficiency in learning (Bustin 2004).

The specific needs of people working in the virtual organization within the construction industry include a stable and high-performance virtual support system, proper connectivity to the support structure, and necessary logistic support to complete the cycle of operation.

To ensure morale, motivation and productivity, these needs can be addressed through the creation of a stable virtual platform and comprehensive training on the best support applications in the market (Workcover 2000).

Working with people and Quality Management

Personal Reflection

I am a transformational, situational, and participatory leader. My leadership strengths are teamwork skills in managing good organizational culture by fostering a strong alignment on the set path of achieving goals. However, I am always impatient for success.

In order to improve on my ability to work with others, I must develop leadership skills that inspire self-esteem and confidence among the staff through a proactive personal approach (Slack 2012).


Total quality management is applied in the construction industry through efficiency matrix that aims at minimizing costs that will result in accumulated gains in construction projects. The application includes the aspect of cost, dependability, speed, quality, and flexibility in the costing matrix within a specified period (Slack 2012).

When outsourcing, the management may face the challenges of balancing the sustainability goals and fulfilling the current demands against the interest of the local labor market. These challenges can be addressed through franchising and balanced insourcing as opposed to uncontrolled outsourcing.

When quality is compromised, an organization is likely to operate below its optimal point and make losses that can be avoided. A quality integration management system performs optimally via integration of appropriate scientific methods and techniques.

To enrich artistic managerial talents, scientific techniques come in handy to not only magnify the margins of success but also to ensure a smooth transition of an idea or an event after another (Workcover 2000).

Reference List

Bustin, G 2004, Take charge: How leaders profit from change, Tapestry Press, Irving, Texas.

Davis, A. S 2008, Leadership styles in project management: An analysis based upon the multifactor leadership questionnaire. Web.

Rothwell, W 2005, Career planning and succession management: developing your organization’s talent for today and tomorrow, Greenwood Publishing Group, Westport.

Slack, N 2012, Operations and process management: Principles and practice for strategic impact, Pearson Education Limited, Alabama.

Workcover 2000, Occupational health and safety information manual for supervisors in the NSW construction industry, New South Wale, Marlboro.

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IvyPanda. (2019, July 8). Elements of Project Management: Workplace Health and Safety, PPE, B2B Marketing. https://ivypanda.com/essays/elements-of-project-management-workplace-health-and-safety-ppe-b2b-marketing/

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"Elements of Project Management: Workplace Health and Safety, PPE, B2B Marketing." IvyPanda, 8 July 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/elements-of-project-management-workplace-health-and-safety-ppe-b2b-marketing/.


IvyPanda. (2019) 'Elements of Project Management: Workplace Health and Safety, PPE, B2B Marketing'. 8 July.


IvyPanda. 2019. "Elements of Project Management: Workplace Health and Safety, PPE, B2B Marketing." July 8, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/elements-of-project-management-workplace-health-and-safety-ppe-b2b-marketing/.

1. IvyPanda. "Elements of Project Management: Workplace Health and Safety, PPE, B2B Marketing." July 8, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/elements-of-project-management-workplace-health-and-safety-ppe-b2b-marketing/.


IvyPanda. "Elements of Project Management: Workplace Health and Safety, PPE, B2B Marketing." July 8, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/elements-of-project-management-workplace-health-and-safety-ppe-b2b-marketing/.

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