224 Construction Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Construction Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. The Vernier Caliper Tool Construction and Usage
    It is worth to note that a vernier caliper has two pairs of jaws on the top and bottom sides as shown in the diagram below.
  2. Project Charter for Construction of Football Pitch at Coventry University
    The main purpose of the project is to construct a high-tech football pitch for use of the students at Coventry University, which shall minimize the cost of renting playgrounds and avail easy access of the […]
  3. Causes of Kuala Lumpur Abandoned Construction Projects
    Abandoned construction projects are characteristic of the Malaysian construction industry because different literatures have documented hundreds of projects abandoned in the city because of a myriad of reasons. 5 billion adds to the total number […]
  4. The Berlin Brandenburg International Airport Construction Project
    During the expansion, the process to form Berlin Brandenburg International Airport involved the German federal government, the airlines, the city mayor, the Brandenburg state, the workers, Berlin citizens, and the passengers.
  5. Medical Imaging Center Construction in Abra Minch Town, Ethiopia
    It will strike to keep its services focus local and tailoring its products to meet the communities’ demands and in a way that respects the cultures and traditions of the people.
  6. Risks in International Construction Projects
    The construction industry is one of the largest and most stable industries in the world, with the overall value of the industry ranging between 2.
  7. Villa Construction Project Management
    The project I have chosen is the construction of a villa. The aim of the project is to construct a villa and have it ready for use within three months.
  8. Construction Solutions in Saline Environment
    The researcher concluded that, indeed, salinity is one of the major causes of concrete disintegration and reduces the durability of buildings in saline environments.
  9. The Crossrail Project’s Construction Process
    The case study report was written to review and analyze the current scheme of the Crossrail project in London to assist the Infrastructural Planning Committee of the Crossrail project.
  10. Safety at the Construction Sites
    As the supervisor and the employees heard the estimator fall, they hurried to the scene of accident. The manufacturers of the equipment should ensure that the equipments meets all the measures and standards set by […]
  11. Saudi Arabian Construction Industry: Delay and Poor Quality
    The development of the construction industry has widened the scope of the projects and by maintaining the overall profits for the country.
  12. London Wembley Stadium Construction Project
    However, from a project management perspective, completing Wembley Stadium outside the allocated time and monetary resources amounted to failure of the project.
  13. Arc de Triomphe. History. Construction
    Guillaume-Abel Blouet became, in 1832, the architect who finally finished the construction of the arch which was later devoted to the armies of the Revolution and the Empire.
  14. Holography Construction and Application
    The reference beam is represented by the electric field as One of the distinct properties of a hologram is that the hologram gets light from each part of the object in the setting.
  15. Burj Khalifa Construction and Operation Cycle
    The task of creating the tallest construction in the world required designers, engineers, and constructors the creation of a new form and implementation of innovative technologies.
  16. Risk Management in Fly-Fishing and Construction Projects
    In this case, it is possible to think of the following risks: bad weather conditions, traumas, delays, damage to a boat, misroute. It is possible to think of the following risks: bad weather conditions, gas […]
  17. House Construction Project Management
    The construction project is the basis of project scheduling and cost control. The project will increase the product portfolio of the company.
  18. Ethical Issues in Road Construction
    This issue needs to be considered in detail, including relying on the Code of Ethics and the Code of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
  19. Method of Construction of Hydro Schemes
    In the first section, the construction techniques used in the construction of the dams and their hydropower stations are given in detail.
  20. Audi Car Dealership: Building and Construction Description
    Other issues discussed include: Site selection for the building Role of the building and the challenges encountered during the entire process of coming up with the wonderful structure Relationship between design, materials used and structural […]
  21. Iron and Glass Construction During and After the Industrial Revolution
    The materials used in the construction of the Crystal Palace for the Great Exhibition building were glass, wood, and cast iron.
  22. Risk Management in Construction Projects
    In terms of risk management, a risk plan created at the planning phase of a project helps in further identifying risks and developing a plan to mitigate them.
  23. Risks in Construction Projects: Empire State Building
    The way the project managers in construction projects handle the identified risks is proportional to the success of the project. Depending on the nature of the project, the managers will come up with the possible […]
  24. Environmental Planning: Dam Construction
    Environmental planning is when decision making is done to attain development of an area while giving due thought to factors that may include Mother Nature, economic policies and political aspects, governmental policies as well […]
  25. Procurement Methods of the Construction Projects
    The vital significance of procurement in the success of any project necessitate for deliberate measures and consideration in the selection of the most appropriate procurement method.
  26. Building Design and Construction Methods
    This means that the ground where construction is intended to be put up must be strong enough to bear the weight of the building.
  27. Navigating the Construction of a 100-Bed Special Hospital
    In the project involving the construction of a 100-bed specialized hospital, key stakeholders include the government, which is the recipient or the customer of the project, regulatory bodies, union workers involved in the process of […]
  28. Whole Life Costing vs. Life Cycle Cost in Construction
    The primary advantage of WLC is the analysis of the costs outside the scope of LCC. In other words, a thorough overview of non-construction costs, income, and externalities is crucial to determining the validity of […]
  29. Innovation and Technology in the Construction Industry
    Construction innovations continue to increase rapidly. Most innovations focus on automation.
  30. Construction and Culture: The Forestiere Underground Gardens in California
    The purpose of the study is to describe the construction of the Forestiere Underground Gardens, the civilization, architecture and culture at the time.
  31. Mega Stadium Construction Projects
    The fact is that the complexity of the project comes from the high number of factors that should be taken into account with the primary purpose of achieving success and guaranty the in-time accomplishment of […]
  32. Crane Types Used in Construction
    There are two major factors that are considered when designing a crane: the first consideration is the weight the crane is expected to lift, and the second consideration is the crane stability.
  33. 3-D Printing in the Construction Industry
    Waste production is reduced with the use of 3-D printers. 3-D printing defies the use of traditional forms of construction.
  34. Saudi Oil & Gas Engineering, Procurement, Construction
    Due to the high level of dominance that Saudi has in the oil industry, the country plays a critical role in the determination of the world oil prices.
  35. SWOT and Construction Management
    In another study that concentrated on the Azzaro Construction Project, contractors were asked to detail the relevance SWOT had on the effectiveness of the project. In the study of the Azzaro construction project, the contractors […]
  36. Construction of the Empire State Building
    The size of the building demanded for the erection of 64 elevators that could be used to convey people and materials up and down the construction.
  37. Product Tanker: Construction Precedents and Structural Specifications
    The latter had a LOA of 56 meters, a beam of 8. Ludwig became the first to float a tanker of 104,500 long tons displacement.

👍 Good Essay Topics on Construction

  1. Construction Industry International Comparative Analysis
    International comparative analysis also provides the basis for the formulation of hypotheses and in the selection of the analytical techniques to be used.
  2. Managing Construction: The Grenfell Tower Fire Analysis
    The Grenfell Tower led to a total of 72 deaths, even though there were speculations that this figure was altered due to the media clampdown on the anomalies surrounding the casualty reports. The Grenfell Tower […]
  3. Underrepresentation of Women in the UK Construction Industry
    Consequently, it is unsurprising that about half of all construction workers in the UK report never having worked with a female manager.
  4. JP Phentar: Construction Project Management Tools
    Due to the unique nature of the project, there is a need for the establishment of an effective managerial framework. One of the most crucial aspects of the construction project is the quality of work.
  5. Quality Assurance System in Construction
    On the other hand, it is required to recognize and deal with the risk of loss of value with the same vigilance as has been shown in dealing with the other difficulties so far.
  6. Globalisation in the Construction Industry
    The globalization of construction industry provides the opportunity for the Australian companies to enter the international market and deliver the projects, for example, in the Middle East or Africa.
  7. Business Economics & Management for Construction
    Therefore business economics and management in the construction industry can be looked at as the study and practice of the sum total of all the managerial and technological aspects that are involved in the construction […]
  8. Rules of Negotiation in Construction Contract Management
    When the term negotiation is mentioned various aspect comes into play such as the venue, when or the time for negotiation, aggression in the push of the agenda, the role played among many other issues. […]
  9. The Construction Industry’s Microeconomic Analysis
    The construction industry is of great importance in the development of the state: the economic efficiency of related sectors of the economy is primarily ensured by the intensive development of construction.
  10. Construction: Sheathing, Steel Cutting and Concrete Slab Making for Corridors
    Sheathing, however, needs to conform to the ASTM standard requirements regarding the nails that are applied on the gypsum board. The GlasRoc board is designed for use in a roofing system that is mechanically attached […]
  11. Pyramids Construction Theories
    In this article, I will examine two of the theories which have been forward to explain in part the construction of the pyramids.
  12. Queens Midtown Tunnel: Construction History
    Besides, the time the engineers spent working in the Holland tunnel was three years longer than it took them to create the Queens Midtown tunnel, this is one of the advantages of the experience received […]
  13. Emirates: Eco Friendly Construction
    The goal of advancing eco friendly principles in the UAE The concept of sustainable development is a direct response to the concerns for environmental degradation and the energy crisis.
  14. Physical Capital in Ruiz Construction Company
    Essentially, the optimal point of physical capital is production of goods and services. Through research, economic application of the physical capital to the production processes in most vital industries provide a conclusion as to why […]
  15. Construction Law
    In the construction industry, different conditions, terms or elements exist to ensure that the contract is carried out in a well stipulated manner and that the parties are governed to act in the interests of […]
  16. Using Agile to Minimize Cost and Timeframe in Eiffel Tower Construction
    Eifel Tower is 1,067 feet tall and was a success from a financial and time perspective due to the use of the agile methodology in the construction process.
  17. Road Construction With the Use of Asphalt
    One of the main reasons for the low prevalence of cement concrete roads is the lack of cement produced based on standardized clinker, which is used for constructing such road surfaces.
  18. Building Materials and Technologies in Construction
    As shown in the figure below, the inconsiderate use of modern materials aggravated the damp problem in that particular building. During the visit, the team investigated the owners of the building to understand how the […]
  19. Construction of Regular Polygons: Octagon
    The corners or vertices of a polygon are the positions where two of the lines of the polygon intersect. To obtain a single interior angle, then As illustrated, the following steps can be used to […]
  20. Optimization of Modular Integrated Construction Logistics
    Both the research design and philosophy complement each other because the core of the research is the practicality of the observations, analyses, and recommendations.
  21. A Trouble in the Truss Construction Shop
    Taking into account this factor, the breakdown of the truss and the damage to the employee demonstrate the unreliability of this design.
  22. Construction Administration Code of Ethics
    They must also use their comprehension, skills, and proficiency to advance their operations and embrace education and transformation to be successful in the future.
  23. Gender Inequality in the Construction Field
    It is important that the main actors in the sector understand that gender equality can help reduce the issue of shortage of skill that exists in that field.
  24. Construction of a New Prison in New York
    The policies will describe when the need to apply force is suitable in the new facility. Once the facility has been established, the resulting impact on the victim’s family and the community will be accounted […]
  25. Construction Procurement in Industrialised Building System
    At the very beginning, the authors of the article began with the definitions and background of the term procurement in the construction industry.
  26. Forms of Contracts: Types of Construction Contracts
    Buyers and sellers agree on the total cost incurred in the process and combine it with the profits the contractor demands.
  27. Discussion Against the Construction of Marvin Nichols Reservoir
    Personally, I also agree with the sensitization because the construction of the Reservoir would consume thousands of acres of land owned by the local residents.
  28. Birdhouse Construction for Residential Application
    These birdhouses are customized to the needs of the client, the number and type of birds, and the weather conditions of the customer’s region.
  29. Innovation in Construction: Green Technology
    Innovative solutions for buildings with low energy consumption are actively developed and introduced into modern practice.
  30. New Atomic Power Plant Under Construction in Georgia
    This will cover the process right from the issuance of the construction permits, the construction process, the size of the output, the type of reactors to be used and the safety measures installed.
  31. Exposition for the Application to Master in Construction and Real Estate Management at HTW Berlin
    Countries around the world have realized that the best way of managing the competitiveness of the market is to successfully government and private projects completed in time and as per the expectations.
  32. Evolution of Construction Management From 1960s to Today
    Thus, the basic features of management within the scope of construction were visible already throughout the undertakings of the first people.
  33. International Engineering Procurement Construction
    The contractor will be responsible for assessing the design, procurement activities, the actual construction, commissioning and the handover to the owner or operator when the system is ready for operation to ensure that it is […]
  34. Vulnerability in the Construction Industry: Revising Objectives in the Light of Cyber Threats
    Due to the possibility of misconfigurations in the management of the construction processes, the outcomes of cyberattacks on construction companies can be dire.
  35. Construction Contract Dispute Adjudicator and Engineer Adjudicators
    According to their experience, a civil engineer adjudicator is able to review a construction project in order to ensure the process meets all the contract and code requirements. In general, adjudication is regarded as a […]
  36. Naflos Investments: A World Number One Construction Company
    Naflos investments company is a dynamic and leading construction company wishing to expand its business investments into the far East.
  37. Carbon Footprints and Transportation of Construction Materials
    The Carbon Footprint Protocol seeks to regulate the use of all materials that contribute to the increase in carbon dioxide levels, including that caused by the transportation of construction materials.

📌 Most Interesting Construction Topics to Write about

  1. Environmental Degradation Impacts of Concrete Use in Construction
    There are various strains of concrete depending on the mode of production and the ratio of its components. To ensure the attainment of desired strength and durability, concrete undergoes the process of hydration.
  2. Environmental Management for Construction Industry
    This high-level protection of the environment promotes eco-innovation, which leads to the improvement of the efficiency of the industry and employment opportunities.
  3. Best Materials for Bi-Polar Plates Construction Investigations
    Moreover, any corrosion layer will lower the electrical conductivity of the bipolar plates and thus increase the potential loss of PEM fuel cells due to the high electrical resistance.
  4. Pre-Construction Design Specifications: Water Piping Sub-System
    The criteria of complexity and implementation are related to the flexible PDS criteria of the system being powering set-up, repeatability of measurement, reduced temperature setup time, and progressive heating/cooling supply temperature.
  5. Property Taxes Herb Construction Company
    This is because the taxes of the property are directly due to the development of the property. Therefore, Herb Construction Company should capitalize interest and property taxes of the hotel under construction.
  6. Constitutional Law: Arbitration and Construction
    However, voluntary arbitration, as explained above, can either be binding or not, where non-binding arbitration is comparable to the ADR model of mediation, in the aspect that the decision made by the arbitrator cannot be […]
  7. Privata in Construction Contract: Treaty Confidentiality Doctrine
    The parties to the contract have the right to enforce the contract in the event of infringement of its terms by any one of them.
  8. Dubai Marriott Harbor Hotel: Construction Project
    This project is a real estate project and the cost of the structures includes the cost of land on which the project is constructed.
  9. Mediation in the Construction Industry of the UAE
    Mediation is anchored on six major principles: voluntariness of the parties in determining the procedure, selecting the mediators, and final decision-making; confidentiality of the procedure and its outcomes; equality in the mediator’s relation towards the […]
  10. Automation and Mechanization and Improving Productivity in Construction
    Therefore, most researchers in the field of construction engineering are looking at the possibility of automating the safety procedures to reduce the exposure of people in the sites to accidents.
  11. KLM Construction Company: Purchasing Strategies
    Companies in this industry are making use of technology to lower the cost of production, reduce the time of completing the projects, and improve the quality of the products they deliver to the market.
  12. Design: Construction
    Also to be found on site, is the call forward sheets document that provides a summary of the programme and has details of the supplies needed, including the name and address of the supplier and […]
  13. The Construction of Wood-Framed Residential Houses
    The first step in the pre-construction phrase is to acquire the piece of land where the house will be set up.
  14. First New York Subway Construction
    Abstract Introduction Place, period, and size of the first New York subway Civilization and culture were prevalent during the construction How the first New York subway was constructed How Beach’s subway could be built […]
  15. The UK Construction Industry’s Risk Management
    The construction industry is a major generator of waste, and accounts for 50% of the waste deposited in a typical landfill.
  16. Unions in Construction Sites in Melbourne, Australia
    The contractor has to show the overall benefit of the construction and the adherence to the standard rates of remuneration to the construction workers.
  17. Robotics in Construction: Automated and Semi-Automated Devices
    The robot is fitted with ultrasonic sensors that aid in positioning of the water jet in inclined areas and also the sensors determine the distance of concrete removal.
  18. Tunnel Design and Construction in Rocks
    The aims of this project included: Looking at the practical use of skills and techniques in underground tunnel design and construction by undertaking a study on channel tunnel as a case study. Identifying the type […]
  19. Insurance Policies and Covers in the Construction Industry
    This dissertation is aimed at exploring the insurance responses shown by construction firms in the industry in their attempt to reduce their exposure to inherent risks in the industry Insurance is a term that refers […]
  20. Software Tools in Construction: Design and Management of Projects
    Application of software is relevant in simulation and visualization of project scope, schemes projection, and monitoring of changes in plan in terms of cost and design.
  21. Million Dollar Tort Case: Construction Negligence Lawsuit
    From this incident, it is clear that a construction negligence lawsuit would need a documented breach of duty to the contractor’s side.
  22. Construction Industry Post-COVID-19 Challenges
    The scope and the scale of the impact depend on the location of the underlying projects and the respective businesses. Due to the general decline in the economic activities during the covid-19 pandemic, the financial […]
  23. Museum Construction Stakeholder Analysis
    The purpose of this report is to justify the existence of the project and discuss the various stakeholders that will be involved in it.
  24. The Bridge Construction Methods
    The prefabricated bridge component is a primary design of the accelerated bridge construction method for new construction project, renovations, and replacement work.
  25. Chicago School of Architecture: Construction Plan
    Tribune Tower, which was designed in the 1920s by John Mead Howells and Raymond Hood, is one of the clear examples of works of the first Chicago School of architecture known for being a […]
  26. Pyramids of Giza and Their Construction Mystery
    One rather outstanding theory is the one proposing the use of ramps in the construction of the Pyramids. In this theory, Herodotus proposes that the stones used to construct the pyramids were lifted using a […]
  27. Buildings Under Construction: Safety Issues
    The significance of the fire safety issue in buildings under construction can be also seen through the financial losses incurred by such incidents. The fire safety issues that might be involved in buildings under construction […]
  28. Construction of a New Building for Newton University
    As a result of the construction of software and hardware laboratories which will be equipped with modern teaching and research equipment will be a plus to the already established ICT standards of Newton University.
  29. Built Facility & Construction Industry Studies
    Below are the descriptions of these types of organizations: In this category the contractors are referred to as general contractors and these will generally build residential, industrial, commercial, and other related buildings in the industry.
  30. Effect of Modern Methods of Construction
    MMC includes; Make use of more effective material Speed up hiring delivery Enable high standards of design quality Can help to reduce resource consumption It has often been regarded as a mean of improving quality, […]
  31. Contingency in Construction Projects
    Once a total budget is set, project management should think in terms of the possible impact of different combinations: the extremes of spending the total budget, and the results expected from different combinations of each.
  32. Construction Technology and Air Pollution
    Hot-list section has new and transferable technology and highlights the features that appeal to construction companies, specifies and designers, owners of the building and end users.
  33. Construction Technology Is Reshaping the Industry
    Many procedures should be followed from the time the construction of the foundation of the house starts till the completion of the house.
  34. The Framework of the Construction Industry
    The construction industry in the UK is having a period of strong growth. Regardless of the rapid growth of other sectors, the housebuilding sector makes up a huge part of the whole construction industry in […]
  35. Construction Safety on Demolition
    Some of the measures that should be taken are proper regulation of the area by having competent personnel on such sites, inspecting the materials before the commencement of the demolition process, and having proper inspection […]
  36. Engineering Communications: Eurotunnel Construction
    Its the second largest rail tunnel in the world and the longest undersea tunnel with a distance of 37.9 km. The construction of the tunnels was mostly done in the Chalk Marl, this was the […]
  37. Migrants’ Labor Rights in the Construction Industry
    To stop exploitation, improve the standards of labor and quality, and protect the lives of individuals forced to work in horrible conditions in foreign countries, the international standards of labor and the local legislation in […]

💡 Good Research Topics about Construction

  1. Construction Bank of China: Workplace Analysis
    The leader focused on the best initiatives to understand the potential causes of the problem. The members of the team were empowered and encouraged to focus on the best outcomes.
  2. Construction Law: ALM Technology
    First, according to the original offer made by Southwest Supplier, Mounger Construction was to purchase the refrigerators at a price that is ten times higher than the sum which was presented on the signed invoice.
  3. Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene Construction Material
    ETFE is a fluoropolymer initially developed for the aerospace industry in the 1940s and eventually adopted for use in greenhouse construction due to its superiority over the glass.
  4. The Construction Industry of Oman
    Based on the review of the literature and the survey, the study concludes that lack of coordination among the parties and changes in specifications by the owners are the important factors leading to variations.
  5. 457 Visa Program Reintroduction to the Construction Industry
    The government seeks to reintroduce the labor-testing clause to the program. In the short term, there is likely to be a shortage of workers.
  6. Risk Management in the Construction Industry
    The paper evaluates the appropriateness of several theories in the management of risks and uncertainties in construction in addition to the process of modeling the chosen risk factors using the new framework.
  7. Williams Construction Co. vs. OSHA
    In this case, the violation of the Occupational Safety Health Act laws and regulations was the center of the legal procedure.
  8. Claims in Public Construction Projects in Oman
    The inherent characteristics of construction projects present a number of risks associated with project execution and make the construction projects vulnerable to financial risks.
  9. Materials and Resources in Construction and Design
    Wood is the material that is used to build constructions during the centuries because of the possibility to handle wood in many ways to receive the definite qualities of the material.
  10. Blue Design Management: Construction Project Success
    The selection of this title is to show the reader that this research is to create and suggest a blue print on what is the best practice based on the literature, case studies and interviews, […]
  11. Parsons Brinkerhoff Firm Recruiting Construction Manager
    To attract a large number of applicants, the company will advertise the position in the newspaper. To be successful, the company will take into consideration the existing laws in the foreign labor market.
  12. Construction Products Company’s Development
    This report is based on the case study of Construction Products, and the aim of this report is to analyze the existing problems of the company to find out effective measures for the future development […]
  13. Construction: “Who Invented Your House?” by Cavagh
    The article looks at the origin, as well as highlights the journey that the balloon frame has undergone over the centuries. According to the author, the current construction technique was coined “the balloon frame” in […]
  14. Procurement Opportunities in Construction Management
    The choice between the four types of procurement available in the construction industry leads to a sharp rise in the quality of the result.
  15. Institutional and Legal Context for Construction
    The company was contractually obligated to build a product of high quality, and it is safe to assume that this would include all materials and their functioning.
  16. The UK Construction Sector Evaluation
    The aim of this paper is to explain why it would be ethical for parents to relinquish some of these rights in order to maximize the welfare of the targeted children.
  17. Robotics in Construction Management: Impacts and Barriers
    The assessment of the economic feasibility of the robotization of individual construction processes is based on cost analysis and the calculation of payback.
  18. UK Construction Industry: Structure and Competitive Strategies Used
    The UK construction industry is one of the core economic sectors, and the output of the industry is a component of the Gross Domestic Product.
  19. Green Urbanism in Malaysian Construction Industry
    The idea of the green city project is to shift the focus of attention away from the Garden City Concept itself and instead turn the only garden in the city into a “city-in-a-garden”.
  20. Construction Market in the United Kingdom and London
    When it comes to the United Kingdom in general and London in particular, it is necessary to highlight that, due to the high degree of economic development of the country, some numerous institutions and associations […]
  21. Professional Implications in the Construction Industry
    Most legal implications of one’s work are closely connected to the ethical ones, and the issues of these spheres are related to each other. In this business, the ethical and legal implications are related to […]
  22. Construction Projects in China
    Since both projects are supposed to be signed with the leaders of the institutions that are under the state regulation, it can be assumed that the provisions of the Model Construction Project Contract are applicable […]
  23. The Heathrow’s T5 Construction: Balanced Scorecard
    The building of the Airport applied the economic focus, internal focus, learning and growth focus, and the customer experience focus. Before the project started, the public had the opportunity to raise questions on whatever issue […]
  24. Marbles Construction Company’s Conflict Management
    The 2009 agreement was meant to safeguard the interests of both the company and the employees. Most of the supervisors and mid-level managers were in support of the workers’ requests and this made it difficult […]
  25. Residential Park and Library Construction Budget
    From the results of a random sampling on the views of the residents about their desires of a recreational facility, 70% voiced the need for a public park that can house at least football and […]
  26. Quality Performance Monitoring in Construction
    Thus, the nature of the construction project presupposes several tasks that should be added to the existing project plan to guarantee the efficient monitoring of quality and overall success.
  27. Giza Pyramids and Major Construction Theories
    The lack of technology has made it a difficult practical concept to accept, leading to the rise of various theories on the construction of the Pyramids at Giza.
  28. Simulation as a Construction Tool and Its Economics
    To ensure the stability of the progress in the use of simulation for construction purposes, it is necessary to perform a constant evaluation and assessment of the work that has already been done.
  29. Construction Unions and Their Management
    Both approaches are valid and acceptable in the formation of a union since both protect the integrity of the workers. It is in the interest of construction management panels to consider a warm relationship between […]
  30. Construction Control Inspector in Agriculture
    The job description by the Natural Resource Conservation Service for the construction control inspector position is accurate in the description of the duties and tasks that may be required.
  31. Bridge Construction Over the Chacao Channel
    An article titled The Challenge of Constructing a Bridge over the Chacao Channel talks about a project of the government to build a rather large bridge.
  32. Argo Construction Group’s Leadership and People Results
    The strategic vision of the company is aimed at making the organization the leading provider of solutions to customers. The strategic vision of the organization was formulated in 2003 with a view to giving the […]
  33. Environmental Sustainability in the Construction Sector
    This paper aims at exploring the evidence of climate change in the UK, the contributing factors, and the potential consequences of it, including the floods.
  34. CSR in Jordan Construction Industry
    In the construction industry, CSR plays a significant role in ensuring that projects create employment for the locals, the environment is protected, energy is conserved, the land is utilized in an economically sound manner, construction […]
  35. Prefabrication and Simulation in Construction
    One of the tools that can assist in improving the overall performance of the construction industry is the visualisation of projects.
  36. Financial Crisis and Its Impact on UAE Construction
    The determination of this research is to evaluate the enactment of construction corporations in the United Arab Emirates for the period of the pre and post worldwide eras of financial disaster, which is from 2006 […]
  37. Clapton Commercial Construction Company Strategies
    However, the most crucial role of the human resource department is to understand and implement the employment laws in the new jurisdictions.

✅ Simple & Easy Construction Essay Titles

  1. Modular Construction in Hospital Buildings
  2. Giza Pyramids’ Mysteries: Theories of Construction
  3. Construction: Tool Boxes for Machine Shop
  4. UAE Construction and Real Estate Sector
  5. Safety Management at Construction Sites in the UAE
  6. Trans-Alaska Pipeline Construction History
  7. The Ayla Event Hall Construction Project
  8. The Real Estate and Construction Industry in Saudi Arabia
  9. WLAN Deployment on Open Area Construction Projects
  10. XYZ Construction LLC: HR Management
  11. Lawsuits in Construction: Carvalho vs. Toll Brothers Case
  12. Robyville Bridge History, Construction and Importance
  13. Ward House Design and Construction
  14. Comparing Construction Practice of China, America, India
  15. Negotiation in Construction Industry Disputes: UAE Situation
  16. Cost Effective and Sustainable Practices for Project Construction in the UAE
  17. Kuwait Walls Construction Periods
  18. Project for the Design and Construction of a Bridge Across the Murray River
  19. 457 Visa in Australia. Management Foundations Construction
  20. Railroad Supply and Demand. Turner Construction Company
  21. Integrating Building Information Management (BIM) Into Construction Supply Chain Management
  22. Virtual Reality in Construction
  23. “Risk Perception and Cultural Differences of Latinos Across Residential, Commercial, and Heavy Construction” by Kane Bormann
  24. The Construction Forestry Mining Energy Union’s Strike
  25. Real Estate and Construction Sector in the UAE and the Effects of the Crises on the UAE and the Gulf
  26. A Comparison of Construction Surety Bond and Insurance
  27. Value and Risk Management in a Construction Project
  28. Tendering and Procurement in the Construction Industry
  29. Private Construction of Government Sponsored Projects
  30. Value and Risk Management in the Chinese Construction Industry
  31. California High-Speed Rail Construction Project
  32. Safe Working Conditions in the Construction Industry
  33. Construction Failure: Swanston Street Wall Collapse
  34. Construction Safety and Accidents in Latino Community
  35. Housing Construction Industry and Economic Shocks
  36. Occupational Injuries in the Construction Industry
  37. Construction Surety Contract Bond Underwriting Risk Evaluation

📑 Interesting Topics to Write about Construction

  1. Construction Safety in Latino Community
  2. BBC Construction Market Analysis
  3. Motivating Employees: Japanese Construction Company
  4. Construction Project Management Strategic Issues
  5. The Balance Between Sustainable Construction and Project Success in the Current Economical Situation in the UK
  6. The Project Manager in Construction
  7. Construction Projects Success Factors
  8. Negotiation in Construction Industrial Dispute, an Assessment of Uae Situation
  9. FDI Strategic Plan for Baxtern & Doll Construction Company
  10. Construction Company Auditing Process
  11. Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Construction Industry: UAE Situation
  12. The Contemporary Lean Construction Problems
  13. Quebec Bridge Construction
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 224 Construction Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/construction-essay-topics/

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"224 Construction Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/construction-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '224 Construction Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.


IvyPanda. 2024. "224 Construction Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/construction-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "224 Construction Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/construction-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "224 Construction Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/construction-essay-topics/.

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