619 Drugs Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Drugs Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Drug Trafficking and Drug Abuse
    Drug trafficking contributes to drug abuse in the society. Drug trafficking also contributes to increased criminal activities that affect the security of citizens.
  2. Social Media Impact on Drug Abuse
    Thus, social media platforms definitely contribute to the misuse of various drugs by romanticizing their consumption and making “social drug use” acceptable among users.
  3. Drug and Alcohol Abuse
    For along time now, drug and alcohol abuse in the society has been a problem that affects the youth and the society at large. This paper highlights the problems of drug abuse and alcohol drinking […]
  4. Drug Abuse and Current Generation
    Drug abuse also breeds an array of behavioral problems among young people, which may affect their suitability to fit in the society.
  5. Punishment for Drugs: A Possible Alternative.
    As governments strive to control and prevent illegal actions entailed by drug addiction, measures are taken as to those involved in the distribution and consumption of drugs; and those measures vary depending on the level […]
  6. Merck Company and River Blindness Case Study Ethics
    According to the report, any country that requested for the drug would receive the drugs in coordination with the World Health Organization.
  7. Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation
    Therefore, the development of interpersonal relations that foster the development of social networks and social identity is critical in the rehabilitation of the drug and alcohol addicts.
  8. Should drugs be legalized?
    Incensed by the steadily growing number of deaths, crime and corruption created by illicit drug trade and use in the recent years, a number of persons drawn from both the government and the private sector […]
  9. Consequences of Drug Abuse
    The endless stream of drugs, obtainable to the individuals with little or no restrictions, poses a serious inquiry. When assessing the advantages of using pharmaceutical drugs, it is essential to consider the severity of health […]
  10. Drugs in sports
    The nature in which a drug is used depends on the purpose of the drug. The only way to have a level playing field for all players is through a total ban on the drugs […]
  11. Jim Carroll’s Drug Addiction in the Movie “The Basketball Diaries” by Leonardo Dicaprio
    After the bursting of Jim and apprehending of his friends, using drugs red handed by the couch, disintegration starts taking place in the group and most of the boys lose their essence for being thrown […]
  12. Drug Abuse & Its Effects on Families
    Focusing on the family seems to be by far, the most known and effective way of finding a solution with regards to the “war on drugs” since it more promising to end the vicious cycle […]
  13. Symbolic Interactionism on Drug Addiction
    Genetic factors in addiction include the number of receptors in the brain that influence the perception of drugs and other substances.
  14. Drug, Crime and Violence
    This essay offers a brief discussion of how the abuse of illegal drugs is related to both crime and violence. It is prudent to mention that drug and violence have been noted to be closely […]
  15. Alcohol and Drugs Effects on High School Students
    According to Martin, “society also advertises the image of individual and social happiness for alcohol and drug users; this misconception results in the societal decrease of achievement, especially, of high school age students”.
  16. Drug and Substance Abuse
    Many experts consider addiction as a disease as it affects a specific part of the brain; the limbic system commonly referred to as the pleasure center.
  17. Boston Fights Drugs in Harvard Business School
    The problem of the case under analysis is that the population of Boston is challenged by the access to illicit drugs.
  18. Prevention Research: The Fight Against Drug Abuse
    It is agreeable that US’s ‘War on Drugs’ has been an effective substance abuse prevention plan despite the hiccups that the program faces and its inability to attain some of its designated mandates within the […]
  19. Drugs in My Neighborhood
    In a bid to explore the various impacts that are brought about by drug abuse, I took it upon myself to investigate the various aspects that could have contributed to drug abuse in my neighborhood.
  20. Theories of Criminal Behavior of Drug Sellers
    One of the major questions explored is the question of motivation that makes teens enter the world of drug dealing and leave it.
  21. Positive Results of the War on Drugs
    The present section argues that the War on Drugs yielded some significant results in the United States, mainly thanks to the country’s advantageous geographic position, in terms of reducing both production and consumption of drugs […]
  22. Drug Education and Prevention
    The book brings out the relevance of the main economy to the policies that are made concerning the issue of drug abuse.
  23. Drugs and Alcohol Effects and Behaviorism Help
    The problem of alcohol and drug dependency has increased over the years, fueled by factors such as easy accessibility of drugs, high cost of living, poverty, financial instability, and laxity on the part of authorities […]
  24. Drug Free Workplace Evaluation
    Besides the assistance program, an employee awareness program should be included as well to educate them on the effects of drug abuse and the benefits of a drug free life.
  25. The Reasons Why People Are Using Drugs
    However, it is vital to understand that there are individuals for whom drug use is not entertainment, but rather a method to escape various psychological issues, curiosity, or therapeutic reasoning. It should be noted that […]
  26. The Impact of Drugs on Harlem Residents
    Women form the bulk of the population and most of the time they are the heads of their families. The grim statistics prompted the government to investigate the causes of excess mortality in the area.
  27. Drug Addiction and Its Effects
    The main cause of drug addiction is, obviously, the use of drugs but there are specific predictors making some people engage in drug abuse. Another sign of addiction is the need to use drugs in […]
  28. Impact of Digital Drug and Electronic Addiction on UAE Youth
    Therefore, the primary purpose of this dissertation is to determine the impact of digital drugs and the electronic addiction they cause on the youth of the UAE to highlight the existing problem in society.
  29. Drug Use in “Sonny’s Blues” by James Baldwin
    Through exploring the characters’ lives, the author reflects on the notions of drug use, hopelessness, and escape in the context of the black community.
  30. Ethical Issues With Performance Enhancing Drugs in Professional Sports
    The spirit of sports emphasizes on the biological potential, fairness, and justice to the competitors; nevertheless, the use of performance enhancing-drugs undermines the same.
  31. Transactional Model of Stress and Coping in Intravenous Drug Users
    The purpose of this paper is to explain how the transactional model of stress and coping can be used to explain and assess the process of coping in a group of intravenous users at risk […]
  32. Prescribing Drugs: Ethical and Legal Implications
    Besides, a pharmacist is responsible for drug disposal and may notice the same names of the patient and the nurse and pose some questions that may lead to additional investigations and new reports.
  33. Deviant Behavior: Drug Addiction
    Drug addiction as a form of deviant behavior is seen as a loss of a person’s former moral and spiritual values, which leads to intellectual degradation and a reduced desire to function as a member […]
  34. The “Should Drugs Be Legalized?” Essay by Bennett
    Bennet claims that the legalization of drugs might lead to a modern form of slavery that would disable people from living good lives without an addiction clouding their judgment.
  35. Teenage Drug Abuse in the United States
    The problem of teenage drug abuse inflicts a threat to the future society and health state of the overall population in the United States.
  36. The Route of Drug Administration
    The condition of the patient, which influences the capacity to take drugs, is paramount. It is vital to consider the gastric emptying interlude of the patient, availability of provisions, and the intestinal or gastric pH.
  37. Legal vs. Illicit Drugs: Similarities and Differences
    This paper discusses the similarities and differences between legal drugs such as alcohol and tobacco and illicit drugs like marijuana and cocaine. Alcohol and tobacco abuse are no less dangerous than the extended use of […]
  38. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Young People
    It is evident among drinkers that, when the BACs are low they develop a feeling of elation and when it rises, a feeling of friendliness begins to develop.
  39. Should We Have Mandatory Drug Testing For Professional Athletes?
    The concern for the enhancement of performance by use of drugs has shifted the efforts from the traditional illicit use of substances.
  40. Prevention Programs: Drug Abuse Resistance Education
    This program focuses on handling peer pressure among youths, a crucial cause of drug abuse in the country. The program is also grounded on sound research, which offers the critical elements vital to handling the […]

👍 Good Essay Topics on Drugs

  1. Glamorization of Drug Use in Media
    The problem with the ‘heroin chic,’ despite its goal to challenge the standard of perfection, was that it indeed coincided with a rise in heroin use among the population and consequently spiking rates of overdose.
  2. The Drug Crime Story of the Stickup Kids
    In the first part, Contreras situates the participants in the historical context of New York and the South Bronx, the epicenter of the rise of the crack-cocaine trade.
  3. Drug Design and the Qualitative Structure: Activity Relationship
    The knowledge of the chemical structures of chemical compounds and the relationship with the biological or physiological activity they can elicit is very important in the development of drugs.
  4. Merton’s Argument of Deviance: The Case of Drug Abuse
    The most prominent example in support of Merton’s argument in relation to drug abuse is that cultural and social circumstances play a crucial role in defining people’s desire to engage in drug use.
  5. Drug Policy in Vidal’s and Rosenthal’s Arguments
    The author used sarcasm in order to strengthen the emphasis of the irrationality of the government’s and the society’s way of thinking traditionally based on the belief that drugs have to be prohibited, and this […]
  6. The Role Play in Drug Addiction Treatment
    Moreover, the client believes that everyone in the law field uses coke, including his father, and this is the culture of the sphere.
  7. Nursing Ethics and the Diversion of Narcotics Drugs
    To get narcotics out of a hospital, the nurse may work in collaboration with the store manager who permits some narcotics out of the store without proper documentation. The nursing code of ethics requires nurses […]
  8. The Rise of Juvenile Delinquency and the Influence of Drugs
    Additionally, parents are the ones who know the strengths and weaknesses of the children since they spend most of their time together, their suggestions and views towards the crime committed should be handled with a […]
  9. Drug Trafficking in the UK
    This is the extent of the information available at the start of the research. The first element that has to be developed is the list of organizations that could potentially be involved with the smuggling […]
  10. “Should Drugs Be Legalized?” Essay by Bennett
    The first point includes concrete examples of the way the changes in prices and drug availability will impact addiction: “In reality, this would allow government to share.profits.by criminals”.
  11. Drug Abuse. “Nine Years Under” Book by Sheri Booker
    The book is thought provoking and important because it allows representing the difficult social situation and the problems of gang violence and drugs in the United States from the personal point of view.
  12. Drug Addiction Treatment Approaches
    In this way, some state that the objectives and aims of treatment should be to entirely drug-free the drug addict and that treatment should include drug-free techniques of achieving this aim.
  13. Drug Abuse in Adolescents and Its Causes
    Scientific research shows that the development factors for adolescent drug abuse are not limited to a set of three to five causes, but are usually linked to the integration of destructive environmental conditions.
  14. Drug Issue in “America’s Unjust Drug War” by Michael Huemer
    In a report on the unjust drug war in America, the author proposes that legislation on the use of recreational drugs is improper.
  15. Successes and the Failures of the “Drug War”
    In the past century, the use of illicit drugs reduced drastically owing to the drug war. The growing of the illicit drugs like Cannabis in the US has drastically reduced due to the drug war.
  16. Drug Cartels in Mexico
    According to sociologist Luis Astorga, the history of drug cartels in Mexico has a correlation with the political eras in the region. As such, they are the eyes and ears of the drug cartels.
  17. Chemical Medicine: Meridia drug
    This paper will attempt to look at the side effects against the advantages of the Meridia drug. This advice is a manifestation of the fact that the drug is harmful.
  18. Prescription Drugs Advertisement
    When companies introduce advertisements into the process, they influence the patient’s agenda negatively and lead to the commercialization of a highly sensitive industry. Talking about the merits of the drug instead of its risks is […]
  19. Enhancement Drugs in Sports Should Be Banned: An Argumentative Paper
    This is the reason why the justifications by the opponents of the total ban, that segment of the society advocating for the use of these drugs, appears so unconvincing.
  20. Drug Aware: Anti-Cannabis Campaign in Western Australia
    The involvement of many media channels Drug Aware helps support its campaign against cannabis use, and this is essential for health promotion.
  21. The Schizophrenia Drugs: Lithium and Abilify
    Lithium overdose affects primarily two systems of the human body: the central nervous system and the kidneys since it is through the latter that the drug is excreted from the body.
  22. Police Attitudes Toward Drugs and Drug Enforcement
    The researchers suggest that the cause of these gaps in knowledge is the lack of large-scale scientific studies of the perceptions or perspectives of the police.
  23. “Cocaine: Abuse and Addiction” by National Institute on Drug Abuse
    The literature provides us with a report of a research that has been conducted in the US regarding the topic of cocaine and drug abuse.
  24. Reasons Behind Youth’s Engagement to Drug Abuse in the 21st Century
    Although youths in the 21st century engage in drug abuse due to several factors, it suffices to declare factors such as the rising unemployment status, peer pressure, and their hiked tendency to copy their parents’ […]
  25. Drug Abuse and Society
    Regardless of the many intervention measures that can be adopted to solve this problem of drug abuse, the most effective intervention measure is to create awareness to youths to enable them change their behaviors and […]
  26. Drug Abuse as a Social Problem
    This poses as problem to the society because many of the people who are unemployed will resort to different ways of seeking money and pleasure.
  27. The Formative Evaluation: Program of Addressing Drug Abuse in Schools
    The proposed program sought to educate students about the challenges of drug abuse, its impacts on academic performance, and the best techniques to avoid the vice.
  28. How Alvin Ailey’s Dances Help With Drug Addiction
    Ailey is the founder of the famous theater in New York and is known for popularizing modern dance and mixing it with ballet, jazz and elements of African culture.
  29. Community Intervention Practices Against Drug Abuse
    The key features that result in successful community-based intervention on drug abuse are integrated for effectiveness and efficiency. On the other hand, drug abuse refers to the consumption of substances that elicit particular feelings and […]
  30. Maintenance Programs for Drug Users in the United Kingdom
    For example, the United Kingdom initiated needle exchange and oral methadone replacement therapy in the 1970s to combat the expansion of infections among drug users.
  31. Drug Abuse and Prevention Strategies
    When specialists deal with preventative factors, they pay attention to both mental and physical ways to resist the drug. The symbiosis of these procedures is exceptionally efficient in terms of the drug rehabilitation process when […]
  32. Touch of Evil: The World of Drug Lords and Corruption
    Janet Leigh, who is considered to be an outstanding American actress of the 50s, perfectly played one of the leading roles in the movie, the role of Susan Vargas.
  33. Does Drug Interdiction Increase or Decrease Drug-Related Crime?
    Thesis: Drug interdiction helps to reduce drug-related crime by reducing the flow of drugs into the country and by disrupting the flow of funds into the hands of the terrorists.
  34. Eli Lilly: Recreating Drug Discovery for the 21st Century
    The prior mission of the discussed firm is the implementation of the idea of personalized pharmaceutics into the functioning of the given company.
  35. Social Trends & Drug Control: Normalisation Theory
    The aim of the normalisation process is to get those people access to the world and the wider community, let them live a full life and enjoy the communication.
  36. Food & Drug Administration: Federal Health Agency
    To be healthy, people have to understand the importance of the use of radiation-emitting products, the participation in vaccination and blood control, the discussion of veterinary affairs, and the evaluation of cosmetics and tobacco products.
  37. Drug-Testing: Utilitarian Theory Ethical Dilemma
    This is because, given the fact that Utilitarian theory’s foremost theoretical premise is being concerned with the notion of amaximization of benefits’ 1, it will only be logical, on my part, to assume that the […]
  38. The Qualitative and Quantitative Research Strategies: Drug Addiction
    This is why another purpose of this paper is to evaluate what kind of research strategy is more effective and better in regards to the topic of drug addiction.
  39. Drugs: The Love of Money Is the Root of All Evils
    The political issues concerning the use of drugs consist of, but not limited to, the substances that are defined as drugs, the means of supplying and controlling their use, and how the society relates with […]
  40. Music Analysis: Drug Abuse in Music
    So in this song the artist is also lamenting the dangers of drugs and the theme of the music is one that advocates against tackling the problem with issues of drug abuse by arguing the […]

💡 Most Interesting Drugs Topics to Write about

  1. Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs
    Purpose of sport In my view, the use of performance enhancing drugs is equivalent to cheating and does not add value to the spirit of fair competition in sport.
  2. Should Smoking Tobacco Be Classified As an Illegal Drug?
    Although this is the case, the tobacco industry is one of the most profitable industries, a fact that has made it very hard for the government to illegalize the use of tobacco products.
  3. Online Illegal Drug Trading and Response to It
    With the rise of the global economy and the accessibility of the internet, it is now possible to build a solid and safe framework for counterfeit activities.
  4. Drug Abuse and Its Psychological Effects
    The purpose of this paper is to explore in more depth the psychological effects of addiction on the family and inner circle of the addict.
  5. Drug Abuse, Aggression and Antisocial Behavior
    The use of abusive drugs can cause anger in people because of the effect they have on the brain. An example of how alcohol can cause aggression in a person is that it impairs an […]
  6. Drug Misuse, Interventions and Challenges
    The rationale of MET is to elicit change discourse in a supportive and collaborative setting and to encourage the client’s intrinsic drive to participate in change.
  7. Policies for Pregnant Women With Drug Abuse
    Thus, out of all the offered policies, financial support for therapy is the best one, as it motivates prevention and treatment, which, in turn, causes the improvement of this situation.
  8. Impaired Nurses: Prescription Drug Addiction
    Work with drugs and psychotropic substances in medical organizations is constantly in the field of view of law enforcement agencies for the control of drug trafficking and health authorities.
  9. Prohibition of Drugs vs. Harm Reduction Policies
    Theoretically, the introduced ban on drug use decreases the number of users, as it is more difficult to get drugs because there are fewer drug dealers and the price is high.
  10. Should Drugs Be Decriminalized in Canada?
    According to the government, this measure will help release the burden of the justice system and concentrate on health and the ways of its promotion within the framework of the prevention of drug use.
  11. International Drug Trafficking: Critical Thinking
    Moreover, it is of concern that the power of drug traffickers is constantly growing and that they are influencing the economic and political affairs of cities.
  12. The History of ADHD Treatment: Drug Addiction Disorders
    Therefore, the gathered data would be classified by year, treatment type, and gender to better comprehend the statistical distribution of the prevalence of drug addiction.
  13. Fingerprints and Seized Drug Analysis
    Even so, fingerprint analysis and seized drugs analysis are the topics that intrigued me the most due to their complexity and use of high-end technological approaches to solve crime.
  14. Naloxone for Drug Overdose: Discussion
    In this paper, patient-specific counseling points regarding the use of naloxone are provided to treat potential opioid overdose of the clients in the future.
  15. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Teenagers
    The thesis statement is: “Conviction is a better way to reduce drug and alcohol addiction among teenagers in the United States”.
  16. Psychotherapeutic Drugs and Precautions for Older Adults
    Psychotherapeutic drugs are used to treat issues related to the thoughts and actions of people with perceptual and behavioral disorders. The employees are to be certain that the person complies with the treatment and does […]
  17. Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Canada
    Therefore, it contributes as a central factor in the essence of the character, and it is crucial to understand the core definition and the elements that foster the ideology.
  18. Episodes of The Business of Drugs Series
    The episode focuses on aspects of the production and distribution of business and reduces the consequences of this business death and poverty to a few brief conclusions.
  19. How the Insurance and Drug Industries Affected the Universal Healthcare
    Universal healthcare in the United States guarantees that all citizens have access to the medical care they need, regardless of their capacity to pay.
  20. Mitigating Drug Abuse in Pine View School
    The inclusion of professionals in the fields of health care, counseling, and drugs is expected to promote the delivery of desirable results.
  21. Drug Abuse and Its Negative Effects
    This paper aims to highlight what the field of psychology says about the negative effects of drugs and why people continue using despite the consequences. The main effect is that it creates a memory of […]
  22. Discussion: Legalization of Drugs
    The first reason why arguments for the motion were less persuasive is that debaters significantly underestimate the effects of drugs compared to alcohol and nicotine. The problem of alcohol and drug use in teenagers presents […]
  23. Impact of Illegal Drugs in the Caribbean, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana
    For example, the illicit drug trade in the islands leads to negative branding of the islets and the people living in them.
  24. Legalization of Drug Possession: Racial Issues
    Critical racial theory contributes to the analysis from the point of view of eliminating injustice concerning the arrests of black people.
  25. Osteoporosis Therapy Goals and Prescribed Drugs
    The success of the therapy can be monitored in the long term by checking the overall improvement in BMD. The patient should be informed of the drug’s efficacy, safety and adverse effects.
  26. Ethical Issues of Prescription Drug Advertising
    The implication is that DTCA is unfair and fails to make the patient listen to the different perspectives of the medic.
  27. Fictitious Drug to Enhance Muscle Contractions
    The drug’s chemical compounds in Power-flex increase the tightening of the sarcomere, acting, and myosin-containing structures in the muscles responsible for contracting in response to neural system signals.
  28. Preventable Adverse Drug Events: Improvement Plan
    Therefore, reducing the number of these events is essential for the reduction of patient harm and the lowering of costs within the healthcare system.
  29. Root-Cause Analysis of Preventable Adverse Drug Events
    Considering the root causes evidential above, for the prevention of pADEs, providers are to confirm that patients and their families understand the information given to them.
  30. Prescription Drug Cost Minimization in Illinois
    I could prescribe generic medicine instead of brand options to minimize cost or help the patient get the medication at the lowest price possible.
  31. Biological and Psychological Factors Influencing Drug Experiences
    Everything from an individual’s expectancies and beliefs about the drug to physiology and metabolism can shape the drug experience. In conclusion, these psychological and biological aspects can impact an individual’s drug experience and make it […]
  32. How the Body Absorbs, Distributes, and Eliminates Drugs
    The absorption of drugs in the human body refers to the process of the drug’s movement to the bloodstream. The distribution of the drug is especially important because it determines the drug’s effect on the […]
  33. Ethics of Unproven Drugs and Issues
    Participation in such experiments has raised varied opinions on the requirements for patients to be part of the project, the ethical considerations involved, and the costs and benefits of untested drugs.
  34. The Drug Policy and Criminalization
    With the subsequent development of the laws, the focus of the drug-related legislation was shifted to the improved policy focused on the vital need for the recovery of addicts. Therefore, the development of the drug […]
  35. Drug Therapy With Labetalol: The Control of Hypertension and Pregnancy
    The purpose of this paper is a comparative studying of the characteristics of two drugs used for the treatment of gestational hypertension in pregnant women: labetalol and methyldopa, and to identify the most effective of […]
  36. Program to Tackle Drug Addiction Among Youth
    The core area of emphasis will be training the students on different ways to avoid the temptations of using drugs in order to lower the rate of addiction.
  37. Neuroenhancing Drugs in Modern People’s Lives
    There is a peculiar term that was introduced by a researcher to describe the practice of what Alex and many others do, which is use drugs designed for specific medical conditions to strengthen conventional cognition.
  38. Drug Abuse in Lake County, California
    The topic of drug abuse is essential for discussion due to the need to develop strategies to prevent and minimize the dangerous consequences of drug abuse in different regions.
  39. The Drug-Nicotine Interactions
    Nicotine can decrease the efficacy of analgesics and respiratory remedies due to having unpredictable and dramatic effects on the body. Overall, to address the impact of nicotine on my clients’ medications, I would conduct an […]
  40. The Necessity of Drug Regulation in the United States
    The definition of harm reduction refers to the policies and activities whose main purpose is to abolish the negative social, economic, and health consequences of drug use without necessarily ending overall drug use.

🔍 Good Research Topics about Drugs

  1. COVID-19 Vaccines: U.S. Food and Drug Administration
    6 The vaccine received an EUA in people 16 years of age or older due to the lack of children and adolescents among the participants of trials.
  2. Decision Making Process of Drug Users
    The participants in this study are the drug users and the researchers who are trying to gain the knowledge. The decisions are the dependent variables, while the drug users are the independent variables in this […]
  3. Drug-Taking in Spiritual Guidance
    As mentioned above, shamans and other top representatives of the polytheistic cultic and religious communities resort to the use of drugs to find a direct channel for communication with gods and spirits and cognition of […]
  4. How Drugs Affect Teens in Kosovo
    This has resulted in a spike in the number of substance abusers in the nation, particularly after 1999, exacerbating the present predicament in Kosovo.
  5. Drug and Alcohol Addiction: Abby’s Case
    The amounts of money Abby spends weekly on fulfilling her addictive desires and her long history of drug usage imply that she has an addiction problem.
  6. Drug Addiction in Teenagers: Smoking and Other Lifestyles
    In the first part of this assignment, the health problem of drug addiction was considered among teens and the most vulnerable group was established.
  7. International Drug Trafficking: Analysis and Solution
    If an attempt is made to unify the process for all significant areas of drug trafficking, such a system will fail.
  8. Drug Abuse Among Homeless Young Adults in New Jersey
    The reason why young adults in New Jersey get involved in drugs and alcohol after becoming homeless is to manage their situations in an attempt to attain the tentative pleasure of life despite their problems. […]
  9. Biologic Drugs in Management of Psoriasis
    They also have been found to suppress the immune system in some patients and thus increasing the risk of infections. Biologics have acquired acclaim as safe, effective, and convenient substitutes in the healing of chronic, […]
  10. Drug Addiction Treatment for a Pregnant Woman
    The drug has affected various aspects of her life, causing her to lose her job and making her turn to crime to afford the drugs.
  11. Identity, Drugs and Music in Literature
    One of the themes in James Baldwin’s novel “Sonny’s Blue” is the usage of drugs by young people. Thus, the drugs have a way of hiding the reality of the users’ struggles such that people […]
  12. The Fraud Drug Schemes Analysis
    To combat the spread of counterfeit and substandard drugs, it is essential to educate the public on how to recognize fake medicine.
  13. Drug Effects on the Brain: Marihuana and Heroin
    Considering the short-term effects of heroin on the human brain, one of the most dangerous ones is the activation of the opioid receptors.
  14. Artesunate as an Antimalarial Drug
    Artesunate is an antimalarial drug for injection, artemisinin derivative, and is used to treat malaria in patients of various ages. The effective action of Artesunate is supported by its advantage of a hydrophilic group.
  15. Drug Addiction: Overview of the Main Principles and Recovery Plan
    On the one hand, the term’ drug addiction is specifically defined by NIDA as “characterized by intense and, at times, uncontrollable drug craving, along with compulsive drug seeking and use that persist even in the […]
  16. Aspects of the Use of Artesunate Drug
    The brochure outlines the use of Artesunate drug which is used in the treatment of severe malaria among adults and pediatric patients.
  17. Drug Overdose Health Policy and Ethics
    Consequently, the main aim the drug overdose fatality review teams will pursue is to become the trusted medium between the people in need and the government.
  18. The Drug Enforcement Administration Case Studies
    The majority of responsibilities for the DEA remained the same over the years, with the only essential difference becoming the decision to separate general drug law enforcement into the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and the […]
  19. Drug Laws Influnce on Different Population Groups
    Despite all the dangers of drugs, the fight against them should not worsen the living conditions for the population and aggravate injustice. The fight against drugs also unfairly affects women, especially women of color.
  20. Criminal Justice System Deterring Illicit Drug Use
    The authors describe the history of the appearance of synthetic drugs in the illegal market and mention the difficulties that forensic chemists have faced in identifying the compounds of illicit substances. M, Stogner, J.
  21. Drug Laws: The Impact on Racial Minorities and Women
    But the most socially dangerous consequence of regulation and the war on drugs is creating a myth about drug users, linking the increase in criminal activity in this area with unprotected racial or gender groups.
  22. Off-Label Drugs Prescribing in Pediatrics
    Permission for widespread use of a drug is issued on the basis of reliable data on the efficacy and safety of the drug obtained in the course of preclinical and clinical studies, the result of […]
  23. Type 1 Diabetes: Recommendations for Alternative Drug Treatments
    Then, they have to assess the existing levels of literacy and numeracy a patient has. Tailoring educational initiatives to a person’s unique ethnic and cultural background is the basis of cultural competence in patient education.
  24. Substance Abuse: Drug and Alcohol Treatment
    National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers: Concentrates on ethical interventions Provides integrated treatment approach Offers cognitive-behavioral methods Reinforces the value of family support Recognizes addiction as a complex issue Prohibits discrimination
  25. Age Factor in Drug Therapy for Cardiovascular Patient
    The patient from the assigned case has a history of a heart attack at the age of 54. The exact age of the patient from the assigned case is unknown.
  26. Why Do Generic Drugs Cost Less?
    West, the former Deputy Director of the Office of Generic Drugs, the review process of brand name medicines and generics is identical from the first to the fifth stage.
  27. Drug Prevention Programs Utilized Today
    The social resistance approach to the prevention of drug use aims to strengthen the refusal skills among children and youths to ensure they are able to resist the social pressures and drug consumption.
  28. Drug Sales Channel, Pharmacy and Therapeutics
    It is the responsibility of the Federal Drug Administration to ensure the regulation concerning the buying and the distribution aspect of the entities to reduce the risk of misuse.
  29. History and Social Side of Drug Addiction
    Heroin and fentanyl are the most dangerous drugs created on the basis of papaver somniferum due to produced effects and the outcomes for the body.
  30. Explaining Drug Use: Social Scientific Theories
    Although addiction to drugs often arises from a fusion of biological, psychological and social factors, I believe that the development of deviant behavior is best explained by social learning theory.
  31. Drug and Substance Addiction
    Standardization has to be used to ensure that patients’ experiences and different clinical services are the same, regardless of the process.
  32. Cardiovascular Disease Drugs: Amiodarone, Flecainide, Hydrochlorothiazide
    Patients on these drugs need awareness of the side effects of the drugs, which include nausea, shortness of breath, chest pains, and impact on different organs like the kidney, liver, lungs, and thyroids. The drugs […]
  33. Drugs in the Movie “Requiem for a Dream” Directed by Darren Aronofsky
    For all the characters in the film, drugs are a quick and convenient way to establish their own lives without putting in much effort.
  34. The House I Live In: War on Drugs and Mass Incarceration
    Yet the way in which the comparison between the Holocaust and the War on Drugs makes the most sense is the fact that mass incarceration for drug-related offenses disproportionally targets one group of population.
  35. Drug-Related Individual Situation and Treatment Method
    One of the most important procedures for individuals in the drug use, abuse, or addiction cycle is receiving a personalized analysis of the current situation and providing the best fitting treatment approach.
  36. War on Drugs in “Sicario” (2015) Film
    On the positive side of things, the depiction of the War on Drugs in the movie is built around violence associated with it and the corruption of federal agents involved in the operations.
  37. The War on Drugs Is Lost: In Search of a New Method
    After forty years and a trillion dollars, the volume of drugs in the United States has remained relatively the same. In 2000, Portugal decriminalized all hard and soft drugs at the recommendation of a panel […]
  38. Research of a Drug Healthcare Practice
    It is an initiative that risks the welfare of the ill persons and the reputation of pharmacists. The legalization of drugs refers to abuse and the impact on the victims.
  39. Drug Cartels Problem Overview
    Drugs have been the major cause of the rise in the levels of corruption, disobedience to the law, and human rights abuses The selection highlights the key challenge of drug cartels in Latin America.
  40. Drugs Decriminalization and Legalization Issues
    The current scale of the problem with the distribution of drugs makes the issue of legal regulation of this activity increasingly acute.

📌 Writing Prompts for Drugs

  1. Drug Addiction: Psychological and Sociological Theories
  2. Addiction: The Role of Social Connection and Environment
  3. Prison Sentence Alternatives for Drug-Related Crimes
  4. Abuse of Prescription Drugs and Ethics
  5. Drugs, People Who Use Them and Social Stigma
  6. Addressing Drug and Alcohol Addiction in Baltimore
  7. Drug Investigations: Ethical and Security Challenges of Law Enforcement
  8. Drug Abuse Effects on Health and Nervous System
  9. Researching of Drugs in Perspective
  10. Shoppers Drug Mart: Financial Reporting
  11. Substance Abuse: Prevention Strategies and National Benchmarks
  12. The Need for Affordable Drug Rehab Centres
  13. Alcoholism, Domestic Violence and Drug Abuse
  14. Chemotherapy Drugs: The Process of Data Collection
  15. Neuroleptic Syndrome Among Patients Receiving Antipsychotic Drugs
  16. The Drug Enforcement Administration
  17. The Reasons Why People Take Drugs
  18. Cocaine and Methamphetamine: Drug Threat in the United States
  19. Combating the Local Drug Distribution
  20. Main Categories of Drugs and Its Mechanism of Action
  21. The Impact of Prescription Drug Importation Programs in Florida
  22. Prescription Drug Fraud and Its Many Faces
  23. Over-The-Counter Drugs vs. Prescription Drugs in the Treatment of Mental Illness
  24. Public Service Announcement Commercial on Drugs
  25. Major Depressive Disorder and the Role of Antidepressants
  26. Acid Rock: Positive and Negative Aspects of Drug Use
  27. Describing of Medical Drugs Classification
  28. Debate on Drug Legalization: A Matter of Responsibility and Honesty
  29. The Necessity of Anti-drug Activities in Newark
  30. Literature Review: The War on Drugs
  31. Migraines: Drug and Non-Pharmacological Therapy
  32. Exploring Mental Health and Drug Use in West Africa
  33. Creating Drug Policy and Reforming Drug Laws
  34. Reasons for Turning on Drugs in Young People
  35. Recreational Drugs Among Pharmaceuticals
  36. Information on Drugs in American Society
  37. Legal and Illegal Drugs Represented in Media
  38. The Spectrum of Drug Use: A Sociological Perspective
  39. Drug Addiction From Pharmacological Perspective
  40. Drug Legislation in American Society
  41. History of Drug Use and Lessons Learnt
  42. Substance Use: A Sociological Perspective on Alcohol, Cigarettes, and Drugs
  43. The Stories About CIA Drug Distribution in South America and the U.S
  44. Wal-Mart’s Drug Testing Policy: Workplace Safety and Employee Privacy
  45. Drugs and Substance Abuse Within the City of Melbourne
  46. Addressing Substance Abuse in Skid Row: Intervention and Prevention
  47. Pharmacodynamics of Turmeric: Drug to Herb Reaction
  48. Vericiguat Drug: Description, Usage, Side Effects
  49. The America’s Unjust Drug War
  50. U.S. Anti-Drug Legislation Analysis
  51. The Use of Psychedelic Drugs in Treating Depression
  52. Monitoring the Future: National Survey Results on Drug Use
  53. Discussion of Possession and Use of Drugs
  54. Canada State Interventions Regulating Drugs
  55. Analyzing Local Jurisdiction in Santa Barbara: Drug-Related Issues
  56. Psychedelic Drugs and Their Effects on Anxiety and Depression
  57. Insulin Injection: Drug Properties and Injection Process
  58. Psychotherapeutic Drugs: Types and Usage Spectrum
  59. Off-Label Use of Drugs
  60. Over-the-Counter Drugs: Impact on Older People
  61. Governmental Drug Policy in the Netherlands and Sweden
  62. Electron Bremsstrahlung for Customs Control of Drugs at the Border
  63. Diuretics: Types, Uses, and Side Effects
  64. Juvenile Use of Drug and Committing of Crime
  65. Lowering Prescription Drug Costs Act
  66. The Health Issues Associated With Drug Abuse
  67. Research of the Kinds of Induction Anesthesia Drugs
  68. Ethics Over Profitability for Global Drug Pricing Sustainability
  69. Drug Crimes and Merton’s Anomie
  70. Propofol and Ketamine Efficacy as Anesthetic Drugs
  71. Why Do People Prefer to Pop Drugs/Pills Rather Than Change a Lifestyle
  72. Youth Drug Abuse: A Review and Action Plan
  73. Malaria and Poor Quality Drugs in Africa
  74. Characteristics of the Respiratory Drug: Xopenex (Levalbuterol)
  75. Forensic Drug Testing and Fingerprinting
  76. Diabetic Drug: Glucophage (Metformin)
  77. Biotechnology and Bioinformatics: More Drug Targets
  78. Fentanyl – Drug Profile and Specific and Drug Abuse
  79. Kathy Doherty’s Case Drug Possession
  80. Criticism of Injecting Rooms – Drug Addiction
  81. National Drug Policy Explained
  82. Maximising Highs and Minimising Lows’ in Drug Policy
  83. Postmarketing Surveillance on Drugs
  84. Criminology: Drug Enforcement Agency
  85. E. coli Antibiotic Resistance: A Global Health Challenge
  86. Antibiotic Drug Resistance by Parasites
  87. Genco Company: A Distribution of HIV-AIDS Drugs in Malaysia
  88. Suitability for Packaging, Storage and Distribution of Drugs
  89. TGN1412: The Drug Trial That Went Wrong
  90. Design of a Drug Court System
  91. Aspects and Prevention of Excessive Drug Use in Elderly
  92. Reasons People Justify Consumption Drugs and Alcohol
  93. Morphine Drug Profile in Applied Pharmacology
  94. Hepatitis C and HIV Among Intravenous Drug Users
  95. Drug Addiction: The Role of Policy Change and Nursing Practice
  96. Healthcare: The Funds for Innovative Drugs
  97. Moral Dilemma: Drug-Related Offense of a Policeman
  98. Gangs, Guns, Drugs, and Violence: an Investigation
  99. Antiviral Drugs. Healthcare
  100. The Practice of Using Therapeutic Drugs
  101. Momcilovic v The Queen as the Drugs Act Case
  102. Illicit Sales of Drugs Problem and Its Patterns
  103. The Cons of the Current Drugs Used for Lethal Injection
  104. The Impact of Prescription Drugs: Side Effects and Recommendations
  105. War on Drugs and Prison Overcrowding Analysis
  106. Will Biologics be the Main Drugs of the Future?
  107. Systematic Review of Drug Court Effects on Recidivism
  108. Warfarin Sensitivity: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
  109. The Drug Addiction and Clonidine
  110. Common Hallucinogens and Dissociative Drugs
  111. Pompe’s Disease and Orphan Drugs: “The Cure” by Anand Geeta
  112. A Review of the Immunosuppressant Drug Cyclosporin A
  113. The Working Mechanism of the Amphetamine Drug
  114. Adderall XR Drug Description and Mechanism of Action
  115. Ethical Issue Facing Healthcare: Shift by Psychiatrists to Drug Therapy
  116. Domestic Violence and Drug-Related Offenders in Australia
  117. Arrest, Conviction and Incarceration of the Drug Suspects
  118. Applied Pharmacology: How the Drug Alters Function?
  119. Analyzing the Three Types of Cardiovascular Drugs
  120. Lotronex: Drugs Manufacturing Company
  121. The Reformation of the Rockefeller Drug Laws
  122. Mandatory Sentencing and Drug Laws
  123. Cases of Drug Abuse Amongst Nursing Professionals
  124. Forced Pre-Trial Drug Testing in Criminal Courts
  125. U.S. Health Care Policy on Counterfeit Drugs
  126. Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assaults Among College Women
  127. Erythromycin (Eryc): A Drug’ Review
  128. Requiem for a Dream: The Life of Drug Addicts
  129. Promotion of Pharmaceutical Drugs
  130. Development of Drug Treatment for Obesity
  131. Substance Use and Mental Disorders in Adolescence
  132. Methamphetamine Drug Crime Registration
  133. Adverse Drug Reactions Reporting Conflict
  134. The Drug Interaction With Herbal Products: Vitamins
  135. Policy Project: The Drug Trafficking
  136. The Treatment of Drug Abuse
  137. Drug Metabolism: Plasma Protein Binding and Cytochrome P450 Enzymes
  138. Evaluation of Drug Stability-Data Collection, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation of Findings
  139. Evaluation and Analysis of Drug Stability
  140. HIV and People Who Use Drugs: Cases of Infection Caused by Injection Drug Use
  141. Antidepressant Drugs for Depression or Dysthymia
  142. Problem of the Antipsychotics Drugs
  143. Narcotics Investigations and Drug Enforcement
  144. Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
  145. Comparing of Two Websites That Give Information on Illegal Drugs
  146. Drugs for the Treatment of HIV Infection: Over 30 Antiretroviral Drugs to Counter the Effects of the Deadly AIDS Virus
  147. Searching the Web for Research Evidence: Drug Addiction Among School Aged Children
  148. The Relationship of Drugs and Crime
  149. The Problem of Illegal Drugs in Sports
  150. The Problem of Illegal Drug Trade
  151. Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Sports and Long-Term Health Concerns
  152. Decriminalization of Drugs: Affirmative Side
  153. Brody J. E. “The Hidden Drug Epidemic Among Older People”: Healthcare System Issue
  154. HIV & AIDS: Role of Healthcare Professionals and Patient Education
  155. A Phenomenological Study of Families With Drug-Using Children
  156. Prescription Drug Affordability and Access Act
  157. Drug Courts and Detoxification: Approach to Drug Abuse Treatment
  158. Drugs: Dangerous and Necessary
  159. Anxiety Among Us: How and Why, Drug Addiction
  160. Drug Abuse in Adolescents Aged 15-19 Years Old: A Public Health Menace
  161. Addressing Drug and Substance Abuse in Melbourne
  162. Study of Violence Caused by Abuse of Drugs
  163. The Issues of Drugs in Pregnancy
  164. Xtandi: A New Hope in Prostate Cancer Treatment – A. Pollack’s Article
  165. Drug Abuse Demographics and America’s Changing Landscape
  166. Prices of Prescription Drugs in the U.S. Compared to Other Countries and How Does It Impacts Healthcare
  167. High Risk of HIV Among Injection Drug Users
  168. Drugs, Crime, and Violence: Effects of Drug Use on Behavior
  169. The Cross-Border Effect on Psychoactive Goods Taxation
  170. Drug Users as Role Models After Recovery
  171. Leaders and the Drug Use
  172. Drug Abuse and Addiction
  173. Drug Treatment Programs for Criminal Offenders
  174. The Public Debate on Drugs
  175. Female Athletes and Relations Between Drug Usage and Ethnicity
  176. Cognitive Enhancement Drugs Among University Students
  177. Pricing AIDS Drugs Sold to Developing Countries
  178. Safe Injection. The Problems Related to Drug Injecting
  179. Drug Smuggling as a System of Distributing Drugs
  180. GHB, a Popular yet Lesser Known Drug
  181. Sports as a Solution to Youth Substance Abuse: Dr. Collingwood’s View
  182. Do Drug Enforcement Laws Help to Reduce Other Crimes?
  183. Alcoholism: Insights from Peer-Reviewed Journals
  184. Drug Addiction: Cognitive-Behavioral and Pharmacological Therapies
  185. Consciousness and Altering Consciousness Through Drugs
  186. Does Prenatal Exposure to Drugs Such as Cocaine Create Babies With Special Developmental Concerns?
  187. Methamphetamine: About the Drug
  188. Behavioral Change: Drugs and Addiction
  189. Double-Edged Sword of Drugs: Use and Abuse in Medicine
  190. Effects of Drugs and Alcohol Use on Mental Health
  191. Selection of Literature on Drug Offenders
  192. Mandatory Drug Testing of High School Students Wishing to Pursue Extra-Curricular
  193. Sociology. Narcotic Drugs and Tests
  194. Sex and Drugs in Southeast Asia
  195. Ranking the Health Hazards of Drugs
  196. Recreational Drug Use Analysis
  197. Drug Laws: Balancing Law Enforcement and Treatment Issues
  198. Drug Testing and 4th Amendment of the US Constitution
  199. Drugs and Dopping Issues in Sports
  200. Drug and Alcohol Abuse: A Comprehensive Research Study
  201. The Failure of the Drug War
  202. Prescription Drug Abuse Among Teens: Fault of Decision-Making
  203. Drug (Cocaine) Abuse and Crime as a Global Trend
  204. Drugs, Values and Society: Methamphetamine Dangers
  205. Benzodiazepines as a Psychotropic Drug
  206. Drug Addiction: A General View of New Concepts
  207. Clements High School: Policy on Drug and Alcohol Need
  208. Why Drug Users’ Incarceration Is Useless
  209. Drug Abuse in High School and College
  210. Justified Drug Prices in the United States
  211. Drug Use and Abuse: Problems, Prevention, and Solutions
  212. Pharmaceutical Giants AstraZeneca and Bristol-Myers Face Challenges
  213. War on Drugs in the United States
  214. Critical Issues in Education: Drug Abuse and Alcoholism
  215. Maraviroc: FDA Approved Drug
  216. Solving the Problem on Drug Withdrawal
  217. Defining the Drug Problem

✅ Simple & Easy Drugs Essay Titles

  1. Drug Delivery. Simulated Intestinal Fluids Development
  2. “Drug Testing and the Right to Privacy” by Michael Cranford
  3. Availability of Pseudoephedrine in the Ice and Methamphetamine by Australia Drugs Law Reform Foundation
  4. Should Pregnant Drug Users Be Prosecuted
  5. Criminology: Drugs, Crime and Control
  6. Drug Absorption: Factors, Processes, and Improvements
  7. Drugs, Behavior and Deaths in Modern Society
  8. Mass Culture’s Influence on Attitude to Drugs
  9. Contraceptive Drugs’ Effects: Descriptive Statistics
  10. Off-Label Drug Use in Pediatrics
  11. Type 2 Diabetes and Drug Treatments
  12. Performance-Enhancing Drugs Use as Ethical Dilemma
  13. Drug Administration Errors: Weighing the Evidence
  14. Obtaining a Drug Enforcement Administration Mumber for Nurse Practitioners
  15. Food and Drug Administration Importance
  16. The Problem of Adolescents Using Drugs
  17. Drug Addiction in Australia and Management Methods
  18. Feelings of Families Regarding Drug Dependence: In the Light of Comprehensive Sociology
  19. Cases of Drug Seizures
  20. “Psychological Factors of Drugs” by Alhyas et al.
  21. Medical Economics: Generic vs. Brand Drugs
  22. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Drug-Free Therapy
  23. Change Management: the Stolen Drug Case
  24. The Drug Effects Analysis
  25. Drug Addiction Diagnostics and Therapy Prescription
  26. Use and Abuse of Drugs in New York
  27. Illicit Drug Trade: Income Source for Developing States
  28. Topical Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs Against Pain
  29. Illegal Importation of Drugs
  30. Reflection on Drugs, Narcotics and Treatment Options
  31. Paul Chabot: Reality Check Concerning Drugs
  32. The DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) Program’s Effectiveness
  33. Economics of Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking
  34. Psychology: Drug Impact and Use Prevention
  35. Biopsychosocial Experience in Drug Abuse Treatment
  36. Malaria Disease and Drugs in Developing Economies
  37. Sociological Imagination in Drugs in Sport Debates
  38. Power of Empathy: Whistleblowing, Drug Testing, and Human Compassion
  39. Drug and Alcohol Abuse: Insights from a Campus Lecture
  40. Addictive Behavior Programs and Drug Abuse Trends
  41. Substance Misuse in American Youth: A Socio-Cultural Analysis
  42. Health Services for Drug and Alcohol Treatment
  43. EFI Testing to Detect Drug Resistance of Tuberculosis
  44. Treating Adolescents with Drug and Mental Issues
  45. Patient Response to Aggressive Pharmacological Treatment
  46. Water Maze Experiment for Hydergine Drugs Testing
  47. Pharmacology: HIV Drug Resistance
  48. War on Drugs and Terror and American Promise
  49. Diabetes Care Advice by Food and Drug Administration
  50. Social Behaviour as a Science: Drug Abuse in Youth
  51. McKesson Drug Company’s Economost System
  52. Employee Rights and Drug Laws in the US
  53. Bipolar Disorder: Drug Treatment Modalities
  54. ACTIQ Prescription Drug Abuse
  55. Prescription Drug Abuse and Lebanon Students
  56. Human and Drug Trafficking as Transnational Organised Crimes
  57. Parkinsonism: Future Clinical Modalities and Drugs
  58. International Drug Trafficking and Its Legal Status
  59. Alleged Crimes: Aggravated Assault and Drug Dealing
  60. Prescription Drug Coverage in the UK and the UAE
  61. Long-Term Inpatient Drug Rehabilitation
  62. Genzyme Company’s Focus on Orphan Drugs and Competition
  63. The Crown Court Case: Drug and Weapons Trafficking
  64. The Cost of Drugs and Their Effectiveness
  65. Financial Planning for Drug Abuse Prevention in Virginia Estates
  66. Juveniles in Drug Courts: Evidence-Based Program
  67. Addressing the Drug Abuse in Parolees and Probationers
  68. Recreational Drugs Use and Legalization
  69. Addictive Personality in Drug Rehabilitation
  70. Generic Drugs and Prices in the United States
  71. Problem of Drug Abuse in Schools
  72. American Drug War from the Economic Perspective
  73. Culturally Grounded Drug Prevention: The Hoʻouna Pono Curriculum for Rural Hawaii
  74. Emotional Intelligence and Substance Use: Correlations and Implications
  75. Illegal Drug Use, Prostitution and Money Laundering
  76. Genzyme Company’s Focus on Orphan Drugs
  77. Narcotic Drugs Use and Legalization in the UAE
  78. Drug War Policies and Freiberg & Carson’s Models
  79. HIV/AIDS Prevention by Anti-Retroviral Drugs
  80. The Intervention of Positive Coping and Drug Addiction
  81. Acetaminophen Use and Drug Regulation in the US
  82. Los Angeles: Housing, Homelessness, Drugs, Crimes
  83. Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
  84. American Drug War, Its Achievements and Failures
  85. Genzyme’s Orphan Drugs and Innovation Management
  86. Drug Control, Gun Policies, and Sex Offender Laws
  87. Genzyme Company’s Drug Marketing Strategy
  88. Privacy Threats in Internet, Work and Drug Testing
  89. Youth Drug Abuse Among, Education, and Policies
  90. Drug War in “Baltimore: Anatomy of an American City”
  91. US Food and Drug Administration Approval System
  92. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Thyroid Drugs Treatment
  93. Prescription Drug Abuse in the United States
  94. Hypokalemia and Prescribed Drug Interactions
  95. Child Abuse and Neglect: Drug and Alcohol Problems
  96. Hypertension and Prescribed Drug Interactions
  97. Illicit Drugs Policy and Criminal Justice
  98. Drug Trafficking, National Security and Intelligence
  99. Drug Use Among Parolees and Probationers: A Comprehensive Plan
  100. Poly Drug Use: Causes and Explanations
  101. What Can Law Enforcement Do About Drug Trafficking
  102. The Comprehensive Drug Use Prevention and Control Act
  103. Drug Addiction: Stages, Theories, and Psychological Treatment
  104. Hallucinogens, Inhalants and Prescription Drugs Effects
  105. Drug Trafficking and Terrorism in Central Asia: Implications for the US
  106. Ethical Challenges in Developing Drugs for Psychiatric
  107. Antimalarial Drug Efficacy: Statistical Analysis
  108. Drug Efficacy: Factorial Analysis of Variance
  109. Drug Legalization: Increased Taxes v Health Issues
  110. Drug Traffickers Arrest: Intelligence Cycle
  111. Drug Addiction Issues in The Corner Miniseries
  112. Ineffectiveness of the “War on Drugs” Campaign
  113. Sunitinib Drug: Efficacy and Safety
  114. Food and Drug Administration’s Strategies
  115. Performance-Enhancing Drugs and Substances Use in Sports
  116. The Drug Effect: Health, Crime and Society
  117. The Criminal Justice’ and the Drug Policy’ Relations
  118. Drug Producing: Theory, Practice and Law
  119. The Placebo Drugs Controversy
  120. Selling Illegal Drugs: Psychological Reasons
  121. The U.S Government Drug Policy
  122. Human Resources for the Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health
  123. Alcohol and Drugs in Fatally Injured Drivers
  124. Biologic Drug Clinical Trials – Pharmacology
  125. Are Drug Prices Being Set Ethically?
  126. The Approval Process: Medical Device versus a New Drug
  127. The Drug Policy Dilemma: To Legalize or Not to Legalize Drugs
  128. Welfare Recipients Drug Testing
  129. Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sport
  130. Illegal Drug Trafficking Rates
  131. Prison-Based Drug Treatment Approaches
  132. The Shift from Marijuana to Heroin in the U.S.
  133. Understanding of the Drug Dangers – Sociology
  134. Cannabis Sativa: Medical Significance and Societal Implications
  135. Drug Legalization and Intellectual Horizons
  136. Drug Addiction History in Urban Areas Since the 1970s
  137. Health Law: The Never-Ending War on Drugs
  138. Healthcare: Sedative and Analgesic Fast-Acting Drugs ”Krokodil Tears”
  139. Drug Usage by Students
  140. The Effect of Drug X on Self-Reports of Anxiety in a Sample of Undergraduate Psychology Majors
  141. War on Drugs in Mexico
  142. Drug and Polygraph Testing
  143. The War on Drugs and the Incarceration of Black Women
  144. Drug Abuse and Medicaid Program
  145. How Drugs Get Into the Brain and Their Effects to Brain Chemistry
  146. Mescaline Peyote: Origins, Effects, and Uses
  147. Drug Abuse Among the Youth
  148. US Border Protection and Drug Policy
  149. Predictors of Adolescent Drug and Alcohol Use
  150. Mexican Drug Cartels and Human Trafficking
  151. Psychologists Prescribing Drugs Issue
  152. Abuse of Using Drug Medicine in UAE
  153. Drug Trade Demand in the U.S.
  154. Impact of Drug Abuse on Adolescent Development
  155. Substance Abuse: Media Representation of Drug Abusers
  156. Federal Drug Laws vs. State Medical Marijuana Acts
  157. Colonisation and Drug Trade
  158. Pharmaceutical Industry and Drugs
  159. Drug Addictions Counseling: Assessment and Diagnosing
  160. Drugs and Their Effects
  161. Community Education Forum on Drug Use Among Teenagers
  162. The War on Drugs in the US
  163. Attachment Dimensions and Adolescence Drug Addiction in Relation to School Counseling
  164. The Mexican Drugs Cartels
  165. Colombian Drug Cartels: Government Response
  166. Reducing Drug and Alcohol Abuse: Europe vs. USA
  167. Mexican Drug Cartels and the War on Drugs
  168. Food and Drug Administration in United States of America
  169. Case Management: Drug Addiction
  170. Drug Abuse: Age, Gender and Addictive Susceptibility
  171. Drug Abuse Prevention Programs
  172. The Cultural Context and Ethics of Prevention of Drug Abuse
  173. Evidence of drug shortage in the United States currently
  174. Should Professional Sports Allow the Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs?
  175. Use of Psychotropic Medications in the Treatment of Drug Abuse
  176. Latin America Affected by Illegal Drugs
  177. Drug Abuse: Awareness Amongst the Youths
  178. A New Alcohol and Drug-Abuse Rehabilitation Center in Liverpool Hospital, Sydney
  179. Illegal drugs and the US government
  180. Spirituality Effect on Drug Abuse Treatment Programs
  181. Drug Abuse and Religious Spirituality Concept
  182. Rockefeller Drug Laws History
  183. Importance of Drug Therapy in Management of Alzheimer’s Disease
  184. Mexican Drug War: Political, Social, and Economy Damages
  185. Concept and Problem of Drug Dependence in Society
  186. American Government’s War on Drugs
  187. Drug Abuse and Harmful Health Effects
  188. How Ethical Considerations Affect the Cost of Developing a New Prescription Drug
  189. Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Sports
  190. Drug use and misuse in western society: Effects of chronic marijuana use among young women and girls
  191. Different types of drug
  192. Drugs Usage in Sports
  193. Pfizer’s Drug-Testing Strategy in Nigeria
  194. The benefits and the potential problems associated with prescription drugs being advertised
  195. Drug Misuse and Its Impact on Crime
  196. Next steps for Australian Drug Policy: A Comparison with USA
  197. Organized Crime in Labor and Drug Trade
  198. A Study of Drug Use Among Students at London South Bank University
  199. The Arguments For and Against Marijuana Decriminalization
  200. Historical Analysis of Drug Use and Abuse in the United States of America During 1900–1950
  201. The Extent of Drug Abuse Among People in America
  202. Molly Drug Usage in the American Society
  203. Phases of Preclinical Trials in Drug Development
  204. Drug Courts and Their Efficiency
  205. The Main Categories on the DSN-IV-TR Drugs
  206. The Effect of Gender, Age, and Race on the Use of Intravenous Drug
  207. Drug Use and Abuse in America: Historical Analysis
  208. Drug Abuse as an Ethical Issue
  209. Drug Analysis: Amphetamine and Methamphetamine
  210. Prohibition: War on Drugs
  211. Drug testing at the workplace
  212. Pharmaceutical Drug Addiction Among African American Male Adolescents
  213. Sport Drugs and Its Ethic and Morality Impacts
  214. Unveiling the Impact of Drug Prevention and Recovery Initiatives
  215. Drug Use in the American Society
  216. Prescription Painkillers, the New Drug Abuse of Choice
  217. Legal and Ethical Issues in Business: Drug Use and Privacy

❓ Essay Questions About Drugs

  1. Would Legalizing Drugs Discourage Drug Trafficking?
  2. Should Advertisements Promoting the Utilization of Drugs Be Banned?
  3. What Drugs Are Poisonous to Humans?
  4. Should America Legalize Drugs?
  5. Why Are Illegal Drugs More Potent Than They Used to Be?
  6. Do All Drugs Have Toxicity?
  7. Should America Need More Drugs Than Everyone Else?
  8. What’s the Difference Between a Poison and a Drug?
  9. Should Illegal Drugs Remain Illegal?
  10. Why Are Prescription Drugs One of the Largest Overlooked Abused Drugs?
  11. Are Antidepressants Psychoactive Drugs?
  12. Should Medicare Regulate the Price of Prescription Drugs?
  13. What Is the Link Between Drugs and Crime?
  14. How Would Legalizing Drugs Affect Public Health?
  15. Why Are Psychiatric Drugs So Overused?
  16. Should Patients Have Access to Experimental Drugs?
  17. Is the War on Drugs Still Ongoing in the Philippines?
  18. Why Are Students Attracted to Drugs and Drinking?
  19. Should Performance-Enhancing Drugs Be Accepted in Sports?
  20. How Does the War on Drugs Impact Social Determinants of Health?
  21. Why Has the War Against Drugs Not Been Successful Over the Years in America?
  22. Should Performance-Enhancing Drugs Be Illegal for Students?
  23. What Impact Has the War on Drugs Had on Women?
  24. Should Street Drugs Become Legalized?
  25. What Would Mill, Hobbes, and Locke Say About Illegal Drugs?

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"619 Drugs Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 26 Oct. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/drugs-essay-topics/.


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