334 Topics about Television & Examples

Searching for a good topic about TV? Not a problem! Our experts have collected a list of amazing titles for you.

Write about the history of reality shows or the negative effects of watching TV – or something entirely else! Get a perfect topic about television below.

🏆 Best Television Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Is Watching TV Bad or Good?
    Watching the TV is one of the most relaxing activities, because in most cases, as one is watching the television there is a tendency of the human mind to switch off from thinking about stressing […]
  2. Television Effects on Society
    Nevertheless, the impact of television on children is the most dangerous because children have no abilities to assess the information presented in TV programs and shows critically.
  3. Crime TV: How Is Criminality Represented on Television?
    The public’s views and comprehension of crime are heavily influenced by television, the internet, and print media, which can spread the message about the exaggerated danger to society.
  4. “Watching TV Makes You Smarter” by Steven Johnson
    It is the belief of this paper that television programming can be considered as one of the most important teaching tools currently in place due to the unprecedented access to information that people can get […]
  5. “Empire”: TV Show Overview
    In particular, the analysis will be comprised of the introduction of the selected show, the examination of its background, and the impressions it makes on critics, the industry that produces the show, the social context […]
  6. Print Versus Television Media Comparison
    However, it is a fact that in the underdeveloped world where the internet and other technologies have not reached, it is only the print media that dominates.
  7. The US in the 1950s in “Leave It to Beaver” TV Show
    The period after World War II and the transition to the time of the Cold War affected the culture of American society in many ways.
  8. The Role of Television and Movies in Our Life
    Instead of movies and TV programs overwhelmed with cuss words and the usage of abusive language, media should be directed on the education of the society.
  9. “Encoding and Decoding in the Television Discourse” Book by Stuart Hall
    Stuart Hall wrote the context of the statement in the book, Encoding, and Decoding in the Television Discourse. Politicians and those in the ruling class set the standards through media and the signs to spread […]
  10. Evolution of Television
    Throughout the decade, the cable television was the means of transmission between the transmitters in television network premises and the receivers at the viewer’s home.
  11. Impact of Television Shows on Family Values
    Creation of awareness of the surrounding by bringing the most current news has aided in decision making such as those decisions related to the participation of the family unit to issues affecting the society such […]
  12. Comparison and Contrast of TV Villains
    Both shows have high ratings due to the creativity of the story setting and the characters. Due to similar ratings and the fact that the shows ended; the comparison is appropriate.
  13. Sony Television’s Life Cycle: Company Information
    The money that is generated through sales is invested in the purchases and operations leading to the production of the product.
  14. Ideologies and Popular Culture: A Popular Television Commercial
    The humorous nature of this commercial might appeal to many cultures and people. In addition, the commercial has the ability to formulate a new ideology among men and women.
  15. Why Do People Watch Reality TV?
    Thirdly, most of these programs deal with the real life situations that people are facing. Another appeal is that viewers are given a chance to compare their lives with those of the shows’ protagonists.
  16. The Television: A Boon or a Bane to Society
    Various studies have been undertaken to examine the power of television as a social force and they all underline the fact that the television has a major impact on society sometimes in a positive way […]
  17. TV Show Classification
    According to my classification system, TV shows can be classified according to main theme of the show. Under the theme of conflict, three different types of conflicts were used to categorize the TV shows.
  18. Multi-Choice Africa TV Company
    As any other business entity and due to the different tastes of its customers and the diverse products the company offers, it is often faced with challenges and opportunities as it tries to provide good […]
  19. The “Friends” TV Show as a Cultural Artifact
    The intended audience is men and women between the ages of 15 and 20 or the ones who were born after the 2000s.
  20. Television. The Worst Years of Our Lives by Ehrenreich
    I believe that TV is mostly entertaining and enriching until the point where people let it govern their lives; not because of the content but the personal choice not to do anything else with their […]
  21. Television and Its Impact on the Society
    There are observations that a person that watches too many killings on TV tends to become paranoid and be distrustful of people around him and worse feels unsafe all the time.
  22. Changing Notion of Nuclear Family as Portrayed in Television Shows
    The Simpson displays frustrations and irritations in a family and how sometimes it suffers lack of money and other important effects and it portrays nuclear family which is a very important image of the family.
  23. Television Advertising and Television Shows
    In the show, there is always a change in the life of the characters based on the episodes. A clear picture of the family is brought to fore in the drama Bette and Boo.
  24. Sony Television: Company Analysis
    The President and CEO of Sony Corporation also attested to the harshness of the market and environment in which their television business operates.
  25. Forensic Psychology: Television v. Reality
    The qualification of a psychologist in the forensic field to qualify as an expert witness is dependent on the reputation as well as the experience that a psychologist has in this field.
  26. Watching TV Makes Us Smarter Debate
    As in the case of the ’24’ in relation to how it can make me smarter, I believe that the complexities of plot lines and the quick paced action is an effort to make viewers […]
  27. Discourse in the “Prison Break” TV Series
    Moreover, seeking to bring back the success of the past, Fox, the channel that used host Prison Break, decided to revive the show in the form of a short sequel.
  28. Child’s Emotional Development in Caillou TV Show
    The main conclusion of the article is as follows: it is critical to make an effort to establish secure attachment between parents and children in order to avoid the development of RAD.
  29. Positive Effects of Television on the Way People Understand Themselves
    In efforts to investigate the role that television has on making people understand gender, Williams conducted a study on how children classified men and women after watching some television shows.
  30. History of Television: The Most Influential Personalities That Contributed to the Development of Television Technology
    The paper discusses the most influential personalities that contributed to the development of television technology. The most important events in the sphere of broadcasting happened in 1925 when John Baird, the Scottish engineer, for the […]
  31. Supply Chain Management in the TV Industry
    Generally, supply chain management refers to the systems of managing the transfer of information, materials, and services right from the raw materials to the final consumers.
  32. Television Violence Context
    The KTDS management should react to the problem, not for the benefit of the politicians but for the whole population, since a successful business caters for the needs of all customers.
  33. Transmission and Reception of Television Signals
    In his book Electronic signals and systems: television, stereo, satellite TV, and automotive, he explains to the reader the process of signal transmission and reception.
  34. Effects of TV and Other Medias on Child Development
    The study will therefore highlight some of the effects that accompany the use of televisions and other forms of media in homes and other areas of resident.
  35. Ethical Dilemma of a 2016 TV Commercial for Milk by Juhayna
    At the end of the ad, the creators claim that Juhayna’s milk is the best in Egypt after Dondou. The message presented in the advertisement can influence the decision of mothers to stop breastfeeding, which […]
  36. Television and Children
    To be able to deal with the situation, it is vital to conduct a study that may help in identifying the impact of television viewing on children.
  37. What Is “Real” About Reality TV Through Susan Boyle’s Debut On Britain’s Got Talent
    This was depicted with the look on the faces of the judges and the audience who thought she was just in the competition to make a normal appearance.
  38. Analysis of “Brigerton” TV Show
    I think that this TV series is art because it is made in a form of a novel and contains various elements of art.
  39. Negative Influence of Television Advertising on Consumer Choice
    Television advertising is powerful because it empowers the producers to appeal not only to the hearing and sight but also increase the interest in the product other techniques.
  40. The TV Series: “The Vampire Diaries”
    The intended audience of the TV series is teenagers and young adults, especially females. Special effects of the TV series contribute to creation of the mystic world of the fictional haunted town.

👍 Good Essay Topics on Television

  1. TV Soap Operas: Reasons of Popularity
    Soap operas are popular since they have interesting stories that captivate the minds of the audience. In addition to this, soap operas are popular since they keep viewers company.
  2. Television: Features, Functions and Outcomes
    In the twentieth century, the saint then became the patron of television, and this story appears to reflect the desire of people to be involved in the magic of a personal TV set.
  3. Television Advertisement’ Negative Effects on Children
    Such adverts may bring conflict with the parents; when the parents try to guide the child on the right way to follow, the child is left at cross roads on whom to believe, is it […]
  4. Television Advancements
    This paper will discuss the advancement of television, the time period for the advancement invention and factors that led to the advancements.
  5. Will TV Succumb to the Internet?
    However, in the late 1990s, cable and satellite companies acknowledged the seriousness of the situation. Of course, the companies expand their brands bringing them to the Web.
  6. Television Influence on People
    Despite the intention to control the impact of TV on children, it is hard for parents to ensure that proper shows and episodes are chosen for watching.
  7. Ethics of Television Reality Shows
    From the audience’s perspective, these shows should preserve the principles of honesty and responsibility to show behavior that could become a universal law in accordance with Kant’s categorical imperative.
  8. Leadership in Lost TV Series
    For instance, at the end of the plot, he volunteers to sacrifice his life to save other people on the island.
  9. The Television Impact on the Music Industry
    Some bands, such as the Monkees, the American response to the Beatles, were created with the purpose of television performance as their acting and on-camera comfort as a group were initially prioritized over music.
  10. Popular Culture and TV Shows: Analysis of American Idol
    The positive aspect of the show is the interactive aspect that is essential in all popular cultures. The first group is comprised of the judges who guide and monitor the performance of the contestants.
  11. TV Violence, Increasing Crime Levels and Child Aggression
    Most of the proponents of that theory state that by witnessing a certain behavior in fiction people become more prone to repeating it in real life. One of the powers these advancements have given us […]
  12. TV Is Extremely Harmful to Children
    What they do not realize is that the children whom they entrust to the moving screen are at an impressionable age wherein they consider everything they see on television to be a part of reality […]
  13. The Television Show “Law and Order: SVU”
    The pacing of the show supports the formula and leads to a suspenseful hour of television. Unfortunately, my favorite character has left the show, but I do not intend to stop watching because it is […]
  14. Closed-Circuit Television Surveillance and Security
    This aspect has led to the emergence of new forms of physical security systems to counter the changing security threats by improvising mechanisms of security threats perceptions and surveillance.
  15. “Watching TV Makes You Smarter” by Steven Johnson
    Although “Red Queen” is based on solving one mystery of killing an antiques dealer, viewers receive the opportunity to stimulate their cognition because of the necessity solve a range of additional mysteries proposed by the […]
  16. Television Show “What’s My Line?”
    The show was a hit in the US and was aired in the CBS Television. In the resent years, in the year 2013, the show was ranked in the 7th position among the sixty greatest […]
  17. The Evolution of Television
    The discovery of the photoconductive properties of selenium by Willoughby Smith and his assistant in 1873 completely changed the things in the history of television.
  18. Television History and Technology
    The “first” generation television systems had a display or the TV screen was characterized by a small motor with a neon lamp and spinning disc.
  19. China’s Flat Screen TV Industry
    In china, the flat screen television industry has been one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy over the last decade.
  20. TV Shows v. The Common View of Nuclear Families
    In the traditional view of a nuclear family, it is the woman who is supposed to be patient with the man. It challenges the model of a happy and perfect family which was and is […]
  21. TV Advertisements Aimed at Children in Australian should be banned
    Advertisements on TV have a negative effect on the lifestyles of children as they tend to affect their preferences. Banning of television advertisements aimed at children may not be the solution to changing their lifestyles.
  22. TV Reality and People’s Lifestyle
    What makes it offending to the ladies in their lives is that they never watch the matches in their houses because they like watching the games in the company of their fellow men and they […]
  23. Seeing a Movie in a Movie Theater Versus Watching a Movie on a Television Set
    Although I enjoyed both experiences, watching the movie in a movie theater appeared to have a greater impact on me as compared to watching the movie on a television set.
  24. TV Shows Shaping Human Expectations About the World
    This show taught me to expect that a supportive family and friend base will be with you through the good and difficult times.
  25. Feminist Analysis of Gender in American Television
    The analysis is guided by the hypothesis that the media plays a role in the propagation of antagonistic sexual and gender-based stereotypes.
  26. TV and Hollywood Flats on a Theatre Stage
    The draught of these two kinds of units is similar; the main difference is in the location of constructing materials and the joint.
  27. TV Culture: The Oprah Winfrey Show
    The theme chosen for the discussion is intriguing and important to the American viewers of the program. In addition, the multi-camera style allows the audience to capture the host and guests as well as the […]
  28. Reality TV Show Analysis: Masterchef Australia
    The analysis of this reality TV show can therefore be taken as the comprehensive analysis of the majority of today’s reality TV shows that have the same aspects of style as this one.
  29. The Effects of Television on the Way People Understand Themselves
    This is because, despite the fact that the advocates of political correctness encourage citizens to believe that the specifics of one’s racial affiliation are not being reflective of his or her tendency to commit crimes, […]
  30. The Impact of the Pilkington Report on the British Television in the 1960s
    In spite of the fact that the main ideas presented in the Pilkington Report were actively criticised by the broadcasters, government, sponsors, and by the public, the effect of the report on the further growth […]
  31. Anatomy & Physiology in ”House, M.D.” TV Series
    The scenes related to Anatomy and Physiology were evaluation of the brain MRI and X-ray of her lower extremities and tracheostomy when the patient developed an anaphylactic shock to the contrast.
  32. Representation of People of Color in Film and Television
    However, the lives of people of color have never been represented truthfully without imposing any racial stereotypes and perpetuating the supremacy of the white race. The ideology of the 19th century presumed that the West […]
  33. TV Character Evaluation: Personality Theories
    When most people think of personality, the first thing that they think of is the difference and the similarities, the types, and traits that people hold.
  34. Narrative in Reality TV: An American Idol
    The first thing that makes it appealing to the public is the continuous narrative and the element of competition as American Idol is a contest reality show. American Idol, being a reality show, has made […]
  35. How Television Shows Reflect American Culture
    In this show, the characters are portrayed as very energetic, romantic, and wealthy because those elements are the most attractive to the set of viewers. It appeals to the adult population who face many of […]
  36. “Super Nanny” and “Wife Swap”: Analysis of Episodes From TV Shows
    The main behavioral problem of this family is the mother’s inability to make the children respect her. The head of the Wiggins family is ex-marine; the family has a high socio-economic status; they are respected […]
  37. The Reality TV Shows Addiction: Cause-Effect
    The viewers feel like the actors are just in the same scenario as them and every development is a success to both the actor and his viewer.
  38. Group Roles in the “Survivor” TV Show
    The purpose of this paper is to identify the stages of group development processes as well as individual group roles, as shown in the first episode of season one of Survivor: New Mexico.
  39. “Gossip Girl” the TV Show Analysis
    Based on the thorough investigation of the scholarly sources, which discuss the primary aspects of the theory and its criticism, the foundation for the development of the original research will be established.
  40. In Sickness and in Wealth: “Unnatural Causes” TV Series
    Living in America is considered a ticket to good health as the United States spends millions of dollars in a health care area and has the highest GNP in the world.

📌 Simple & Easy Topics about TV

  1. Commercial Advertisements in Television
    This was well captured in the DAX Hair Care advertisement which portrayed the symbol of perfection in the image of the beautiful user of the air product.
  2. The Influence of Medical TV Programs on Viewers
    Before analyzing the impact of medical melodramas on nursing students, it is necessary to identify the reasons why people watch this kind of TV shows and what they are searching for in them.
  3. Digital Media Impacts on Television
    This has significantly reduced the number of people who rely on television to get breaking news for various incidents that occur in different places. As a result, their popularity has reduced the amount of time […]
  4. Media Violence and Aggressive Behavior
    From one perspective, it is said that the person will learn to like the violence and use it in real life.
  5. How Entertainment Television Shapes Social Values and Beliefs
    This paper will discuss how the themes highlighted in the Sex and the City television series and how the series contributes in shaping social values and beliefs.
  6. History of Television Broadcasting in Canada Before 1968
    By 1932 the CRBC was established in 1932 and was based on the recommendations of the 1929 Royal Commission on Radio Broadcasting During the 1950s, most of the movies being screened in Canadian cinemas were […]
  7. Understanding Media: Reality TV Shows—The Jersey Shore
    In the Jersey Shore, storytelling is typified by the show participants through the use of common communication language and engaging in habitual things that are common and relevant to the world today like going to […]
  8. Influence of Television on the American Society
    The paper will consider the various negative and positive influences this invention has had so as to demonstrate the major impact that the television has had on our society.
  9. What MTV Hath Wrought: A Change in Network Television and Advertising
    The purpose of this paper is to review the article and highlight the arguments presented by the author in support of the statement.
  10. Episode 3, Season 1 of ‘Good Times’ TV Series
    Welfare is shown as an undesirable charity due to the harsh nature of U.S.welfare, as seen by the denial of emergency monetary aid to Evan’s family.
  11. Drama Devices in the “Master of None” TV Series
    However, the darkness or lightness of the skin is a non-issue because, as long as the individual is not a Caucasian, they are considered Black and treated as such.
  12. Readers on Morality: Don’t Let TV Be Guide
    The article “Readers on Morality: Do not Let TV be a Guide” published by the Today is focused on the perception of people about the impact of TV on morality.
  13. Day of the Dead by Community Education Television Review
    The main goal of the SHG founders was to attract and empower people to realize the benefits of art and graphics in the Chicano and Chicana communities.
  14. The Role of Television in Capitol Insurrection from a Different Perspective
    The people in both camps are disinclined to pay attention to the importance of television broadcasting in the attack on the administration building and contributing to the deaths and injuries.
  15. TSA Tech Interactive TV Casting Solution & Smart Integration
    This is a reputable and trustworthy company that is focused on ease of management and unparalleled reliability, and its creative and modern approaches allow Nomadix to achieve successes that are well-known and admired globally.
  16. The TV Series “Hannibal” by Brian Fuller
    This is one of the qualities that make the show art: a sense of detail, revealing the complex elements of different cultures, and understanding the intricacies of cuisine and its role in everyday life.
  17. John Walsh’s Role in the True Crime Genre on the TV
    This essay will attempt to argue that John Walsh’s efforts in true crime are inherently rooted in empathy to the victims and therefore are beneficial to society.
  18. Podcasts, Television, and Print Media Comparison
    The failure of the responsible authorities to address the issue and the unfortunate cases of victim shaming in some cases is disappointing.
  19. Rhetorical Modes of the “Billions” TV Show
    On the one hand, the attorney is desperate to reveal the secrets and wrongdoings of Axe Capital, which would help the legal system battle all evil.
  20. Analysis of The Television Role in the 6th of January Capitol Insurrection
    The case of the Capitol attack is examined through the lens of the social sciences, which allows considering the event as people’s actions in a social environment.
  21. The Role of Television in the 6th of January Capitol Insurrection
    Thus, the Capitol Insurrection is examined through the lens of the social sciences because of the community processes that took place at the time, and the involvement of TV in its causes is significant.
  22. The Increase in the Number of Television Networks
    Besides, the increase in the number of users meant that the service providers had to optimize the quality of their service to better compete for clients. In conclusion, increase in the number of cable TV […]
  23. The “16 and Pregnant” Reality TV Show
    The audience gets to know the characters and sees part of the pregnancy, preparation for childbirth, the process of birth, and the postpartum period.
  24. Broadcast Television and Advertising in the US
    Television has had a significant impact on the advertising industry, and despite the competition from other media, it is still a viable and successful way to advertise. Thus, identifying the link between media and its […]
  25. Dominant-Minority Relations in Television
    As for the topic, I want to discuss the relationship between the minority and dominant groups on TV. The topic can be seen as a more thorough discussion on the portrayal of power and society […]
  26. TV Media and Reality Observation
    In the show, the hosts give financial advice to callers on how-to and the importance of achieving debt-free life. The skin tone of media characters is lightened in the media compared to authentic images.
  27. Netflix: The Largest Supplier of Films and TV Series in the World
    In the age of the rapid development of technology, people do not have to go to the cinema, buy CDs, or turn on the TV to get acquainted with new products of the film industry.
  28. Community Television of Santa Cruz County Board Meeting Analysis
    The Community Television of Santa Cruz County Board of Directors Meeting was observed and analyzed from the point of efficiency of communication and participants’ language styles.
  29. Impact of Television on American Culture
    In the middle 20th century, however, the active spread of the brand new medium created a considerable sensation and was able to change the society.
  30. KTLA5 vs. ABC7 TV Channels: Comparative Analysis
    While the stations were observed live, the nature of the assignment required a further examination of the content. For example, the second segment is three times as short as the first and the third ones, […]
  31. Women in Society Through the Prism of TV Shows
    At the center of the plot of the current British project, Fleabag is the story of the life of an unnamed young woman suffering from nymphomania and friend loss syndrome.
  32. Homosexuality and Feminism in the TV Series
    The depiction of these complex topics in the TV series of the humoristic genre implies both regressive and progressive impulses for the audience.
  33. The Popular TV Shows: Political and Social Topics
    The Laugh-In and The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour make counter-cultural ideas more accessible to Middle America by acknowledging the racial tensions and the Vietnam war, unlike mainstream television.
  34. Music and Advertising in Television
    The changing nature of the music industry has presented a new challenge to the new program producers: breaking into the limelight and drawing a good number of audiences to attract many companies yearning for such […]
  35. Constructing Femininity on TV
    The concept of femininity in its relation to the behavior of women and their treatment is a difficult topic to address.
  36. Development of Successful TV Programs
    The author suggests that the process of TV programs development is quite challenging since the projects’ directors are always vulnerable to the customers’ unresponsiveness and inattention.
  37. Television (TV) Ad Execution Styles
    The ad humorously exposes the male spouse by taking advantage of the zoom meeting, which only requires a good appearance on the upper part of the body.
  38. “Does TV Viewing During Toddlerhood Predict Social Difficulties and Conduct Problems?”: Analysis
    The most significant conclusion of Jackson is that the development of toddlers depends not on the amount of time they spend watching TV per se but on the content they consume.
  39. Close-Circuit Television: Crime Control vs. Privacy
    The reason for that might be a deterring effect of the cameras since possible offenders found that the risk of getting spotted and arrested is not worth the potential benefits from the crime.
  40. Marx’s Ideas in Relation to the TV Series
    Through the lens of popular culture, the notion of upholding The Simpsons as a segment of the civilization that lingers in people’s minds all through a nuclear apocalypse appears strange and ironic.

💡 Engaging Topics about Television

  1. Youngsters Not Abandoning Live TV
    This wears a person out more quickly and just to relax the person will eventually go and sit in front of a TV.
  2. TV Advert: “2020 Inspire Change”
    Inspire Change aims to spread the message of social justice in the wake of increasing cases of police brutality that have led to the deaths of many Americans.
  3. The Depiction of Birth in Reality TV Show
    Given the advent of hospitals, the need for midwifery decreased and eventually, the majority of women lacked the know-how on childbirth.
  4. The Wire: A Crime-Drama Television Series
    This relationship highlights the structure of inequality in America and the role of the “system” in contributing to the social and economic challenges of the urban poor.
  5. Watching Television: Genetic Influence
    This can be testified by the manner the research question correlates to the dynamics of examining why watching TV has such a huge influence on genetics.
  6. Definition of 3D Television Technology
    The first one of course is to wear eyeglasses, which will do the work of filtering offset images before they reach the eye, and secondly, we can use a light source to divide the images […]
  7. Gender Roles in TV Commercials and Values in the Society
    Each of them will watch, code, and analyze the TV commercials separately; at the end of the procedure, their results will be compared in order to ensure the inter-observer reliability of the chosen research method.
  8. ER TV Series and Healthcare System Issues
    In particular, it is necessary to discuss the episode Viable Options, and the questions, explored in this film, namely 1) the consumerism of Medicare and the relations between physicians and patients; 2) the distribution of […]
  9. The Monitor Convergence and the Television Consumption
    Explain what those are used for, history on what development on TV and monitor and how the 2 have in common and how they are different The monitor and the television are both viewing devices […]
  10. TV Violence Programs: Finding Common Ground
    The articles, “Honey, I warped the kids”, and “The Hollow Crusade against TV Violence” elaborate on the impacts of TV violence programs.
  11. The Types of Television Comedies
    Overall, television comedies can differ considerably in terms of such criteria as the setting of the movie, the number of actors involved in the film, the themes explored by the authors, and the use of […]
  12. Influence of Television on People’s Happiness
    The idea of mass culture influencing the development of society is closely connected with a concept of a need to be happy.
  13. Shuga’ TV Series: Reasons to Watch
    These stations are Kenyan citizen, Nation Television and Kenya Television Network.”The series aims to lift the lid on the reckless sex lives and loves that many Kenyan youths and their partners live”.
  14. TV Presence in the Life of Infants
    The issue of the effect of TV on the distribution of their attention during the play was raised. During the first half of the procedure, the TV was on, and the rest of the time […]
  15. The SCI Effect of TV
    By the example of the article, derived from this journal, one may see that the impact of the “SCI effect” is tracked in the minds of regular television viewers.
  16. Watching TV: Is It Good or Bad?
    The general perceptions and explanations that are attributed to the effects of television in the social life tend to incline on the negative aspects thereby disregarding the other factors that bring about the positive effects […]
  17. Television, Movies and Electronic Games in Culture
    It also determines the effects of electronic games on the culture and mentions the name of most influential games released over the last few years.
  18. Philosophical Aspect of “Judge Judy” TV Show
    The reason why this approach is the most appropriate when analyzing the case of a traffic officer and a speed driver is that it focuses on the immorality of the young girl’s behaviour and situation […]
  19. Aboriginal Peoples Television Network in Canada
    This paper will look at the role of the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network in the aboriginal communities. APTN describes itself as the first aboriginal television channel formed by the aboriginal people, for aboriginal people, and […]
  20. Broadcast on Television Analysis
    The fact remains that the news channels need to be directed in a manner that would allow them to ensure that the sort of information being broadcasted is according to the needs and requirements of […]
  21. Three Episodes of “Friends” Television Program
    The three episodes of this program to be analyzed are the following: ‘The One Where Nana Dies Twice’, ‘The One Where Eddie Wo not Go’ and ‘The One Where Ross is Fine’.
  22. Death in TV-Series “Six Feet Under”
    The paradox that is based on the conventional fear of death and the perception of death almost as one more member of the family cannot but leave a significant sign on each member of the […]
  23. Reality TV Genre in Australian Television Programming
    Reality television entered into the general usage of television programming in the early decades of the 1990s through the footage of Fox’s Cops and other emergency programs.
  24. “Desperate Housewives”: The Television Comedy Drama’s Connection and the Gender Theories
    There has been a distinct subjugation of women in the hand of the male and society and women’s role in the household has been strictly demarcated.
  25. The American People & Television
    The show is one of many that are related to healthcare and have kept its charm in the eyes of the American public.
  26. Experiencing Sports Event in the Open Air or by Watching It on TV
    Taking the example of any sports activity it is possible to criticize and analyze it from different points of view, such as the expectations from attending the sports activity and watch it in the open […]
  27. The Impact of Television on Today’s America
    The common opinion is that TV is so harmful that it may be considered the root of all evil because it is one of the main causes of poor eye-sight, fatness, and even an increase […]
  28. Film and Television’s History and Magic
    Both mediums require the use of technical hardware such as cameras for capturing the images, projectors for film presentation, lenses that allow the director to present various aspects of story sequences and scenes, and a […]
  29. Influence of Television Advertising on the People
    The focal point of this paper is to present a debate on the issue of negative influence of television advertising on people of the country in the context of sex and violence.
  30. How TV Showed the Vietnam War
    At the dawn of television media emergence, the coverage of the Vietnam War was subjective as the opinion of the public was manipulated by the government to get the desired reaction from the Americans to […]
  31. Macas World Company’s Pay TV: Business Plan
    The impact of the amendment in the Broadcast industry is focused on the ownership and content. The idea is to set up a Pay TV service that is focused on movies.
  32. The London Underground: Preparing a TV Programme
    One of the major problems is the issue of the inhumanity of the system. This has to do with the complications and technicalities involved in the usability and comfort of the system.
  33. Gender Differences by Television
    According to Durkin, K, female especially between the age group 8 and 12 give more attention to the male characters than the female one, while boys are not ideally influenced by the sex of the […]
  34. Nielsen Media Research Company
    The present name of the group is The Nielsen Company. The Company provides products and services to the following categories of customers.
  35. Television Systems: Innovation and Evolution
    The invention and subsequent innovation and evolution of the television may not be the greatest since ‘the invention of the wheel’.
  36. The Dynamics of the Television Industry
    Most of the time, customers are in need of watching programs on the television to be entertained and are interested in learning about the new products in the market and services.
  37. Communications. Monitor and Television Convergence
    Until the recent past, media and communication systems have been separate and distinct aspects, with the television being associated with broadcasting television programs while the monitor is associated with the display of content on the […]
  38. Should Sex and Violence on Television or in Movies Be Restricted?
    Objective The key goal of the study is to establish whether watching movies or television programmes with sexual content or scenes of violence is harmful to the youth and the young generation as a whole.
  39. “Ugly Betty”: Race and Ethnicity in TV
    Also, another irony in this drama series lies in the fact that betty, being part of a Mexican family who migrated to the US territory, is just on a low-level or rank and file level, […]
  40. How Digital Technology Revolutionized Television News
    In the traditional form of gathering news stories to be in television, the reporters have to go on location, shoot the video and go back to the station for the video to be edited.

🥇 Most Interesting Television Topics to Write about

  1. Development of High Definition Television Technology
  2. Global Mass Communication: Web Television
  3. Television Families: What Do They Tell Us About Race Relations?
  4. Homosexual Stereotypes in Film and TV
  5. Equality: The Use of TV to Develop Our Gender Roles
  6. La Hija Del Jardinero Television Show
  7. Psychology: Persuasion in Bigpond TV Advertisement
  8. Television Maintaining Class Division in Society
  9. Non-Verbal Communication in “When They See Us” TV Show
  10. What’s Inside TV Commercial by FedEx
  11. Violence Against Women in the TV Shows
  12. Al Ghad TV Company’s Internship Experiences
  13. Northern Exposure TV Show of Medical Dramedy Genre
  14. Chicana and Mexican in Films and TV Shows
  15. TV Programming Analysis: Gendered Themes
  16. Netflix’s Business: Renting Movies and TV Episodes
  17. Reality Television Definition and Impact
  18. Vietnam as the First Television War
  19. Direct Response Television and Its Requirements
  20. Trisha TV Show Analysis and Pop Culture Issues
  21. “Pepsi Next Baby” TV Commercial Analysis
  22. “Insecure” Comedy-Drama TV Series by Rae and Wilmore
  23. Utopia Fantasia in the “Black Mirror” TV Show
  24. Vietnam: The First Television War. Media and Public
  25. French Specific Content in Media and Television
  26. Historical TV Channels Strategies in Broadcasting
  27. SmartBridge Company’s Smart TV System
  28. The American TV Series: Characters and Themes
  29. Television Show Suggestion: M*A*S*H
  30. Ford Explorer’s TV Commercial Advertising
  31. Television, Its Invention and Technical Evolution
  32. Closed-Circuit Television Cameras in Crime Reduction
  33. Northern Exposure: TV Medical Comedy Series
  34. Television and Communication with Viewers
  35. TFC TV Company’s Competition Problem
  36. TV Content: “The Walking Dead”
  37. Samsung as Color TV Manufacturer in China
  38. Surveys for Creating TV Campaign Ads
  39. Aggression and Violence in the “Vikings” TV Series
  40. Crime Television Series: “Al Fin Cayó!”
  41. TV Visual Analysis: Boardwalk Empire
  42. “The Walking Dead” Television Series
  43. Arab Stereotypes in the “Tyrant” TV Series
  44. Douyu TV and Young People in the Virtual Community
  45. Quite Interesting, British Television Programme
  46. Bridgestone’s “Hands” TV Advertising
  47. Amy Zimmerman: It Ain’t Easy Being Bisexual on TV
  48. TV Shows: House, Scrubs and Quincy
  49. Coordination Issues in High-Definition Television
  50. Sampson Television Company: Change Management
  51. The Fashion Channel: Cable TV Network
  52. Natural and Artificial Selection in Cosmos TV Series
  53. Television Show: “Wil Time Bigtime”
  54. Television News Coverage Analysis
  55. E-Learning: Video, Television and Videoconferencing
  56. Political Issues of “The American Idol” Television Show
  57. TV Shows’ Influence on Families
  58. Robert Abelman: Why Do People Watch Religious TV?
  59. Watching TV Makes You Smarter?
  60. Devious Maids – How Television Portrays Race?
  61. TV Cartoons and Children’s Behavior – Psychology
  62. The Value of Reanalysis: TV Viewing and Attention Problems
  63. Reality TV Role in Human History
  64. Sony PlayStation TV Micro-Console Marketing Project
  65. Does TV Shows Have a Negative Influence on the Children?
  66. Technologies: High-Speed Internet vs. the Cable Television
  67. Television Commercial
  68. The Oprah TV Show
  69. Television Desensitizing of Modern Children
  70. Newspaper Report and TV Report: Comparison and Contrast
  71. Television Shows and Obscene Language
  72. Digital TV and Its Consequences: A Changing Media Industry

📑 Good Research Topics about Television

  1. Is the Television Series, Friday Night Lights Literary?
  2. Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commissions
  3. “10 Years Younger” and “How to Look Good Naked” Television Shows
  4. Market Opportunity Assessment for Apple TV Box
  5. Marketing Design and Innovation: Smart TV’s
  6. Television in Emirati Culture
  7. Influence of Television on Contemporary Chinese Culture
  8. How TV Affects Your Child: Article Rhetoric
  9. Literature Review and Methodology for the Case of Violence on TV
  10. Central China Television’s (CCTV)
  11. Framing Effects of Television News Coverage of Social Protest
  12. “Viewing and Avoidance of Al Jazeera 24 Hour Satellite Television Channel” by Jamal, A., & Melkot, S. R.
  13. Effects of Food Advertising in Australian Television on Children Aged 5-12 Years
  14. Australian Advert Banned on UK TV
  15. Is TV Advertising Dying as Mass Media in the EU?
  16. Persuasive portfolio of Net-A-Porter and Samsung Smart TV
  17. American Television History
  18. Legal Themes in the Good Wife TV Series
  19. Motivation Theories in the TV Comedy Series “Sex and the Sally”
  20. The Types of Features Used in Different Television Shows
  21. The Invention of Television
  22. Cable TV Provider Marketing Management
  23. Reality Television and Social Evaluation
  24. The Role of Interactivity to the Success of Reality Television Shows
  25. Change in the TV Station
  26. Television as a Domestic Technology
  27. Television and Cultural Change and Fragmentation of Audiences in the 21st Century
  28. Japanese TV Drama “14 Sai no Haha”
  29. TV Show’s Influence on Perception
  30. The Effects of Background Television on the Toy Play Behavior of Very Young Children
  31. TV Show Analysis: The Simpsons
  32. Television Criticism in Advert
  33. Need for Reality TV on Television Programming
  34. Television Genres and New Media Technologies
  35. Convergence in the Television Stations
  36. Change Management within Direct TV Business
  37. Television Shows Taxonomy
  38. Al Jazeera TV: A Propaganda Platform
  39. TV in America: Usage, Preferences, and Trends
  40. TV News Role in Citizens Life
  41. Bridalplasty Television Show
  42. Television Effects & Freedoms
  43. Relationship between Indirect and Physical Aggression on Television and in Real Life
  44. NBC Television Network Analysis
  45. Psychological TV Programs Doctor-Patient
  46. The History of the Coldstream Guards: TV Programme
  47. Media Control and Censorship of TV
  48. TV Advertising as the Most Appropriate Communication System
  49. Does TV Increase Violence Among Children and Teenagers?
  50. Influence of Television Advertising on Children’s Eating Behavior
  51. The Cultivation Effects on the Watching Television
  52. Shopping Diaries: Brand New Flat Screen 47-inch TV
  53. Popular Culture of TV Watching in USA and China
  54. How TV Affects Kids
  55. Two Poems with TV Drama 24
  56. Censorship for Television and Radio Media
  57. Gender Stereotypes on Television
  58. Al-JAZEERA “Arabic Television Network”

❓ Research Questions about Television

  1. Why Are Television Ads for Alcohol Misleading Viewers?
  2. What Influences Advertising Price in Television Channels?
  3. What Is the Relationship Between Violence on Television and Violence in Real Life?
  4. Why Will Television Ultimately Ruin Sports?
  5. What Impact Does Television Have on Children’s Lifestyles?
  6. How Does Television Influence the Moral Thinking of Children?
  7. What Are the Positive and Negative Prospects for the Impact of Television on the Development of Children?
  8. What Is the Connection Between Television and Childhood Obesity?
  9. How Does Television Negatively Affect Education?
  10. Why Should Children Be Restricted From Watching Television?
  11. How Has Television Destroyed the Communication Between Friends and Family?
  12. Why Did the Dramatic Growth in Radio and Television Advertising Come About?
  13. How Has Television Influenced the Development of Pop Culture?
  14. What Negative Conventions Does Television Show and Their Impact on People?
  15. How Does Television Affect Our Social Life?
  16. Why Shouldn’t Parents Encourage Their Children to Become Famous Movie or Television Star?
  17. How Has Television Evolved From the Sixties to the Present?
  18. What Is the Role and Significance of Music in Television Show?
  19. How Has Television Made Our Lives Better?
  20. Why Can’t Television Replace Books as a Teaching Tool?
  21. How Does Television Affect American Culture?
  22. What Are Some Anti-Black Bias That Pops Up on Television News All the Time?
  23. How Has Television Influenced Society Since Its Inception?
  24. Why Shouldn’t People Spend Too Much Time Watching Television?
  25. How Has Television Affected the Population of India?
  26. What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Television as a Means of Communication?
  27. What Was the Significance of Television in the Vietnam War?
  28. What Effect Does Television Have on the Brain?
  29. How Do Television Commercials Reinforce Gender Stereotypes?
  30. What Is the Argument for the Liquidation of Television?

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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 334 Topics about Television & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/television-essay-topics/

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"334 Topics about Television & Examples." IvyPanda, 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/television-essay-topics/.


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IvyPanda. 2024. "334 Topics about Television & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/television-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "334 Topics about Television & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/television-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "334 Topics about Television & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/television-essay-topics/.

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