274 Social Responsibility Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Social Responsibility Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Nike Inc.’s Corporate Social Responsibility Project
    The following paper aims at analyzing the CSR program of Nike, a publicly traded sportswear company, in order to determine the transparency and effectiveness of social and environmental responsibilities stated in their report.
  2. Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Essay
    In this light, this paper discusses the importance of ethics and social responsibility and various practices and theories employed in different organizations. In future, ethics and social responsibility will have a new meaning in the […]
  3. Toyota Ethical Issues and Social Responsibility
    Another set of the company’s stakeholders that affect the ethical code of business in the company is the external environment like customers and the society; there is a level of quality that customers expect from […]
  4. Ethical and Social Responsibility Toward Environment
    The environment is exposed to many types of issues due to human activity that harm it, this paper identifies these issues, the ethical and social responsibility that man has towards the environment and highlights the […]
  5. Tesla Corporate Social Responsibility: Issues, Activities, and Strategy
    The Tesla Roadster electric sports car was the first major production that brought the company to the limelight. It helped the company to speed up with the development of its second car.
  6. Adidas Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility
    To increase the effectiveness of production procedures and to meet the new difficulties facing the fashion industry, it is crucial to be able to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the personnel in working conditions.
  7. Corporate Social Responsibility: Vision of Ford Motor Company
    In the case of Ford, following the trends is not sufficient the company seeks excellence in the legal and ethical pillars of social responsibility.
  8. Apple and Its Suppliers: Corporate Social Responsibility
    A cording to Park and Tran, the way this happens is called the ‘internal negative feedback loop.’ Apple is undoubtedly in the public spotlight all the time, likely due to its sheer magnitude, yet, the […]
  9. Corporate Social Responsibility at Ben & Jerry’s
    The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the company Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream based on their announced values, structure, and track record in relation to CSR.
  10. Corporate Social Responsibility: Shell and BP
    The merger resulted in the development of one of the largest companies in the world in terms of the size of revenue.
  11. Coca-Cola and Corporate Social Responsibility
    The work will discuss the past failings of the Coca-Cola organization, and propose a course of action that will better reflect the needs of today.
  12. The Lego Firm’s Corporate Social Responsibility
    The sustainability strategy and its issue selection are well-aligned with the company’s business because it seeks to promote the learning of children through play.
  13. Nestle Company Social Responsibility and Shared Value
    This enables this company to get quality raw materials that improve the value and taste of its products. Thirdly, CSV concentrates on the activities of a business and its publics while CSR involves participation in […]
  14. Nestlé Ethics and Social Responsibility
    The research in the sphere of Nestle’s ethics shows that the company has lots of low-rated ethical criteria to be accused of.
  15. Corporate Social Responsibility in Apple Inc.
    However, Steve Jobs resigned as the CEO of the company in 1985, after he was phased out by directors of the company. The biography of Steve Jobs shows that he was dedicated to improve ethics […]
  16. Marriott Hotels’ Corporate Social Responsibility
    The development of the hotel industry is essential today as it requires the improvement of its leadership and management activities. The relationship between the hotel industry and CSR concepts is evident: both of them are […]
  17. Chili’s Grill & Bar Restaurant Corporate Social Responsibility
    The survival of the company or business depends on how the society which includes the customers and the stakeholders and the community at large.
  18. Ben & Jerry Corporate Social Responsibility
    Ben & Jerry is a company that is involved in the manufacture of ice cream and it is a distributor in the UK, the US, Canada, Mexico, Singapore, as well as other nations.
  19. The Corporate Social Responsibilities in Walmart, Amazon, and Apple Inc.
    The following paper briefly compares and contrasts the corporate social responsibilities, ethics, and diversity in Walmart, Amazon, and Apple Inc. On the Corporate Social Responsibility front, Walmart believes in promoting the business and benefiting consumers […]
  20. McDonald’s Corporation’s Social Responsibility
    It takes care of the community’s interests such as provision of funds to clean up the environment and others ways of giving back to the society.
  21. Corporate Social Responsibility
    Like wise if the organization carries out the activities that pollute the environment the people can sue the organization for its harmful activities to the people and the environment.
  22. “An Inspector Calls”: Theme of Social Responsibility
    One of the major points where Priestly portrays the theme of social responsibility is whereby Sheila feels a sense of duty when she realizes that she has a role to play in the death of […]
  23. Colgate-Palmolive Company’s Social Responsibility
    It is necessary to note that Colgate-Palmolive Company makes considerable profit but it also contributes to development of the community when it comes to its impact on consumers, environment and employees.
  24. Walt Disney Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility
    An example of the efforts Walt Disney has implemented in ensuring the sustainability of the environment is that for a period spanning ten years, the Disneyland Resort has tremendously increased the alteration of waste from […]
  25. British Petroleum Company Corporate Social Responsibility
    In terms of environmental impacts, BP has received much support globally for its hands-on standpoint on environmental challenges, most notably for not only investing heavily in technologies aimed at reducing the carbon footprint, but also […]
  26. Coca Cola Company’ Corporate Social Responsibility
    Coca Cola Company has used the aforementioned CRS models in order to execute its social responsibility towards the community within which it operates.
  27. Corporate Social Responsibility at the Tesco PLC
    Most of them look at the poor and superior activities that the company is engaged in.the impact of both their produce is scrutinized in terms of the value it brings to the society.
  28. The BMW Firm’s Corporate Social Responsibility
    BMW, one of the biggest automobile manufacturers in the world, became the first factory to implement the concept of sustainability in its production.
  29. Corporate Social Responsibility Importance for Business Organizations
    Companies that fail to adhere to the provisions of ethical behaviour and CSR related to the preservation of the environment are bound to experience a great deal of problems.
  30. Coca-Cola and Its Corporate Social Responsibilities
    The sustainability policy at Coca-Cola aims to preserve the environment and recycle the materials used. Coca-Cola has progressed in its CSR practices over the past 10-20 years and has begun to pay more attention to […]
  31. Corporate Social Responsibility at Starbucks
    The employees are the one who are directly connected to the production and offering of the goods and thus their conduct and performance is of great importance. The operation of the business usually takes into […]
  32. Apple Inc.’ Short Term Action Plans to Improve Its Corporate Social Responsibility
    Several issues have affected the corporate image of the company over the recent past and therefore there is need to try as much as possible to restore the corporate image of the company.
  33. “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase its Profits” by M. Friedman
    This presentation revolves around an article by Milton Friedman that was published in 1970 in New York Times Magazine.
  34. Corporate Social Responsibility Practices at Etihad Airways
    For example, the company’s CSR initiatives aim to promote Abu Dhabi’s “beauty” to the rest of the world. This assessment shows that Etihad Airways and the Abu Dhabi government benefit economically from the airline’s CSR […]
  35. Corporate Social Responsibility and Marketing
    CSR has been defined as the continuing commitment by businesses to conduct their activities ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce, the local community and the society […]
  36. Corporate Social Responsibility of Coca Cola Company
    One of the major arguments of companies against CSR is that they are in business to generate revenues to their stakeholders and not the society.
  37. Introducing Corporate Social Responsibility in the UAE
    The gist of this argument therefore premises on the continued improvement of the quality of life for employees and the society, in general.
  38. Corporate Social Responsibilities of McDonalds UAE
    The company has been in operation since 1940 and has diversified in the number of food products it offers to the global markets. The company has adhered to the legal provisions of the country.
  39. Samsung Firm’s Social Responsibility Issues
    The first one is the management’s inability to have fully transparent business practices because the company does not publish all the sources and the suppliers of raw materials.
  40. Corporate Social Responsibility is Integral to the Long-Term Success of Five-Star Hotels
    The CSR policies also contain corporate governance, which ensures that the hotels protect the rights of the investors. It is also notable that CSR practices contribute to sustainable growth of the hotels.

👍 Good Essay Topics on Social Responsibility

  1. Corporate Social Responsibility: The Toyota Company
    Besides, based on the technology of fuel switching, the company has allowed a room for the switching of the car’s engine between gas and electricity, hence reducing the amount of fuel that is consumed per […]
  2. BMW and GM Corporate Social Responsibility
    This encompasses not only in the way in which it sells its products but the manner in which it manufacturers them and how it addresses the long term impact of the company’s operations on society […]
  3. Review of the Corporate Social Responsibility for Siemens Company
    Foote 1999 says “For Siemens, devoting their time and expertise to assist the needy children, the youth and the elderly is a part of their identity”.
  4. Corporate Social Responsibility Activity
    Moreover, it can serve the goal of enhancing the university’s overall image and give recognition by demonstrating its care for the environment and the stakeholders health.
  5. Social Responsibility in Business: Friedman Vs Drucker
    Friedman on the other focused more on social responsibility and why it is not possible to do it without violating the concept of free market, the idea that shaped America and made her one of […]
  6. Corporate Social Responsibility in CEMEX
    There is a high demand for cement and concrete in Mexico, which is explained by the active growth of the construction industry.
  7. McDonald’s Corporate Social Responsibility Project
    The Green and Clean Kuwait Company is a Kuwaiti company with environmental and ecological technology and know-how and the company is interested to bid in the CSR project of McDonald’s Corporation as its project partner […]
  8. Business Ethics – Corporate Social Responsibility
    The premise of business ethics is that every firm or corporation is able to behave in a moral manner. Business ethics is a wide field because it explores the conduct and behaviour of individuals, business […]
  9. Toyota’s Crisis Communication Strategy and Corporate Social Responsibility
    The main issues that affected the brand reputation and customers’ reactions are the inadequate Toyota’s response to the problem in 2009 and 2010; the impossibility to accept the responsibility for accidents; and the concealment of […]
  10. Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
    A fundamental theme of corporate governance is the nature and extent of responsibility and accountability of specific individuals in the corporation’s hierarchy, and mechanisms that attempt to eliminate or mitigate the problems that arise due […]
  11. Corporate Philanthropy and Social Responsibility
    The concept of corporate philanthropy evolved as a response to the threat anti-corporate campaigns pose to companies’ license to operate. The idea of corporate philanthropy is, however, a contradiction considering that companies are legally bound […]
  12. Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
    Certainly, for-profit organizations can bring some improvements into the live of the community, by creating jobs or participating in charity; however, the capabilities of companies are limited and managers should also think about the profitability […]
  13. Corporate Responsibility at Singapore Airlines
    The article sought to establish the responsibility of businesspeople to the society. It is the company’s attempt to remain responsive to the needs of its shareholders and to behave in accordance with certain values that […]
  14. Ethical and Social Responsibility Issues in IHRM
    Despite the fact that different scholars hold different opinions about ethics and corporate social responsibility, there is need for a multinational firm to include the two in its operations so as to create a good […]
  15. Tesco History Corporate Strategies, Corporate Social Responsibilities and Advertising
    This strategy which was initiated in 1997 is the one that ensured the growth and success of the company. Tesco capitalizes on the power of strategic advertisement to sell its brand locally and globally.
  16. The Union Carbide Corporation’s Social Responsibility
    It can also be regarded as one of the very famous in the world because it was a major company in the top-most economies of the world that is the United States.
  17. Consumer Ethics and Social Responsibility
    It has driven industries to cope with the trend in demand that results in the use of both cheap labor and also the production of substandard products to meet the cheap demand.
  18. Social Responsibility: Coles Unconscionable Conduct Scandal Case
    Coles’ used the strategy of receiving discounts from its suppliers in order to increase the company’s profitability at the expense of fair business practices.
  19. Walt Disney Company Ethical and Social Responsibilities
    While the controversy that the coexistence of the Miramax Studios and the Disney Studios creates can be defined as the main source of the conflict, it is the clash of the Christian culture and the […]
  20. Corporate Social Responsibility in International Human Resource Strategy
    This means that the application of CSR in the global business environment is likely to increase in the future. In a nutshell, incorporating CSR in human resource management is beneficial to the firm and all […]
  21. Corporate Social Responsibility Major Aims
    Its major aim was to ensure that businesses were behaving ethically as well as contributing to the economic development, but at the same time the business is improving life quality of its employees, their families, […]
  22. Corporate Social Responsibility: Starbucks
    With the goal of the company to source 100% of its coffee from ethically responsible suppliers the resulting price of a standard cup of coffee at Starbucks also happens to increase, which indicates that even […]
  23. Mission, Vision, Social Responsibility and Strategic Planning For WAL-MART and TARGET
    The further statement clarification indicates the corporation seeks to provide the ordinary society with the opportunity to purchase similar things with the rich personalities.
  24. Corporate Social Responsibility Concept in Modern Economy
    In essence, these aspects will interrelate and interact to produce a viable CSR model that covers the six dimensions of the business strategy.
  25. Colombian Laws Regarding Social Responsibility Theory
    The dissemination of bad news does not fall under any provision of the law of sections 220-222, so the nature of the law cannot be accurately ascertained.
  26. Corporate Social Responsibility Exemplar Firms
    Addressing the business reality, it is possible to identify many examples of entrepreneurship firms that have already achieved success and proved the worth of CSR, and Johnson & Johnson is one of such organizations.
  27. Preserving Labor Rights as Social Responsibility
    The violation of labor rights is one of the most acute social problems in the world, and it is the social responsibility to resolve this matter.
  28. Corporate Social Responsibility: Merck KGaA
    First of all, the structure of the company corresponds to the fact that decisions are made regarding the current readiness of the organization to contribute to the community.
  29. The Walmart Firm’s Strategy for Growth and Social Responsibility
    The vision of the company is to “be the destination for customers to save money, no matter how they want to shop”.
  30. Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
    This report will analyze Walmart’s 2019 sustainability report and highlight the influence of the various non-financial metrics listed in it on the company’s business model.
  31. The Sweat Shops Usage and Social Responsibility
    Thus, setting standards of social responsibility to the outside world is a means of responsibility for the activities of an organization.
  32. Social Responsibility to Others
    In this case, the narrator is capable of understanding the consequences of the adults influence on children by instilling social skills.
  33. Top Companies for Social Responsibility by Yates
    In the context of the article mentioned above, HP Inc, Intel Corp, and Microsoft Corp activities adhere to these SCR principles the most.
  34. Patagonia’s Corporate Social Responsibility Approach
    An analysis of the financial records of ABC health and beauty company for the years 2016 to 2018 indicates that the company is experiencing growth in many respects. The company’s mission is that they are […]
  35. Coca-Cola and Pfizer Firms’ Corporate Social Responsibility
    This presentation will examine Coca-Cola and Pfizer’s CSR initiatives by demonstrating their beneficial influence on society and delving into their efforts to resolve ethical concerns. Coca-Cola is working to improve its monitoring and safety systems.
  36. Social Responsibility of United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County
    Notwithstanding reduced funding, employee shortage, or even bad weather, it is always our duty to improve the everyday experiences of other individuals and give them care, hope, and chances for a brighter future.
  37. The Corporate Social Responsibility Examples
    While there have been controversial views and criticism of some of the company’s activities, it can be argued that its commitment to CSR is seen in many of its practices.
  38. How Social Responsibility Addresses the Needs of Stockholders
    This increases customer loyalty as clients feel they are helping the business support worthy initiatives, thus, enabling more access to funds and allowing more investors to join and support the company.
  39. The Social Responsibility of Enterprises
    In this sense, businesses are expected to be socially responsible and to take care of the well-being of their employees and vulnerable local communities.
  40. Feasibility & Efficiency and Social Responsibility
    Although the prompt specifies the existence of the demand as a requirement, it does not provide a detailed explanation of which levels of demand and market saturation are acceptable.

✅ Most Interesting Social Responsibility Topics to Write about

  1. Social Responsibility and Its Connection to Organizational Performance
    Therefore, the necessity to provide an in-depth insight into the topic of social responsibility is evident, as the understanding of this aspect will be beneficial for market development in the long run.
  2. Corporate Social Responsibility: Case of Google
    The problem is that I did not read the five portions of materials given by the tutor, so that I failed to collect sufficient arguments for my point of view.
  3. Diageo Plc.: Corporate Social Responsibility
    Diageo Plc.’s failure to channel 10% of its revenues to social projects like most other players in the sector implies CSR passivity.
  4. Business Leaders’ Social Responsibility
    In conclusion, the essay has demonstrated that business leaders can and should play an active role in promoting multiple values both locally and internationally.
  5. Social Responsibility in the Business World – Business Ethics
    Business ethics might not be vital for any business but ethical values do play an important role in the corporate world.
  6. Online Voting and Corporate Social Responsibility
    The primary problem in this research is the insecurity in the online voting system due to the increase of cybercrimes. It is essential to comprehend the related dangers as political up-and-comers progressively go to the […]
  7. The Top Three Benefits to Social Responsibility
    The benefits of social responsibility include managing ethical blowback, consent to embracing the future, and lastly ensuring the establishment of humans and the environment.
  8. Corporate Social Responsibility in Samsung
    Applying categorical imperative in Samsung’s CSR stunt shows that the company chose to replace the faulty smartphones to gain a competitive advantage.
  9. Social Responsibility in The Threepenny Opera
    In essence, Brecht and Weill try to make the public understand the idea of not overlooking the surface value of society, but the social injustices.
  10. Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility: Amtrak
    While CSX Transportation owned and operated the rail track on which the Big Bayou Canot disaster occurred, WGN was the owner of the towboat M/V Mauvilla which prior to the train accident collided with the […]
  11. General Electric Healthcare: A Corporate Social Responsibility Dilemma
    Recommendation concerning the first ethical issue would be to create awareness on the implications of illegal abortion of female fetus in developing countries.
  12. Illycaffė: Business Model and Corporate Social Responsibilities
    The business models of illycaff based on the CSR principle and this is substantially different from the business models, which are followed by the different organizations in coffee industry.
  13. Initial Thinking: Social Responsibility
    When we consider social responsibility in the context of communication, it is necessary to emphasize upon three angles of this question: individual level of social responsibility, interpersonal communication in the context of social responsibility, and […]
  14. Ethics and the Social Responsibility of Business
    The main arguments for supporting CSR are as follows: it often protects stakeholder interests; it does not align against governmental regulations, and it eases the company’s long-run survival.
  15. Facebook Corporate Social Responsibility Health Check
    No business can operate in a vacuum, so it is in a company’s long-term self-interest to ensure the prosperity and stability of the society it operates in.
  16. Corporate Social Responsibility & Poverty Alleviation
    Researchers state that “preventing and managing the negative impacts of the core business on the poor” are essential indicators of the social responsibility of the company.
  17. “Corporate Social Responsibility” by Aneel Karnani
    He explains that governments have the power to issue decrees that will regulate the activities of companies and ensure they become responsible regardless of the good intentions of their slogans.
  18. Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility
    Unlike the Western idea of the prevalence of social values, the Islamic perspective offers a more profound and complicated analysis of the problem.
  19. The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility
    The author, studies the nature of corporate social responsibility with the aim of getting its components so as to characterize it in different ways that will help the top management improve their relationship with the […]
  20. Management Concepts and Social Responsibility
    Organization is one of the key concepts which involve the implementation of the resources required for successful output of the plans.
  21. Corporate Social Responsibility: Business Ethics Pressures
    A code of conduct in relation to employees, suppliers, and the business itself is a sure alternative to retaining the unique image of a business entity.
  22. Employee-Focused Corporate Social Responsibility Review
    The performance of employees and their general commitment to the well being of a organisation is paramount. For instance, the research study is relevant in the sense that it is an eye opener to the […]
  23. “Supercapitalism” and Corporate Social Responsibility
    This supposition that consumers are only performing lip service to the idea of corporate social responsibility, and will not pay more for socially responsible products under any circumstances is absolutely wrong.
  24. South India Paper Mills’ Corporate Social Responsibility
    The second article; Weaving Social Responsibility with Business Strategy: A Case Study of South India Paper Mills by Kanchan explores how South India Paper Mills has effectively responded to the critical social demands of the […]
  25. New Balance Focus to Develop an Integrated Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy
    It is possible that in the process the image of the company improves but the major objective of the company is not marketing.
  26. Stakeholder Relationships, Social Responsibility, and Corporate Governance
    Such contradicts the role of the Board of Directors in achieving the best in the interest of the employee and the shareholder.
  27. The Issue of Corporate Social Responsibility in Organizations
    The main purpose of this article is to raise the readers’ awareness about the issue of corporate social responsibility and to prove that climate change is indeed a serious problem which will soon affect the […]
  28. Employer’s Social Responsibility in Fair Employment Practices
    If Variety Store Company was confronted with a situation in which there is a job vacancy that possesses two similar qualified applicants but that one of the applicants is a minority and there is a […]
  29. Ethics and Social Responsibility in Marketing
    First, it makes the consumer aware of Body Building pants; second, it informs the consumer of the characteristics of the product in a manner that will make the consumer purchase the item; and third, it […]
  30. Starbucks: Corporate Social Responsibility and Global Climate Change
    Then in the 90s and onwards to the 21st century, Starbucks coffee can be seen almost anywhere and in places where one least expects to see a Starbucks store.
  31. Capitalism, Individualism, and Social Responsibility
    This has largely been attributed to the regulation of modern societies by the state, the localization of the life-worlds, and the crisis of the subject in the post modernist culture of intellectuals.
  32. Importance of Social Responsibility in Financial Accounting
    Thus, in making measurement decisions, standard-setters focus on applying the definitions of financial statement elements and the qualitative characteristics of accounting information in the context of the objective of financial reporting.
  33. Insurance in Developing Social Responsibility
    Though insurance is all about covering and managing risks, the contribution of the collective and obligatory social insurance systems towards developing social responsibility on every individual of a society is not only built up to […]
  34. Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Behavior
    For this reason, De Roeck and Farooq study in detail the relationship between employee social behavior, ethical leadership, and corporate social responsibility by considering all aspects that influence the results of the research.
  35. Shareholder Activism and Responsible Investment as Integral Parts of Corporate Social Responsibility
    Therefore, with the application of SA, one can shape corporate behaviors and choices in order to champion the needs and rights of shareholders in regard to a particular business.
  36. Ethics and Social Responsibility in Business and Society
    To answer the question of whether it is possible or not to create a set of universal standards for businesses in different countries and cultures, one must remember that the term “culture” in itself is […]
  37. The Role of Social Responsibility in Organization
    For instance, the decision to add news articles to the platform’s features led to claims against Facebook and its political involvement in the last U.S.elections.
  38. Company Q’s Social Responsibility Issues
    In this paper, the evaluation of the current attitude of Company Q toward social responsibility will be discussed to develop several recommendations and improve the interior and exterior environment in the organization.
  39. Corporate Social Responsibility in Manufacturing
    They discussed the new ultramodern plant with the perspective in mind that it was going to generate more income for the business.
  40. Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting
    Traditionally defined as the rearrangement of the company’s priorities and the redesign of the leadership style so that the staff could understand their role in and impact on the social and economic aspects of people’s […]

📝 Simple & Easy Social Responsibility Essay Titles

  1. Organizational Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
    In this case, the focus should be made on the outcome of a situation, and the very fact that the matter was solved by forcing a chief executive out means that Terris was wrong and […]
  2. Corporate Social Responsibility Department in Oil Industry
    With this CSR process structure in place, the organization will be able to improve social and environmental welfare through compliance with ethically considered virtues and operations like human rights, corporate governance, and Environment Health and […]
  3. Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility Link
    Additionally, the article focuses on social corporate responsibility as the viable underpinning for gaining social recognition, as well as a fresh insight into a series of activities that produce benefits both to society and to […]
  4. Corporate Social Responsibility Impact on Customers
    The main objective of the study is to scrutinize the impact of corporate social responsibilities on the organization’s clients. Besides, this study will add more knowledge to the existing literature on the impact of corporate […]
  5. Columbia Roxx Company: Ethics and Social Responsibility
    Furthermore, Columbia Roxx implements the best practices to act as a responsible corporate citizen, taking into the account not only obligations and ethics existing inside the organization but also those related to social, cultural, and […]
  6. Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre: Social Responsibility
    On the other hand, the company’s environmental sustainability initiative started in 2011 with the establishment of an internal green team to create awareness on the overarching need to practice environmentally responsible behavior.
  7. Edge Incorporated: Ethics and Social Responsibility Plan
    To achieve these goals, it will prioritize fair and honest attitude and gratitude, follow non-discrimination laws, and constantly increase the diversity of the workforce to reflect and support the concepts of multiculturalism.
  8. Sustainability and Social Responsibility in Organization
    Regarding the attitudes of people to sustainability, the issues it entails, and the impact it has on the work of organizations and particular people, all these varied meanings are acceptable in their own ways. According […]
  9. Rana Plaza and Corporate Social Responsibility
    The transnational corporations are now in the limelight, whose commands from the native factory possessors have led to the recent quick progress of the clothing industry in Bangladesh, which takes second place after China among […]
  10. The Wider Corporate Social Responsibility Agenda
    They argue that the purpose of CSR is to ensure that the business goes a step further than minding the needs of the shareholders alone.
  11. Wesfarmers Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility
    It is crucial to point out that the definition of the CSR by the company is not the problem. From the definition, the CSR is more about the opportunities that the company presents to its […]
  12. Ethics and Social Responsibility Aspects
    This theory is similar to the virtue theory in the sense that both insist on careful consideration and assessment of a decision before embarking on it Nicholas and Paul, 2000).
  13. Introduction of “Social Responsibility” by Duckworth and Moore
    The authors of the first chapter “An Introduction to Social Responsibility” begin with the definition of the term “social responsibility” and introduce a number of contexts within the frames of which it is possible to […]
  14. Corporate Social Responsibility Practices in Hospitality
    Some best practices for CSR in the hospitality industry include a focus on staff training and retention as well as the health, safety, and lifestyle of staff.
  15. Volkswagen Company: Social Responsibility Issues
    The case of Volkswagen’s cheating draws people’s attention to such major corporate social responsibility issues as the efficacy of self-reporting by companies and the responsibility of customers owning compromised products.
  16. Corporate Social Responsibility and Decision-Making
    These warranties could be provided in different ways, however, the main thing is that with the help of this remedy a person will be protected and a company will be able to save its positive […]
  17. The Truth About Corporate Social Responsibility
    The main point of the article is a misunderstanding of the ultimate goals of CSR initiatives by the majority of companies and the resulting discrepancies in its implementation.
  18. Walmart Stores: Corporate Social Responsibility
    It is a complex notion that is claimed to be connected with: The economic responsibility: the company has a total revenue of almost $422 billion in 2011, which is a great number. The interest of […]
  19. McDonald’s: The Costs Involved in Enhancing Nutritional Standards
    The table below summarizes some of the relevant costs and costs that are not relevant to the company’s decision to improve its nutrition standards.
  20. Big Data and Corporate Social Responsibility
    Particularly, the application of the Big Data analysis to solve the problems related to the improvement of Supply Chain Management processes needs to be addressed.
  21. Corporate Social Responsibility’ and Shareholder’ Issues
    Second, after all, the shareholders’ liability is limited and they are not assuming the entire risks of the business as in the event of loss, the stakeholders will suffer more than the shareholders do. What […]
  22. Little Sun Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility
    The move will make it easier for Little Sun to develop and support more charities in different parts of the globe.
  23. Altruism and Social Responsibility in Psychology
    Although, my act of kindness was based on the need to meet my assignment expectations, it instilled the desire in me to continue with such acts because of the sense of responsibility and pleasure I […]
  24. Corporate Social Responsibility in Zygmunt Bauman’s Book
    The chapter of the book is trying to analyze some of the questions related to the social dynamics of life that shape society.
  25. Corporate Social Responsibility and Stakeholders
    According to some specialists, the intention to receive the status of an ethically grounded company might be connected with the development of social media and the Internet, which has made the details of any corporate […]
  26. The Current Corporate Social Responsibility’ State in the UAE
    That is, amongst the administrators of the United Arab Emirates, the perception of the corporate social responsibility idea and the impact appended to it has given rise to the surfacing of an assortment of CSR […]
  27. Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company Corporate Social Responsibility
    The company has focused on CSR activities in order to enhance safety and sustainability by engaging several stakeholders in the process.
  28. The British Petroleum Company Social Responsibility
    One of the cultural aspects that could have contributed to the spill is the negligence of the regulations that have been put in place.
  29. Women’s Family and Social Responsibilities and Rights
    The uniqueness of Addams and Sanger’s approach to discussing the rights of females is in the fact that these authors discuss any social responsibilities of women as the key to improving their roles in the […]
  30. Massey Energy Company’s Social Responsibility
    According to Williams, this decision is contrary to the justice rule of ethics in a business because it continues to do more harm than good to the people. Consequently, it would be easier said than […]
  31. Corporate Social Responsibility: Abu Dhabi National Oil Company and Emirates Airline
    The corporate social responsibility report is the documented statement of the taken actions in the field of the community relations or in the area where the interests of the organization meet the stakeholders’ interests.
  32. Corporate Social Responsibility’ Conceptual Provisions
    I will also aim to illustrate that CSR is, in fact, the integral part of the neo-Liberal economic agenda, reflective of the assumption that the ideal state of affairs in the realm of economics can […]
  33. Management Perspectives of Corporate Social Responsibility
    The results of the article agreed with the hypothesis, as the study reveals that leadership theories explain the manner in which managers adopt or disregard corporate social responsibility initiatives.
  34. Emirates National Factory Social Responsibility
    The emirates national factory for plastic industry is one of the industries that are at the forefront in promoting business ethics and corporate social responsibility.
  35. Movies’ Views on Corporate Social Responsibility
    In other words, one can make a conclusion that he is a supporter of the modern values; so, according to him, power and profit are recognized to be the basic issues the contemporary business is […]
  36. Corporate Social Responsibility and Development
    Social Responsibility refers to the formulation of policies by companies geared at protecting the surrounding community and the environment from the negative effects of its operations.
  37. Corporate Social Responsibility Perception and Perspectives
    The community feels that the corporation is using its power and influence to improve the standard of living in the areas it operates.
  38. Corporate Social Responsibility Programs Role in Business
    However, the companies themselves benefit from CSR due to the value which the social and environmental programs provide to their image.”The positioning of the firm with respect to social issues is clearly a way to […]
  39. “Urgency Matters on Non-discretionary Corporate Social Responsibility”
    The economic obligation comprises taking care of the interests of the shareholders, investors and customers, profit maximization, the minimization of the costs in undertaking the business and the formulation and implementation of strategic policies which […]
  40. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Strategies
    In particular, in this way the management can strengthen the loyalty of workers and their commitment to the goals of the organization.

📌 Good Research Topics about Social Responsibility

  1. The Contribution of Corporate Social Responsibility
  2. Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics
  3. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at AstraZeneca
  4. Company Q’s Current Attitude to Social Responsibility
  5. The Role of Governments in Corporate Social Responsibility
  6. Ethics and Social Responsibility Roles in Strategic Plan
  7. Aitken Spence Hotel: Corporate Social Responsibility
  8. Corporate Social Responsibility at Bristol-Briston-Myers Squibb
  9. Relationship between Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
  10. Corporate Social Responsibility for Gulftainer
  11. Understanding the Strengths of Corporate Social Responsibility: The Case of Coca Cola
  12. Backward Integration and Corporate Social Responsibility
  13. Toyota Company’s Practice of Corporate Social Responsibility
  14. Corporate Social Responsibility in the United States
  15. Corporate Social Responsibility: Viacom Company
  16. Corporate Social Responsibilities in Russia
  17. Branding and Social Responsibility
  18. Corporate Social Responsibility: Honda and Nissan
  19. Differences in Corporate Social Responsibility Between European and Azerbaijan Oil Corporations
  20. Corporate Social Responsibility and Its Aspects
  21. Corporate Social Responsibility of DU Company
  22. Ethical Communication and Corporate Social Responsibility in Yelp
  23. Corporate Social Responsibility and Shareholder Interests
  24. Corporate Social Responsibility: Socialist and Capitalist Perspective
  25. Corporate Social Responsibility New Trends
  26. The Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics in the Hospitality Industry and How They Add Value to the Customer
  27. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  28. Suncorp-Metway Limited Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies
  29. Opinions on Corporate Social Responsibility
  30. Opinions on Corporate Social Responsibility: A Perspective from Joseph Stiglitz
  31. Strong Corporate Social Responsibility Program
  32. Corporate Social Responsibility and Apparel Industry
  33. Corporate Social Responsibility in Global Outsourcing
  34. Corporate Social Responsibility: Economic, Environmental and Social Impacts
  35. Promoting Ethical Behaviours and Corporate Social Responsibility
  36. The Corporate Social Responsibility in the United Arab Emirates
  37. Ethical and Social Responsibility of the Alcohol Industry in the UK?
  38. Does Corporate Social Responsibility Contribute to the Business Financial Performance?
  39. Organizational Responsibility at the Panasonic Corporation
  40. Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies
  41. Corporate Social Responsibility in Q’s Company
  42. Definition of Corporate and Social Responsibility
  43. Contemporary Issues in Corporate Social Responsibility
  44. Share Holder Wealth Maximization Vis a Vis Social Responsibility
  45. Ethonomics and Corporate Social Responsibility

💡 Interesting Topics to Write about Social Responsibility

  1. General electric – Social responsibility
  2. Benefiting the Whole Society: Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
  3. Can Aristotle’s Theory of Happiness Be Achieved by Applying Friedman’s Ideas of Corporate Social Responsibilities?
  4. Applying a Gender Perspective to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): An Exploratory Study in the United Arab Emirates
  5. Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Business Projects
  6. Corporate social responsibility in UAE
  7. McDonalds Company Corporate Social Responsibility
  8. Google’s Strategic Use of Information Technology: Profitability and Corporate Social Responsibility
  9. Qantas Airline Corporate Social Responsibility
  10. The Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility
  11. IBM Promotes Social Responsibility Goals
  12. Ethical Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibilities in a Workplace
  13. Corporate Social Responsibility at the Kajima Corp.
  14. Social Trends, Social Responsibility and Ethics
  15. British Petroleum Corporate Social Responsibility
  16. Social responsibility and ethical analysis of Darden
  17. Corporate Social Responsibility Challenges
  18. Corporate Social Responsibility Role in Operations Management
  19. Corporate Social Responsibility: Emirates and ADNOC
  20. Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Society
  21. The Global Corporation and Social Responsibility: Multinational Decision Making and International Values
  22. Disney in China and Its Working Conditions
  23. The Positive Aspects of Ethical and Social Responsibility on Business
  24. Ethics Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility
  25. Ethics and Social Responsibilities in Business
  26. Personal and Corporate Social Responsibility
  27. Corporate Social Responsibility: Concept Analysis
  28. Economic Social Responsibility
  29. Corporate Social Responsibility of University of Dubai
  30. The Importance of Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility in Sport: Creating and Maintaining the Perfect Balance
  31. Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility
  32. The Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethical Behavior of Qantas Airways
  33. Resource Distribution: Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
  34. Social Responsibility Role in the Business Success
  35. Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSRs)
  36. Some social responsibility practices
  37. Fair Isaac Co and Experian PLC Companies’ Social Responsibility
  38. This Capstone Class: Practice of Ethical and Social Responsibility

❓ Research Questions on Social Responsibility

  1. How Important Are Ethics and Social Responsibility?
  2. Does Corporate Social Responsibility Contribute to Strengthen Brand Equity?
  3. Can Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility Reduce Firms Idiosyncratic Risk?
  4. How Should Civil Society (And the Government) Respond to Corporate Social Responsibility?
  5. Does Corporate Social Responsibility Impact on Development of Women in Small-Scale Fisheries of Sub-Saharan Africa?
  6. Are Socially Responsible Managers Ethical?
  7. Should the Voluntary Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility Be Replaced?
  8. Does Corporate Social Responsibility Improve Credit Ratings?
  9. Can Corporate Social Responsibility Promote Employees Take Charge?
  10. Does Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure Improve Firm Investment Efficiency?
  11. How and When Does Corporate Social Responsibility Affect Employees’ Organizational Identification?
  12. Does Corporate Social Responsibility Affect Firms’ Performance?
  13. Has Globalization Eroded Firms’ Responsibility for Their Employees?
  14. Does Corporate Social Responsibility Make a Difference in Labor Conditions?
  15. How Corporate Social Responsibility Can Affect the Consumers’ Attitude and Behavior?
  16. Does Corporate Social Responsibility Matter for Corporate Stability?
  17. How Does Corporate Social Responsibility Contribute to a Firm’s Financial Performance?
  18. Does Corporate Social Responsibility Reduce the Costs of High Leverage?
  19. How Does Corporate Social Responsibility Create Customer Loyalty?
  20. Does Product Market Competition Foster Corporate Social Responsibility?
  21. How Does Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility Matter in a Dysfunctional Institutional Environment?
  22. Does Religious Piety Inspire Corporate Social Responsibility?
  23. How Important Are CEOs to Corporate Social Responsibility Practices?
  24. What Are Luxury Brands Doing About Social Responsibility?

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IvyPanda. (2024, November 24). 274 Social Responsibility Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/social-responsibility-essay-topics/

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"274 Social Responsibility Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 24 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/social-responsibility-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '274 Social Responsibility Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 24 November. (Accessed: 17 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2024. "274 Social Responsibility Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/social-responsibility-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "274 Social Responsibility Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/social-responsibility-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "274 Social Responsibility Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/social-responsibility-essay-topics/.