In 1869, in Royal College, London, the DV was investigated thoroughly and called “dengue” due to the gait the pain in muscles and joints provoked. Once the mosquito bites a woman, the dengue can pass […]
The availability of highly complex treatment systems and the provision of medical care to the majority of the population alleviates the potential negative effects of the virus, allowing sick individuals to receive necessary medications.
The epidemiological triangle is the method to analyze the conditions and factors contributing to the virus spreading. The first one is related to the agent or microorganism being an actual cause of the disease.
However, according to Bhella, no organisms can be entirely independent of the environment, and life at its core is interdependent. The fact that viruses evolved with other creatures is enough to state that they are […]
Canada and Australia, as well as several countries in the Middle East and Africa, were the most active proponents of this ban, halting the movements for both people and goods from states affected by the […]
The research article, “Public Health Response to the Initiation and Spread of Pandemic COVID-19 in the United States, February 24 April 21, 2020,” is dedicated to the discussion of the early cases of COVID-19, the […]
One of the critical problems faced by the American healthcare system at the beginning of the pandemic was the lack of beds for patients with a new coronavirus infection.
The font of the title makes it difficult to understand the title quickly, and much time is required to get the main idea. The chosen handout has to be improved according to the main characteristics […]
On the one hand, the main factors that affect the incubation period of any disease include the amount of virus that invaded the body, the closeness of the exposure to innervated tissues, as well as […]
The other step would be to explain the pharmacokinetics nature of the drugs and their drug class since a particular drug might lead to the severity of the disease instead of relieving the effects.
In the case of pneumonia, any infectious organism that reaches the alveoli is likely to be highly virulent as it has already evaded the physical protection mechanisms of the host.
According to the CDC, the virus is spread primarily through contact with bodily fluids from an infected person, and the high mortality rate of the virus heightened the outbreak’s severity.
The main concern of this work comes in wanting to examine and discuss long COVID in the healthcare and research context, including the way it affects patients, and the influence of a person’s age and […]
PICOT Question: Compared to no screening, does obligatory screening for hepatitis C increase the timely diagnosis of the infection within 12 months in patients with immunity problems? The second study evaluates the effectiveness of screening […]
However, a review of the news presented on the North Dakota Department of Health website showed that a hepatitis incident caused the most significant concern in the state over the studied period.
The critical evaluation of the research reveals areas of bias in the aims, methods, confusing variables and results and recommends an alternative research approach.
There is a lack of relevant clinical data regarding the prevalence of RSV and the accompanying mortality rates, although RSV is one of the leading causes of death in infants.
The novelty of the disease and concerns about the safety and efficacy of antivirals have led to many people in the United States stating their reluctance to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
From the moment the situation started becoming more serious and concerning, an immediate action was called for and therefore the Australian government had to intervene and employ all the necessary measures to help in the […]
Some mutations can change the characteristics of the virus, such as how the virus is transmitted; for example, it can spread faster, like the Delta Variant, or the severity of the disease it causes.
The research determines the importance of nursing planning and interventions to attain the existing goals and how they can influence communities and populations’ health. For this reason, the significance of the topic and the necessity […]
Moreover, the Zika virus is a member of the Flaviviridae family, which includes other viruses such as dengue, West Nile, and yellow fever. Finally, the Zika virus has been found in parts of Africa and […]
The purpose of this epidemiological study is to describe the incidence of gonorrhea and chlamydia in primary medical clinics in the Mississippi Delta during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Some major points that the author explains concern the primary causes of hepatitis, possible contributors, and the current state of the investigation regarding the outburst of the infection.
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, various epidemiologists have employed mathematical models to predict the rates, numbers, and trends of its transmission.
First recognized as an emerging disease in 1977, this pathogen belongs to the genus Ebolavirus and is characterized by virulence, with up to 80% mortality rate among the infected.
The disease poses a threat to the public health of global populations and health security due to the increase in the number of international travel and the economic growth of countries.
The Ebola Virus Disease can be caused by various viruses, including the Tai Forest virus, Bundibugyo virus, the Zaire Ebola virus, and the Sudan virus.
One of the best methods to investigate the major epidemiological factors related to the COVID-19 pandemic is the case-control observational methodology.
Notably, the majority of people get EBV at some point in their lives, especially since the virus can cause the development of infectious mononucleosis and other illnesses. The causative agent for the disease is the […]
The research articles I read conferred that Zika was first isolated in 1947.”ZIKAV was first isolated in 1947 in the Zika Forest of Uganda from a sentinel rhesus monkey that was part of a yellow […]
The symptoms, severity of the disease, and duration of the illness vary greatly based on numerous factors, such as the immunity of a person, strain of the virus, and others.
Nonetheless, the authors of the review make their conclusions about each of the examined drugs and provide recommendations related to the treatment options for COVID-19.
Therefore, analysis of the previous outbreaks of a particular disease can contribute to the creation and establishment of a universal framework that ensures that the global community can allocate enough resources to the country in […]
The WHO and other organizations have called for international support and volunteers to deliver vaccines to people living in African countries to prevent the spread and lower the rates of fatal cases.
This research question will look at the risk factors that lead to the development of cancer due to HPV infection. Based on the data obtained as part of the study, it will be possible to […]
The virus uses the HA spikes on its envelope to attach to the sialic acid receptors on the epithelial cells. The HA spike proteins assist the virus in attaching to the lower respiratory tract epithelium.
One explanation for the severity of COVID-19 symptoms among diabetic patients is that diabetes interferes with the workings of the body’s immune system.
The mainstream of poor individuals is forced to do whatever to create a living, comprising of engaging in sexual behaviors that are a significant peril for the illness.
The disease’s ease of spread requires health organizations to formulate a disease surveillance program and communication plan to educate and empower the affected population to understand their role in upholding community wellness.
The article under consideration, “Antibody Responses in COVID-19 Patients,” written by Liu & Lu, aims to review and analyze the studies’ findings and present the patterns of interactions between the immune system and corresponding pathogens.
The next month, Covid-19 spread across several regions and continents, causing deaths and infecting people and animals. The WHO has confirmed that the severity of symptoms increases with age and for people with comorbidities, especially […]
However, viruses cannot sustain themselves and are not capable for independent replication, hence, it is not a living organism. To conclude, viruses are on the boundaries of the living and non-living area.
Decameron, the classic piece of medieval literature, starts with a depiction of the devastating plague the Black Death. Luckily, COVID-19 mortality rates are nothing in comparison with the Black Death.
In the outbreak of the virus, male leadership and heroic sacrifices of men were translated to people, while the contribution of female hospital workers remained largely unpublicized.
COVID 19 and the activities in Outbreak are similar in how they spread and the people’s reaction to the situation; however, the speed at which they claim lives is different.
In Australia, the prevalence rates of HAV among young children under the age of five in Queensland were 10 and 264 per 100 000 people in non-Indigenous and Indigenous populations respectively between 1999 and 2002.
NK cells were first discovered in 1975 as lymphocytes of the innate immune system that can kill leukemia cells in vitro without previous sensitization: Since then, NK cells have been revealed to play an important […]
In the years 2013 and 2014, a significant outbreak of ZIKV ensued in a French overseas territory found in the middle of the southern Pacific Ocean, French Polynesia. On the other hand, the urban cycle […]
India is suffering from the second wave of Coronavirus disease, and it has serious effects on various aspects of society in the country. To summarize, the current state of coronavirus disease in India is dangerous.
According to the primary observation of plants and the results of the USDA laboratory analysis of provided samples, it is possible to conclude that there is an outbreak of tomato mosaic virus in Montana.
Doctors develop and recommend informed policies and practices pertaining to COVID -19 control to the infection control committee, which are later discussed and implemented.
In the following weeks, 20 percent of the WHO’s member states deviated from international norms to protect their citizens from pigs as a swine flu source.
The accurate pathology for Beverly’s weakness would be COVID-19 since the virus is a mild illness that shows cough and fever as the primary symptoms, which she has.
Caused by a new coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2, this condition is highly contagious and continues to claim the lives of many people in different parts of the world. The field of Ethics can help more people […]
To mitigate the impact of the loss caused by influenza, the California health department set up various interventions to stop further transmission of the H1N1 virus within California, such as the use of face masks.
By analyzing the issue closer and identifying the factors causing the increase in the number of hepatitis B patients, one will be able to locate the means of addressing the problem.
The non-structural protein 5 is considered to be the largest strain, which is coded by the Zika Virus RNA. The searching of genome sequence was done through the database using Zika Virus and protein envelopes […]
Families have suffered unparalleled grief, anxiety, and distress from the increasing fatality, massive job losses, lockdowns, and movement restrictions to curb the spread of the virus.
The Coronavirus pandemic has the potential to cause more socio-economic severe consequences. Poverty among the population is predicted to increase for the first time since 1998.
The Chinese government is taking any precautions to control the spread of the virus. The government shows its commitment to addressing the problem and minimizing the risks of the spread of the virus.
To date, no vaccination has been approved for the prevention of the disease, the natural host of the virus is still unidentified, and the virus is not well documented.
The main factors that cause irregularity in incidences of norovirus are environmental aspects and the formation of new clusters. Caul in a different study suggests that projectile vomiting, which is atypical of infected persons, has […]
A few examples of these myths are: HIV is Witchcraft, HIV is a curse, the belief that mosquito causes HIV. It is in the year 1986 that the killer virus was found a name of.
The infection by the HPVs often appears in the epithelium, particularly in the areas with tissue lesions. In this respect, by means of the RNA scope, it is possible to transcribe the HPV genome and […]
The chain of infection of H1N1 influenza is hard to break because it is transmitted through the respiratory system and contact. When a human being is infected with the H1N1 virus, is mainly due to […]
Despite the fact that cases of the disease were reported every other week of the year, the greatest proportion reported the onset of the disease during the period between July and September.
The highest percentage of people living with the virus in Africa has been recorded to be in the sub-Saharan Africa Nationally, the CDC report reveals that the number of Americans who were undiagnosed decreased significantly […]
As Flick and Bouloy explain, the main problem in preventing the spread of RVF in the case of the Horn of Africa is the late detection of the disease in animals and humans which results […]
This directive was to affect the Ministry of Health of Dubai and Abu Dhabi and was to affect every new person with the intention of visiting the country.
The major cause of Hepatitis C is the Hepatitis C virus. The blood test is capable of revealing the type of Hepatitis C an individual is suffering from, for instance, chronic Hepatitis C.
Serological tests to differentiate between hepatitis B and A were developed in the 1970’s and consequently led to the identification of the causative agents.
The news platforms all around the world focused on following and analyzing the events and their victims in West Africa, informing the society of the rest of the world about the latest research and the […]
The department of Public Health England estimates that 215,000 patients are infected with the chronic form of the disease in the United Kingdom; the prevalence of the infection in England is about 40 cases per […]
This information is important for limiting the spread of this disease in various regions of the world. In turn, exposure to mosquitos is one of the factors that can increase the risk of this disease.
The LDV virus persists in the mice “despite the production of neutralizing antibodies and the induction of effective helper and cytolytic T lymphocytes”.
It comes about seasonally and commences in the course of the fall and stretches in to the spring. A drug that has been approved to be used in the prevention of the RSV infection is […]
The moment an individual is infected with this disease and the immune system has fought the hepatitis A virus successfully; this individual will never be infected again since his or her body is now permanently […]
This preferential infection of younger people by swine flu is a significant difference of the virus from the seasonal flu which causes fatalities mostly in the older population.
The topic will include who is to use the vaccine and the administration of the vaccine in exceptional cases like the young girls and expectant mothers.
Hepatitis B refers to inflammation in the liver while Hepatitis B virus is the important cause of Hepatitis. Acute and chronic Hepatitis B is a major health concern and is capable of leading to complications […]
In the study by Hai Yu et al, various molecular virology methods were used for understanding the molecular epidemiology of the influenza virus and unraveling the dynamics of the of the influenza zoonosis.
Prevention may include early detection so that its spread is controlled, killing and avoiding of infected pigs, quarantining of infected persons until they are declared safe to mingle with others, and use of face masks […]
By the latest study, the Food and Drug Administration has approved 30 antiretroviral drugs to counter the effects of the deadly AIDS virus According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the drugs, […]
In addition, the reasons for Black children’s high vulnerability and Black adults’ high vulnerability to COVID-19 are similar the existence of comorbidities.
The US and other world governments adopted similar containment measures to both the 1918 influenza and COVID-19, as the two diseases share a major characteristic of being contagious.
Namely, the paper will address the factors that have affected the drastic rise in the number of cases of COVID-19 among Rikers Island staff members, as well as the problems associated with measuring the levels […]
For example, lack of research and protection gear highlights a gap that needs to be addressed by changing the education practices. The population can use education applications to learn more about the virus and ways […]
The action of the illness causes an increase in the permeability of cell membranes and progressed transport of albumin-rich fluid into the interstitial tissue of the lung and the lumen of the alveoli.
This kind of ideology might emerge due to the fact that the citizens and authorities from this region allowed COVID-19 to spread and claim the lives of many people across the globe.
The appearance of coronavirus in Germany has led to the necessity to adjust to the new situation. The pandemic dictates the new rules to the government and urges it to take further measures in terms […]
The only way of reducing the number of casualties is by preventing the disease. The efficacy of the method is shown by significant achievements in the reduction of the number of rabies cases among the […]
The Ebola virus disease outbreak emerged as a significant threat to the lives and safety of both the countries of West Africa and the overall global community.
The population that is most impacted by the Ebola virus disease includes the residents with the lower socio-economic status of underdeveloped countries of West Africa.
In the context of the United States, the most significant circumstances were the introduction of Obamacare the nationwide citizen insurance which was President Obama’s response to the poor performance of two programs, Medicare and Medicaid, […]