Teaching as a career essay can become a task even for someone who isn’t necessarily looking into education as a professional field. You might be assigned to describe a noble profession or discuss the social benefits of different careers. You might also find it necessary to speak about a career plan for teachers in your essay. Regardless, to write such a paper, you will need to know the requirements for becoming an educator.
There is nothing more crucial to becoming an ideal teacher than having passion. There are four career options available to those who have working in education in their future plans.
Nursery teachers work with young kids and require certification. Primary school educators have to complete, on average, a 2-year course. To become a high school instructor, you need to have higher education. To teach at university, you will be required to complete at least a Master’s degree.
Our experts have explained why someone might want to follow this career path. Additionally, you will find tips on writing an informative essay about a teaching career. You will also discover free samples for you to check out underneath the article.
5 Reasons to Choose Teaching as a Career
If you have to write a “Why I Want to Be a Teacher” essay, you should reflect on your real experience. You may struggle to find the right words at first, but that’s okay. Here, we have collected and explored some great motivations for choosing to become a teacher as a profession. You may examine the following reasons in your essay:
To make students fall in love with studying.
We all once had that one educator that made us fall in love with their subject and studies in general. Watching a pupil learn something new as they discover the world is an amazing reason to become a teacher. It is often said that educator quality is one of the most crucial factors in students’ academic success. Therefore, becoming a skilled teacher is a great way to promote learning worldwide.
To improve the quality of education.
Another reason to become a teacher is to change the educational system. Of course, it is ultimately a joint effort. However, any teacher can contribute through the actual changes happening in the classroom. You will not be able to improve everyone’s quality of learning, but you may still make a difference for your students.
To leave a positive impact on life.
Giving back to the community and changing someone else’s life can be considered a part of a dream job for some. Most teachers choose this career because of their desire to help people, impact future generations, and make a difference. By preparing your pupils to go out into the world and teaching them practical skills and moral values, you can benefit your community.
To give an outlet to your creativity.
You have to be creative when you choose teaching as a job. New practices and techniques can greatly benefit your students. The way you present information to your pupils is also up to you. Therefore, you have a lot of space for personal development. Creativity inspires students and teachers to express themselves in new, unique ways.
To get a more flexible working schedule.
School holidays and daily working hours will allow you to spend more time with your own family. Long breaks will also help you pursue other passions in life, such as hobbies and leisure activities. This job provides a great work/life balance. Besides, more and more schools are offering flexible working hours for their teaching staff.
How to Write a Teaching Career Essay
For a teaching career essay, you need to choose what you want to write about. It can be a paper about the profession’s challenges or the necessary skills for every educator: it is totally up to you or the assignment you got. To achieve this, you can use a topic generator that will give you ready-to-use ideas. In this section, we will look at what is needed to write an informative essay about a teaching career.
Find out what your assignment requires.
An informative essay has a lot of forms, and firstly, you have to understand what your instructor requires from you. Carefully examine the guidelines to move in the right direction. Sometimes, the professor will give specific questions and literature. You have to base your essay plan on the exact task assigned by your teacher.
Brainstorm for new ideas.
Write down some reflections on what interests you about the topic. What aspects of teaching would you like to discuss? Your passion is one of the main criteria for a great essay. Another thing to consider is the audience. What would the readers be interested in learning about teaching as a profession? Leave yourself plenty of time to brainstorm ideas.
Pick one good topic.
Choose a good topic from what you have brainstormed or from what you have found online. Begin to gather all the needed information for an essay plan. You have to organize your data and keep it in an accessible format. Think of questions about teaching that you would like to address in the essay and write them down.
Research your idea.
Select only relevant and up-to-date sources. According to some guidelines, they should not be older than five years, although you might want to clarify with your instructor. Another effective way to gather information is to interview teachers and students at your institution. This research might also assist you personally in your goal setting.
Come up with a sound thesis.
A thesis statement is the main idea of an essay, and it should reflect the core of your argument. You should frame it in a concise and understandable manner and place it at the end of the introduction paragraph. Try limiting it to a single sentence.
Outline your future paper.
In your outline, jot down some key ideas that you want to explore in the main body. It will help you out while working on the essay and save you time. Check the plan while writing your paper to avoid deviating from the proposed ideas.
Write and cite.
Write a draft on the chosen topic. It can contain examples from your life or even be an autobiographical essay if that is permitted in your guidelines. You might mention some academic goals of your own. Do not forget to cite the relevant sources from all the research you have made and provide examples. It will direct the readers to all the research you have conducted, as well as give credibility to your paper.
Thank you for your attention! Now, you can peruse the essays about teacher jobs below. They will demonstrate how to develop your ideas in an academic paper and help you choose the topic for your work.
However, it is a hard job to learn the language and use it in a proper way i.e.to achieve the objectives sought at the beginning of the learning as the language is not a good [...]
This essay involves a discussion on the main components of language learning and teaching within the sheltered approach of language acquisition which involves the incorporation of content and language while dealing with the learners of [...]
In a learning environment, communicating with other students and the tutor in the language studied is crucial for fully comprehending the subject and consistently improving the mastery of the language.
The reason behind this is the fact that English has been considered for long as a foreign language in the Expanding Circles and therefore only suitable as an official medium of communication with the native [...]
As compared to their native English-speaking classmates, bilinguals usually have to put in extra effort and time to cope with the fast pace of the American way of teaching. Some of the students find listening [...]
There are those who argue that use of authentic materials in teaching listening is more beneficial both to the learners and to the instructors as compared to the use of scripted materials.
He notes how crucial it is to keep in mind the following factors before commencing to read: the type of the assignment, the writer's goals and interests, the strategies analyzed in the class, and the [...]
In order to understand this proposition, it is necessary to consider that the empirical impact of language can only be understood in terms of its influence on human bodies.
The mode of use, the language of the user, the level of the user and the aims of use are the main factors that determine the fall of grammar into four basic types: pedagogical grammar, [...]
Lesson plan Title - Teaching phenomic segmentation Aim - Learning to count the sounds in a word Activities: Rubber band stretch: The teacher models with a large rubber band how to stretch out a word [...]
An example of an analogy is the relation of ones situation to "a fish out of water". An example in this case is the use of the phrase "sure as death", to refer to a [...]
Learning the principles of building curricula and the communicative method of teaching language is also important for pursuing the degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.
Literature on conversational interaction studies reveal that much of the empirical research has been carried out in laboratory settings, hence some researchers opine that patterns may differ if the research is done in L2 classroom [...]
Thus, the scholar explains the importance of the interconnection between intertextuality and the discourse community. Porter mentions that the best way to understand the community is to perform a critical reading of its discourse.
The whiteboard was also used in the delivery of the content of this interactive lesson for the young learners. A cognitive learning strategy was applied in the lesson to manage the expectations of learners and [...]
Reflecting on these four articles; 'There is reading...and then there's reading,' 'Taking literacy skills home,' 'The importance of the act of reading,' and 'the new literacy studies' I cannot help but appreciate and celebrate the [...]
While learning a foreign language, two types of approaches are used: A deductive approach An inductive approach A deductive approach is used under the influence of any suggested rule by the teacher.
In order for the topic to be addressed from the perspective of students who have a different primary language, the planning rationale aims to generate the inclusion of phonology, vocabulary, comprehension, and slang. In regards [...]
In general, it gets to the point and is concise and straightforward. To promote creative and critical writing among grade six students, the instructor should use visualization as a strategy.
Before the core of the investigation process is provided, it should be clarified why this paper aims to follow notable practices of action research, as well as the relation of pragmatism to the latter is [...]
In the center of the article is the question of the need to teach grammar in schools and academies, but at the same time, the controversial autonomy of this discipline is discussed. The article contains [...]
The US educational system recognizes the importance of the family in the process of learning new knowledge. In this regard, one of the main goals and objectives of the system is to create the prerequisites [...]
The multinational diversity contained in the territories of the States requires the introduction of the study of several languages in the practice of teaching children.
For example, the sign language allowed to reduce the time required for explanations, and the additional reading with the teacher helped ensure her improvement in English to keep up with others.
Based on the work of Lawy & Tedder which examined the evolution of teaching and training methods through a variety of educational institutions, it was seen that the process of development necessitates not only the [...]
The effectiveness of the final results depends on the reliability of the research methodology being conducted, and therefore, in the early school context, it is crucial to provide as unobstructed but constructive an environment as [...]
This paper shows that the use of IT and multimedia in language teaching is gaining recognition. With the help of computer and IT, these stakeholders can easily utilize these tools in language teaching.
The purpose of the article is to understand favorite learning methods that are used by ESL learners and the ways it is obtained in the ESL environment.
This is in the process of determining the rates of obtaining writing and speaking skills among foreign language students. In conclusion, the article establishes the relationship between acquisition of speaking and writing skills among foreign [...]
The teacher taking the learners through the process of acquiring use of phonetics must have motivation as this will increase a learner's interest in learning more of the language.
Lucie schools to teach the English language to identify conflicting policy issues regarding the teaching of English to Language Learners in other states. The main objective of this study is to investigate the policies guiding [...]
After the target area of learning and the method for achieving a particular type of learning is implemented, the next step necessary for a teacher to take is to involve the students actively in the [...]
In practical aims of teaching the second language the task of grammar learning is to form spelling skills in productive and receptive forms of speech activity.
Listening skill is the primary and most essential language skill to be acquired and the mastery in this skill may indicate proficiency in the language of English."The term listening is used in language teaching to [...]
For a child with severe cases of phonological disorder, the articulation may be impaired to such an extent that children experience social difficulties and difficulties making basic needs known to others.
In the whole process of listening and reading, students try to understand the content taking base the very knowledge and concept about which they are aware of and also about the speaker, the situation and [...]
When code-switching is regarded as the custom in a language society like Hong Kong, it can reinforce contacts, particularly when both parties of the conversation understand English that is being used.
Teaching foreign language presupposes the gradual improvement of the knowledge of linguistic units and grammar rules that are needed to build sentences and communicate.
That is why much attention is devoted to the development of tools, models, and methods of language teaching that are used in modern educational establishments to achieve success and ensure a high level of language [...]
First of all, in the majority of Indo-European languages, there are several similarities in the meanings of words and their pronunciation which makes the understanding of the context easier for a learner.
The paper is divided into four parts: social aspects of the invention, invention as a dialectical process, invention as an act, and classical criteria for a social view of the invention.
The following scheme was applied: I chose a card, read the word in accordance with its transcription, read its translation, and then put the card into the second pile, and so with all the cards.
What is the role of a teacher in teaching grammar in the writing context? The second part of the research will focus on the teachers' perspectives on the teaching of grammar and its role in [...]
The present paper offers a summary and discussion of the results of a study dedicated to the effects of cultural instruction on foreign language learning.
The study aims to identify the beliefs and attitudes of Saudi English teachers towards the communicative language teaching approach that prevent them from improving students' communicative competencies.
The main goal of the given activity is to use the new vocabulary that is learned regarding the particular topic, master communication skills, and promote the ability to use these words in dialogues of various [...]
Thus, the criteria mentioned in the KCL ELC writing band descriptors are crucial for the development of students' skills and mastery of academic English.
While grammar and sentence structure are immensely important, it is the word that carries the basic meaning, and the ability to hear, comprehend and reproduce the new words will have a great impact on further [...]
To achieve the goal, the authors establish several crucial objectives like the identification of how the techniques of discourse analysis may be adopted, the clarification of what the functional usage of the target language is, [...]
With the help of discourse analysis, it is possible to determine the level of professionalism in the relationships between students and teachers through contextualising learning experiences and engaging students in a learning process.
It should also be noted that even though these standards pose significant challenges for both students and teachers, it is possible to use them as the opportunities to evaluate the quality of language learning.
The purpose of Language Arts is to develop the child's oral and written language, as well as to teach the child reading and paying attention to her or his handwriting.
Although some of the ideas voiced by the author might seem common knowledge, the lack of their application in the contemporary SLL environment is what makes the process of teaching ESL students increasingly more complicated.
In this paper, the author will discuss in detail the relevant aspects of Intelligent Language Tutoring Systems and NLP. In addition, the author will discuss the aspects and characteristics of the Arabic Language in relation [...]
In order to simplify and improve the comprehension and practical implementation of difficult scientific words for ELL and ESL students, an integrated approach is required, including associations of the words with certain patterns, actions, images, [...]
The results of the testing group would be compared to the results of the control group, as well as to the results shown before switching to the new program.
The possibility of application of TBLT to develop ER skills in Arab YLs requires a thorough consideration of the learners' specific needs and capabilities.
Considering the type of subject that I am going to teach, it is extremely important to be sure that the learners' attitudes allow them to perceive the information and apply it during the further experience.
The major challenge for the teacher consists in the fact that all the students have different cultural backgrounds, which implies that none of them share the same mother tongue.
The backward design of curriculum development in the context of second language learning will help eliminate the gap between understanding and learning with the aid of establishing a clear framework of goals that should be [...]
For the tables and the analysis, I chose the two years that were closer together, 2005 and 2009. First of all, after 2005 the internet actively started to win its popularity all around the world [...]
This essay will offer a critique of the research that was conducted and published by the two authors in which it can be argued that they made positive contribution to the teachers' use of TL [...]
These include the daily duties discussed, the domain of the ELT which is mainly educational, the medium mostly used in the presentation of ELT programs that are to be 'spoken', the mode that is a [...]
The statement of the problem should also be included; this is a summary of the problem to be investigated, that is, diglossia in the teaching of Arabic as a foreign language.
Studies Devoted to Gloss Use The impact of glosses usage on the performance of the learners of English as a foreign language has been researched in numerous studies.
The examination of the pros and cons of the CC and standardized testing will generate a clearer mental image of the effects of the CC particularly on teachers.
Taylor argues that an evaluation seeks to test the ability of the learner to understand how the language works and to test the level of proficiency in that particular language.
The research results state that the process of literacy instruction is hindered to an impressive degree by the misunderstandings between teachers and students due to the language issues.
The problem becomes even more obvious and hard to cope with when it comes to dealing with the similarities and differences between Semitic languages, which the Arabic one belongs to, and the Indo-European language family, [...]
It is important to consider structural differences evident in the English language in order to understand how the norms of communication and ways of speaking differ for Arabic speakers learning the language.
The ways of how descriptivism and prescriptivism are applied to English reading and writing, the dialects of English, which are inherent to the chosen community, and the examples of dominants dialects will be discussed in [...]
More importantly, there still exist gaps in knowledge on the most successful coping strategies that international students can adopt to overcome the challenge presented by the problem of language barrier in the pursuit of their [...]
It is based on this that it cannot be stated that one form of communication is better than the other, rather, they are both important aspects of how humans choose to communicate and as such [...]
The sign language is also taught in schools for the deaf all the way from early grade schools to secondary schools and in institutions of higher learning.
Indeed, if considering the problem from the viewpoint of language skills, one can possibly come to the conclusion that language ambiguity is the result of one's inability to use language tools properly.
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Words: 661
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