Free Tourist Attraction Essay Examples & Topics

Free Tourist Attraction Essay Examples & Topics

42 samples

How to attract tourists to a town, city, or some other place? What are the most important factors? Different cultures, cuisine, events, landscape, and shopping contribute to the general experience of traveling. But are these the primary things that make people spend thousands of dollars and their two- or three-week vacation that happens only once a year?

Why are some small towns more attractive for visitors than large cities? It’s generally believed that cultural attractions and gastronomy are the most decisive factors. Nothing has changed since Ancient Rome: people want bread and circuses.

If you need to write an informative or persuasive tourist attraction essay, you’re in the right place! Here our experts have gathered sightseeing essay topics, a list of tourist spots to write about, as well as travel industry essay examples.

A Place of Tourist Attraction Essay: How to Write

Any standard essay is based on the conventional formula. It consists of 5 paragraphs and a gradual explanation of the thesis statement. Essays about tourism attractions are not an exception. We will guide you on how to fill in the formula depending on your topic.

Let us start with the easy part. What makes up a 5-paragraph essay?

  1. An engaging introduction explains why the topic you chose is worth discussion. Here you can describe the prehistory of the debatable issue (for an argumentative essay) or the history of the tourist places (for a descriptive one).
  2. Finish the introduction with one well-thought thesis statement. This sentence should explain what the purpose of your writing is. For example, “This essay aims to explore the psychological causes of tourism of middle-class people over 60.”
  3. Then comes the main body with its three paragraphs. Each starts with a topic sentence followed by an argument and explanation. If you write an argumentative essay, dedicate the last paragraph to a different opinion and disprove it.
  4. Roughly speaking, a conclusion is a summary of your essay. List your main arguments and restate the thesis with some development.
  5. The title is not the same as the topic because the latter is an assignment directing your thoughts. It’s “an advertisement” of your text, so make it brief and interesting.

And now let us discuss what you shall write in an essay about tourist attractions on the most popular types of topics.

Sightseeing Essay about Tourist Spot

Sightseeing means traveling with a purpose. You do not just wander around the city or walk the hills and woods. You have definite spots on the map or even an itinerary that you plan to cover.

A sightseeing essay is about travel and tourism. For this reason, we recommend you analyze several places of interest in the same city or even country. You could describe why these sites are important as historical and cultural heritage. List the reasons why you recommend them and make up a suggested order of visiting these places.

In your sightseeing essay, you can write about the places listed below:

  • Paris — The city of love and lights. It survived both world wars, preserving its historic buildings and downtown of France. The most beautiful tourist attractions are closely located, saving you much time. After nightfall, be sure to look at the Eiffel Tower, standing near the Louvre Pyramid. The lights are amazing.
  • Dubai — The city of the future. This place is like a time machine. Right from the airport, you are surrounded by futuristic skyscrapers. But the best sights are historical. Walk along Al Fahidi Quarter that is precisely how ancient Dubai looked. Visit the Heritage and Diving Village to explore its unique culture.
  • New York —The city that never sleeps. It is a tourist destination for night owls. Its subway never closes, and you can enjoy the city lights till dawn. Its landmarks comprise the Statue of Liberty, Carnegie Hall, Broadway, and the Empire State Building.
  • New Delhi — The city of modernity and tradition. Its history is as ancient as Hinduism and its sacred Yamuna River, drawing a natural line between the west of New Delhi and the east of Old Delhi. Akshardham, the Red Fort, and Gurudwara Bangla Sahib are just several pearls in its long necklace of attractions.
  • Rome — The eternal city. The author of the nickname was Tibullus, a Roman poet. The ancient civilization believed that no matter what, it would stand. And so it happened. The Pantheon, Roman Forum, and the Colosseum were built to last.

Essays about tourist spots are similar to sightseeing ones, but they concern only one place of interest. You are supposed to describe it and explain why it is worth visiting. Introduce a tourist spot. In the thesis statement, clearly specify whether one should or should not come to see it. All the remaining paragraphs should support your opinion.

How to Attract Tourists Essay

It is a frequent task as it trains your critical thinking. This essay explains how to bring tourists to a country or city for the benefit of both.

You can discuss the following strategies:

  1. Mark your key attractions on maps and streets. Make them visible and easily found, using way markers and signs. It makes your place tourist-friendly.
  2. Learn who your target visitors are. If they are young families, build a playground for children so that the parents can have a rest. If they are the elderly, ban loud music at late hours.
  3. Make your place a “brand.” Find out the spirit or Genius Loci of your sight. What makes it different from any other place in the world?
  4. Tell a story. If your site is a new building with no historical background, invent a fairy tale. We all come from childhood and enjoy them.
  5. Look for partners. Cross-advertising is always a good idea. Make friends with the neighboring sights and work for a common purpose.
  6. Use web-marketing strategies for promotion. What is the first thing people do when they look for information? They Google it. Make an informative website and regularly posit on social media.
  7. Create an immersive experience. If it is a historical place, let the visitors try how it felt like living there many years ago. Use videos and virtual reality to reconstruct the ancient world.

We hope this article inspired you enough to make writing a pleasurable experience. Below, there are free examples of tourist attraction essays that you can consult right now.

42 Tourist Attraction Essay Examples

The Future for Space Tourism

Objectives of the study This term paper lays down the need for researching the background of the future space tourism, its impact to the society and those who are involved as well as assessment over [...]
  • 4.5
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2499

Tourism Destinations in Dubai

Dubai is unique compared to other emirates of the UAE; this is due to the fact that only a small portion of the GDP is generated for the sale of fossil fuels; the rest comes [...]
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2859

Religion and Tourism Relations

It is worth noting that religious tourism is the main form of tourism in the Middle East. Therefore, religious tourism is a form of tourism where the motivating factor is religious.
  • Pages: 12
  • Words: 3206

Tourism Industry and Natural Disasters

The tourism industry is a major part of the global economy and in some areas, it can be the primary or even only source of income for the local economies.
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1234

The London Eye as a Tourist Attraction

In addition to the architectural beauty of features like the Westminster Bridge in the backdrop and the Westminster Abbey, we have the London Eye.
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2812

Visitor Attraction Management

Factors and requirements in visitor attraction management: In order to attract visitors, a center should have something that should be attractive to people to prompt them to see the place.
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1389

Unique Place: Mykonos, Greece

The Armenistis Lighthouse is located on the northern part of the island, offering a compelling view of the island and the sea from its viewing platforms.
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1126

Tourism Product Development

Additionally, they can be accompanied by supplementary materials, in particular, brochures that can tell buyers more about the history of a specific tourist site.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 574

The Most Essential Locations in Kailua

The Hawaiian history is particularly vulnerable in the face of cultural changes that neglect the prioritization of local particularities under the burden of globalization.
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 957

Pittsburgh: History and Attractions

The city of Pittsburgh was formed after the territorial conflict between the British and the French. Pittsburgh is a smoky city and has used the environment, thus making it a source of energy.
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 834

Hippie Takes a Trip to Paris and Africa

Hippie the hipaffarmorprich was an art lover who enjoyed travelling around the world enjoying art. At the Louvre art gallery, in Paris there were hundreds of artworks to enjoy.
  • Pages: 10
  • Words: 248

Contemporary Tourism and Hospitality Management

I have always enjoyed visiting other countries, and Europe remains one of my favorite destinations since I see it as a small corner of the planet connecting a great variety of cultures.
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 906

Analysis of Future Tourism in Paris

In the nearest future, the touristic industry will experience considerable decline in general due to the complicated economic and political situation in the world. The worsening environmental situation is Paris is the cause of more [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 546

Tourism: Theme Parks Around the World

At the base level, both provide comprehensive directories of the various leisure facilities around the United States, Canada, and other parts of the world.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 754

The Royal Botanical Garden, KEW

It houses the Wakehurst place gardens and runs the KEW Gardens in Sussex. It is a virtual store house of knowledge and caters to the needs of the different sections of the society.
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 730

An Exciting Trip to Key West, Florida

The most attracting tourist spots in Key West is the fabulous Key West sunset, the enchanting walk through one of the Old Town lane and the smell the jasmine, or even enjoying the popular duo [...]
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 596

Disneyland Park in California: Tour Guide

1 Being known as "the El-Dorado of the American Dream," California still presents the place of opportunities, including the chance to feel the Southwestern culture and enjoy new adventures.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 316

Toronto Historical Labor Sites

Thus, the history of the labor movement in Canada can be described using the Labor Lyceum and the Printers Strike of 1872.
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1406

London and Bangkok: Tourism Perspective

These locations are London and Bangkok, and there are numerous places to see in both cities, so it is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and one should visit both London and Bangkok if they want to see [...]
  • Pages: 4
  • Words: 1152

The Grand Targhee Ski Resort

The Grand Targhee Ski Resort is located on the western side of the Grand Tetons. The Grand Targhee Resort has been forced to change some of its skiing programs.
  • Pages: 2
  • Words: 286

Full Moon Party as Tourist Attraction in Koh Phangan

Since the late 1980s, thousands of revelers have been making pilgrimages to the Koh Phangan for the Full Moon Party. Specifically, the Isle of Haad Rin Beach has attracted thousands of people from various parts [...]
  • Pages: 3
  • Words: 804

Sun Peaks Resort: Tourism Management

One is determined to examine the relevant aspects of the example of the Ski School in the Sun Peak Resort as the latter has the highest rating among all the Canadian resorts from the standpoint [...]
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 1938

The Wadsworth-Longfellow House History

The mansion's interior preserved from the eighteenth century inspires one to become a part of the venerable culture; the greenness of the front yard garden encourages one to leave all the worries behind.
  • Pages: 5
  • Words: 1386

Consumer Interest in Space Tourism

Consequently, the absence of alternative forms of tourism limited the products of tourism only to those tourists who consume traditional and common tourism products leaving out potential tourists attracted to alternative and unique tourism products.
  • Pages: 8
  • Words: 2307

Space Tourism Income Allocation

To perform descriptive analysis of the income allocated to the space tourism and the current occupation of a potential space tourists.
  • Pages: 9
  • Words: 2581

Scuba Diving Equipment Manual

In line with Crockett, the closer the mask is to the face, the better the vision and the easier it is to equalize, adjust, prevent and clear fog.
  • Pages: 18
  • Words: 4986

Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage

The term is used to create a clear distinction between tourists and pilgrims, and at the same time define the place of religion in the field of tourism.
  • Pages: 6
  • Words: 1658

The Impact of Cultural and Religious Tourism on Communities

In addition, cultural heritage tourism contributes to the conservation and protection of cultural heritage sites and regeneration of disappearing cultural arts and crafts, in the process encouraging appreciation of the natural and cultural sites by [...]
  • Pages: 7
  • Words: 2023
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