Although the cosmos is not the largest galaxy, there is no doubt that it is one of the largest bodies known to man.
Indeed, the absence of living microorganisms in the soil is a clear indication of the absence of water on the red planet.
The objectives of study are; to promote the satellites technology across the globe, to enhance the importance of applying satellites in doing research about the earth, to create awareness of the roles that the satellites [...]
Surveyor 1, the first spacecraft in the program touched down on the lunar surface in the month of June 1966, the second was unsuccessful.
Thus, the failure of system engineers to use the correct coding metrics was the root cause of the MCO problem. As a result of the aforementioned mistakes during the coding process, the MCO was not [...]
In the Solar System, however, the Earth is the single planet located in the habitable zone of the star and offers the 'just right' environment for life to originate and develop.
Astronomers have found that the length of a typical day in Mars is similar to that of the Earth. This means that there is no water existed on the surface of Mars.
They include the first crossings of the TS, the first observations of the HSH, verification of asymmetries in the heliospheric shape, and the lack of the expected ACR acceleration at the TS.
During the early 1500's, the first astronomer Nicholas Copernicus in a controversial statement asserted that the sun was the center of the solar system, and not the earth.
The institution, which is based in United States, has enabled astronomers to conduct major research on a wide range of astrophysical systems and the solar system.
Astronauts are best positioned to operate in space since they have studied the universe and understand the risks and the benefits of the operations in space.
They also concur that the best theory behind the formation of the solar system and the nebula model is the Nebula hypothesis.
Extrasolar planets are planets found outside the earth's solar system and extrasolar life is therefore the life found on such planets.
Until then, researchers need to do the hard work of verifying or refuting existing theories and counterchecking any new evidence that could be contained in the Martian meteorites According to Buseck et al, Nanocrystals of [...]
The best way of doing this is through enabling of the funds drafted in the forwarded budget and transferring the monitoring responsibilities to watchdogs and commissions that consist of a panel of specialists in the [...]
Advances in space exploration, particularly the creation of the International Space Station, has enhanced the observation of the globe to provide better comprehension and solutions to environmental matters on earth.
One of the most effective strategies used to spot an exoplanet is detecting the manner in which the gravitational force of the planet acts on the parent star. Astronauts are currently using the velocity of [...]
It must be noted though that the basis of all radio technology is the use of electromagnetic waves in order to carry signals back and forth which utilizes the air itself as a conductor for [...]
The human race has been interested in the origin and possibility of life on the other planets and moons. The core belief of exobiologists is that all matter in the solar system has a common [...]
The water bears are the first animals known to be able to endure the insensitive atmospheric combination of low pressure and extreme radiation found in space.
Factors related to the degree of radiation, the temperature of the planet, the level of ion dispersion within the atmosphere and the ability of solar wind to affect the Martian surface are all factors that [...]
The basis of such conjectures is the fact that each celestial body mentioned has varying properties conducive towards the creation of life in that there are bodies of water present, there is evidence of chemical [...]
The Solar system is made up of the Sun and the nine Planets which revolve around the Sun. The occurrence of a meteor shower is predictable.
They were able to reach their destination through a combination of knowing the location of the setting and rising of the sun, the direction of the winds and currents as well position of the stars [...]
In this dual mission to Mars, Mariner 6 and 7 enabled the scientists to analyze the surface of Mars and the Martian atmosphere through the remote sensors in the spacecrafts besides the Mariners taking and [...]
Ask the astronauts and the scientists who are familiar with the brutal conditions of outer space and they would tell you that it is impossible to sustain life outside the friendly atmosphere of the earth.
The research focuses on the effect of the distance between the sun and the earth on the earth's long term climate.
An additional objective of the mission was to increase the knowledge of the sun's composition. An additional discovery of this mission was that the sun consists of burning gases.
The massive impact of extraterrestrial objects did not cause mass extinction of dinosaurs. Dinosaur basis of mass extinction theory do not give plausible explanation for extraterrestrial bodies since they occurred only once during the period [...]