Al Qaida spread in the U.S.and Omar Abdel was in charge of recruiting mujahedeen. Al Qaida and Yemen joined to form Al Qaida group in the Arabian Peninsula.
The geopolitical uncertainty of Central Asia has emerged because of the fear that the Afghan state might become a springboard for different terrorist groups in the region.
A unique set of circumstances emerged in the Southern Levant in the middle of the first century, which created the environment for the emergence of violence among the Jews.
Strict adherence to the recorded practices and sayings of the Prophet in the letter of the Koran is emphasized. It endorses the rationalization of terrorism and violence in the efforts to fight against infidels.
The citizens of this state must live according to sharia - the norms fixed in the Koran and the Sunnah. The Islamic State, on the other hand, has proved the ability to carry out a [...]
In terms of ISIS and Islamic representation, Wood believed that ISIS represented a fringe movement within Islam that does not reflect the religious teachings.
The most famous action in the organization's history is the abduction and murder of the former Prime Minister of Italy Aldo Moro in the spring of 1978.
The influence of the Brotherhood was witnessed when it rallied a lot of support for the 1936 Arab Revolt in Palestine, which targeted to overthrow the British administration.
Since the inception of the organization in 2002, the primary goal of Boko Haram has been to impose Islamic rule in Nigeria by promoting a version of the religion that forbids participation in any social [...]
Finally, recruiters have received access to the vulnerable groups directly, which is demonstrated in the book In the Skin of a Jihadist written by an investigative journalist Anne Erelle.
It is these origins of the Molly Maguires terrorist group that gave them their thirst for blood and led to the killing of a myriad of Irishmen until the group was exterminated in the proximities [...]
Abu Nidal is the Arabic meaning of 'father of the struggle.' The terror group was named after its leader and founder Sabri al-Banna who was born in Palestine to a land owning family. Among the [...]
The Hamas was founded between the years 1967 to 1987 and during this period there was a Social Institution Building whereby there was a marked increase in the number of mosques from 200 to 600 [...]
In spite of the various views on the initial motivation for the establishment of Al-Qaeda, it remains evident that, in the early 1990-s, it went global with the aim to change the balance of power [...]
The cases of terrorism and the transformation of the international situation over the past 20 years make people realize the global nature of the current events.
Terrorist group formation is a widespread and vitally important issue to research due to the potential of understanding the inner forces of terroristic organizations, which fosters the capabilities of successfully fighting against them.
For example, an article in the Guardian reveals that after the 2013 September Westgate mall attack in Nairobi, Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility on Twitter stating that, "Somalis have been in distress since the start of the [...]
Domestically Pakistan does not have anywhere near enough resources to deal with the various terror cells in the country due to limited budgets and the fact that the yearly monsoon seasons leave such an impact [...]
This man was a Yemen and because of this, he was not entirely accepted in the community of the Saudis. Osama bin Laden has just proceeded with the task that he was assigned to carry [...]
Most of the terrorist groups in Africa today have their roots in the Middle East. Another goal of the terrorist movement is to overthrow the political establishments in their respective countries and establish religious states.
This essay focuses on the beliefs and values that caused the group to form, its development in 1920s, the role it played in the 1920s culture, and the effects of the group on modern world.
Czwarno, M, addressed that the Islamic Jihad holds the view that it is in the precursor of a pan-Islamic revolution that instigated the revolution in Iran.
Introduction, media's misrepresentation of Sep-11 attack Media suspect the role of the create the feeling of Islamofobia some medias celebrated the tragedy conclusions, based on the theses. And finally it led to the American [...]
The factors that forced Osama Bin Laden to attack the pride and dignity of the USA also take their origins in the Muslim visions of the world, and the fact, that the USA had self-appointed [...]
The soviet invasion in Afghanistan can be attributed to the rise and growth of al-Qaeda in Afghanistan when Anti-Muslim afghan guerillas, the Afghan government, and the Soviet forces were involved in the crisis.
Since its inception, the group has revolutionized the nature of its activities from advocating for the traditional culture of Basque towards involvement in paramilitary activities with the principal objective of attaining the independence of the [...]
The literature in question explores the problem of why somebody wants to be engaged in terrorism and methods for identifying the risk factors that can indicate the possibility of a person being interested in violent [...]
The proposed documentary will be composed of existing relevant footage and interviews with experts to cover the history of al-Qaeda, the analysis of the organization's narratives, and its impact.
The main idea of the first article implies that the foremost affiliation of intra-Taliban pressure appears to be flanked by the Peshawar Shura and the Quetta Shura.
The articles under analysis are devoted to the examination of the terrorism problem in the context of Yemen. The relevant approach to the problem's treatment distinguishes Katz from other authors who neglect the practical side [...]
The first article under discussion is devoted to the problem of the interconnections that exist between terroristic groups and the impact they have on the longevity of the latter.
The magnitude of the event, its dramatic quality, and a range of unprecedented elements also led to a visible reshaping of perception of terrorist threats both in the public consciousness and the policies of defense [...]
The Middle East also has a serious economic impact on the rest of the world because of the rich oil deposits, especially in the countries bordering the Persian Gulf.
The activities of Somali pirates and Al Shabab are causing concern among the international community as it affects business activities in the high seas of the Indian Ocean and insecurity in the East African countries.
While the CDA analysis aids in the understanding of the relationship existing between discourses and ideologies, it is equally necessary to go beyond the narratives of syntax and lexical solutions to the ISIS menace.
As the Civil War which had resulted in the birth of Hezbollah came to an end in 1989, Hezbollah did not disband but rather made the transition from being solely a militia to joining the [...]
The development of interethnic clashes due to varying political pressures amongst the two groups led to the formation of the militant group. The nature of politics of the majority group and the superiority of the [...]
RIRA resisted the division of the Republic of Ireland in order to create Northern Ireland. The mission of RIRA is to protect the sovereignty of the Republic of Ireland.
After all, there is a plenty of evidence available that the emergence of this monstrous organisation, which calls for the complete physical extermination of 'infidels', is the direct consequence of this country's current policy of [...]
The creation of a useful counterinsurgent strategy is crucial for the practitioners involved in the counterinsurgency actions. The counterinsurgency strategy should adapt to the alterations in the insurgent community it seeks to counteract.
The simple geographic conditions are considered to be favoring counterinsurgent groups and are not beneficial to insurgencies. Furthermore, insurgencies have been successful in areas where the countries in the boundaries are sympathizers of the insurgent [...]
It is vital to mention that several parts of the country are still in control of the insurgency contrary to the popular notion that they are only concentrated in the southern parts of Afghanistan.
Niu argues that one of the main interests that should motivate the use of the UAE national power against the Daeesh in Iraq and Syria is the access to vital geographical areas, like the Mediterranean [...]
First of all, it can help us to obtain new and reliable information connected with the issue, as using the Internet it is possible to find the newest articles on the topic of halal food [...]
The Muslim world is interestingly torn right in the middle regarding the activities of Hezbollah, with prominent Muslim nations such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan coming out strongly to condemn the group while other [...]
This does not mean to say that the media is always wrong, in fact, most of the time it serves a reliable source of information for the general public on matters that the people did [...]
There is a need for a detailed study of the intricacies and dynamics of the al-Qaeda, and implementation of well-calculated measures to ensure that the group is ended effectively The Al-Qaeda, and the Islamists associated [...]
He proceeds to propose a combination of military action and political forces in the raid against American forces and advices Abu Musab to ensure that enough support is received from the masses.
He attributes the overrating of this group by Americans to the entrenched interests of the US. Fawaz informs the reader about the origin and decline of the Al-Qaeda.
The group is opposed to the Uganda government and the government has responded with a large-scale violence against it and the people of Northern Uganda; the government has also marginalized parts of northern Uganda occupied [...]
After consultation and coming to terms with his death, they settled on Al-Zawahiri his long term deputy to take charge of the group, "Hereby the General Command of the Qaeda al-Jihad - and after the [...]
In the recent past, the activities of Al-Qaida terrorist group have commonly been highlighted regularly causing its activities to be in the list of focus among various the mass media especially in the TV and [...]
Pages: 2
Words: 561
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