104 Legal Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

  1. “Wit” by Margaret Edson: Ethical and Legal Issues
    The decisions included the type of treatments to give her, the frequency of the treatments, and the decision to resuscitate or not to resuscitate.
  2. Legal-Ethical Issues Affecting Patient Rights for the Elderly
    The kind of relationship that healthcare professionals can have with their elderly clients can have legal and moral implications in relation to patient rights for the elderly.
  3. Psychological Testing: Ethical and Legal Issues
    Two of the cases that have had a major impact on the institution of psychological testing are ‘Larry P.v Riles and Crawford v.
  4. My Sister’s Keeper: Ethical and Legal Issues
    When Sara is informed by Campbell that her daughter had the right to reject the kidney donation surgery, Sara argues that Anna was too young to decide for herself and that she was going to […]
  5. Legal and Ethical Issues in Sports
    It is also important to take into account the health problems of athletes caused by doping and address them on a case-by-case basis.
  6. Sex Tourism, Legal Issues, Benefits, Threats
    In covering the benefits and shortcomings of sex tourism, the paper will try to establish whether sex tourism is something that is ethical and desirable in society. The analyses of the legal aspect of sex […]
  7. Legal and Ethical Issues in International Business
    This is an unfavorable situation for foreign companies considering that these are credited with introducing revolutionary technologies, products, and ideas to the host countries, leading to improvement in the quality of life in such countries.
  8. Sex Shop Opening in Germany: Legal and Ethical Issues
    The government in Germany intervened in the prostitution and drug sector immediately after the increasing number of cases of women trafficking and kidnapping in different parts of Germany.
  9. Business & Legal Issues: Ford Pinto
    To be more precise, the Ford Pinto case will be evaluated from the legal point of view to establish which laws were violated in the process of corporate decision-making that led to the production of […]
  10. Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing Informatics
    One of the basic underpinnings is the fact that confidentiality violations can result in various issues for the patient whose well-being can be threatened, which is unacceptable for the nurse whose job is to ensure […]
  11. Marketing Channel: Legal Issues
    As a matter of fact, this plan functions on the margins of informed decision making after comprehensive research on the viability and sustainability of a new product or a modified product.
  12. Clinical Laboratories’ Legal and Ethical Issues
    The clinical laboratory operations within a given country are driven by a set of ethical conduct, which the researchers and laboratory technicians are expected to observe. In managing the laboratory activities, there is a need […]
  13. Abortion in Australia: Legal and Ethical Issues
    A woman’s sexual companion is not needed to be informed of an abortion, and the judicial system does not give orders to stop the termination even when the complainant is the biological father of the […]
  14. Perioperative Practitioners: Ethical, Professional, and Legal Issues
    The innovative framework in regard to perioperative nursing profession provides the opportunity to the health and social care which is related with the theatre practitioners.
  15. Legal Issues of the Multimedia Usage in Classrooms
    To avoid any legal issues, the organization should make sure that all employees are aware of major regulations and laws associated with the use of intellectual property. Of course, it is important to remember that […]
  16. Buchwald v. Paramount Pictures Corp.: Legal Issues
    In the year 1983, the company signed an agreement with the producer about the production of the movie. In the contract, it was agreed that Bernheim was to be the director of the film.
  17. Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing
    The law states that the – duty comes to play from expressed or implied agreement Breach: this is a violation of the contract, generally it is assumed that once the practitioner has taken the duty […]
  18. Medico-Legal Issues Prevention in Clinical Practice
    To help a practicing clinician to keep up with the standard of care, it can be recommended to perceive medical errors and negligence mainly as deriving from failures in systems.
  19. Sainsbury’s and Nokia: Political, Ethical, Economic, and Legal Issues
    The rate at which the democracy of the United Kingdom is growing is incredibly rapid and this has led to the diversification of the economy and stability in the Sainsbury’s business stores.
  20. Hospital Infection as Legal Issue in Healthcare
    The duty of care establishes that it is the mandate of the healthcare practitioners to provide adequate patient information and ensure the safeguarding of the patient’s well-being.
  21. Negligence as a Legal Issue in Nursing Care
    First and foremost, the term “negligence” refers to the failure to exercise the standard of care that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in the same or similar circumstances.
  22. Rolling Stone Magazine’s Ethical and Legal Issues
    In fact, it is a story of mixing up professional journalism standards, which resulted in taking a famous journal to court.[1] This analysis presents the background for the case, alternative variants of the situation development, […]
  23. Information Systems: Ethical, Legal, and Security Issues
    Therefore, it is possible to say that information systems have become public, and this situation can imperil the security of people’s data.
  24. Homeland Security Goals, Legal and Ethical Issues
    The bombings led to the loss of more than 3000 people, and resulted in the government taking many legal measures, including the enactment of the homeland security act of 2002.
  25. Legal Issues in the Banking Industry
    The second problem is the complexity of banking operations for foreigners and the low-educated segments of the population. Thus, in banking, employees often face the problems of sexual harassment, complex mechanisms for clients, and digitalization.
  26. Legal and Ethical Concerns: Data Privacy and Collection Issues
    The organization needs to design the program only to need the customers to provide minimum data amounts to sign up. My recommendation to resolve and tackle these issues will be for the sales and marketing […]
  27. Teleworking and Associated Legal Issues
    In the aftermath of the pandemic, the return to the usual way of working from the office has been slow due to social distancing regulations and inadequate office space.
  28. Digital Communication Incident: Legal and Ethical Issues
    Since in the modern world, this is one of the key sources of information for most people, the ethical component, including the completeness of the presentation, accessibility, and truthfulness, including precision in the word truth, […]
  29. Euthanasia-Related Ethical and Legal Issues
    There are no discussions about whether the person has the right to commit suicide or not because most individuals agree that it is the decision of the adult person who can dispose of their life.
  30. Ethical and Legal Issues With the Disclosure of HIV Status of Healthcare Workers
    The first glance at the situation compels one to immediately support the idea that healthcare professionals should disclose their HIV status since the alternative scenario would pose a significant health risk to a patient.
  31. Legal Issues Related to Cyber Crime Investigations
    Thus, it is possible to circumvent consent, but this case can still be refuted by the court as a violation of the Fourth Amendment.
  32. Business Concepts Related to Current Legal Issues
    The Digital Millennium Copyright Act is a law that aims at curbing the capability for people and companies from applying the internet to bypass copyright rules.
  33. Legal, Ethical, and Professional Issues
    The official website of the organization informs the applicants for a membership that contributions of the participants are directed to lobby the interests of APA in the promotion of psychology and the creation of state […]
  34. Healthcare Providers: Legal and Ethical Issues
    Scott is sincerely concerned about Marlene’s health and advice her to undergo a series of tests that would have further established the illness she was suffering from.Dr.
  1. Legal Issue: Fake Products
    Nowadays, in Dubai, the presence of fake products is evident. The government tries to deal with the cases of violation of trademark rights.
  2. International Legal and Ethical Issues
    While selecting the judgment to apply, it could be important to consider the duration to be taken by each court while resolving the case because companies may prefer the cases to be dealt with in […]
  3. Legal Issues Related to Frozen Embryos
    Although man claims that he has advanced technology in relation to the preservation of embryos, studies have shown that there are many risks involved with the survival of the frozen embryos.
  4. Legal and Ethical Issues of Euthanasia
    Davis argues that there exists a challenge on how to establish a consensus in the competing views regarding the desire for patients to have the choice to die with dignity while under pain and distress […]
  5. Legal Issues Underpinning Staging of Commercial Events
    Health and safety issues refer to appropriate measures to ensure that the safety and health of all the people at the event is not at risk.
  6. Legal Issues of Training Security Personnel
    Legal frameworks on the training of security personnel set the minimum qualifications for persons who are deemed fit to serve in the security firms together with training requirements, licensing requirements, and even qualifications for tutors […]
  7. Tube Feeding: Ethical and Legal Issues
    Yet, in case of Ann, the 77-year old patient who is still conscious, the family has no right to leave her to starve to death and neither do the doctors treating her.
  8. Ethical and Legal Issues in Naples Community
    To address common ethical and legal questions in Naples community, it is important to organize the effective use of available programs and resources.
  9. Ethical and Legal Issues in Collier County, Florida
    The assessment of the community indicated that its members suffer from the unfair distribution of health care services and resources associated with the lack of health care facilities and competent employees in the county.
  10. Health Services Management and Legal Issues
    Upon completion of the procedure, Doctor Bolt decides to charge a premium to the bill because the surgery was a success, and also invoices Jasper with a bill for the cost of the prosthesis.
  11. Desdemona and Vince: Legal Issues in Police Conduct
    The legal issues that can be mentioned in the case of Desdemona and Vince include the aspects of the whole procedure of arrest as well as the process of questioning.
  12. Health Services: Ethical, Medical, and Legal Issues
    This is a legal duty that Doctor Children should have carried out but it was clear that she skipped this responsibility and could therefore be liable for the problems that emanated after the surgery such […]
  13. Comparing Legal Issues for Art Business Professionals
    Depending on the law to be followed, the artist’s permission is necessary in connection with the moral privileges on the work of art.
  14. Legal Issue: A Working Dress Code
    The manager, in turn, replied that heels are part of the dress code that complements the image of the waitresses and attracts customers.
  15. Business Formation: Legal and Regulatory Issues
    The main legal issues to be considered during the creation or modification of a business are as follows: Agreement process and ownership External compliance or government policy and regulations Therefore, it would be important to […]
  16. How Law or Legal Issue Affects Operational Policies Through Supply Chain and Logistics
    The retailers and manufacturers will have to invest in investigation of compliance with the legal threshold by all involved in the supply chain.
  17. The Documentary ‘Crude’: Legal Issues and Humanity
    The need for remediation of thousands of miles is evident due to the nice work of the director of the movie.
  18. Canadian Legal Issues in Education
    Students have been denied their freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, the right to study in subjects of their choice, and the right to take part in structuring school guidelines.
  19. Legal Issues Related to Education
    These immigrants’ students who are not properly documented have limited prospects in completing their education as they are viewed as displaced thus not legible for aid of federal finance and tuition which is in-state and […]
  20. Legal and Ethical Issues in Computer Security
    Under the law this kind of inventions can be protected by Stan according to the trade secret law. Trade secret law is considered to be the best way of intellectual property protection if the invention […]
  21. Police Interrogation: Legal Issues and Limitations
    With the initiation of ambiguities and courtroom technicalities, the field officials have to pursue the constitution in all phases to send the guilty to prison.
  22. Corporate Social Responsibility: Ethical and Legal Issues
    Suggests that much of the bewilderment and disagreement over CSR stem from a failure to distinguish in the midst of ethical, altruistic and planned forms of CSR.
  23. Legal Issues of Work Environment for Students
    These challenges and legal issues that require students to families themselves with are current, future, and past and are common in all working places and learning institutions.
  24. Business-to-Consumer vs. Business-to-Business Sites: Ethical & Legal Issues
    One must understand the nature of these transactions to study the differences in ethical legal and regulatory issues in B2B and B2C sites.
  25. Supermax Prisons and Its Legal and Ethical Issues
    Therefore, the placement of prisoners in supermaxes, which are known for their ill-treatment and cruelty, can result in the violation of laws and human rights.
  26. Legal Issues of Ending a Relationship
    According to Schubert and Samaha, “the earnings of both spouses and property rights acquired with those earnings during the marriage are lumped together and each party receives a percentage of the whole”. Lautner’s claim to […]
  27. Legal Issues in Business Contracts
    Under the terms of the contract, I have wired payment amounting to $500 through PayPal service to the company and I have a confirmation message for received payment.
  28. Legal and Ethical Issues: Discrimination Remedy
    Using reverse discrimination can strike the balance between the white populations presenting the majority in business organizations of the United States and the minority groups.
  29. Zoo Park’s Redundancy Management and Legal Issues
    Lastly, I have advised the management of the best ways to address the situation leading to the accident in the zoo park’s restaurant.
  30. Advanced Care Planning: Ethical and Legal Issues
    The authors conclude that advanced care planning is the most effective strategy to ensure lower levels of discomfort and distress for both nursing professionals and relatives. It is also important to add that legal issues […]
  31. Racial Health Disparities: Legal and Economic Issues
    Evidence has suggested that the decisions and perceptions made by many physicians and caregivers tend to create disparities in the provision of health care.
  32. Start-Ups and Legal Issues in North Carolina
    However, issuances of licenses depend on the form of business that an entrepreneur intends to operate, and restrictions in areas where businesses will be operating.
  33. Legal Issues within the Fire Service: Future Trends
    CFOs’ duties in code enforcement indicate that personnel training is essential to the success of public education and citizens’ compliances with multiple safety principles.
  34. International Legal and Ethical Issues of Businesses
    The “Department of Labour Protection and Welfare”, a department in the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, has the responsibility of enforcing and administering labor-related laws. The laws related to environmental protection and management in […]
  35. Collaboration: Legal and Ethical Issues
    A principle with the help of a social worker will discuss this issue and define whether the boy was allowed to work at that time.
  1. Human Genome Project, Its Legal and Ethical Issues
    The first goal is to have a detailed sequence of the DNA pairs that are known to form the human genome.
  2. Snow White Company’s Legal and Ethical Issues
    The company is financially strained and may not be in a position to pay Happy for the extra hours spent at work.
  3. Buying a House: Ethical and Legal Issues
    As to the positive outcomes of the decision to tell the property owners that the seller is planning to build a new house, there can be a strengthening of the relationship between the two parties, […]
  4. E-Commerce Strategies, Ethical and Legal Issues
    The YouTube page has the ability to identify the country of origin for the different users. Naturally, the company employs the pay-for-service model that enables people to access services depending on the value for their […]
  5. The Solyndra Failure: Legal and Ethical Issues
    Moreover, it was discovered that the energy department worked together with the executives of the company to hide suspicion and facilitate the presidential elections.
  6. Employee Selection Method: Ethical and Legal Issues
    The ethical implication of a selection method determines the validity of the selection process. Currently, I will demonstrate to the boss that this selection method does not show the validity of job performance.
  7. Industrial-Organizational Psychology: Legal and Ethical Concerns
    Also, legal and ethical concerns may arise in the workplace due to the type of interview adopted during the recruitment process.
  8. Legal Issues in the Traditional Workplace
    The opponents of the requirement stated in the article that the requirement to have the average pay for the employees compared to the executive pay might not be one of the measures.
  9. Foreign Trade Zone: Legal Issues and Implications
    Unlike the previous regulations, the reviewed regulation of 2012 dictates that an applicant of the FTZ tariffs must specify business activities within the FTZ.
  10. Ethical, Legal and Societal Issues of Information Technology Systems
    In a surprising turn of events, the investigations by the military concluded that the military personnel involved in the shooting acted according to the law of armed conflict and rules of engagement.
  11. Some Legal Issues in Australia: Gideon Goal Case
    In case the hotel is not able to substantiate their claim that they had agreed with the Goal on the use of his image in advertisement then it can be sued for a breach of […]
  12. Responding to Legal and Ethical Issues
    The counselor assumes the emotions and feelings of the client and provides counseling according to the perceived feelings. To achieve this, the counselor shall inform the client of the need to disclose the situation to […]
  13. Legal and Ethical Issues in IT
    The fact that technology keeps changing adds to the complexity of the ethical and legal issues surrounding information technology. One of the most significant ethical issues in information technology is that of appropriate use.
  14. Legal and Ethical Issues that Students Should Understand
    Additionally, in a period of ethical lapses, moral and values uncertainty, selfishness of the free market economy and scandals connected to greed and unethical behaviors in organizations, business schools, as the main source of future […]
  15. Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Sociological, Legal, and Organizational Issues
    Hence, one of the key reasons for women’s discrimination in the workplace is the result of the relationships between the women and the male colleagues, which can be defined as the result of the inability […]
  16. DoubleClick Inc. Legal, Ethical, and Regulatory Issues
    Through this, the company can precisely pinpoint the time and date the user saw the advert without the consent of the user.
  17. TaskRabbit: Cutting-Edge Technology Legal Issues
    According to Figueroa, task details an inputted by the service beneficiary may include exact location for easy delivery of goods and services; a timeframe within which the task should be carried out and the service […]
  18. Criminal Evidence and Legal Issues
    The privilege can be retained by the accused who decides to take the stand in case if the evidence he/she gives is not related to the crime.
  19. Healthcare and Legal Issues: Containment Policies and Its Rates of Efficiency
    More to the point, the people in the given area will be unable to acquire information concerning the current status of the disease and the existing treatment methods.
  20. Abnormal Psychology: Legal Issues and Licensing
    The report focuses on the legal issues related to the licensed and unlicensed professionals in the field of abnormal psychology. Those who are in the field of abnormal psychology are mainly interested in investigating behavior […]
  21. Legal Issues: Wal-Mart’s Employee Compensation System
    On the other hand, the Equal Pay Act and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act were enacted as a way of reacting to a number of the United States Court’s rulings, undermining the rights […]
  22. Legal and Ethical Issues in Business: Drug Use and Privacy
    The issue of drug testing among the employees should define in contextual terms and, therefore, it does not often relate to the privacy issues.
  23. Legal and Ethical Issues in Business
    In particular, the Commission accused Bristol-Myers of a series of anticompetitive activities leading to a decline in generic competition and to a promotion of Bristol’s new drug products.
  24. AT&T Company Legal Issues
    The first function of job description is that the description gives a detailed explanation on the skills and the competencies that are necessary for easier execution of the tasks and production of the expected results.
  25. Employment Termination: Legal Issues and Reasoning
    Despite the fact that the employer is an “at will” employer and does not require drawing an employment contract, the job offer letter he issued the plaintiff in this case became the contract the moment […]
  26. Legal Issues of Zoom Car Company
    In this case, the defendant contributed to the plaintiff’s loss by selling a car with faulty dashboard compass to the plaintiff.
  27. Data Storage: Ethical and Legal Issues in Terms of Management
    Illegal access of information over the internet can arguably be said to be the most disturbing and biggest challenge that has come along with the internet.
  28. Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing Setting
    In contrast to the patient’s interest, the physician, the nurse and the parents acted in beneficence. The action of beneficence is an ethical aspect that requires nurses to act in the interest of the patient.
  29. Legal & Ethical Issues in Global Business: Shell and Topshop
    In this case analysis, we shall analyze Shell Company in USA, as one of the largest oil producing and importing company at international level and this will be compared to Topshop Company in the United […]

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"104 Legal Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 28 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/legal-issues-essay-topics/.


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IvyPanda. 2024. "104 Legal Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/legal-issues-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "104 Legal Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/legal-issues-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "104 Legal Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/legal-issues-essay-topics/.

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