On this page, see Islamic essay topics for a variety of tasks. Anything from challenging titles to simple issues to talk about – find something that suits your assignment!
- 🕌 Islamic Topics — TOP 10
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Majoring in Islamic studies? Interested in the discussion around religion? Simply got an assignment related to it? We’ve got you covered! Below, check a list of Islamic topics for presentations, essays, research papers, speeches, and more. Our team has gathered unique ideas on numerous questions and Islamic topics you may enjoy.
🕌 Islamic Topics — TOP 10
- Judaism, Islam and Christianity: Differences and Similarities
- Ramadan: The Islamic Sacred Event
- Islamophobia and Its Effects
- How Are the Ten Commandments and the Five Pillars of Wisdom Similar?
- The Five Pillars of Islam: Foundation of Muslim Life
- Difference Between Islam and Christianity Essay
- Role of Women in Islam
- Sorcery in Islam, Its Types and Penalty
- The Holy Month of Ramadan in Islam
- Islamic Architecture: Al-Masjid Al-Haram, Ka’aba, Makka
🗣️ Topics in Islam to Talk About
Islam is a vast topic offering a comprehensive view of the world and man’s place in it. The richness and depth of Islamic teachings can interest not only those who practice it but also those who simply want to learn more.
Differences between Islam and Christianity
Islam emphasizes one God, Allah, and considers Muhammad the final prophet. In contrast, Christians believe in the Trinity — God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit — and view Jesus as the Son of God and Savior. While Christians strive to unite their churches for global efforts against poverty and injustice, Islam’s core mission is to establish social justice for the marginalized and vulnerable members of society.
Adam and Eve in Islam
According to Islam, Adam and Eve succumbed to temptation and tasted the forbidden fruit. However, in contrast to Christianity, this resulted in their descent to Earth, not as punishment, but as a new chapter. Islam does not hold the concept of Original Sin, so both Adam and Eve repented and were forgiven by Allah. This story reminds us that every human being has free will.
Media Effect on Islam as a Religion
Media depictions of Islam are often unfavorable. They link this religion to violence and terrorism, negatively influencing public attitudes toward Muslims. This one-sided approach promotes Islamophobia and a distorted understanding of Muslim culture and religion. However, the media can also be a driving force for raising awareness of Islamic teachings, principles, and traditions.
What Are the Tough Questions about Islam?
Tough questions about Islam often arise around how Sharia law is interpreted, notably when it comes to human rights, gender equality, and the treatment of non-Muslims. Debates frequently center on the relationship between Islam and political violence since radicals may exploit Islamic texts to justify terrorism. Furthermore, integrating Islamic rituals into secular societies creates significant questions about religious freedom, cultural identity, and societal standards.
Mental Health in Islam
Islam prioritizes its followers’ mental and emotional well-being, employing psychological concepts through the prism of spirituality. Moreover, the Qur’an guides those experiencing emotional difficulties and seeks to lead people to a meaningful lifestyle. This emphasis on inner peace translates into a more balanced and fulfilling life for Muslims.
Women’s Rights in Islam
Islamic teachings provide a framework for women’s rights, outlining their roles and freedoms in social, economic, and family life. However, different interpretations and cultural practices can create a gap between teachings and reality, which leads to limitations for women in some societies. Modern reforms within Islam aim to bridge this gap by empowering women and embracing contemporary human rights ideals.
🏆 Best Islam Topic Ideas & Essay Examples
- The Mu’tazilites and the Ash’arites Islamic SchoolsIt was established that the meanings of the second-order were to be found in Qur’an. In contrast with the Ash’arites, the Mu’tazilites refused to approach the verses of the Qur’an in a literal manner.
- Abrahamic Religions: Judaism, Christianity, IslamThe three religions believe that, God’s communication to His people is made through prophets as illustrated in the holy books for the three religions, with Christianity, Judaism, and Islam believing in holy bible, Torah and […]
- Life After Death: Christianity and Islam PerspectivesThe afterlife, or the resurrection, is the purpose of most religions. This is the question we ask when we talk of the afterlife and the resurrection.
- Christianity and Islam in the “Kingdom of Heaven”The director pictures their respective contributions in the making of the present ‘history of religions.’ A good number of instances in the film appear historically accurate.
- Religion: IslamMuslims believe that Islam came from God and the prophet Mohammad is the last prophet; in the religion, there is a lot of emphasis on the meaning the religion, this portrays the religion as a […]
- Position of Women in IslamOn the contrary, Islamic women are confident that the veil signified their rejection of the modern value system, while Islam elevates women to the position of respect and honor.
- The Rise and Evolution of the World of IslamProphet Muhammad, who was was born and raised in Mecca, started spreading the teachings of Islam in Saudi Arabia and this marked the origin of Islam.
- Islam and Christianity: A Comparative AnalysisChristianity and Islam have one of the main ways of the attitude and worldviews of God. Henceforth, for the Christian religion, there is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who form the concept […]
- The Islamic Contribution to PhilosophyThis paper will examine the works and ideas of the prominent Islamic thinkers, the sources of classical or early Islam Philosophy.
- The Islamic Golden AgeThe paper will highlight some of the accomplishments made by famous Muslim scientists in order to underscore the contribution of Islam to science. The House of Wisdom contributed to the advancement of research efforts by […]
- The Spread of Christianity and IslamThe former was first developed in the 1st century CE by Jesus of Nazareth, while Islam dates back to approximately the 7th century with the help of the prophet Muhammad.
- Golden Age of Islam: Inventions and Success in ScienceThe achievements of the Muslim technology and science contributed to the development of the Western society and helped Europe come out of the Dark Ages.
- Christianity and Islam: The Attitude Toward WealthThe Bible is the main source of understanding Christianity and its concepts. In this part of the Bible, God is not viewed as someone who takes the side of the poor and regards attempts to […]
- Islamic Society and BeliefsReligion is a system of faith that is based on the belief in a god and the subsequent worship of the god.
- Media Effect on Islam as a ReligionThe stereotyping of the Islamic religion as a religion of violence and terror in the whole world is due to the misrepresentation by the media.
- Islam as a Complex and Dynamic Religion: Shia and Sunni Muslims‘Islam is a religion that has significantly influenced the history of the world and in the future, its impact will not decline. Therefore, during the time of Muhammad, Islam was one of the factors that […]
- Religion Impact on Morality in Christianity and IslamThe fact that discussion still goes on testifies to the importance and complexity of the issue rather than the lack of effort in clarifying it.
- Islamic Economic System and Socialism ComparisonAs to the philosophy division, Karl Marx based his exploration on the dialectical theory of Hegel, and with the abandonment of the idealistic views, introduced the theory of materialism.
- Polygamy in IslamMuslim men in polygamous marriages should be kind to their women. Nonetheless, many Muslim men are unable to comply with the rules of Islamic polygamy.
- Islamic Culture and CivilizationIn such a way, the objective of this paper is to analyze the crucial milestones of Islamic culture and civilization in relations to its achievements in the fields of both sciences and humanities.
- The Major World Religions: Islam and ChristianityThe relevance of Jesus Christ in Christianity and Islam also proves to be a major area of divergence in the two religions.
- The Conditions of Hindu and Islamic Women in Medieval IndiaSimilarities of Hindu and Muslim Women in Medieval India The political involvement of both Hindu and Muslim women is a common feature they shared in the medieval period. Differences of Hindu and Muslim Women in […]
- The Economical System in IslamIslam recognizes that humans must undertake various economic activities to survive in a competitive society where resources are limited.
- The Islam’s Six DimensionsAccording to Dien, the calligraphy of the Quran and the various rituals which are told to be put forwarded by Muhammad have been crucial for the spread of Islam to many parts of the world.
- Positive Impact of Islamic Art on SocietyIts impact of social and cultural development of the Islamic World and other cultures can be considered to be positive because it has introduced uniqueness, originality, and unity of Islamic culture, architecture, media and politics.
- Calligraphy Inscription in Islamic Architecture and ArtIn this paper, the focus is made on the history and use of calligraphy as a form of Islamic architecture in the Timurid and its contemporary development.
- Prophethood and the Making of Islamic Historical IdentityThese doctrines of the Qur’an provided a chronology of events to show Muhammad and his followers the true way to God as well as reveal to them the stories of earlier prophets to whom God […]
- Theology, Philosophy and Science in Islamic CivilizationIn conclusion, it is evident that there was coexistence between theology, philosophy and science in the making of the Islamic civilization.
- The Al-Hijab in Islamic LawHijab is a term that describes both the styles of dressing that are defined by the Muslim doctrines and also the traditional covering of the head usually worn by the Muslim women.
- Islam: Orthodoxy or Orthopraxy?The primary goal of the research is to find out whether Islam is orthodoxy or orthopraxy, comparing it to Christianity and exploring the pillars of both religions.
- Significance of the veil in IslamMoreover, the veil has gained massive popularity among Arab countries, as almost all women cover their faces.[1] While this is the case, some communities around the world view the use of the Islam veil as […]
- Islam Religion Fundamental BeliefsIn addition, the adherents of Islam are guided by the religious obligations which are outlined in the Five Pillars of Islam.
- The Causes of the Islamic Civil WarThe power was passed from father and son, and the Quraish of the Hashemites handed power to the Umayyads after the murder of Muttalib.
- The Rituals in IslamLife of a child is sacred in this faith and abortion is not allowed unless the life of the mother is in danger.
- “Speaking in God’s Name: Islamic law, Authority and Women” by Khaled Abou El FadlThe author discusses the concept of an authoritative being in Islamic law by examining the idea of the existence of Divine sovereignty, the function of compliance in the creation of authority, and the purpose of […]
- Christianity and Islam: Service to God and AfterlifeThe structure of this paper analyzes the service to God and the perception of the afterlife, as highlights of the differences and similarities about the Christian and Islamic perceptions of life.
- Islamic Architectural DesignSome of these factors include the climate, the culture and religion of the people and the building materials that are available.
- Muqarnas in Islamic ArchitectureThe analysis of Bahri Mamluk muqarnas gives a general understanding of geometrical analytic and techniques of the erection of muqarnas configurations.
- Sperm Donation and Surrogacy in Islam and ChristianityThe baby at birth, therefore, is genetically identical to the intended parents than the surrogate mother, as opposed to traditionally surrogacy where the baby bears attributes of the surrogate mother and biological father. This is […]
- Misconceptions about Islamic ReligionThe interview led to the realization that not all Muslims are terrorists and violent but others do such acts in self-defense and this is by their sacred law.
👍 Good Essay Topics on Islam
- Meaning of Life from Islamic Point of ViewIn reference to Hines, the understanding of what life is defines the purpose of living it. The aim of the current research is to investigate the meaning of life according to the Islamic faith.
- Islam and Christianity Impacts on the Medieval WorldThis paper highlights the impact of both religions on the medieval world by showing that the influence of Islam on Medieval Europe was stronger than the influence of Christianity in medieval Asia.
- Islamic Scholars: Hassan-Al–Banna and Yusuf-Al–QaradawiThis article seeks to highlight on the solutions and suggestions offered by the two leaders in relation to the political crises that affected Muslims during the 20th century.
- Islamic Theology and PhilosophyThese religions have fundamental differences in their approach to Allah, to the destiny of man, and the position of man in the world, to the sin, good, and evil, to the Judgment day and the […]
- The Rise and Fall of the Islamic SpainThis paper intends to explain the rise and fall of the Islamic Spain with a particular emphasis on the importance of Spain to the world civilisation.
- Famous People Who Converted to IslamIn essence, Ali’s conversion gave him a sense of control and he was determined to fight for his beliefs even if it meant being imprisoned.
- Islamic Modernism and Its CultureModernists reforms aimed to deal with aspects relating to the law of evidence, modern education, the status of women in the society, right of Muslim to have independent thinking and rationality, constitutional reforms, the nature […]
- Healthcare for Elderly People in Islamic CountriesThat is why the specialists devoted a large part of their time to work with people who are in charge of care delivery to teach and train them how to deal with such symptoms.
- History of the Islamic CivilizationThe age of Islamic civilization started when Muslim conquests led to the establishment of the Caliphate, or Islamic Empire, during the 8th to 10th century.
- Calligraphy as Fundamental Element of Islamic and Chinese ArtCalligraphy In- script in Islamic culture has been varied in the sense that it has been instrumental in shaping the Quran, mosques and palaces.
- Islamic Art Patterns: Emirati Architecture IdentityArt historians, critics, and experts studying the matter seek to grasp the patterns’ meanings and the philosophy of the artists. It filled the Art with the holy spirit of the Koran.
- Spreading the Message of Islam Beyond Arabia: The Goal of the Prophet MuhammadProphet Muhammad always employed war, in order for him to achieve his goal in spreading Islamic faith, to the people who did not want to embrace the new faith of Islam.
- Importance of Fatwa in Islamic JurisprudenceDue to the important role of Fatwa in shaping peoples conduct and bringing human action into the sphere of fiqh, Fatwas will always remain a significant influence in the development of Islamic law and jurisprudence.
- Islam History: 7th and 8th CenturiesFollowing the death of Mohammed, the Muslim conducted a historical campaign which led to confrontation of the Arab warriors by two powerful empires, that is, the Byzantine and Sasanian Persian.
- Comparison of Christianity and IslamChristianity is one of the many religious groups in the history of humanity and many believers in the US are affiliated to Christianity.
- Comparing Judaism and IslamMost common to the practices and traditions of the two religions is the “aspects of ritual purity, the practice of fasting, and the presence of dietary laws”.
- Brief Summary about IslamIn fact, Islam is the name given to the religion while Muslim is used to refer to its followers. It is also the duty of Muslims to give alms to the poor and strive in […]
- Life Within Marriage: Sunni Islam vs. Orthodox ChurchIn many Orthodox churches, marriage is positioned strictly as the union of a man and a woman. Usually, the ritual is performed in a church with the participation of friends and relatives.
- Islam in West AfricaTo understand the nature and impact of contemporary relationships between politics and religion in the region, it is important to consider the effects of European colonial rule in the nineteenth century.
- E-Sale Contract From an Islamic PerspectiveThe current research report is a comprehensive study that involves a thorough study of the objectives and rules about the formation of the e-sale contract.
- Islam: The Status of Women AnalysisThe status of women in Islam has often been misinterpreted by the Western world, however, one only needs to read the Islamic texts as well as examine the history of women in the Muslim world […]
- Islam and Racism: Malcolm X’s Letter From MeccaMalcolm’s experience of the pilgrimage has made him believe that real unity and understanding actually can exist between people regardless of their country of birth, the color of skin, or the language they speak.
- Dubai Islamic Bank’s Ratio Analysis for 2012-2017Here, different financial ratios of this bank will be presented by rearranging and simplifying the data from the financial statement of DIB group and the analysis will be done by creating relationship among the information […]
- “McJihad: Islam in the U.S. Global Order” by MitchellIn particular, the author explained the importance of what is known as the system of scarcity that is responsible for the stability of prices and the balance in the oil industry.
- Technology in the Islamic Golden AgeIn this paper, the author focused on this period to analyze the whole element of the Golden Age. In addition, the author focused on the actual technological advancements of the period.
- Harmony Between Islam and Muslims: How Non-muslims Can Live in Harmony With MuslimsThey are made to believe that any person who is not a Muslim is an enemy of the Muslims and must be dealt with ruthlessly.
- Secularism, Pluralism and Modernity in IslamTherefore, the interpretation of both religion and secularism has a bearing on the compatibility of the two given that they are dynamic in nature.
- Shia Islam – Religious StudiesRashidun Caliphate is the term used in Islam to refer to the first four leaders that came after the death of Prophet Mohammed.
- Religious Extremism and IslamThe horrors of the September 11 event awaken the people around the world on the power of religion to kill and maim innocent civilians. It is the duty of the religious extremists to persuade the […]
- Comparison Between Islamic Story of Creation and Bing Bang TheoryIn the ‘big bang’ theory of creation, scientists believe that the universe keeps on expanding with time as a result of the big bang that took place 13-15 billion years ago. The similarity between the […]
- Islam and the Qur’anIt is imperative to note that the Qur’an continues to inspire the lives of many Muslims. The biggest factor however is that the Qur’an is a book full of ayets and quotes that make those […]
- The Five Pillars of IslamThe five tenets of Islam guide the faithful not to waver in their obedience to Allah. The Five Pillars of Islam are used to emphasize unity among the faithful and act in one voice.
- Islam and Christianity: Influence on LeadershipThe purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the contribution of Islam and Christianity to change leadership. The concept of punishment is present in Christianity and Islam and is related to the idea […]
- Islamic Belief Is ComprehensiveThe central theme of Islam as carried in all beliefs is peaceful co-existence and respect for other people’s religion.
- Comparison of Islam and Hinduism: Core Beliefs and the Perception of the Central Problem of HumanityThe goal of the Mulsims’ life is to follow the Five Pillars and regularly pray to Allah. The continuous cycle of death and rebirths in Hinduism is opposed to a single life of devotion in […]
- Project Finance From the Islamic PerspectiveThe most frequently used descriptions of project financing lay emphasis on the performance capacity in an economic unit or project, the needs and choices of the debt contributors in funding the building and running of […]
- Time Value of Money From an Islamic PerspectiveIslamic scholars say that the time value of money and the interest rates imposed on money lent are the reasons why the poor keep on getting poor and the rich richer.
- Islamic and Finance Derivatives DistinctionAnother distinct difference between Bai Salam and forward derivatives is that under Bai Salam, there is a fixed time and place of delivery as a provision of the derivative while in contemporary financial derivatives, this […]
- Opposing Islam and Modernity From a Sociological PerspectiveThe way individuals perceive the world and the type of decisions they make depend on the rules, values, and objectives of the existing society.
- Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in IslamThe dressing is an argumentative topic in the analysis of gender and sexuality issues in Islam, and it brings out a better understanding of various concepts in the foundations of the Muslim community.
🥇 Interesting Topics to Write about Islam
- Women and Gender in Islam by Leila AhmedFatma: Well, I am proud to be a Muslim woman in the society and have no issues with being in a hijab.
- Miracles in Islam and Historical ActsThe Quran is believed to be a miracle of miracles as it is considered to be a creation of the supreme maker, Allah. The Quran is believed to have remained the same and constant since […]
- Islamic Faith and Ritual PracticeIn the Islamic faith, rituals, known in their religion as ibadat, meaning acts of obedience, service, and worship to God, form the foundation on which the whole faith is anchored.
- The Nature and Essence of IslamThe main principle of foundation in Islam is iman, submission to God is the principle of Islam, the after life exists and the goal of the world life is to attain the afterlife.
- Umayyad Dynasty and Islamic ExpansionCertainly, the changes in the political and economic worldview were the inevitable consequence of these conquests, but beyond that, the caliphate succeeded not to surrender to the growing external dangers and did not fail to […]
- Islam Origin and ExpansionThe past life in the Arab environment and the way of life of the people influenced the formation of Islam since the customary norms of the society in the Western Arabia was a basis for […]
- Pre Islamic Oral PoetryThis discussion will look at pre-Islamic poetry, its history, some of the famous people who were skilled at the art of oral poetry, analyze the poetry, oral poetry competitions used in the city of Medina, […]
- Abbasid Era in the History of the Islamic WorldThe Abbasids rule could be considered one of the turning points in the history of the Islamic world. Powerful Caliphs initiated the rise of industry and the agricultural sector to guarantee the stability and growth […]
- Islamic Treaties of Medina and NajranThis situation led to the Treaty of Medina, which was ratified by non-Muslims, including Arabs, the Jews of Medina, and the Muslim communities.
- Islamic Art in AfricaThe question of what it entails to be Hausa is briefly addressed to uncover the dynamic nature of Hausa culture and the religion that plays the main role. The study of the Hausa art offers […]
- World Religions: Islam and Baha’iMasumian notes that the Baha’i concept of heaven and hell is in relation to the closeness or detachment from God. In contrast to this, the Baha’i faith declares that there is oneness of God and […]
- Islamic Faith: Teachings and PracticesAhmed elaborates that Muslims in Middle East, India and Pakistan are keen and aware of the distinctions between the two factions.
- “Islam, A Short History” by Karen ArmstrongArmstrong demonstrates political and religious history of the Muslim world, starting with the Koran revelation to Muhammad in 610 AD through to the present days.
- Analysis of Hadith in IslamThe validity of such statements is of great importance to Islamic historians who pay close attention to their transmission of Hadith.
- Islamic Religion and Its Influence on the SocietyThe objective of this paper is to understand Islam as a religion, the way it affects its followers and the way in which its followers view the world in general.
- Fatima Mernissi about the Women’s Way of Life in IslamIronically, about 50% of the voters are women but they refrain from taking up the offices due to the misunderstanding of the holy books and fear of rejection from the society especially men who are […]
- Islamic Gardens: Taj Mahal and AlhambraA canal is constructed at the front in a manner so that a reflection of the mausoleum can be seen in the water.
- Islamic State (ISIS): History, Brand Evolution, and Global ThreatsThe Islamist army of the Islamic State, known by the acronym ISIS, has quickly become popular in the Near and Middle East and parts of North Africa.
- Qur’anic Interpretation in Islamic TraditionThus, the paper aims to discuss the interpretation of the Qur’an. It is crucial to comprehend the scope and application of Qur’anic verses and how Muslims interpret them.
- Islamic Principles in Contemporary Art: Murata’s Book and Knight’s PaintingAn attempt is made to consider the Islamic world and its principles in the book “The Vision of Islam”. The author’s main areas of concentration are the four facets of Islam, such as practice, religion, […]
- The Nexus of Islamic Spirituality and Mental HealthIn the end, the many aspects of a person’s psychological well-being are intertwined and contribute to that person’s total quality of life.
- Islam: The Unifying Role in Early Arab CivilizationsIslam not only played a unifying and civilizing role in the destinies of the Arabs, it, along with other factors, but also led to the emergence of a gigantic Islamic world. Islam played a massive […]
- Islam’s Impact on West African CountriesThat was important for the spread of Islam in West Africa, as it provided the people with a much deeper understanding of the religion and its teachings.
- Emergence of Islam in the Middle EastFollowing one of the popular versions, Islam emerged because of the unique cultural peculiarities of the area and spread to the Middle East through the conversion, which implied a missionary mission, prolonged interaction, and formation […]
- Justice Through Both Lenses: Conceptions of Justice From Earliest History to IslamHowever, justice can be analyzed through the lenses of assumptions made by these philosophers, who share certain similarities and yet tend to be opposite in beliefs due to the extent to which the masses are […]
- Islamophobia – Major Causes and EffectsIslamophobia refers to prejudice, fear, or hatred against Muslims. It originated during the 1900s but its modern use began in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
- Why Christianity and Islam Are Persistent World ReligionsChristianity and Islam are persistent religions of the world because of the high fertility rate, age, and location of the adherents, most of whom are in developing countries.
- Islamic Civilization and Culture: The 7th CenturyThe 7th Century marked the beginning of the implementation of trade and tax measures as defining elements of the Muslim state as the centralized empire began its transformation into a nominal confederation.
- Islamic Religion in Western and Arabic CinemaWhile both adhere to historical notions, the purpose of the film may be steered according to the religious leanings of the writers, directors, and other decision-making personnel within a film’s production.
- Western Ideology vs. Political Islam in TurkeyThe ashes of the Ottoman Empire led to the organization of the modern Republic of Turkey on October 29, 1923. The end of the Cold War in the new millennium led to the reasoning of […]
- A Christian Organization Serving in an Islamic ContextEach of the five pillars of Islam serves a different purpose that strengthens the beliefs of the Muslims. The Shahada is expressed through the Tawhid prayer, “no god but God”, asserting the unity of God […]
- Islamic Patients in African CommunityWhen interviewing a patient, a nurse must be mindful not only of the things that concern the patient’s health directly but also of the cultural aspects that are associated with the patient.
- Islamic Worldview Analysis and Comparison With ChristianityThe prophet Isaiah in the Old Testament reckons that the sins of men separate between humanity and God and causes God to hide his face from humankind, not God’s transcendence.
- Campaign Against Islamic State of Iraq and Al-ShamThe citizens of this state must live according to sharia – the norms fixed in the Koran and the Sunnah. The Islamic State, on the other hand, has proved the ability to carry out a […]
- Islamic State of Iraq and Syria from Wood’s and Dagli’s PerspectivesIn terms of ISIS and Islamic representation, Wood believed that ISIS represented a fringe movement within Islam that does not reflect the religious teachings.
- Analysis of the “Inside Islam” VideoFor example, I have learned that, contrary to the common perceptions of the Sharia law, this concept is seen by the majority of Muslims as the rule of law based on the Islamic values.
- Value and Sexuality of Women in Christianity and IslamThis essay will explain the value and sexuality of women in the Islamic religion compared to Christianity. This essay will answer the question: is it true that women in Christianity and Islamic religions are devalued?
- Dreaming in Christianity and IslamIndeed, I was influenced mainly by the studies that explained this phenomenon from the point of continuous activity of people’s minds that processes daily routine during the night.
- The Islamic Brotherhood and Japanese Red Army MovementsThe influence of the Brotherhood was witnessed when it rallied a lot of support for the 1936 Arab Revolt in Palestine, which targeted to overthrow the British administration.
- Taqiya and Mut’ah in Islam: The Legal Status of Mut’ah Marriage in IndonesiaIt is essentially a temporary contract marriage, in which a man and a woman agree to assume the roles of husband and wife for a limited period.
🎓 Simple & Easy Islamic Topics to Talk About
- Aspects of Christianity and IslamChristianity is one of the popular religions in the modern world, but at the very beginning of its development, it was few and persecuted.
- The Main Topic of the “Islam” Book by Jamal J. EliasThe main topic to which the author devotes the book is the world religion of Islam and the peculiarities of the life of a Muslim.
- Christianity and Islam: The Concept of GodhoodThe key underlying difference lies in the fact that Christians believe in Jesus embodying both divine and human forms, which makes him both God and human.
- Religious Symbols and Rituals in Christianity and IslamThe symbols of light and the Sun are ever-present in Christianity, manifesting hope, wisdom, and purity. In this regard, one should remain reverent with Christ’s teachings and the light of Christianity.
- Architeture and Function in Buddhism, Christianity, and Islamic ReligionIn Buddhism religion, various architectural structures like Stupas which are oldest in Buddhism and Pagodas which are major form of architectural structures in Buddhism have been used for long time up to date.
- Self-Martyrdom in Islam: JihadWhile Muslims try to submit and be committed to Allah, they base Jihad actions on the Tawhid doctrine and they act in unity to accomplish the command as well as the will of Allah.
- Representation of Muslims and Islam in Western MediaThe racialization is arguably the result of how the media represents the religion in light of the several terror attacks conducted by extreme Muslim groups.
- Wisdom and Longing in Islam’s ReligionThe problem of terrorism and the associated inadequate perception of Islam in the world is a growing concern. In particular, this perception is associated with the activities of members of radical organizations performing acts of […]
- Discussion of Wisdom and Longing in IslamIn other words, adequate knowledge is a critical factor that can reduce the problem of extremist Islamic groups because it lasts for generations and provides answers to people’s questions.
- Islamophobia and Its Impacts on British Muslims After 7/7Another objective is to understand what Islamophobia comprises and how it functions in the societal context and theoretical propositions about approaches to preclude and eradicate Islamophobia.
- Effects of Islamic Civilization: Asia and AfricaThe Battle of Talas in 751 between the Abbasid Caliphate and the Chinese Tang Dynasty for control of Central Asia was the turning point initiating mass conversion into Islam in the region.
- Sacred Tales of Judaism, Christianity, and IslamIn addition, all prophets carry the same message, since a miracle is intended to show people the power of the Lord and help them find faith in him. Although some details, such as the amount […]
- Islamic Civilization and the Development of AstronomyGet this: In the formation of the heavens and the world; in the night and day variation; in the voyage of ships around the globe for the sake of humanity; in the rain that Allah […]
- Islam Akhun and His Relationship With Aurel Stein in the Silk RoadIslam’s creativity was clear from the counterfeits and the ornate particulars he provided on the circumstances and provenance. This paper explores the history of Islam Akhun in the Silk Road and his relationship with Aurel […]
- Researching of Islam and PoliticsIs this the type of justice described in the Holy Quran? No. Our Lord is the Most Gracious, Whose Help is to be sought against that which you attribute!
- The Islam Ideology and PoliticsThis is not depicted in the Sharia law, the sacred law that is the foundation of Islam to which the nation attributes its leadership and governance.
- Islam and Politics: Qaddafi’s IdeologyQaddafi’s ideology towards the resolution of the problem of democracy was not a success because the various levels of freedom aimed at fostering expression of oneself and not of the society.
- Human Rights in Islam and WestInstead, it would stick to drafting standards and stay out of the actual developments and problems of the Stalinist Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and its colonies, and the segregationist United States and other powers […]
- Islam, the Ottoman Empire and the Middle East: Dissipating of the MisconceptionsIn the first page Lockman relates that in the past the ‘engagements’ we have had with the Middle East has resulted in essence in 11 September 2001.the culmination, he says of 6 decades of US […]
- Islamic and Traditional Finance in MalaysiaObjective: parallel operation of the Malaysian Islamic financial system and Malaysia’s conventional financial system. Relevant institutions: International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance and Islamic Banking and Finance Institute of Malaysia.
- Murabahah, an Islamic Financing ProductNormally it involves a transaction which the seller identifies the cost of the product to be sold and therefore the seller agrees to sell to another person where the seller in this case adds up […]
- Islam and Judaism in Quran Sura 5 “The Table”It allows comparing and contrasting Islam and old Jewish traditions.”The Table” provides the reader with a detailed description of the two religions and highlights the major differences between them in different periods of their existence.
- Women in Islam: Some Rights, No EqualityNotwithstanding the principles of equality of men and women in Islamic tradition, women’s low status should be attributed not to the ideals set in the Quran but to the cultural norms of the patriarchal society.
- The Essence of the Islamic Banking SystemRiba of the Quran is called Riba An-Nasiyah and riba of the of Sunnah is called Riba Al Fadl. In the context of Islamic banking system, gharar is excessive uncertainty.
- Researching Islamic Bond (Sukuk)The key objective of this report is to describe the history of the Islamic capital market and this report focuses on the history of the Sukuk market, general principles of Sukuk, Secondary Market of Sukuk, […]
- The Islamic Mutual FundsIt is a requirement that a minimum of 1000 Euros is maintained otherwise the fund manager has the authority to redeem the investors units on the next subscription day.
- The Islamic Capital MarketingIslamic capital marketing is one of the key players in the growth of Islamic financial institutions in the Muslim world. The origin of the Islamic capital market dates back in the 1970s and 1980s when […]
- Islamic Law and Financial ServicesThe roots of Islamic banking and finance are based on religion of Islam and include three elements: akhlaq, aqidah and sharia.
- The Contemporary Islamic FinanceOne is abiding by the Islamic laws, also called sharia and the second principle is prohibition of giving and receiving of interest, also called riba.
- Islamic Architecture: Environment and ClimateThe work of Erzen explains that the development of architectural styles and methods of innovation in the various regions of the world is often the result of responses to the natural environment.
- Islamic Banking in Dubai and the UAEIn an Islamic environment, the approach to financial operations such as the law of contracts, nature of property, interest rates and business transactions is quite different from the rest of the world.
- The Principles of Functioning of Islamic Financial InstitutionsThe Islamic financial service in the GCC utilizes the facilities of Islamic financial institutions to fund international trade through various ways as indicated below.
- Islamic Philosophy Related To Patient CareIf a patient dies, the family should be allowed to take care of the body according to the Islamic law. Therefore, the movement of the body to a laboratory for a postmortem is not pleasing […]
- Financial Risk Management in Islamic BankingAhmed defined Islamic financial as a system of finance based on principles of Islamic banking, and that operates under the ethics of Islamic teaching.
- Islamic Branding and Reputation ManagementHowever, the status of Islamic branding does not emerge from the interest and demand for Islamic commercial services; it stems from the weaknesses and gaps of conventional branding methods and their failure to appeal to […]
- Islamic Finance and Banking. Basic Islamic PrinciplesThe Islamic banks approach to lending is very unconventional in that the bank does not give out the loan to a borrower per se, but instead acquires the asset on behalf of the borrower who […]
- How Decency, Morality and Fairness Have Been Reflected in Islamic Commercial TransactionsBusiness ethics is a field of study that analyzes all the moral and ethical principles that govern the conduct of all the involved parties in commercial relations.
- Land Ownership and Development of Islamic Property LawThe rights to property and land in the Muslim world are affected not only by internal structure of the society but also by external forces which take the form of human rights organizations and development […]
- Islamic Marriage and DivorceThe family being the basic unit of a society which is also a principle in the Islamic society its genesis is the relationship between a husband and a wife.
- Information and Communication Technology & Economic Freedom in Islamic Middle Eastern CountriesThis is a unique article as it gives importance to the role ecommerce plays in the life of the educationists and students and urges that the administrators are given training to handle their students in […]
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- The Inclusion of Islam, Christianity and Judaism in Politics
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- Future of Islamic Finance
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- Reflection: The Concept of the “Islamic State”
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- The Battle of Tropical Islam: struggle for an Islamic Identity in Indonesia
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- Islam: History, Beliefs, and Practices
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- History of Crafting Islam
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- Daily life in the medieval Islamic world
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- Rise of Christianity in Europe and Islam in the Middle East
❓ Essay Questions about Islam
- How 11 September Changed Americans’ Views on Islam and Muslims?
- What Is the Relationship Between Islam and Religious Education in Turkey?
- Does Islam Deter Crime in a Secular Islamic Country?
- How Christianity and Islam Share Many of the Same Values?
- What Are the Fundamental Beliefs of Islam?
- Sufism: How Did Sufism Affect Islam and the World?
- Can Democracy and Islam Go Together?
- What Are the Rituals and Beliefs of Islam?
- What Are the Common Doctrines and Beliefs Between Christianity and Islam?
- Does Islam Promote Terrorism?
- What Does Indeed Unity Mean in Islam?
- What Is the Difference Between Islam and Catholicism?
- What Is the Historical Relationship Between Spain and Islam?
- Does Islam Cause Violence in the Middle East?
- Was Islam the Motivation for Ottoman Empire Expansion?
- Why Did Islam Spread So Quickly?
- What Are the Main Similarities and Differences Between Islam and Buddhism?
- What Are the Similarities and Differences Between Christianity, Islam, and Judaism?
- Does Violence Stem From Islam?
- Does the Media Correctly Portray Islam?
- What Are the Main Misconceptions About Islam?
- How Islam Survives Within Liberalism?
- Are Islam and Democratization Compatible?
- Why Has Islam Become So Popular Among Arabs?
- Are Islam and Democracy Compatible?
- Did Islam Spread Throughout Africa With the Use of Force?
- Has Political Islam Failed In Algeria?
- What Does Islam Say About Terrorism?
- Does Islam Need Reformation or Do Islamic Societies Need?
- How Did Islam Spread Following the Death of Muhammad?