The primary objective is to highlight the deplorable consequences of overpopulation and thereby persuade people not to overpopulate. In the past, poor people gave birth to a lot of children to make up for high [...]
Uncontrolled growth in the number of cities leads to the unchecked spread of pollution and the escalation of poverty. Atmospheric pollution is the most serious in cities, and its primary source is road transport, which [...]
Another supporting factor of limiting the number of children is that it allows for more resources to be dedicated to each child both within microenvironments of the family and the macro considerations of the national [...]
Urbanization is in most cases associated with the human movement from the rural to the urban areas. This is as a result of increased population in the rural areas in relation to the lands and [...]
Advances in industry and production provide clothes and items for the growing population to use, thus creating and maintaining a higher standard of living.
Therefore, the issue explored in this paper is the decrease of Earth's natural resources and capacity to produce food re decreasing, while the problem of hunger remains and the population continues to increase. 3% of [...]
This paper investigates the population problem in Pakistan by suggesting the possible reasons for the current population trends, the effects they have on the country, possible solutions to the prevailing population problems and future predictions [...]
The population crisis in China has become a global issue, owing to the numerous contributions that the country makes towards the activities of the international community.
"The Urban Climacteric", the first chapter of "The Planet of Slums," explores the population explosion in urban centers as a result of the migration of the global population towards urban centers.
The paper will look into the origin of the one child policy in china, its enforcement, reaction of the Chinese people towards the policy, effects that the policy has had in china as well as [...]
Predation is also another major factor since the carrying capacity changes with a change in the number of predators and thus the growth of the population is affected according to Campbell and Reece.
This paper investigates the causes of high population growth, determines the consequences of high population growth, suggests policy approaches that can be used to contain high population growth and examines the effectiveness of policies employed [...]
Engineering controls are practices and methods put in place in order to reduce the amount of noise released to the people working or living in a specific environment.
Mostly justified by resource scarcity and the increase in poverty rates, the specified concern has sparked ideas regarding population control as a response to the likely global emergency. As a result, trends from and unique [...]
Despite the various foundations of utilitarianism, it involves the association of actions based on the good will of the majority, hence the subjective nature to individualized domain.
Nevertheless, despite the legitimacy of the concerns raised over the slow availability of numerous resources and the seemingly drastic and steep increase in the number of people worldwide, the issue of overpopulation is likely to [...]
He concluded that there are only two sides in the dialogue regarding the issue the followers of optimistic Norman Borlaug, who could be called Wizards, and the fans of more pessimistic William Vogt, the could [...]
According to the official statement of the Bangladeshi authorities, the population growth rates have been reduced significantly after the introduction of the pro-choice opportunities and the promotion of family planning as the foundation for childbirth-related [...]
This has implications on the amount of waste that the earth will have to accommodate, the resources that it must provide to the human population, and the environmental damage it can tolerate.
Overpopulation presents a huge threat to the future of the planet, as the resources of the Earth seem to be at the breaking point because of their overexploitation caused by enormous rates of population increase.
According to the age projections published by the US Census Bureau, there will be a marked increase in the rate of change of population within the age group of 65 years and above.
In the article "Do not Expect a Quarantine Baby Boom," the author claims that the pandemic of coronavirus would not be the reason for the increase of the birth rate.
The population that is most impacted by the Ebola virus disease includes the residents with the lower socio-economic status of underdeveloped countries of West Africa.
Particularly, the proponents of fertility control support their position by the fact that the degrading environment is no longer able to provide for the needs of so many people, and with the duration of time [...]
They include tubal ligation that involves the cutting of the fallopian tube which supplies ova to the uterus for fertilization it can also be done on men through vasectomy which involves the cutting of the [...]
In order to achieve the latter it is important to understand that people have to reorganize the system of concentration of power by individuals and corporations, namely it is necessary to limit the power of [...]
Besides, it has a median age of 35 and is the economic hub of Australia, for example, out of the 54 banks operating in the continent, 44 have their headquarters in Sydney.
The essay through examples of the developing world and the developed world establishes the linkage between rapid urbanization and underdevelopment in both; the cities as well as the outlying peripheral areas.
His theory provided that ultimately the size of the population would reach a level whereby there would be a limit to the available resources and any subsequent increase in the number of people would cause [...]
As a result the overall mortality of women increases in the countries where legal abortions take place. The general point of view in decreasing the number of abortions is the use of contraceptives as a [...]
Based on the information presented, it can be seen that the current growth of the human population is unsustainable in the long run due to the finite resources on the planet.
There are several factors that contribute to this process; for instance, one can speak about the improvement of healthcare, increasing life expectancy, and the growing availability of food in various developing countries.
Mazur notes that the environmental crisis currently presents in our world is because of unsustainable systems of production and consumption, and women are on the front lines of the crisis.
In support of the motion that the global population is too large and that the United States and other industrialized countries should support active measures to control population growth in the developing world, it is [...]
Australia is one of the countries experiencing rapid population growth that tends to be a threat to the economy. The commonwealth seemed to have released their estimation of the 2020 population including that of Australia [...]
The issue of the living standards increases, in its turn, revolved around the rise in the number of immigrants in China that was due to the numerous job offerings.
However, if the death rate is minimal, meaning that the life expectancy of a particular population is high then, the population will increase. The first way of slowing population growth is by controlling the rate [...]
Nevertheless, most of the population trends that have transpired in the course of history have caught the world by surprise. One of the factors that have facilitated the fast population growth is the reversal in [...]
However, "while the proportion of people living in small cities is expected to decline, the million-plus cities accounting for about 40% of the total urban population in 2011 is expected to increase to 47% percent [...]
Survival for the fittest hypothesis: If the population is not controlled, the natural selection aspect will work efficiently to ensure that the best species of the human race survive.
This was a huge increase, especially in the light of the fact that the replenishment of natural resources consumed by the population takes ages, not to mention the fact that some resources, such as crude [...]
From a perspective of political economy, control of the population is a matter that is in the sphere of women, and thus they deserve to have right to their sexuality and reproduction.
In the UN 1994 strategy, the role of women in developing nations was to be changed. If the current rate of population growth in developing nations continues uninterrupted, the food produced will not be enough [...]
Since religious controversies often stand in the way of adopting birth-controlling strategies, which results in a number of people living beyond the poverty line, a reasonable compromise between the state policy on birth control and [...]
Interestingly, the increase in population in the two decades within a 1961-1981period is more or less equal to the increase in the subsequent three decades between 1981-'82 and 2010.
With this in mind, this paper shall set out to evaluate the impacts of overpopulation to the political, cultural, anthropological and economical perspectives to various economies and societies.
Pages: 7
Words: 2043
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