He is easy to talk to and compliments people all the time to gain their affection. He also has problems leaving his house and constantly is in the fear of the unknown.
People with this disorder need ample time to create their environment and avoid distrust and suspicion of others. They need little space to close relationships since their rigid and manipulated structure of working limits interaction […]
Apart from the dramatic and the entertaining aspect of this movie, it contains a psychological aspect and this is the major purpose of this paper; exploring the psychological disorders in the movie, giving their causes […]
However, the largest proportion of Muslims believes that there is a significant association of mental illnesses like bipolar disorder and evil spirits.
In the case of the nomogram assessment, EBA promotes the application of Bayesian strategies for evaluating the likelihood of a person having the condition.
According to Joan, her whole life from childhood has been accompanied by her overambitious to achieve in every task, her conscientious nature, never-making mistakes behavior, and her avoidance to indicate the presence of a mistake […]
From the neurobiological view, unregulated levels of serotonin, which is a chemical neurotransmitter of the brain, results to many of the obsessive disorders that are related to anxiety.
Autism is a serious disorder that has the potential to disrupt the success of people living with it. This is to mean that the theory of causation regarding autism is not complete as yet.
The case study will explore these characteristics by interviewing Chuck’s parent and an instructor to get a mix of dimensional and classification approaches for greater identification of ODD symptoms in the subject, whereas Chuck will […]
At the same time, the first reports of the disappearances of women began to emerge. In order to play the role of a good citizen, Theodore used deception, manipulation, and arrogance.
This paper mainly addresses some of the characteristics of OCD, what contribute it, the kind of people who are likely to attract the disease, types of treatment of the disorder, and how it affects a […]
Samuel, an 8-year-old black male, lives in an adopted white family consisting of the father, incarcerated for domestic violence charges, the mother, the primary caretaker and the only home provider, and the older sibling.
The patient expressed feeling tired of continuous treatment and regular hospitalizations and wanted to find the diagnosis that would allow her to take care of her child and get better.
Moreover, some forms of psychotherapy and medications have yielded results in treatment of BPD. It is estimated that co-morbidities occur in more than 85 percent of adults with BPD.
On the other hand, Dyssomnia relates to sleep disorders that develop as a result of lack of adequate sleep. In some cases, antidepressants have been used to cure sleep disorders that are as a result […]
Indulging oneself is one of the most conspicuous traits of Ignatius, which is also one of the major symptoms of antisocial personality disorder. Clearly, he is disrespectful to older people and the representatives of the […]
Parents have been identified as a source of this disorder in cases where they pamper their children to make them believe that the world revolves around them.
Also referred to as social phobia, social anxiety disorder is a psychological condition that is associated with the constant fear of surrounding social conditions.
Causes of insomnia can be classified into two; factors contributing to acute insomnia and chronic insomnia. Chronic insomnia can be as a result of emotional stress.
Yoda’s conversation with the apprentice raises a lot of concerns because his “fear of loss is a path to the Dark Side”. Anakin represents the exact opposite of Jedi morals, as his self-esteem is unstable […]
The second factor is a constituent of psychological perspective and refers to the cognitive model. It is an example of formal intervention used by Polly, which helps her to feel more confident in the circle […]
The main symptoms of bulimia include intermittent eating of enormous amounts of food to the point of stomach discomfort, abdominal pain, flatulence, constipation, and blood in the vomit due to irritation of the esophagus.
He reports dating a 38-year-old woman but describes it as “challenging” due to her being his superior at the company in which he works.Mr.S.has no children and does not plan to have one in the […]
Such symptoms as vomiting and diarrhea can signify a variety of conditions, and it is vital to collect more information about the patient to avoid making incorrect decisions.
It also discusses the symptoms associated with these disorders and the methods of treatment including social interventions. Abnormal working of the neurotransmitters or abnormalities in the brain leads to abnormal mental functioning and development.
Summarizing and evaluating the information that trusted journals have published on the topic of depression might help create a well-rounded review of the condition and the scientific community’s understanding of it.
Negative reinforcement occurs since the avoidance behavior leads to the avoidance of the discomfort of the anxiety, which is a desirable reward to the individual with anxiety disorder.
First developed by George Engel, a cardiologist, biopsychosocial approach to bipolar mental disorder suggests that a number of factors are interlinked in respect to the cause, progress and promotion of the condition. Effectiveness In biopsychosocial, […]
This essay aims at comparing the differences between the consequences of the condition to an individual and to a relationship. To an individual, the cost of antisocial behavior is long term.
Further, distinction of the Narcissistic personality disorder from Histrionic Personality Disorder lies in the fact that patients with this disorder may overstress the closeness of their relationship, while they are inclined to stress the “VIP” […]
This phenomenon is primarily brought on by circumstances of ongoing and protracted stress, which might involve bodily and mental abuse, alterations to the family, and in some cases, the death of relatives and friends.
According to Sayal et al, ADHD is common in young boys as it is easier to identify the problem. The disorder is well-known, and there is no struggle to identify the problem.
This aspect causes difficulties in prescribing therapy, since the latter requires a thorough study of the psychological nature of the problems. In the treatment of sexual aversion disorder, a doctor needs to investigate a complex […]
The author effectively proves that the development of anorexia nervosa may occur not only due to the exposure to the social pressure of beauty standards, but also the presence of a genetic predisposition.
As a result, the immune response activates the immune system that triggers the inflammatory process. However, clinicians suggest that changes in GI motility, psychosocial factors, and visceral hyperalgesia induce the pathophysiology of irritable bowel syndrome.
There is consequently congestion of blood in the veins in the lungs that further weaken the heart. When there is increased blood flow, the compensatory mechanism of the heart is increase in heart size and […]
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is the term used to refer to a mental condition in which a victim is too preoccupied with perfectionism, orderliness, and interpersonal and mental control, at the expense of efficiency, openness and […]
The patient’s diagnosis was determined two months ago, and her mental condition has improved due to medications and therapy. The patient has a master’s degree in education, and she claims to be stressed on a […]
PTSD was adopted by experts in the third revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders to replace terms like “shell shock, nervous shock, and combat fatigue” that described the response to traumatic […]
This is similar to the concept of phobias wherein a person is presented with an animal that he is irrationally afraid of and the result is fear or in the case of an inanimate object […]
For these criteria to be effective in diagnosing a child with ADHD, the following symptoms have to be present so that the child can be labelled as having ADHD; the child has to have had […]
Dissociative Disorders Dissociative disorders are a class of disorders that affect the normal functioning of individuals’ consciousness and acuity of their immediate environments, because of trauma.
However, due to limitation in scope, the rest of the chapter will explore anorexia nervosa by tracing the historical background of the condition, reviewing prevalence of the disorder in terms of gender, culture and geographical […]
It is in the final stage that a person comes to the realization that the addiction is more painful than pleasurable, but due to the addiction he or she cannot stop.
Some critics maintain that the condition is a work of fiction by the psychiatric and pharmacists who have taken advantage of distraught families’ attempts to comprehend the behaviour of their children to dramatise the condition.
Better still, if a person is identified as being in the process of developing BPD, he/she should be advised accordingly and facilitated to avoid developing the disorder.
The diagnosis of a substance use disorder is based on a pathological collection of behaviors associated with the substance’s usage, regardless of the substance in question.
There are close relations between some disorders, like Bipolar 1 and Cyclothymia, and clinicians must be kept to make a proper diagnosis to ensure treatment of the correct disease.
The American Psychiatric Association states the following as symptoms of DMDD in children: first, severe and recurring tantrums are displayed through yelling and physical aggression.
The primary focus of tins research is to illustrate specific environmental influences related to major depressive disorder by implementing the Public Health Exposome Model and, therefore, enhance a better understanding of factors that influence and […]
It has therefore been impossible to determine the level of increase in autism cases that is as a result of improved diagnostic measures and that which can be attributed to the real increase in autism […]
The treatment depends on the age of the individual and the reasons for communication. Stuttering problem interferes with speech and reduces fluency as witnessed in the case of Scott.
The activity details a targeted negative behavior that got reduced for the client with the aid of the worker, through a 6-week intervention phase, which is followed by a resulting conclusion.
The body types required for the models to have demand of them to maintain their body shape and sizes. The models influence on the teenagers is considered too great to cause eating disorders in them.
As the narration unravels, it becomes clear that the girl also shows signs of anorexia nervosa – a mental disorder distinguished by an unhealthy low weight and destructive dietary patterns. DSM-5 serves as the principal […]
The family will also be forced to use the best strategies in order to take care of the affected person. Members of the family and relatives should also acquire similar skills in order to interact […]
It upsets the balance of the body, and the restoration of it requires the calming down of the chemical reaction in the body, as well as the change in a person’s thinking.
Having laid the groundwork for the discussion, it is essential to look at the specific examples of how the psychological disorders are looked upon differently under the cultural context in the United States.
Finally, the paper explores the characteristics of dissociative identity disorder in order to provide a better understanding regarding the most effective diagnosis and treatment of dissociative identity disorder.
The fact that the patient has personality disorders affect the relationship between the physician and the patient itself and impacts the process of treatment and diagnosis.
The presentation of anxiety disorders in children to be just one of the factors to the disorders among adults as the children grow is an illustration of higher prevalence rate of the disorders in adults […]
At this point, it is also important to be careful not to confuse the symptoms of paranoid personality disorder with schizophrenia or any manic depressive disorder.
In their study, Lauren Alloy and the group of the researchers focus on the psychosocial context for the development of bipolar disorder as one of the most influential factors.
In regards to the public-school setting, standardized testing demands youngsters to grasp and react to spoken as well as written communication at an anticipated pace and level.
Sam may not have heard or paid attention to the head earlier, but lack of treatment after the onset of the first signs of paranoia or the occurrence of a trigger in the environment may […]
A child counselor works with children to help them become mentally and emotionally stable. The case that is examined in this essay is a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
The purpose of the paper is to describe the growth of the borderline personality disorder diagnosis, underlining the cause, symptoms, medications, and psychotherapy used to treat BPD.
The paper will assess three case scenarios related to individuals with EUPD and illuminate the responsibility of the mental health nurse in inspiring hope in these individuals.
Learnings can be taken from the movie’s portrayal of the etiology and psychosocial impact of BD as well as the critical role of a nurse figure in the recuperation of the BD patient as will […]
In adult patients with alcohol-induced psychotic disorder and delirium, does the use of benzodiazepines improve symptoms, the incidence of complications, and the length of hospitalization compared to other treatments?
This study intents to test risk associated with problematic predivorce temperament-adjustment and nonintact family status for later disturbance as interpreted from a developmental trajectory framework.
The existence of extra copies of genes on the 21st chromosome changes the development of the fetus during pregnancy, and continues to affect the child after birth and throughout life. In these conditions, solving the […]
Helen’s bipolar disorder diagnosis and treatment entail a detailed study of her symptoms and behaviors, as well as an examination of ethical issues, viable psychopharmacological therapy, and probable side effects.
The standards specified by the WHO to advise policy-makers on the benefits of population-based screening are satisfied by assessing prenatal and postpartum females for depressive disorders.
Lo to characterize ADHD manifestations peculiar to the Chinese population and reflect on whether the success of the family-based mindfulness therapy approach would be different in non-Asian contexts, such as the U.S.
It is essential to consider the restrictions that have impacted individuals, such as isolation measures, the closing of schools and businesses, and the lack of opportunities for interactions.
As a result, the weakness is predominant in the right and left parts of the body. This connection of this muscle to other parts of the body makes polymyositis a crucial muscle illness.
A diet rich in sweets, refined carbs, and processed meals causes blood sugar to fluctuate, disrupting neurotransmitter communication and depleting the brain of calming neurotransmitters, which are crucial for avoiding stress, panic, and restlessness.
In the learning environment, teachers can combine various strategies to meet the need of the affected learners. Continuous collaboration is essential to ensure that all strategies are personalized and capable of meeting the educational needs […]
A lack of self-control regarding alcohol use and alterations in areas of the brain linked with the execution of motivating activities and the management of stress and mood are both characteristics of alcohol use disorder.
The fact that most of the online and TV representation consists of slim models, singers, actresses, and influencers generates the formation of aspirations to look similar to those in the spotlight. Both bulimia and anorexia […]
Hand et al.claim that understanding how to treat opioid use disorder and their involvement in patients’ care may lead to an increase in treatment referrals, a decrease in stigma, and an improvement in the standard […]
This paper discusses the experiences of three subjects with bipolar disorder conveyed in the documentary film “Of Two Minds”.”Of Two Minds” is a soft-advocacy documentary on bipolar disorder that focuses on the personal experiences of […]
Klein et al.discuss the nature of the relationship between mental health of the 1st generation immigrant youth and their acculturation process with regard to gender differences.
Thus, the worth of exploratory research for understanding the impact of ADHD and medications on the progress of substance use disorder has already been defined.
💡 Most Interesting Disorders Topics to Write about
Although there is still substantial improvement in the previous dosage, the 20mg increase has shown the expected reduction of anxiety symptoms and a significant drop in the HAM-A score compared to the first patient assessment.
This article outlines the connections between several metals and Alzheimer’s disease, demonstrating their significance in the progression of the disease and offering a direction for future research to create new epigenetic therapies.
But in the first episodes, it is clear that this is not so because it seems that Carol does not feel involved in her own life, as if her thoughts and body exist separately.
Studies that explored the association of PTSD with EMS profession found that EMS personnel had a greater risk of developing PTSD in comparison to rest of the first emergency responders.
In contrast, Peter Jensen’s and Edward Hallowell’s Superparenting for ADD: An Innovative Approach to Raising Your Distracted Child provides invaluable insights on how to help ADD children, as they are often misunderstood, and parents should […]
To manage the disorder, the researcher proposed implementing imagery rehearsal therapy, which is a CBT approach toward cutting the number and severity of nightmares through their reimagination.
Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental abnormality caused by variations in the brain due to many causes, including genetic heredity and the adverse effects of medications used by the mother while pregnant.
In terms of brain changes, anorexia is associated with the absence of gray and white substances in the brain where sulci enlarge for a person with the disorder, as shown in Figure 1 below.
Early diagnosis and intervention can help children with ASD improve their social and communication skills and reduce the impact of their symptoms on their daily lives.
The results show that adverse childhood experiences, such as abuse and neglect, significantly impact adult mental health and increase the likelihood of developing mental health conditions. Reflection: This article highlights the importance of accurate and […]
A borderline personality disorder is one of the mental issues that is becoming more popular in the modern world due to the unstable environment. The individual is presented in the role of the pathos […]
This essay discusses the impact of autism disorder on adolescents in the community and a nursing intervention that can be used to assist adolescents in becoming prominent society members.
The individuals will be grouped into two equal groups of fifty people; one group will be the control group, and the other group will be the experimental group. The participants must have BPD to be […]
Koro is considered a culture-specific disorder because it is not found in other cultures, and the symptoms are closely linked to the cultural beliefs of the people who experience it.
They include direct or indirect exposure to stressors, intrusion symptoms, the persistent avoidance of trauma-related stressors, negative alterations in mood and the development of mental health comorbidities, aggression, and self-destructive behavior, the duration for not […]
A product known as bile is produced in the liver, which aids in the removal of waste substances from the liver and the digestion of fats found in the small intestine during digestion.
Using a wide range of techniques and technologies, the team examined the formation of new blood vessels and the volume and number of nerve cells in the brains of people of different ages.
Optic neuritis is a common eye disease that can cause severe vision loss and restrict the visual field. It is an inflammation of optic nerves, and the exact diagnosis depends on the type of damage.
Communication is a process of exchanging information and ideas, it involves the expression and understanding of the communicator. Speech is an ability to produce words and sentences, it has aspects of articulation, voice, and fluency, […]
For that matter, it is the responsibility of the leader to articulate the urgency of the resource need and validate the benefits of their investment in the facilitation of the mental health of pregnant women […]
Exposure to trauma is frequently linked to the emergence of eating disorders. As a result, soldiers develop an eating disorder due to external factors, which affect their mental and physical health, but it remains one […]
Mental disorders in children and adolescents are less chronic and more temporary than in adults. The mental disorders in children and adults are similar in terms of their symptoms.
There is a controversy over the realness of dissociative identity disorder. This is owing to a lack of health professional knowledge and training on dissociation disorders, the symptoms being less visible to onlookers, and the […]
Alcohol use disorder is a chronic relapsing brain disease characterized by the following: Compulsive alcohol use Loss of control over alcohol intake Negative emotional state when not using alcohol.
The research question in Han et al.publication aimed to examine the prevalence of misuse, abuse, and use of prescribed opioids among the adult population in the U.S.
Therefore, the gathered data would be classified by year, treatment type, and gender to better comprehend the statistical distribution of the prevalence of drug addiction.
Measuring the prevalence and incidence of PTSD requires excellent knowledge of epidemiology and biostatistics. The prevalence and incidence of PTSD have increased since 2000.
People with “delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized behavior, with a return to normal functioning over a short time span” are diagnosed with a brief psychotic disorder.
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is a disorder that affects women and is defined by severe mental and physical symptoms that happen between ovulation and menstruation.
The personal character of trauma and how the patient reacts to it justifies the need to design patient-centered interventions to address this healthcare problem.