Taking into account the fact of the geographical neighborhood of Canada and the USA, which is one of the biggest English speaking countries in the world, it should be clear that the USA has the [...]
The indications of certain words belonging to a specific gender can be noticed in the English language rather easily; the question, however, is whether these indications can be viewed as a step forward in promoting [...]
The title of the article A Longitudinal Study of two Boys' Experiences of Acquiring Italian as a Second Language: The influence of Age. The researcher uses letters A to refer to the elder brother and [...]
The information provided below was retrieved by recording the dialogues between the child and the members of his family, as well as the utterances that the child made in the course of playing or interacting [...]
In my opinion, a person with some understanding of a local language is likely to find some of the social and cultural things in a foreign country awkward or abnormal.
Over a third of the people in Canada speak the Standard Canadian English while the rest of the population is either multilingual or Anglophone.
I can relate to that in an indirect way, one of my closest friends is part Arabic and Part White, but he spent most of his early years in the UAE.
Another outstanding characteristic of the Asiatic Society of Calcutta is extensively dealt with in the article as outlined by the many efforts by various researchers in the orient. It is evident that the establishment of [...]
The author's main purpose in writing the article is to inform the reader about the possible negative effects of making English a global language.
The best solution to this problem is to allow out of class language practice; for instance, foreign students can speak with the native speakers inside and outside the school.
It would be interesting to analyze why the language of these children shifted from their mother tongue to English. Such interactions also made them realize that this English was the right language to be used [...]
In addition, poetry uses exclusion to define it by not including it in its world and consequently, by insinuation, the business has developed into all that poetry is not.
These morphemes consist of morphemes that are individual words and others that are fragments of words. On the other hand, morphemes that need inflection to be meaningful are bound morphemes.
It can be argued that the supporting content used by the author is effective to the extent that it demonstrates how the author was exposed to reading materials early in life, and how this exposure [...]
The first reason is that in the process of translation, it is important that the translator realize that the ultimate goal of the process is to have the meaning, the content of the text, and [...]
The French language is also used as an instrument to tarnish customs consequently promoting the growth of French language and customs. In French customs, the language is used as a representation of unity.
They brought the German dialect and customs to the Jews in the Slavic territories. This led to the emergence of the Yiddish literature.
There are a variety of reasons as to why the study of syntax is vital, and involve general humanistic or behavioural motivations, as well as specific goals such as: an aid to illustrating the patterns [...]
Most of the learners will encounter problems in these two areas because of the disparities that exist between the Spanish and the English language in spelling and sound pattern of words.
C-command is the structural relationship between two elements in a syntactic tree such that one can be said to c-command the other one if that other element is located in the area of the tree [...]
The underlying assumption of the SUP model that the acquisition of the second language is possible at the expense of the first, and the proportion of the student's proficiency in the primary language decreases proportionally, [...]
At the end of the lesson, the learners showed competency in speaking and pronouncing the English words taught in the most appropriate manner.
The main tasks of the investigation are as follows: To identify the reasons of why the Saudi Arabia community is an appropriate research choice; To define multilingualism as an important factor in the discussion of [...]
Considering the following quote from Fries' paper: "The most efficient materials are those that are based upon a scientific description of the language to be learned, carefully compared with a parallel description of the native [...]
The aim of the plan is to utilize the legend of the Mayans to depict to the students the way science evolved through the ages.
Among the most common practices in the Christian fraternity, which, for the purpose of this paper, can be classified as magical, one could mention the practice of speaking in tongues. Can the practice of speaking [...]
According to Alatis, the language of children vary a great deal when they talk to their peers, and when they talk to the adults.
The set of articles reviewed in the present work provide a deeper understanding of the connections that a language has with the reality on any level, the functions that it plays in reflecting the human [...]
I like you and want to be with you. Now I do not want to go either', 'And i did not like that at all.
Most of the signs and codes are recognised by all as living in one and the same society we seem to have the similar vision and interpretation of those signs.
The purpose of this report is to show the benefits of learning more than one language among kindergarten children. The purpose of this report is to analyse the benefits of learning two languages among kindergarten [...]
Where the Theory Is Applicable I believe the major concept of the Skopos Theory is very important for a translator as it helps to achieve the major goal of translation, i.e.to make an original text [...]
This paper is a critical review of semantic primes within and across languages, particularly of the Natural Semantic Metalanguage theory developed by Anna Wierzbicka, a Polish and Australian linguist who is engaged in linguistic semantics, [...]
Whichever reason it may be, the important thing that a writer should realize is that it is normal to make errors in the first attempt.
The perception of the world depends on human culture as in most cases cultural and traditional aspects influence people from their birth and it presupposes the formation of their vision of the surrounding reality based [...]
Muller, it is possible to come across a number of different metacommentaries used by the author with the purpose to make sure that the readers can correctly understand the reasons of the elaborated information and [...]
In the article, the author seeks to enhance the understanding of anaphor agreement effect. To strengthen the perspective of argument marking, Shiraki shows the different roles that case and agreement play in the context of [...]
Some unaccusative verbs contain a theme and specify the location or state of the intended meaning of the verb, such as in the word 'go' which shows a location.
This text aims to find the correct definition of the term 'bilingual', by identifying the characteristics that define a bilingual, the distinctions caused by the different times a language is learned, and whether learning a [...]
Language is said to be a system that tries to place meaning to a word, but for people to agree on a word in relation to the intended meaning, then there must be the universal [...]
Teacher's Evaluation of Student Performance Assessment is an inherent component of a learning process and teacher's task here is to be consistent in marketing students' achievement pursuant to the material as well as approaches to [...]
Therefore, the main objective of the study centers on assessing the influence and impact of local language in the administration of expatriate firms in Saudi Arabia.
This is because the latter statement does not necessarily refer to the material used to build the house but to the ownership and occupancy of the structure.
At this point, the teach calls it "the end" of the first round, helps the students to identify the remaining mistakes if any and call for the second group which will be assigned a new [...]
Partially, this can be explained by the fact that, as of today, there is a tendency among more and more cultural scientists, to refer to the concept of language in terms of an identity-forming tool.
In most East Asian countries, multilingualism is restricted to elites; although patterns of language ability differ between the classes multilingualism is the norm at all levels of the society.
Moreover, one is to keep in mind that multilingualism in the United States and "plurilingualism of individuals is one of the cornerstones of Europe".
What is needed in this particular case is a hypothesis that focuses on a specific subject and concise method of application in order to create a statement that leaves little confusion as to the type [...]
To be specific, the language of the four main characters is analyzed with the remarks to the use of words and expressions.
Crawford carried out a study on language extinction in the United States and pointed out that the problem of language loss is now considered a crisis and a threat to the entire world.
In Japan, honorific use is determined by the category of the addressee, that is, he/ she might be superior to the addresser, and this corresponds directly to the verb in use.
Over the years, one of the results of the rise of the new indigenous movements has been the transformation of the national political cultures and the recognition of the realities of ethnic diversity and cultural [...]
Moreover, in the study of language, this approach can be quite beneficial, in the sense that, it better encourages the accommodation of foreign languages and cultures as opposed to the deficit model, because to a [...]
With the help of evaluation of past studies in the same area, the reader gets a wonderful opportunity to clear up what is already known about phrasal verbs, why it is necessary to classify phrasal [...]
While considering the issue of cross-cultural communication and tourism it is necessary to note that the central factor of this problem is difference in cultures and traditions.
Besides verbs expressing the manner in which an action is carried out, English language has variety of verbs that encode the result of an action, but not the manner of achieving this result.
In the sentence "The boy hit the ball," The ball is the patient because the action of hitting affects it directly.
I have used the corpora of English language to investigate the frequency of use of modals in different varieties of English though the primary purpose of the research was to compare and contrast the findings [...]
You need to make the most of your one chance to grab the attention and eyeballs of the person who is making the hiring decision.
This hypothesis was put forward in the year 2004 to try and get a solution to the problem of language origin.
The use of figurative language does not include the literal meaning of the words. A cliche is used to denote the loss of originality of the phrase.
The Jomoan language is believed to be some type of Austronesian language which is likely to have provided the substratum of the Japanese language.
The use of conjunctions is also altered by introducing other words in addition to the conjunction to make it a phrase.
Compared to her, June Jordan, the author of a study on the Black English, dwells upon the problem of being different as well, considering the social inacceptance of the dialect and the Black subculture: "white [...]
Since the organization has an official website all official communication within the organization as well as to the organization's clients is done through the internet.
In many of the educational facilities, there is a misguided notion that these students will automatically fit into the society in their institutions through their interaction with the natives, but this often results to miscommunication [...]
Various research reports indicate that students are aware of the effects of the slang and formulated short-hand form of communication on the academic skills and formal writing, but in most instances, they are often not [...]
Writing tasks based on individual understanding of a subject have been utilized to train students in writing skills. Academic writing principles were not to be dispensed at any level of scholarly writing assignments.
In this example, a comma is used before the conjunction 'and' to correctly connect two independent clauses namely, 'The tyrant has fallen' and 'Iraq is free' into one sentence.